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Please Tell Your Gastric Sleeve Surgery Hospital Stories/experiences!

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i keep reading these stories! they take away mostly all my anxiety!

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I was sleeved this past monday and i did not have the same experience as everyone else on here. I got mine done at UCLA and was there 2 nights (standard time) my surgery was at 7:30 and had to be there at 4:45. Got there checked in, took me upstairs, weighted me, put my ID braclette on my wrist and ankle. Took me to a room changed my clothes, did a pregnancy test, asked me a bunch of questions, gave me an anti clotting medication. Anesthesiologist came by (which she called me the night before to intrude herself and to make sure not to drink after midnight) the surgeon came by with his team, told my husband he would get a pager and once the surgery was over they would page him and let him know.

I said my good byes, told my husband to make sure he told my 2 year old son how much i loved him everyday if things didnt go well (paranoid side of me) they gave me a shot of something (and it was nice) took me to the OR started to do stuff she then tells me they are just doing some stuff before she puts me to sleep and bam, i wake up in recovery staring at the clock which was 10:35 btw. Nobody was talking to me, i just woke up and saw all the crazy people running around doing their job. I do recall waking up and taking a deep breath and it hurting !!! I thought to myself OMG they did it.... then i thought i was dreaming... I dont remember going to my room but whatever i was there, my husband was there and i made it out of surgery.

I had a drain placed in my stomach and when i complained to my surgeon that it hurt when i tried to breath in deep he told me that it was normal and once i got the drain out 2 days later it would be better. I napped on and off, had a IV pain meds that i could push every 6 minutes, didnt seem to do much. They had me up and walking about 6 hours after surgery, and then every 4 hours, took my vitals every 3 or so, everytime i would fall asleep the oxygen level and heart rate would go down and the monitor would beep (drove me CRAZY) they had to give me oxygen and turn the monitor volume down so i wouldnt wake. They also took blood at 3 a.m both nights, wtf? I dont get it but whatever.

2 night stay, 3 days later, took the drain out, hurt really bad but was fast. Discharged, 405 freeway about 45 minute ride home on the worst LA freeway there is and finally home. Was able to sleep in my own bed, on my right side and had the best sleep ever, never even had pain meds. Woke up today feeling amazing..... I guess everyone has a different experience with different surgeons and hospitals but personally would not of felt comfortable going home the same day or the next for that matter, only cause they do keep a good eye on you. Hope all these experiences help let you know what you will be in for. No matter how many times i read and read about what to expect its def much different when your actually doing it yourself.... Best of luck !!

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i realized after reading others stories that people who have drains have more pain and more trouble. i hear the drain is very painful so that may be why you had that issue. my surgeon doesnt use drains so i pray that i have a good experience. good luck to you on your journey & keep us posted!

I was sleeved this past monday and i did not have the same experience as everyone else on here. I got mine done at UCLA and was there 2 nights (standard time) my surgery was at 7:30 and had to be there at 4:45. Got there checked in, took me upstairs, weighted me, put my ID braclette on my wrist and ankle. Took me to a room changed my clothes, did a pregnancy test, asked me a bunch of questions, gave me an anti clotting medication. Anesthesiologist came by (which she called me the night before to intrude herself and to make sure not to drink after midnight) the surgeon came by with his team, told my husband he would get a pager and once the surgery was over they would page him and let him know.

I said my good byes, told my husband to make sure he told my 2 year old son how much i loved him everyday if things didnt go well (paranoid side of me) they gave me a shot of something (and it was nice) took me to the OR started to do stuff she then tells me they are just doing some stuff before she puts me to sleep and bam, i wake up in recovery staring at the clock which was 10:35 btw. Nobody was talking to me, i just woke up and saw all the crazy people running around doing their job. I do recall waking up and taking a deep breath and it hurting !!! I thought to myself OMG they did it.... then i thought i was dreaming... I dont remember going to my room but whatever i was there, my husband was there and i made it out of surgery.

