Lisa821 29 Posted December 23, 2011 I really need to vent.I have had intense fatigue since about my 2nd wk postop. I'm about at week 7 and I am still totally tired ALL OF THE TIME!! Has anyone else lived through this? If so, do you eventually come out of it? If so, how long before you start feeling normal? I eat/drink right, sleep 8 continuous hrs/night, I work a full time job and have 4 very busy kids. I'm sure I get plenty of activity in a day. Now I am about to add in an exercise routine. Bahhhh! I just can't imagine how I am going to do it. I have zero energy. For instance, right now, it's 2:50pm where I am, I'm at work and if I closed my eyes for even 2 minutes I would be asleep. What is even that I have to drive about 30 min to get home and I have to fight falling asleep all the way home. I just wish I knew what is wrong with me! My doctor checked my labs and everything was fine, I take my Vitamins every day and I'm just totally frustrated cuz I get kinda crabby when I'm tired (I guess most people do). Well thanks for letting me vent and if anyone has any ideas or words of hope let me know. Big hugs. Lisa 1 kgb reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mike Cannon 1 Posted December 24, 2011 I can totally relate to you. I am only 10 days post op and everything is going really well. I went back to work this week and by the time the afternoon comes around, I am yawning all the time. I have a 2 1/2 year old and he keeps me busy when I get home. I sure hope my energy level will pick up too and get back to normal. Good luck to you and Merry Christmas! Mike 1 kgb reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
illgeturhairdid 176 Posted December 24, 2011 I'm in the same boat. The last two nights I have felt like an over tired baby. I understand now why they cry from being so tired, because the last two nights that is exactly what I've done... Had myself a good cry over it. Crying doesn't help one bit with exhaustion either! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CowgirlJane 14,260 Posted December 24, 2011 I am less then two weeks out, feeling good but unbelievably tired. I was warned about this... first 2-3 weeks would be like that. Are you sure you are getting enough fluids? That is the most obvious reason for exetreme fatigue. I hope you find a good solution - it is pretty miserable being so tired. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
italianlady13 80 Posted December 24, 2011 I was exhausted for a good 4 months. I'm doing better now since I have increased my caloric intake to more than 500 calories to about 1000. I can't get in much more than that. I also took sabbatical from teaching for five months so I will return to work nxt week. I'm certain I will be exhausted all over again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kgb 10 Posted January 1, 2012 I'm close to I month out from my operation and I'm tired quite often. I'm really hoping it will go away once I start my mushies next Tuesday. I'm going to see my surgeon, dietitian, and exercise physiologist on Thursday, so I'm going to ask them about this since it's prevalent in the community. I'll report back my findings! take care! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
carbgrl 119 Posted January 10, 2012 Lisa, I haven't had sleeve surgery yet but, I was extremely tired after I got the band for several weeks and after one other "female" surgery. So, I know it's normal to have fatigue but, are you getting enough Protein? Any kind of surgery is a big deal. Take care of yourself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sleeve 4 me 910 Posted January 13, 2012 I started feeling so much better at 3 months post op, then I did something DUMB! I STOPPED TAKING MY Vitamins on a regular basis, DUMB!!! Then I was tired again. Now I have to take 2 Multi Vitamins a day, BUT I FEEL soooooo much better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jewelwithin 13 Posted January 13, 2012 I am in the same boat and very worried because I go back to work next week. I'm between a rock & a hard place because I'm self-employed and cannot afford to take any more time off. I'm just saying a prayer and talking to my kids (12 & 13) about things I may need more help with. Otherwise, when it comes to things like house cleaning and running here, there & everywhere, I'm just going to have to let a few things slide. On top of that today and yesterday I have had terrible nausea. Today it came with heartburn. And today the ondansetron didn't help a bit. I'll be calling my doc on all this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sleeved&Hopeful 182 Posted January 13, 2012 I am worried about the fatigue too. I already tire easily because of diabetes so I know I'm going to be extremely exhausted after the sleeve. I hope my husband doesn't get too frustrated. I am hoping once the excess weight is shed I will be much more energetic. I am hoping that you will be more energetic too once you incur more weight loss. 1 Sammy1969 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
happy1957 138 Posted January 13, 2012 Do you think we are tired because we are running on "Old" stored fuel? If you used 20 year old fuel in your furnace, sure, it may run, but not without nearly conking out and being sluggish. All that sludge on the bottom will eventually get sucked through and you will be running on fresh calories. I have faith 1 Lois lane supergirl reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigToeVSG 12 Posted January 16, 2012 I know I had a lot of fatigue because I wasn't sleeping, waking up 4-5 times a night. I still had some abdominal discomfort from the incisions even though they were healing nicely. The only thing I have heard in relation to fatigue is getting your minimum 60g of Protein. Also, make sure your getting your B12 supplement. My doc says it takes up to 2 years to become b12 deficient but it is clearly proven that b12 is essential for energy. I think the number is 2000mcg b12 a week. Hope you get better and have more energy soon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SuperMom 33 Posted January 16, 2012 I ran out of my B12 and d3 and after one and a half weeks am feeling too tired to get off the couch. My Protein is still good. Fluids still good. Guess it has to be the Vitamins. I am still taking my Iron and kind of feel like I am missing one of the b12 or d3? I ordered more online. Will be here in a couple of days. My labs were great. Nice to have a place to sound out what is going on.....and comiserate!!! thanks guys! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lessofme2010 25 Posted January 16, 2012 I haven't had any fatigue.. I was back to work at 1 week out. I make sure to eat all my protien . I aim for 80 grms. Drink all my Water about 80 oz. and take all my Vitamins.< /p> I feel the same as before and even have more energy since losing. Hang in there it should start getting better soon. Julie 1 jhope reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MegInNOLA 531 Posted January 17, 2012 Y'all, Water and Vitamins, and then you'll feel SO MUCH BETTER when you are able to take in a few more calories. I had horrid fatigue, too, and a very noncooperative sleeve--I think I spent a good chunk of last May and June lying on my couch. Now, 9 months out from surgery, I am 100% back to normal, full of energy, feeling GREAT!!! Hang in there--just do what you can as you can and don't beat yourselves up. I also have to add that if I had a job and even 1 kid, I'd be a frazzled, exhausted mess, so I'm amazed at those of you with all of that and multiple kids going on!! I don't know how you do it--and you know what? Sometimes you just earn tired, if you get my drift--you work hard chasing kids and doing housework and keeping up with everything--I'd be surprised if you weren't tired! That being said, if it goes on even after you're able to get in more than 800 calories or so, check with your doc again. Sometimes Vitamin deficiencies sneak up on you--I know my thiamine deficiency snuck right up on me 6 months after surgery, and I suspect my Iron is kind of low now--so don't delay dr. visits. Hang in there--it really will be getting better as your calories can come up as you heal. 2 jhope and Nicki13 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites