ladytonya 0 Posted July 23, 2006 I finally have an appointment with a surgeon! I could go in to my saga, but I'll save that for another time..... Here's my question: I have an appointment with Dr. Bauman on September 14. I am trying to be sure I have everything I could possibly need and then some. In the e-mail I received from his office, it mentions Weight Management Clinic-Diane Stout, R. N. or Ruth Wadsworth, R. N., Douglas Kelling, MD - Concord Internal & Pulmonary Medicine, Adam Spitz MD - Presbyterian Endocrinology & Osteoporosis Consultants, and NorthEast Psychiatric & Psychological Institute. I am in Asheville, not Concord, and want to try to find local doctors that are the equivalent of these physicians. The psychiatric institute is obvious, but what are the purpose of the other offices listed? If the internal and pulmonary medicine is for a sleep study, been there, done that, and sleep with the cpap machine every night to prove it. I have been a huge pest calling the office and asking questions because of my situation with living over two hours away from them. I am so nervous about this whole thing, but I really want this to happen! Any insight would be greatly appreciated, especially any insight regarding going through this whole thing from someone who didn't necessarily live close to their surgeon. Thanks for any help ya'll can give me! So far from what I've read on here, this sounds like a great board! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bettina 0 Posted July 23, 2006 Hi LadyTonya! The weight management people are (supposed to be anyway) registered dieticians to help you in your weight loss journey..I have seen mine once so far--11 more visits to go. They help you make good decisions when it comes to eating..esp after being banded. Endocrinology is for glands and hormones...hmm not sure on that one, but maybe they want to rule out any glandular problems that would cause weight gain...cause then the banding would be useless. I called my pulm docs office to ask a question and they got all up in arms...they were completely unreasonable! I asked them if I could go to another sleep apnea location (same company mind you) and they told me the doc doesn't read there and I explained that my insurance covered the "other" location and ----they could get me in way sooner than where they wanted me to go...doc promised to get me in asap...and the staff scheduled me for 5 weeks later!!!! Ummmmm, no that doesn't work for me! They were so rude they told the person at the other sleep center that I called them, and the new girl had the nerve to tell me that me getting the sleep apnea test sooner wouldn't get me surgery sooner!!!!!!! I explained to her that I could not afford to pay out of pocket and as a patient I had the right to make sure that everyone got paid for services rendered. She was much better after that! I wanted to slap her. My surgeon specifically told me the sooner the sleep test, the sooner the band. Don't feel that you are being a is your right to see that anything related to your surgery goes smoothly!! I haven't been banded yet, I am like you--I really want this to happen!!! Best Wishes!!! Let us know how you are doing!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bondgirl 0 Posted July 23, 2006 Hi I am Angie and I had the Lapband done a year ago. Dr. B is my surgeon and you will love him! Diane is his dietician that he uses and she is in his office with him. They share the office to make it easier on the patients. But with you two hours away that may cause a problem. After your surgery you will see her once a month so you may be able to do that??? I live an hour away from Dr. B and I used different Doctors for the different tests that they needed and had them faxed over to him. I did use the psyc people that he recommended. Let them know your situation and how far you are. Use your Primary Care Doctor to help you with all your tests and blood work. Let me know if you have anymore questions. I am glad you are about to start this journey with us! You should come on out to our Pool Party this August and meet all of us. IT's a good time! Good Luck! Angie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ladytonya 0 Posted July 23, 2006 I was told that I would have to follow up once a month for a year with them, but was also told that sometimes Dr. B will work with people who live further away and do phone consults when it's been a while since surgery and things are going well. I was assuming she meant that I would be meeting with Dr. B once a month, but then I thought that was a little excessive for a surgeon. In my experience, surgeons don't usually like talking to people when they are conscious. They seem to prefer seeing you on the table! So, I guess if this monthly visit is for a nutritionist it probably would be better to make the trek to Concord since this nutritionist works with Dr. B. But what about the others? I just had a sleep study at our local sleep center in August and got my cpap in December. I've used up my deductible and a large portion of my yearly maximum doing this whole sleep study thing so I really hope that I don't have to repeat it! I can't afford it and there's not way insurance will pay for a second one less than a year after the first! I just went to my primary care doctor and had my yearly physical and a battery of blood tests. I know I was tested for many of the tests listed but not all of them. My TSH is regularly tested because of family history of thyroid disease. I don't recognize many of the tests that are listed so I doubt I've had them. I'm supposed to be getting my records faxed from my doctor's office sometime this week along with a letter from my PCP. I'm also going to pick up a copy of my sleep study and follow-up appointment notes. I have a month and a half before this appointment so I'm going to try to have everything done humanly possible before meeting with him. Any other suggestions of what I should do? Thanks for all the answers so far! You guys are great! and Angie, thanks for the invite, but I think your pool party is Aug. 5 and one of my oldest friends is getting married that day. I'm sure you will all have a blast! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wavydaby 1 Posted July 24, 2006 I think except for the blood labs, he will accept the other tests if they were done in the last year, like my PAP results. I will tell you, that the shrink visit is actually made up of two visits. My first one was a 15 min, why do you want this and a 250 question personality test thingy.. then the second was a 560 some odd question test thing. They are standardized tests that have been used for many many years to test your personality and mental health. Do get all the blood work done that is on Dr B's list. It is all manditory. I found out thru the testing that I had H Pylori and very very very low vit D levels. I took antibiotics to get rid of the H Pylori (benign stomach bacteria that can cause some people to develop ulcers) I am now on a vit D suppliment, and I can kind of tell a difference... or maybe its just me Go ahead and get what you can done, done. Good luck and Godspeed! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JZackary 0 Posted July 25, 2006 I know a good surgeon in Asheville that did my band even though I live in Charlotte. His name is Alan Bradshaw with Regional Surgical Specialists and the program is managed through Mission Hospitals. He is wonderful and his staff is so helpful. If you are concerned about coming two hours (even though Dr. Bauman is FANTASTIC) Dr. Bradshaw may be a great alternative. Feel free to contact me. Jaime Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ladytonya 0 Posted July 25, 2006 Unfortunately, Dr. Bradshaw discriminates against people who weight over 400 lbs. I first went to the info session at Mission and weighed 444. I busted my butt and got down to 424. I had all my paperwork to him and everything, and he wouldn't even meet with me. I was in the man's office and as soon as I weighed in and they saw I was over 400, they wouldn't meet with me. I had lost 20 lbs. in 6 weeks, what more did he want? The remaining 24 lbs. would have probably come off in the pre-op diet anyway, but I was mortified that day. I was stuck at 424 - 427 and would not budge, then the holidays hit and I gained the 20 lbs. back and then some. A few weeks ago, I weighed in at 452 and decided that I would just have to drive however far I had to drive, I just couldn't wait any longer. I called Bradshaw's office back just to be sure that he still had this arbitrary requirement and was told that he still wouldn't meet with me if I wasn't below 400. I verified that he would do fills if I got the surgery somewhere else and brought my records to him (as long as it wasn't out of the country.) So now I have an appointment to meet with Dr. B. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bondgirl 0 Posted July 25, 2006 Wow, I can't believe that? Why would he do that if you are trying to better yourself? You lost 20 pounds and showed you had the commentment? Dr. B is great and you will absolutely love him. He does have dry humor but you can get past that. :confused: He's not bad on the eyes either. Angie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JZackary 0 Posted July 27, 2006 I'm sorry that things didn't go so well with Dr. Bradshaw. I know he has limitations on weight, BMI and age. But Dr. Bauman in Concord is fantastic. I was going to use him originally, but because I lived in Asheville at the time I ended up with Dr. Bradshaw instead. I wish you all the best of luck and if you need someone to talk to about the band, I am happy to help. My e-mail is Unfortunately, Dr. Bradshaw discriminates against people who weight over 400 lbs. I first went to the info session at Mission and weighed 444. I busted my butt and got down to 424. I had all my paperwork to him and everything, and he wouldn't even meet with me. I was in the man's office and as soon as I weighed in and they saw I was over 400, they wouldn't meet with me. I had lost 20 lbs. in 6 weeks, what more did he want? The remaining 24 lbs. would have probably come off in the pre-op diet anyway, but I was mortified that day. I was stuck at 424 - 427 and would not budge, then the holidays hit and I gained the 20 lbs. back and then some. A few weeks ago, I weighed in at 452 and decided that I would just have to drive however far I had to drive, I just couldn't wait any longer. I called Bradshaw's office back just to be sure that he still had this arbitrary requirement and was told that he still wouldn't meet with me if I wasn't below 400. I verified that he would do fills if I got the surgery somewhere else and brought my records to him (as long as it wasn't out of the country.) So now I have an appointment to meet with Dr. B. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gordonfamily3 0 Posted July 27, 2006 I am learning the field and some doc's are strict on the BMI. Some want do BMI's over 50 becuase there is more risk. So thankfully there are surgeon's out there that take one's who are and who really need it. I am not a Dr. B patient but I am sure you will be in good hands. I know a few girls that have used him.:huggie: hehe... Good Luck!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bondgirl 0 Posted July 27, 2006 I havent "used him" :huggie: lol Dr. B is really cool and I just got my fill on Friday and I have lost 7 pounds. I got a lecture and told only I can change this and only I can make the weight come off. The band is just a tool and is there to help me. And if I ignore the help and eat past the band then shame on me. Angie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Denika 2 Posted July 27, 2006 I chose my own doctors for everything except the psychiatric stuff. I went to the office that they recommended for that, but just because I knew they dealt with Dr. Bauman's patients all the time and would do exactly what he wanted done. I love Dr. Bauman! Last week when I was having troubles, he actually called to check on me FROM THE HOSPITAL when he was in O.R. all day. He didn't have to do that. In fact, the receptionist had already told me that it would be impossible for him to see me that day and that I would have to come back the next day. Yes, his sense of humor and wit is a little bit "dry," but it's almost funny at times just to listen to him. I'm sure all the doctors are wonderful, but I really am glad I chose Dr. Bauman. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites