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How Long Before You Recovered From Gastric Sleeve Surgery ?

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Hey Guys!!!! I'm doing well.. I was sleeved, Monday 12/19....So far, I've been very blessed to be able to get all of my liquids down.. somewhere between 64-84 oz per day, including 4-5 bottles of Water, diluted organic apple juice, and SF popsicles... Hang in there guys!!! Today I was a little groggy and sore... Just by one incision though.. Nothing that I want to take meds for.. I pray you guys feel better and better each day!! Take your time.. We can do this!!!!.

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i cant do the smell or taste. thats the thing that kills me. i rather starve to death than ever smell it. lol. omg i just gagged thinking about it. i just cant!!! i cant. my stomach feelsweak. u know how some ppl smell throw up & start throwing up too? thats how i feel about protein! :(

Well you know that you cannot put the powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury in liquid above 130 degrees or it clumps. I have a kitchen thermometer.

I couldn't taste or smell the Unjury and the texture was unaffected.

You have to mix the Unjury with the cold Water (use a whisk) and mix the sugar free Jello with the hot Water and wait for the hot water to cool a bit before mixing them together. And then, chill until firm. It is cloudy but there is no smell or taste.

If you were to eat a box of Jello in a day, you would get 20g of Protein. I am going to try it with extra Unjury next time.

I am sipping on plain Unjury in Crystal Light right now, and I am not so impressed. I don't really care for the smell. It isn't terrible, but if you have an aversion to it smell might be half the battle.

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i cant do the smell or taste. thats the thing that kills me. i rather starve to death than ever smell it. lol. omg i just gagged thinking about it. i just cant!!! i cant. my stomach feelsweak. u know how some ppl smell throw up & start throwing up too? thats how i feel about protein! sad.png

I think the Jello works really well. You could try it anyway, maybe use half a scoop to start?

I am trying different things as well because of the smell. It doesn't affect me as bad, but it is off-putting. I had read that ahead of time, so I am not surprised.

I'll let you know if I come across anything else that hides it well. I am sure a whole new world will open up when we can do full liquids, which is tomorrow for me. Yay!

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thank you so much :)

I think the Jello works really well. You could try it anyway, maybe use half a scoop to start?

I am trying different things as well because of the smell. It doesn't affect me as bad, but it is off-putting. I had read that ahead of time, so I am not surprised.

I'll let you know if I come across anything else that hides it well. I am sure a whole new world will open up when we can do full liquids, which is tomorrow for me. Yay!

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I gag at the thought of chicken broth, thankfully I can manage ok with the Protein powders. I've made Jello with the Protein Powder before surgery to try it. It worked out well, I used a vanilla flavored powder with a cherry flavor jello. I wouldn't have known their was protein powder in it if I hadn't made it!

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i was back to work, exercising, doing all that i usually did at 1 1/2 weeks after surgery. Sorry you are feeling so badly! Get better soon!

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1.5 weeks? wow! i hope mine speeds up!!! i have to say that its getting better! its hurting less but still hurting! lol.

i wish i could fast fwd about 2-8weeks!! lol

i was back to work, exercising, doing all that i usually did at 1 1/2 weeks after surgery. Sorry you are feeling so badly! Get better soon!

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thats how i feel about the shakes!!!!!! omg, the thought of it just makes me want to throw up cuz i absolutely DO NOT want it!!! :(

I gag at the thought of chicken broth, thankfully I can manage ok with the Protein powders. I've made Jello with the protein powder before surgery to try it. It worked out well, I used a vanilla flavored powder with a cherry flavor jello. I wouldn't have known their was protein powder in it if I hadn't made it!

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If you read through the forums it is crazy how many different reactions there are. I think most people are doing okay after the first few days. My friend who had it done had no bad reaction at all, but she isn't on the forums.

If you want to do this, just realize that the odds are in your favor that you will make it through this. Maybe take your friend or husband with you to be your advocate and ask tough questions of your surgeon and to be your second set of ears. Ask the surgeon what he or she is going to do if there are complications and see what he says, are they going to be there for you if it isn't going well?

Thanks Amanda! That is helpful. My mom will be with me, and hopefully my husband will make it for the day of the surgery. (I live in NM and we're join to TX for the surgery). I'm glad the stats are in my favor. Merry Christmas all!

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Thanks Amanda! That is helpful. My mom will be with me, and hopefully my husband will make it for the day of the surgery. (I live in NM and we're join to TX for the surgery). I'm glad the stats are in my favor. Merry Christmas all!

Where are you going in TX? I had mine done in Plano. That's quite a journey!

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I was just sleeved 12/21/11.

Day of Surgery: It has been the most amazing journey! I have an amazing surgeon, Dr. Stoyan Kokocharov in Chicago. While we were waiting to go into surgery, I was not nervous, just ready to get the show on the road! My Doctor, Stoyan Kokocharov was amazing, we were waiting with my nurses, nutritionist and Dr. "Koko" somehow we got started talking about music; he played his ring tone on his phone and started dancing the tango with the nurse! It was so great; it really lightened the mood and was fun! Who can say waiting in the pre-op room would be fun?! I said I wanted to see him dip her, so as they danced around the room, he gave her a few dips, said when I come in for my Post op/ 1 week apt. We are going to dance!!! I said only if I get a dip! :)

I went in for surgery, woke up in my room at 2:00 was extremely nauseated until 9:00 p.m. that night. I did not vomit, but felt like lite dry heaves a few times. Once 9:00 came, it was like the anesthesia had wore off and I felt amazing!! The nurse came in to give me more anti-nausea medicine and pain meds; I declined because I felt so good! I did not take anything after that. I have two children, both C-sections and had a hard time coming out of the epidural/narcotic pain meds. I was very nauseated with it, but once it wore off I felt better and just took NSAIDS and not narcotics. I have never been under anesthesia before so I was not sure how my body would react to the anesthesia for my sleeve surgery. So, I can legitimately say, this was a heck of a lot easier than a C-section. By 9:00 p.m. when I was feeling better, I got out of bed by myself, went to the bathroom and then walked a bit. I did not have any gas pain or bloating. My incisions look fabulous. I rested throughout the night, the nurses came in about every hour to check on me, so I only got about 20 minutes of sleep every hour. I rested well though. I also was given a glass of Water with a sponge "pop" to wet my mouth, it was dry.

Day One Post Op.

I really did feel amazing. I could get up and go to the bathroom by myself, and walk the halls. My husband stayed by my side the entire time. Once the nausea wore off, I was ready to go. I wanted to go home that day. I really felt like myself. I was perky, happy and we were joking with all the nurses. My husband slept in the bed beside me, one of my nurses came in and asked who the patient was, I wanted to know if my husband was really asleep or just resting, so I world her he was the patient in for a Vasectomy. Needless to say, he woke up right away! We all laughed and he said he would have to start sleeping with one eye open. :) I really did feel great, I was up walking around, I felt like myself, happy go-lucky and joking. I asked if I could go home that day, I was told that yes, I was doing so well, I had to pass my leak test and then the Doctor would let me know. I had to also keep down liquids.

Leak Test

At 8:30 am I went in for my leak test, I will just say, not so hot. Stand on a platform and drink a thick/somewhat sweet almost honey/medicine taste textured liquid. I took such baby sips that I had to take more sips than planned. The Doctor told me I had to take bigger sips. :) Once they hit my stomach I really felt "Uck" and was not sure how I was going to keep it down, or how many more sips I would have to take. The bad taste lingered in my mouth, I just wanted some water!!! Then I had to lay flat so they could take more X-rays. It was all worth it because I passed the leak test!!! No leaks!!! Back up to my room.

At lunch they brought in sugar free grape popsicles by Blue Bunny, they were really good. I only had half of one, and measured my 1 oz. of broth religiously. I only had two ounces, but that was enough. That was all I really had. I was content. It is weird to not be hungry.

By two o'clock, I was ready to head home, I had to Ok by the Doc. who gave me my leak test and my surgeon said I was the model patient! It made me feel great! Most patients are in the hospital two nights and then released if all is good. So I felt really good to get to go home after only one night. After all, I still had to wrap my children's Christmas presents!!

Homeward bound

Left the hospital around 5:30 and got home around 8:00, it was a two and half hour car ride. I live an hour and a half - to two hours from Chicago depending on the traffic! I really was wishing I would have taken so anti-nausea medicine for the ride home, it got a bit rough at hour two. I knew it was only a half an hour left until we made it home, and I could make it.

Home at last

Once we got home I settled down into the chair, and rested. I actually got a good night’s rest, with my daughter clinging to me on my lap/legs. In the morning it felt great to actually take a shower in my own Master bath!!! I had to saran wrap my incisions and then pat them dry after my shower. I felt great! Not only to be at home but physically as well.

I felt so good; I finished some shopping for Christmas with my mom and kids. I did push the cart, to steady myself. I think I should have brought something to drink, and should have had a bit more before we left for the morning. We shopped for an hour or so. Then we ran a few more errands, needed a few groceries, bank etc. Made it home to make the kids some lunch. We all rested for the afternoon, and I made dinner. I love to cook, and was afraid I would not be up to it. I think my husband and kids were a bit fearful also. It really made me feel good to get back into the swing of things back at home.

I made it to the gym and walked for 15 minutes. I am going to work out 30 minutes every day working myself up to 45 minutes and then an hour!! What is really different is the types of meals I look for in all my cook books include healthier ingredients. I am still cooking the family favorites; I am just going to tweak them to be healthier. My family is not sick of my reminding Protein, Protein, protein!!!

I feel so grateful for all my support from family and friends who called to wish me good luck, and were supportive! It is my positive attitude, rest and determination to go by the book!!!

Best of luck to you all!! You can do it!!!

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WOW JMorr!!! You are doing awesome!!!! I was sleeved on 12/19.... I'm doing great, but not cooking and stuff yet... Still have some bad gas pain at night, but it's getting better!! Congrats!!!

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thats how i feel about the shakes!!!!!! omg, the thought of it just makes me want to throw up cuz i absolutely DO NOT want it!!! sad.png

I was sleeved on 10/10/11 and had the same problems with the Protein Shakes. Keep trying until you find one you and handle. They are out there and you need them. I settled on the Body Fortress strawberry powder from Wal-mart.

My experience differs from most as I didn't have any major discomfort. I did have a few gas pains here and there for a few days postop, but they were short and not too frequent. I do know this, you will feel better each and every day and soon enough, all of this will be a memory and the pain will change to excitement as the pounds fall off...at least that's what I think. Hang in there.

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the gas pains actually stop? i dont know why but i thought they would be there forever. lol. i honestly wish i had aremote so i could fast fwd until february! i just want to feel normal again

I was sleeved on 10/10/11 and had the same problems with the Protein shakes. Keep trying until you find one you and handle. They are out there and you need them. I settled on the Body Fortress strawberry powder from Wal-mart.

My experience differs from most as I didn't have any major discomfort. I did have a few gas pains here and there for a few days postop, but they were short and not too frequent. I do know this, you will feel better each and every day and soon enough, all of this will be a memory and the pain will change to excitement as the pounds fall off...at least that's what I think. Hang in there.

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Where are you going in TX? I had mine done in Plano. That's quite a journey!

We're going to Colleyville in the Dallas area. I'm going to Dr. Kim. I wanted the best and he seems to be right up there. We'll be there at least a week. Texas seems to have the best bariatric surgeons. Boy, I can't wait!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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