I had a drain placed in my stomach and when i complained to my surgeon that it hurt when i tried to breath in deep he told me that it was normal and once i got the drain out 2 days later it would be better. I napped on and off, had a IV pain meds that i could push every 6 minutes, didnt seem to do much. They had me up and walking about 6 hours after surgery, and then every 4 hours, took my vitals every 3 or so, everytime i would fall asleep the oxygen level and heart rate would go down and the monitor would beep (drove me CRAZY) they had to give me oxygen and turn the monitor volume down so i wouldnt wake. They also took blood at 3 a.m both nights, wtf? I dont get it but whatever.

2 night stay, 3 days later, took the drain out, hurt really bad but was fast. Discharged, 405 freeway about 45 minute ride home on the worst LA freeway there is and finally home. Was able to sleep in my own bed, on my right side and had the best sleep ever, never even had pain meds. Woke up today feeling amazing..... I guess everyone has a different experience with different surgeons and hospitals but personally would not of felt comfortable going home the same day or the next for that matter, only cause they do keep a good eye on you. Hope all these experiences help let you know what you will be in for. No matter how many times i read and read about what to expect its def much different when your actually doing it yourself.... Best of luck !!

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jasleeve - you know your right, I have read stuff where people didnt have drains and it was all good... i wonder why some do and some dont? Well thanks for the insight, now i wont wonder why i had a different experience... and thanks i will keep people posted, its always nice to see how much weight people lose and how happy things are !!

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i think its a matter of preference. i dont think its NEEDED but maybe its safer? i dont know lol

jasleeve - you know your right, I have read stuff where people didnt have drains and it was all good... i wonder why some do and some dont? Well thanks for the insight, now i wont wonder why i had a different experience... and thanks i will keep people posted, its always nice to see how much weight people lose and how happy things are !!

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my hospital was wonderful. pulled up to valet parking, went in, got an escort to the surgery floor...they took me back in to pre op area. started my iv. all of the docs and nurses that were to be in the surgery came to talk with me. they gave me some med to relax me. i was wheeled into surgery. they put some mask on me and didnt tell me that it was gonna knock me out. the next thing i knew i was awake in recovery. my first reaction was that i was in a lot of pain. i groaned at the nurse and he gave me some extra pain med other then the morphine i was already on. it was wonderful....took the pain away instantly. they kept me in recovery until my pain was kept at bay. then off to icu. i had one rn and one lvn assigned to me at all times, seriously just waiting outside my door. i got up and started walking less then 2 hours after surgery and then i felt a whole lot better when i could do that. it relieved the gas pain. my family was able to come in right after i was outta recovery. i wasnt able to have anything to eat or drink for the rest of that day. then the next morning i was able to have Clear Liquids. the doc kept me 2 days because i live so far away from the hospital. i had a leak test the day that i left the hospital. the stuff you have to swallow tastes like hell in a cup. the worst thing i have ever tasted in my life! i would rather drink vomit! but other then that it was a great experiance. loved loved loved my hospital. they treated me like a princess. :)

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jasleeve said: i realized after reading others stories that people who have drains have more pain and more trouble. i hear the drain is very painful so that may be why you had that issue. my surgeon doesnt use drains so i pray that i have a good experience. good luck to you on your journey & keep us posted!

I had a drain for 8 days post-op. I definitely did not have lots of pain and problems. Just to give a different perspective for you all. :)

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really? well then thats good to know! im glad you didnt cuz i hear it sucks!

jasleeve said: i realized after reading others stories that people who have drains have more pain and more trouble. i hear the drain is very painful so that may be why you had that issue. my surgeon doesnt use drains so i pray that i have a good experience. good luck to you on your journey & keep us posted!

I had a drain for 8 days post-op. I definitely did not have lots of pain and problems. Just to give a different perspective for you all. :)

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I had surgery in February of 2011. I had an early morning surgery, so my husband and I showed up EARLY. I remember going into the room where you get the gown and the IV and the surgeon and several other people coming by to talk to me - my husband was with me there. They gave me something to relax me, and I kissed my husband good bye. I remember them starting to wheel my to the operating room - but the next thing I remember is waking up in my room. It doesn't take much of the happy juice to make me go out, so I missed a bunch of stuff that other people have memories of.

Once I was awake in the room, it was late morning / early afternoon. I remember not being too uncomfortable, although it did feel like someone had poked holes in my gut. Of all of the surgeries I have had, this was the least painful. I used the pain med button a few times, but not much. By four hours after surgery, I needed to get up and pee, so the nurse helped me to the bathroom. Once I was out of there, I told her I wanted to walk down the hall. "Already?" she says, and I said "I'm up, I might as well walk". So she, my husband, me and my IV pole walked to the nurses station and back. My feet weren't too steady but I was moving!

My mouth was dry - the spong on a stick was a god-send. I was happy when they started with the little cups and the variety of liquids. Sip, Sip, Sip!. Didn't feel too bad drinking, but no big sips! Chapstick would have been great - I forgot to bring it.

Some medical professional was in my room every 15 or 30 minutes doing something to me or for me. I remember doing breathing exercises, blowing into this wierd plastic thing. I remember it from previous surgeries - I think it helps prevent pneumonia or somthing like that. I had on the inflatable leg things - the noise of them made it difficult to sleep, but since my room was grand central station for the medical staff all night, they weren't the only things keeping me awake! I got up as frequently as possible and walked. I remember early on I would either use the magic pain button before or after my walks. Early the next morning (after one night), I got up and put on my travelling home clothes and my socks and tennis shoes. I wanted to GO HOME. I had stopped using the pain meds altogether. I told my nurse I was drinking fine and peeing fine, and didn't need the pain meds - could she ask the doctor if I could be released that day? So she put the wheel in motion and I was release right after lunch (broth and koolaid) that day. The surgeon's PA came by and agreed I was ready to go. The nutritionist came by that morning with a bag of freebie stuff to take home (Protein drinks and Vitamin samples).

My surgery and hospital experience were drama free and problem free. They took great care of me there - I just wanted to go home and get some rest in my own bed. I think I took one pain pill the first night and haven't had any since. My two best helps in recovery were an abdomen support belt (WalMart) and my heating pad.

Good Luck with your surgery.


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I'm another one who had to keep their drain in for a week post op. It wasn't painful and I didn't have any pain associated with it....it was tender but I wouldn't say painful. I think it was more annoying than anything. After a day or two I got used to tucking the bulb of the drain into my pants and went on with things...really no big deal. I guess everyone's journey is different! :-)

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You guys are amazing, and although im more excited about this surgery than anything, the little bit of fear in the back of my mind is made better by each one of your stories. THANK YOU!

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Thanks babigirl111 for introducing this topic. And thanks everone else for your input. I feel more at ease. My op date is 12-19-11.

