lesisbetter 0 Posted July 20, 2006 I had my lapband in March 2006, and have had three fills (3.1). I have not lost any weight. Any suggestions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LapBandit 5 Posted July 20, 2006 Are you excersizing? Are you eating Protein? Can you give us more info so that we can help you figure this out? Also, what does your doctor think? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lesisbetter 0 Posted July 20, 2006 I have not changed my eating habits, and I am not exercising. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bettina 0 Posted July 20, 2006 you absolutely have to change your eating habits. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LapBandit 5 Posted July 20, 2006 Well, that's your answer. The band will not do the work for you. It's only mission is to help give you a little extra willpower by helping you feel fuller longer. The rest (which is 99%) is your job. Perhaps your doctor or a nutritionist can spend some time working things out with you. You can do it but it will take a lot of work. Good luck on your journey. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clovermeg 2 Posted July 20, 2006 Which band do you have? I can't imagine that your eating habits haven't changed at all if you have a 3.1 fill (unless it's a VG band)....I mean the other band you would be way tight, it seems, you should talk this over with your doctor and a dietician. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lesisbetter 0 Posted July 20, 2006 I have the lapband that holds 4cc. I guess I have been eating lots of junk food that goes down fairly easy. Food like chicken, I can only eat a few bites. I seem to avoid the foods that I can't eat alot of, and eat the foods that go down easily. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Loving-It 0 Posted July 20, 2006 I have the lapband that holds 4cc. I guess I have been eating lots of junk food that goes down fairly easy. Food like chicken, I can only eat a few bites. I seem to avoid the foods that I can't eat alot of, and eat the foods that go down easily. There's your problem. I know it's hard but you have to really want to do this or else you will sabatoge yourself (which it sounds like that's what you are doing). Get the junk food out of the house since you know you will eat it. Drink lots of Water and talk to your doctor. You are worth the effort!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nykee 13 Posted July 20, 2006 I do the same thing and I have stopped loosing.. the band has done all it can for me... I have to diet now, if I want to lost any more weight... sucks, cuz I have always failed at that, but I am trying again... tomarrow, infact.. I want to lose 20 pounds by the first week of augest, for a fair.. Funny how being 320 or 340 makes such a big difference in me but it really does.. I will be doing low carb.. Sorry, I dont have any good advice. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Woodys 0 Posted July 20, 2006 As much as we want to think that the band is a "Miracle Fix", it isn't. I regard the band as a necessary tool to aid me in weight loss, but more so in maintenance. I don't think anything or anyone ever inferred that the band would do it all for me and I didn't have to work at it myself. You need to take control of your eating habits. The band will help you control the quantity of food you consume, however....you must assume some responsibility here for what's going in your mouth. You have pretty much let more then 3 months slip by without losing weight....now is the time to help the band help you. NO MORE JUNK FOOD! Talk to a professional or join Weight Watchers to help you with a healthy eating that would otherwise, without the band, help you lose weight....havng the band to assist is a bonus. Make healthier choices, when you are full, you will be full of food that won't hurt you....pretty soon you will see the scale on the decline. Good Luck Carol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Teresita 0 Posted July 20, 2006 WOW Nykee 90 pounds you are doing awesome. I bet you look and feel great. Lesisbetter, well at least you have your band. Once you are ready to commit to making it work for you it is already there. if you want to be one of those big winners like Dianechef, Telly, TriciaK and the list goes on. You have to plan your meals and E X E R C I S E! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
juliegeraci 7 Posted July 20, 2006 Up the exercise. Do you know how many calories you are eating? If you aren't getting enough calories in, up the calories for a day then go back. Your metabolism will rev up due to the extra calories and you may break your plateau. Make sure you are eating enough and exercising. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monica S 1 Posted July 20, 2006 I personally go in and out of periods of motivation. I'll get stressed out, or depressed, and not exercise or work on my diet for a week at a time. But then I'll try again, and when I'm trying the band really helps. It doesn't do much when I'm not trying. Sometimes this makes me wish I had gotten the gastric bypass instead, but most of the time it just makes me aware of the fact that this is all up to me, despite the band. Even though I'm not perfect, I keep trying to go back to eating well and exercising. I figure that it will eventually pay off. Right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stitchy 0 Posted July 20, 2006 Everyone says that you need to exercise, and I agree that it is good for you. However, I have always hated, avoided, detested exercise. That hasn't changed and I don't do it. I am losing weight though, because I am eating the bandster way. I eat pretty much only solid foods (and lots of water). Protein first (chicken, beef, fish), veggies (whatever is handy) next. I'm pretty sure that if I ate easy foods (soups, puddings, yogurts, juices - liquid calories all), etc. that this wouldn't be working. I have a 4cc band and a 1.5 fill. I feel pretty tight. If you have 3.1 cc in a 4cc band no wonder you are eating foods that go down easily. I would suggest getting a bit of an unfill (like down to 1.5 or even less) and work harder at eating foods you have to chew - like meat. Cut them into really tiny pieces and use a dipping sauce to moisten them. (Dipping - not heavily coated.) And, chew, chew, chew - to goo! When you have that under control, start increasing your fills. Another approach would be to get completely unfilled. Give yourself a rest. All of the advise the others have given you is good. But, you have to be willing to do your part. Maybe you weren't ready to be banded, but it's done now. You band will still be there when you are ready to work the program. Good luck Share this post Link to post Share on other sites