Jantique 0 Posted July 26, 2006 My next door neighbor stopped by last week and took at look at my fattest dog, said he's looking a little slimmer these days! He definitely is! I eat less, he gets less from me! :confused: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TexasTerry 0 Posted July 26, 2006 Too funny. Thanks for the observation! Terry :confused: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sarabluebell 0 Posted July 26, 2006 my poor dog i'm sure is missing all the pock chop bones he used to get. Plus i walk him everywhere i go too. Hey we all need to get in shape right. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DonnaB 3 Posted July 26, 2006 LOL - my dog is losing weight too. Mostly because I no longer feel so mean about refusing to give her extra food if she's already eaten the appropriate portion! I figure if I can live on fewer calories, so can she! I will admit that I slowly reduced the amount of food she was getting so she wouldn't have to go 'cold turkey' with her portion size. I'm just a softy when it comes to my pets! Did you all post pictures of your furry friends on that thread? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
3loves 0 Posted July 26, 2006 This is a funny thread. :biggrin1: We took our dog with us for the family July 4th get together and she was given the name of "furry walrus". She really looks like a walrus with legs. She is definitely over 100 lbs and we've had her on Science Diet RD (perscription food from vet) and Wellness Weight Mgmt food. If we could only get our kids to quit feeding her. This can be her "Before" pic. :confused: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NJChick 3 Posted July 26, 2006 Ain't it the truth LOL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sbmorgaine 0 Posted July 26, 2006 My dad mentioned this the other day "Is SamantherSue getting surgery too?" (heh, that rhymed) So, I am excited for her to be getting out. We don't walk her enough, so I started warning her the other day "soooon, we will be outside walking and losing weight, and you will too". Poor dog, she has gotten so used to being a couch dog, this is going to be the shock of her life. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites