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I realized I have a serious problem - somewhat weight related. I need advice!

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Ok, so I am going through some big changes regarding taking care of myself as well as my wallet. After removing all my cosmetics and counting up how much it's worth I realized my cosmetics are worth (alot) more than I make in a month.

It's scary and it made me cry because I am really broke and am struggling to pay bills. I've been so broke that lately I haven't been going out at all because I couldn't afford $10 to pay my way.

I think I've been trying so hard to make my skin and hair look good because I've felt uncomfortable being fat. Now I'm losing weight and feel better about myself than any cosmetics ever made me feel and don't feel the need to use them as much.

I made a decision today that I will no longer buy products that I don't need. I'll stick to the basics and will try to switch to (some) pharmacy brands.

I have to do this in order to get my financial situation under control and keep it under control.

So I will use up what I have, return whatever I can, and from now on only buy one great product instead of 30 so-so ones.

What I need is mostly advice on how to get my life in order. Sticking to a diet is SO HARD when my financies are a big mess.

Please help. Oh and also, if you know of any great inexpensive beauty must haves, share!

Thanks in advance!

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I've had to do the same thing, not that I've gotten myself into debt or financial distress because of it but becuase I feel its unfair that the kids cant have, say, new basketball shoes becuase I need need need stuff all the time.

There's some indulgences I must keep. I had the bio ionic straightening done on my hair earlier this year and there's no way I'm giving that up. It only needs to be done about once a year anyway but its' $500 a pop. So..... given that you shouldnt bleach straightened hair anyway, I've given away the expensive foils and just going with a semi permanent colour - but colour I must because I have too many greys. Semi's dont cover the greys well but I'll just use one of those touch up kits in between. I wont give up salon quality shampoos though because my hair is unmanageable if I use supermarket stuff.

Other than having it straigthened, I keep my hair simple, its just long with a sweeping fringe - I just quickly blow dry it with a paddle brush - no styling products, no hairspray, cant stand all that crap in my hair. Means I can get away with a cut every four months, not every six weeks, I'm holding out as long as I can before I cut my hair into a "style" that has to be maintained. When I'm so old it looks ridiculous, then I'll cut it.

I dont need fancy makeup. I just go to Target and buy Revlon stuff, why pay $45 for a YSL lipstick? I dont wear lots of makeup anyway, I dont like that full face look, so a few items do me for all occasions - concealer, foundation, bronzer, a brown pallette of eyeshadows, brown eyeliner, mascara and two lip glosses is all I own.

I use Olay total effects on my face, and Palmers Coco butter on my body and a Skin Doctors eyecircle cream that's awesom for dark circles, which I suffer from. I do my own pedicures in the summer.

I dont need to wear perfume everyday, so one bottle will last me a year - I used to have to own the whole swag, the bodywash, body lotion, the talc AND The perfume.

I'm giving up my acrylic nails after today. I had them done today because I have a formal thing on tonight but I made an appointment to have them taken off next week. I'll miss them, but nobody will probably even notice.

We bought a treadmill that the whole family can use instead of paying out for a gym membership that only I can use.

No more lunches out on the run, I either dont eat, I take something with me or I come home. No more than a coffee or two a week either, instead of every single day. No more stupid magazines, I dont even read then anyway and I dont give a toss whether Jen hates Angelina.

Natural is better anyway - I'd sooner spend what money I do have on good skincare or haircare, as I think other than in certain circumstances - evening functions, maybe working at a cosmetic counter, lots of makeup looks awful, it just looks like you with a load of goop on your face.

And good eating, exercise and lots of Water does loads for your good looks too.

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Hunnybun.......no suggestions here but just a word of congratulations for getting so smart so young!! You are already young and beautiful (I see your picture there....don't deny it!!), so you don't need all that "stuff."

Stay out of the sun, use your sunscreen if you do get out, clean your face every night, wear a smile every day.....and you'll be beautiful forever!


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Hi HunnyBun!

I sell Avon (but taking a break from it right now) ..and honestly, you can get good products at Walmart, Kmart, Target...and you don't have to pay lots of money to look good. I check the ingredients...you will see that they make store brand products with the same ingredients as the name brand! Avon does make some good products but you are talking paying $28 for a small jar. As a matter of fact, I was in CVS tonight looking for that miracle in a jar that will make me look years younger...lol. I too am on a tight budget, but I have found that sample size products make me feel wonderful....you pay a small price, you can get several varieties of product and it will make you feel like you are giving yourself the whole beauty spa treatment! Even Dollar General is my new favorite place to shop for beauty products. So by buying the trial sizes, you get to see if you even like the product...I think the worst thing in the world is getting all hyped up about a product...and get it home and its not what you thought it was! Oh...you know who has a really great trial size variety....Berts Bee's...they give you everything in a convenient pouch!!! I felt like a queen when I got home and did the whole regime!!

(ha ha all this talk---I found St Ives makes a mask with the same ingredients as a facial peel....gonna go apply it right now!!! And guess what? I only paid $2.99 for it at Shop Rite!!!!!)

Best Wishes to you!!!!!!! (and hugs!)

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Good for you in getting your life under control! Start with the finances and you will sleep much better at night.

Write down, in two seperate columns, how much is going in and how much is going out. Start with your bills first then estimate entertainment, etc. Now, tell your money what to do! Automatically put money in a savings account every paycheck. Even $25 a paycheck is worth doing. It's the little things that get us in debt. Having some emergency cash, in savings, keeps you from reaching from those credit cards when you need a new tire for your car, or the utility bill is higher than expected.

Once YOU are in control you wil feel soooo much better. I've been on both sides and I like the "being in control" side much better!!!!

No cosmetic tips here. Natural, fresh look is my preference.


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I like the idea of just getting a few things from Target and being done with it, but I think it might be very hard to go from having everything I ever wanted from Nordstrom, to having a few things from the pharmacy.

I have 10 bottles of perfume alone, which say costs average about $70, thats already $700. There there are all my fancy shampoos, conditioners, hair masks, styling products, all from Bumble & Bumble or Kerestase. Ah and cosmetics, Chanel and ShiSeido makeup. The skincare is the most, I have all these face peels, scrubs, cleansers, masks, creams, toners. Just a whole bunch of everything and it's all money down the drain because as much as I love to buy the stuff, I don't use it all the time. Every products gets used for 2-3 weeks then it goes to the side because I want something new. I'm not even old looking but I already use anti aging because I have this fear of looking older. I'm paranoid or something.

I do get compliments all the time especially on my skin, but it doesn't matter because it's never enough. I think I might have some kind of a weird addiction.

I hope I didn't sound like a jerk naming all the brands I use, I just wanted you guys to get an idea of what kind of money I'm spending, all the money I need for a normal life. All those things are things that I can not afford and should have never bought them in the first place :)

Thanks for the responses, keep them coming. :)

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You'll be happy with Target when at the end of the month you can pay your bills and still have your products too..lol. Fact of the matter is that a lot of product is made at the same lab....some labeled Norstrom and some Target...some Walmart..you get the picture. So keep your fancy stuff out on display in your room but your lower priced products out of sight...you're the only one who has to know you aren't spending top dollar. You'll get there! Best Wishes to you!!

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HunnyBun I think you need to sort through your cosmetics and set aside the basic ones that you plan to continue to use. The rest empty into the sink/trashcan. If you were an alcoholic you wouldn't keep full liquor bottles sitting around. If you were stopping smoking you wouldn't keep a carton in the cabinent.

Next you need to gather ALL your bills. Make a list of each one, the day it is due on, the amount of the payment and the amount of the total bill.

Track all of your spending in a journal for a few weeks to month.

Look at where you really spend your money. It is usually the five or ten dollars spent here or there that really take you by surprise.

Then sit down and make a BUDGET. I know a lot of folks think that is a dirty word but they really can work in your favor.

I keep one made up a year in advance. I raise and lower my utility payments according to the seasons, etc etc etc.

My budget is made of two columns per month that coincide with paydays.

Then you may consider signing up for online banking. If you have your check directly deposited then the night that it is in your account sit down and pay your bills online.

Depending on how deeply in debt you are you may need to seek credit counseling.

At the very least prioritize you bills, student loans, housing, groceries, utilities (basic necessities) first, other things for living such as car payment if you must have one to get to work last would be credit card companies.

Don't eat out except on a special occassion.

If you need to look for FREE stuff to do.

Just know that most folks are in the same boat or close to it. They may not look like it or spend like it because people really can hide it well.

I think all us have been in the same boat at one time or another. But you can overcome this.


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I order Smashbox cosmetics from QVC. One order lasts me 6 mo. One container has everything from face powder to eye shadow in it and the other is for my eyebrows. It really isn't that expensive (about $34.00 every 6 mo) and I love it. Aside from the basics I'm not into a lot of make-up, but I can definitely see where it would be an addiction. My addiction has always been clothes.

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You can do this, If you put your mind to it. I agree with mpvo, you need to make a buget. My dh and I went from make over 100,000 a year to just over 30,000 in less than two years. We had to cut out ALOT! When you go to buy something, think do I NEED this or do I WANT it. There is a big difference in those two words. Good luck on you entire journy of the new you!

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Ok girl, I did this just after the kids were born and the car broke down. LOL here are thetips I learned.

Suave makes great hair products (shampoo, hairspray and mousse) for really really cheap. Go with that. And learn some really natural hair looks that take very little product. It is healthier for your hair anyhow.

As for makeup, got for a natural look that will be really quick to apply, and take very little cosmetics. Get a pressed powder. I love cover girl for powder and foundation when going cheap because they are oil free and do not mess with my skin. Get a subtle powder blush that you can apply on the apples of your cheeks, lightly on your forehead and down your nose, and over your eyelids. This will give you a touch of sun look, but will still look very natural. then get a basic mascara. Covergirl again makes some good cheap ones. This should last you 6 months. Do your lashes well, and you won't need eyeliner. finish off with a colored lip gloss that will keep your lips looking plump and pretty, and will make the skin nice and conditioned and soft. That all should take you about 3 minutes to apply, and is a total of 4 items.

