Dody 0 Posted July 23, 2006 I let someone know on here by private message I didn't appreciate a response they gave on here to me, and in return I was told "I am a mess". Well perhaps there is a bit of truth to that statement. I have had 2 surgeries in 2 weeks, one on my knee and the other my lap-banding. The surgery on my knee has not helped and the pain is excruciating and I can't take anti-inflammatories, so I remain in pain. That is enough to make anyone kind of a "mess" but not enough to provoke an attack. I know I have to keep on walking and walking is extremely painful at this point. Down the road I need complete knee surgery, so I'm sure my disposition could be improved. I made a comment a couple weeks ago on a thread about being somewhat amazed that Mexican dr's. did not require a post-op fasting. I made this because I truly thought all dr's. required this. I apologize to anyone I offended. It was just that it took me by surprise. I try very hard to stay away from those very threads but this time I didn't realize it and didn't succeed. I have since played the offending party that thinks I'm a "mess" on ignore and she will remain there. I apologize to anyone else who thinks I'm not myself the last few days, but it is simply the knee pain and not the lap-banding that is making me somewhat grouchy. I'm not looking forward to another major surgery and was hoping this arthroscopic surgery for a torn medial meniscus would didn't. I have met some wonderful friends on here, among them 3 Loves, Telly, Ceparano and many more, but there are those that attack at every given opportunity and to them I say please just don't talk to me. It won't hurt you and it won't hurt me. I hate putting anyone on ignore and it has only been one person. Most of you are great. Please know that and bear with me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leila 0 Posted July 23, 2006 Ouch, I'm sorry that has happened to you. It seems to be going around a lot. I don't always agree with people, but I try not to make it personal. It's hard not to get dragged into these things. XO Leila Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mousecrazy 2 Posted July 23, 2006 Hey, just wanna say that about every month or two this kind of atmosphere surfaces, then it goes away again. Use your ignore list and your patience, and I hope you feel better soon. The best defense is a good defense! LOL! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the best me 6 Posted July 23, 2006 Even if you don't use the Ignore button, ignoring is the best policy all around. But if you have trouble, the ignore button is mighty handy. Except when people quote the person you are ignoring. ggrrrr. But Cindy's right, it will settle down. Always does, it always comes back around. We are people. There are lots of us. Anyhow, hang in there Dody. We are all allowed a bump in the road here and there. Someone once said to me, "thank God for Adult Education courses in life." No matter our age, we are all still learning. ALL of us! You're okay. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dody 0 Posted July 23, 2006 For the most part there are nothing but terrific people on here. I guess in any forum or anything else there are going to be people you don't always get along with...that's just life. We are all different, but for the most part I like everyone. Just wanted you to know why my mood is not always great...been laying down today with this knee and dreading the road ahead to get it better, but with friends like you and God by my side how on earth can I fail. Again, thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
3loves 0 Posted July 24, 2006 Doty ~ Not sure why you are perceived as being a "mess". No need to apologize. Keep taking your pain meds & don't let this place bother you. Like the veterans have said, this stuff comes & goes. I hate to see it come again, but there does seem to be something in the air. Let's (I include myself in this) try to stay positive and keep LBT on the kind and gentle road of helping others!! YEAH :clap2: for LBT and BOO HISS :ogre to evil. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MoOrLess 0 Posted July 24, 2006 Dody, hang in there after that knee surgery. I had the SAME surgery and major arthritis scraped from the knee -- I was told I would heal up and be walking on my own in 2 weeks max! So not - it took 6 weeks (and longer to drive) - - I know the pain you are having - relax - focus on YOU and forget about the rest! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
REEIZBOOJE 0 Posted July 24, 2006 Dang something's definitely in the air tonight.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dody 0 Posted July 25, 2006 Dody, hang in there after that knee surgery. I had the SAME surgery and major arthritis scraped from the knee -- I was told I would heal up and be walking on my own in 2 weeks max! So not - it took 6 weeks (and longer to drive) - - I know the pain you are having - relax - focus on YOU and forget about the rest! It hasen't even been a mo. since my knee surgery but I've had little relief. The first few days were OK because they put cortisone in it in the OR...made me feel better but it isn't. The other knee is now bothering me and I know it is arthritis and when I get home I will probably have to have these old knees replaced. I was hoping a thinner me would help some, but I have yet had time to find out if that will help or not. Thanks for all the positive thoughts. I'll just give this thing more time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leila 0 Posted July 25, 2006 Dody I definitely think less weight on your knee joints should help in the future. Extra weight is a big stress on the joints. Hopefully it will get better for you from here on out Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
juliegeraci 7 Posted July 25, 2006 Just ignore that person. There is always one that is willling and able to send a flame a gram to you. You are doing great considering your obstacles. Follow your doctors orders with the knee. Sorry this happened to you. You don't deserve it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dody 0 Posted July 25, 2006 Just ignore that person. There is always one that is willling and able to send a flame a gram to you. You are doing great considering your obstacles. Follow your doctors orders with the knee. Sorry this happened to you. You don't deserve it. I think the flame-o-gram happened because I sent her a PM asking to be let alone and got a response "that I was a mess"....OK then, well like I said I kind of am. I personally took it private to avoid any conflict on the board which I thought was the right thing to do....apparently I'm not a good thinker either. Anyway, thanks all for your support and encouragement. I really appreciate this forum and all the info I get from it and the support of people. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites