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New & Figuring out which wls is best for me. Any info & advice appreciated

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Hi all!

I am brand new to this site and to weight loss surgery. Alittle about myself...

I am turning 30 this year. Married, Mother of 3 beautiful children. Been overweight since I was a teenager. Got worse when I started taking birth control. Then I got heavier as I started having children. Tried every weight loss thing I can think of. Everything from Weight Watchers to Atkins to Curves. Most I was ever able to lose was 30 pounds which I ended up gained back plus some. Been a struggle for me for years and at this point in my life I am tired of the cycle. I am over 100 pounds overweight and BMI is 41.1. I want to be healthy and happy for my family and kids. Want to be able to run around with them and not get out of breath. Want to be able to fit into normal clothing. So after researching weight loss surgery for quite some time, I decided to see if my insurance would cover it or at least most of it and I just found out that they do. So now I am on my journey to finding the right weight loss surgery for me and the right Dr. I am looking into the VSG and the RNY at this point. Not sure which would be best. I still need to double check with my insurance to see if the VSG is even covered because I heard that some insurance companies won't cover that specific procedure. Any info and advice is greatly appreciated. :)

Thank you!

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Hello - We're in the same boat. I'm 40 with a 3yr old son. I've been dieting since I was 9 years old and can usually loose 10-15lbs, then plateau, loose the willpower to keep struggling without results and gain it all back plus some! I'm 100-120lbs overweight.

I'm trying to decide between VS and GB. Surgeon said it's up to me. He mentioned they have more historical data about GB success rates and that it seems GB might be a little more effective long-term keeping the weight off but he stressed it was all about how committed the patient is. If I wasn't a sugar junkie, I would have no doubt that the sleeve is the procedure for me. However, I have a mouthful of sweet teeth and I'm worried that I won't be able to give up the sweets if something like dumping isn't keeping me honest.

My mom and aunt have both had GB. I think my mom lost about 110lbs at her max but gained as much as 60lbs of it back before getting herself back on track. She's probably around 60lbs below her start weight today, but this is almost 20 years out. Her lowest weight was at a time of extreme stress/unhappiness too. My aunt has also gained some back from her lowest.

I have my psych eval Friday and have an endoscopy scheduled for the end of the month. I hope to have surgery as early as possible in January.

Oh- one thing that snagged me up along the way is my insurance only covers WLS at a very few select places in my area. You mentioned you found out your insurance covers surgery which I knew mine did as well, but it was a bit of a roller-coaster finding out exactly which Dr/Hospital I could go to for WLS. I went to a seminar at once place and then went back to my insurance with a questionnaire and my insurance told me I couldn't go to that place and gave me a list of three approved hospitals- one of which doesn't do bariatric surgery, another of which I was not a fan of the surgeon's. I went to a seminar at the third hospital and was seen by that group, only to find out my insurance doesn't cover that hospital/surgeon group! :/ A lengthy phone discussion with my insurance actually landed me back with the place that I wanted to go to but was originally told was not an option for me. I was happy to be back to the original place, but NOT happy to have lost a month of time and the cost of running around an hour in a different direction for nothing!

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Thanks for replying. I have been on the phone all day today trying to figure out what to do next. My insurance company is giving me the run around. I called and spoke to 3 people and each one told me something different. I asked them what the requirements were that they needed in order to approve a weight loss surgery. They basically told me that there wasn't a specific list of requirements listed which I find rather strange. They told me that I needed to have letter from Dr. stating that I was morbidly Obese and listing any health issues or risks I have. When I asked more they told me that I needed to have my Dr. call them and they could give more information. So I called several Bariatric offices and set 2 appointments for seminars. One lady was extremely nice and went above and beyond to explain everything to me as best as she could and gave me some good advice.

I scheduled an appointment to see my primary Dr. but honestly I am bit concerned because the last time I was there to see her, she tested my thyroids and gave me a physical. Everything came back ok except I had low Iron. I explained to her I was having extreme fatigue, muscle pains, leg pains etc.... I told her all the diets I have tried and was wondering if maybe she would recommend some type of weight loss medication or something. She said she didn't like giving weight loss pills to patients. Then she recommended I try a low carb diet which I have done several times with no long term effects. Then she told me about a weight loss clinic so I went there. I met with them. Paid a crap load of money to get started. Spent money on all these Vitamins and supplements they recommended for me. Then I couldn't afford to keep going and had to stop. It is hard for me as a stay-at-home Mom and only my husband working. Can't afford hundreds of dollars for these diets that are not working. And the ones that have worked I only ended up gaining the weight back. Most I have ever been able to lose on any diet I have tried was 30 pounds and that was on Atkins. Ended up reaching a plateau and then gained it all back and then extra. I have been dealing with my weight issues for years! Since I was a teenager. I am turning 30 this year and am just tired of the same old story. I need to be healthy and fit for my kids and my family. Now I am concerned that my Dr. will not write a recommendation letter for me because she doesn't seem to agree with pills or surgery. So I am hoping that she will do this for me. But not sure. Frustrated!:(

Hello - We're in the same boat. I'm 40 with a 3yr old son. I've been dieting since I was 9 years old and can usually loose 10-15lbs, then plateau, loose the willpower to keep struggling without results and gain it all back plus some! I'm 100-120lbs overweight.

I'm trying to decide between VS and GB. Surgeon said it's up to me. He mentioned they have more historical data about GB success rates and that it seems GB might be a little more effective long-term keeping the weight off but he stressed it was all about how committed the patient is. If I wasn't a sugar junkie, I would have no doubt that the sleeve is the procedure for me. However, I have a mouthful of sweet teeth and I'm worried that I won't be able to give up the sweets if something like dumping isn't keeping me honest.

My mom and aunt have both had GB. I think my mom lost about 110lbs at her max but gained as much as 60lbs of it back before getting herself back on track. She's probably around 60lbs below her start weight today, but this is almost 20 years out. Her lowest weight was at a time of extreme stress/unhappiness too. My aunt has also gained some back from her lowest.

I have my psych eval Friday and have an endoscopy scheduled for the end of the month. I hope to have surgery as early as possible in January.

Oh- one thing that snagged me up along the way is my insurance only covers WLS at a very few select places in my area. You mentioned you found out your insurance covers surgery which I knew mine did as well, but it was a bit of a roller-coaster finding out exactly which Dr/Hospital I could go to for WLS. I went to a seminar at once place and then went back to my insurance with a questionnaire and my insurance told me I couldn't go to that place and gave me a list of three approved hospitals- one of which doesn't do bariatric surgery, another of which I was not a fan of the surgeon's. I went to a seminar at the third hospital and was seen by that group, only to find out my insurance doesn't cover that hospital/surgeon group! :/ A lengthy phone discussion with my insurance actually landed me back with the place that I wanted to go to but was originally told was not an option for me. I was happy to be back to the original place, but NOT happy to have lost a month of time and the cost of running around an hour in a different direction for nothing!

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If I were you, I would call about that list again. If you don't get a satisfactory answer ask for a supervisor. It has to exist or the people on the phone wouldn't know what to tell your doctor or be able to decide who could be approved. I promise you, there is a list. Insurance companies LOVE their lists. Also, you could check out your insurance companies website as well. Be prepared to play the game for what you want. Believe me, they will make it as hard as they can. Just don't give up and be prepared to create solutions that the insurance company will not offer you. They don't want you to figure out their system or they might have to spend money. GL! Keep us informed!

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Thanks so much! Yes I figured they would try their best to make it as difficult as possible for me. <_< But I am very persistant and I will annoy the crap out of then if I have to LOL!

If I were you, I would call about that list again. If you don't get a satisfactory answer ask for a supervisor. It has to exist or the people on the phone wouldn't know what to tell your doctor or be able to decide who could be approved. I promise you, there is a list. Insurance companies LOVE their lists. Also, you could check out your insurance companies website as well. Be prepared to play the game for what you want. Believe me, they will make it as hard as they can. Just don't give up and be prepared to create solutions that the insurance company will not offer you. They don't want you to figure out their system or they might have to spend money. GL! Keep us informed!

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I don't have the support of my primary care physician... he doesn't "believe" in WLS and put me on welbutrin which was great for about 4 months. He begrudgingly agreed six months later that WLS might be the best option for me but when I asked for my most recent labs and a letter of support, all I got was the copy of the labs. Condescending beanpole jerk!! =)

I have Anthem Blue Cross PPO and there is only one place anywhere near me, fortunately, it's the one I wanted to go to in the end.

You might call the surgeon's office and ask their insurance billing person to run your insurance info. If they do that for you they can find out quickly if your insurance will work for their group. That's how I found out that the place I'd been sent to by my insurance wasn't covered by my insurance... I was sitting with their insurance billing person. It's frustrating to sit through a seminar, like a group and then find out you can't go there... just a thought!

Headed to my psych eval tomorrow morning! THAT should be eye-opening!

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Hello, I am a newbie also. I have elected to get the VSG on October 25th. According to my doctor, the RNY is typically for individuals who are over 500 lbs. The VSG works very well for patients under 500 lbs. I have been told by someone who had the lap band procedure then wanted to get the VSG that their insurance would not pay for it because some insurances only pay for one proedure in a lifetime. Take your time with your decision and make sure it's best for you.

Hi all!

I am brand new to this site and to weight loss surgery. Alittle about myself...

I am turning 30 this year. Married, Mother of 3 beautiful children. Been overweight since I was a teenager. Got worse when I started taking birth control. Then I got heavier as I started having children. Tried every weight loss thing I can think of. Everything from Weight Watchers to Atkins to Curves. Most I was ever able to lose was 30 pounds which I ended up gained back plus some. Been a struggle for me for years and at this point in my life I am tired of the cycle. I am over 100 pounds overweight and BMI is 41.1. I want to be healthy and happy for my family and kids. Want to be able to run around with them and not get out of breath. Want to be able to fit into normal clothing. So after researching weight loss surgery for quite some time, I decided to see if my insurance would cover it or at least most of it and I just found out that they do. So now I am on my journey to finding the right weight loss surgery for me and the right Dr. I am looking into the VSG and the RNY at this point. Not sure which would be best. I still need to double check with my insurance to see if the VSG is even covered because I heard that some insurance companies won't cover that specific procedure. Any info and advice is greatly appreciated. :)

Thank you!

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There are advantages and disadvantages to each procedure. I personally would recommend getting sleeved if your insurance will allow it. There are more restrictions with having the band. A lot of people who have the band end up converting to a sleeve. One thing to consider is with some people the body will reject the foreign body. I am having the sleeve procedure next Thursday. I can't wait. Started my pre op diet on Monday and as of yesterday I have already lost 8 pounds. Hoping to be below 200 by surgery date. What ever procedure you end up going with make sure you are at peace with it. This is a life changing decision. Good luck in your journeys.

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Hi I am a 54 yo mom of 5 my oldest is 33 my youngest 16, I have what is commonly called in my office the (initials of our company) spread. A lot of us that work night shift just can seem to get rid of the weight. So last spring I opted for the lap band procedure and was very gung ho did everything up to aneseolgist appt but ended up backing out due to unexpected expenses. I was very heartbroken and frustrated and felt like it was my only chance. I had done well on the pre opt diet losing 32 lbs before surgery. But being bi polar my depression got the best of my and i spent the next mo wanting to die because of my lost opportunity--then i pulled myself together and ended up meeting a friend of my daughter who went through my dr and had had the sleeve procedure. As i watched her progress and describe her journey i decided this was the way to go, The silver lining in my black cloud so to speak. I have circumvented the cost problem and had my new appt with my surgeon yesterday, after receiving approval from my insurance, independence BC/BS,for the new procedure. It seems a little surreal at this point, but I am so thankful that my first choice fell through. Now I am ready to ramp up again and will start working on my weight now. I want my liver to shrink as much as possible. My best friend and I are coordinating our surgeries and are assured that a January date '12 will work out great. Now we wait to talk to the coordinator to contact us to make that appt. Wish us luck--our preferred date is Jan 16. Don't let any obstacals hold you back fight for what you want even if you have to get a new dr.

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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