And drink Water Water water. Nothing makes the skin look better than lots of water. You might even find that your skin looks so even and good that you do not need to do the powder or blush. your natural glow can show. Water will even out the tone, clean the pores, and soften the skin. All that makeup you wear is actually bad for the skin. So going with the lots of water, and the natural look will actually help heal your skin and make it even prettier than before.

I know it is hard to eat cheap without going fast food and crummy calories. first and foremost, cutout what you don't need. booze, Desserts, unhealthy Snacks. Then, make up a menu of what you are going to eat each day. Breakfast, lunch dinner and 2 Snacks. figure out waht you need for ingredients. Make a shopping list, and stick to it when you go to the store. Eat before you go to the store so you do not pick up cravings while you are there. Buy generics. They really do taste the same most of the time. Get some baby carrots and celery and fresh fruit and veggies for snacks. They are cheap, and healthy. Also, plan out dinners that you can make a lot of, and freeze portions of in the freezer. Making things in bulk will save pennies. Pasta sauce, chili, Soups, etc. Buy frozen chicken breasts. Boneless skinless chicken breasts are usually 9-12 per bag and cost about 9-14 dollars per bag, depending on the brand. Don't go for the individually wrapped. Costs more than it needs to. These will thaw easily, and can be cooked in so many ways, and are low fat and really great sources of Protein. You have a supervised diet you are following, so make sure you stick to that obviously. If they gave you a menu to follow see what you can make in bulk and then freeze protions of.

During your non working time, see what you can do that costs nothing that will bring order to your life. Spend the next weekend going through your place doing some spring cleaning. get all of the clothes that you no longer wear into a bag, trinkets and furniture and everything that just doesn't get used or is no longer needed should be put into a box. simplify your life. If they are in good condition take them to a consignment shop to be sold. It will being in some cash for you. If they are a little more loved, take them to the salvation army so they can be loved further. While you are there check out the dvd's and tapes and see if there are any workout videos that are in good condition. pick up a few. it is good to have a variety of workouts to choose from. and see if they have any exercise equip. maybe a step system, or a thigh master, or something like that. any of these things will be very cheap to pick up, and can be done in the home, and will take up hours of your life getting you healthy without needing you to go out and spend money.

also, on the weekend, find things to do that cost nothing to very litte, but give you a good workout. go on walks, clean your house, wash your car, walk around the mall and look at all the clothes that you look forward to wearing, buy a yearly membership to the zoo and go there every weekend. Things like this give you the activity you need, but for very little cost.

I hope some of this helps. I know exactly what you are going through. Also, get a jar and put all your loose change in there. it adds up quickly, and comes in handy when you need a quick dollar or two. good luck hon!!! I've been there. Its hard when you are still a week away from payday and you have 15 bucks to get you through the week. but you will get through this.

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I like to keep things as simple as possible. Have you ever considered using the envelope system? First, pay yourself 10% of whatever your take-home weekly income is. Put it into a bank account and forget about it. You'll be surprised how fast it grows. If your company offers a 403b or 401K plan, do that instead.

Next, take the rest of the paycheck and allot the money into envelopes with a label on each... mortgage/rent, utilities, food, etc. Whatever is left, give yourself 3/4's of that amount and use the other 1/4 to pay off credit card debt. From this approach, you'll be able to decide what you can and can't afford.

This might mean having friends over (pot luck and BYOB) for dinner rather than going out, taking your lunch to work rather than buying out (have a bring your lunch picnic with co-workers), etc.

You're young and have many years to save and learn to be financially responsible. As for make-up, go to the drug store and buy common brands. It's not the price of the product, it's the art of applying it. I hope that helps.

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I STILL use the envelope method!! And it is so easy and nice. We have put away a ton of money into savings using this method and it is what paid for my band. This is a great idea. Also, if i find deals, and end up saving money here and there, I put that money away and every few months use it for something just for me.

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When trying to break an addiction (and it sounds like that's what you've got!), it's helpful to substitute something new and wonderful for the thing you get need under control. Work this to your advantage:

You may find that your make-up addiction will change when you start the food/water/exercise planning with the band.......it can get to be an addiction and an obsession in itself, which is good.....it takes lot of time and effort and shopping and planning to cook and eat right with the band (it is not the 'easy way out'). So get organized and simplified with the make-up, get it out of your mind and sight because your thoughts and efforts need to go into planning what goes on your inside now, not the outside!!

Create you a little boutique display of special foods and Protein supplements that are going to make you healthy and keep you beautiful. Read labels, read recipes, make menu's, keep charts of intakes and exercise. (I can't sleep if I haven't recorded everything I've eaten that day on www.fitday.com!!). Get obsessed with this important, life-saving project and the make-up addiction will fade away!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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