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My experience was pretty good. I was to have my surgery at noon so we arrived at a little before 11 as instructed. After an hour wait in the waiting room (and my wife having a total meltdown and not wanting me to do it) we finally inquired and they said they were just getting ready to call us. They took me back to get my designer gown and IV started. After half an hour or so they let my wife come back. She had realized she had forgotten her phone at home and asked if she would have time to run home to get it. The nurse laughingly told her she could get the phone, lunch and a nap. My case was going to be delayed at least 3 hours. It actually turned out to be 6 hours and it wasn't until after 6 that I went to the OR. I was pretty anxious by then but it went pretty quickly and I don't remember until I was in my room finally at about midnight. It didn't really hurt, but I was afraid if I did move it would hurt so I just laid still. My wife was able to spend the night with me, so we both slept until about 3 am when the nurse came in and said that I needed to get up and walk. My wife helped me and I made it once around the unit, and then I really wanted to go back to bed. They had taken out my catheter when I was in the recovery room and I didn't even know it. I got some pain meds in the IV when I went back from my walk and I slept until about 7:30 when I needed to use the bathroom. My wife helped me out of bed and I walked to the bathroom and noticed that I really didn't feel too bad. We went for another stroll and they told me that it was time to go and have my leak test. That whole process took about an hour and then back to my room again. The nurse came and told me I did fine and I could drink. That little sip of Water tasted SO GOOD! I got my first liquid meal of 2tbls of crystal light, 2 tbls of broth and 2 tbls of Jello. Something about that caused me to get hiccups, and that was the most painful thing of the whole experience. They lasted almost 4 hours. They said there was nothing to do for it. Right after I got over them they said I could go home. About 20 hours after surgery. The nurse did give me a dose of pain meds so I would be more comfortable for the ride home. I don't think that was the best idea, since I got really nauseated on the way home. Soon after I got home I got another attack of hiccups that lasted almost 12 hours and that were very painful. The wife called the doctor and he said to just take the Lortab and try to relax. The drugs knocked me out and a slept and hiccced all night. They finally went away the next morning. Kind of sat around the house the next day. They day after that I went and walked in the Mall with my wife. It has been all uphill from there. Moral of the story, the first couple of days are the worst and from there on you do feel better.

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My surgery was at 8am so I had to be there at 6. I checked in and in a few minutes, they called me back. They did a pregnancy test and then asked if i was post menopausal! I laughed. I changed into a gown and they started an iv. I am a very hard stick but it was fine. She got it the first time in my right hand. They put some kind of blanket on me that they blew hot air into to keep me warm and some fuzzy sock things. My surgeon came by and the anethesiologist. He was from my home state so I was happy. I asked him to just knock me out because seeing all those people buzzing around really got my anxiety going. I kissed my husband and was wheeled out. I dont remember a thing after turning the corner. I woke up in my hospital bed with my husband right there! It was like he never left. He was trying to feed me ice chips and spilling them on me. I bitched at him and he said "well, I see you are doing fine!" lol. I had a pain pump thing inserted near my main incision that delivered local anesthetic. I also had a button to push every 5 or 10 minutes for morphine. I was so groggy but the ice was kinda good. I just dozed. I dont remember being in pain, just sleepy. I must have slept for a few hours because I woke up that afternoon because I had to pee. I got a nurse and she helped me to pee and then I wanted to walk. She helped me get the things off my legs and into a gown (used like a robe). I walked a lap with her by my side. I got back in bed and napped again. My husband was back with my teen daughter. They visited me and walked with me about every hour. I just napped and walked. I didnt have gas pain or anything. I felt a little stiff and slow but that was about it. I used the morphine pump often and dozed, walked, sipped. I really enjoyed the beef broth they brought me. I would take it on my walks. I sipped and walked 10 to 15 laps at a time. I felt I was doing great.

They came in and gave me blood thinner shots which dont hurt and took my blood once. They gave me lots of iv fluids. One nurse was a smarta$$ and said I was walking too much and it was no wonder I had heartburn. (had heartburn a little the second day) I hated her. The second night they took my pain pump out and put steristrips on my incisions and glue. They also took my IV out and gave me pain meds by mouth.. liquid lortab. I got to take a shower. I was discharge on day three and went home in the afternoon. (Wednesday) I took one dose of liquid lortab that night but I didnt need it after that. I never had a catheter or a drain. I walked a lot at home and rested and drank broth, etc. I could sleep on my side at home but I did wake up a few times having to pee and it was a little uncomfortable. By the second night in my bed, I was fine to sleep on my side. Friday, we went school supply shopping and I drove my husbands truck! I was really tired and we were only out for a couple hours but that was enough! I took it easy over the weekend and was back at work on Monday, light duty.

I loved my hospital and all the staff, save one nurse. I didnt have any complications really, no gas, hardly any pain, only a little heartburn for one afternoon. My daughter stayed with me and I got much needed rest in there! I have recovered very well. HTH

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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