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How is weight loss for people over 50?

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Indiogirl... Thank you so much for the great suggestions on the evening snack.. I made myself a little note about that. Skipping the morning and afternoon snack and saving it for night time is a great idea.. It sounds like enough to stop the craving and being full at the same time... I just love all of these hints that you and all of the others are sharing with me.. The sandwich plates and small utensils are just the perfect thing for meals.. Thank you again for the wonderful suggestions...

Margi... That's great!! It sounds like you may have finally found your sweet spot... I bet it is nice to be able to eat again..

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Indigo Girl, I made it to this thread and it is loaded with good info. thanks.

Welcome - This isn't active as some of the other threads (today is my rest day - just washing clothes and crusing the boards - but i do need to get up and go out and buy some new tennies for my exercising - but we will see if i get dressed today:rolleyes: )- All you have to do ispost here and you will be answered - I am on the Lucky 7 and sometimes i just can't keep up with them... It has slowed down some since the newest is wearing off and they are back to living their lives.

Again the women here are GREAT.... Read the prior pages to catch up and you will learn TONs..

Because of this board - When I talk about my band - people think i am really smart (well i'm not dumb:biggrin1:) but they are just so impressed about how much i know about the band. Well i learned it all here (and my doc too:))

Good luck on your journey - and look forward to having you here...;)

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Indiogirl... Thank you so much for the great suggestions on the evening snack.. I made myself a little note about that. Skipping the morning and afternoon snack and saving it for night time is a great idea.. It sounds like enough to stop the craving and being full at the same time... I just love all of these hints that you and all of the others are sharing with me.. The sandwich plates and small utensils are just the perfect thing for meals.. Thank you again for the wonderful suggestions...

Margi... That's great!! It sounds like you may have finally found your sweet spot... I bet it is nice to be able to eat again..

You are so very welcome - that's why we are here - to share info and find new ways to win our battles with our food issues... The band is only a small part of the fix - we still have tons of mental issues to work throught to be successful. That's one thing i have learned here on Lapbandtalk.com we are not ALONE with our food issues - this place isn't like the real world where we are looked down upon because we are "fat". We have an understanding of our issues with food - I have said it before and i will say it again "Oh that sounds just like me" - when you are reading someone elses post about not being able to stop once your start . I just love this place....

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IndioGirl... Love your new Avatar!!.. You are a very nice looking lady.. Just look at those rosey cheeks and beautiful smile..

I can hardly wait until I get my band. October seems like eons away, but in reality it will be here before I know it.

Hubby and I will be on the road traveling while I am on my pre-op liquid diet, so that should be interesting.... ;)

We live full time and travel in our motorhome and will be traveling from California where we are spending the summer to our home base in Colorado for the surgery. We will be stopping and visiting kids, grandkids and other family along the way. We will be staying with my daughter and granddaughter during my recouperation. We will be there through Thanksgiving and I'm hoping that I will be able to have a taste or two of the turkey and dressing by then... :hungry:

I am planning on waiting until after Thanksgiving before I get my first fill, so hopefully that will allow me to have a small, but nice meal...

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NM Sunshine... Welcome to the thread.... I sure like this nickname alot better than your old one... It fits you much better....

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I love the feeling of the pounds dropping off, but have confronted a psychological barrier. I have substituted food for a best friend. Yuck, like who needs a best friend that makes my knees hurt? etc. but that is the plain truth about it. I have personified food into a friendship, that through good control, I really miss. Sometimes it is downright painful. Any ideas for me? Has anyone else made their food almost into a person?


Hugs all,


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IndioGirl... Love your new Avatar!!.. You are a very nice looking lady.. Just look at those rosey cheeks and beautiful smile..

I can hardly wait until I get my band. October seems like eons away, but in reality it will be here before I know it.

Hubby and I will be on the road traveling while I am on my pre-op liquid diet, so that should be interesting.... ;)

We live full time and travel in our motorhome and will be traveling from California where we are spending the summer to our home base in Colorado for the surgery. We will be stopping and visiting kids, grandkids and other family along the way. We will be staying with my daughter and granddaughter during my recouperation. We will be there through Thanksgiving and I'm hoping that I will be able to have a taste or two of the turkey and dressing by then... :hungry:

I am planning on waiting until after Thanksgiving before I get my first fill, so hopefully that will allow me to have a small, but nice meal...

Thanks - that was taken in Feb when i went on a cruise w/my sister. My face is a little slimmer now :biggrin1: How fun to travel so much -my ex and i were going to do that when I retired - I would love to see the USA - as a kid we drove from Cali to Vermont country twice - 3rd grade & 5th grade and I remember alot. So since i am single i guess it will be crusing :)

It's almost Sept - Oct will be here before you know it - you won't ne ready for a fill until you are mini 6 wks out (well most doc's - I will be 7 by the time i get mine)

As far as not getting a fill prior to Turkey day - there are 2 trains of though on this subject

#1 Why wouldn't you - why would you want to continue with your bad over eating habits and gain weight - you should be still be able to eat - just slowly - small bites and not as much.

#2 I won't get filled so i can eat like i'm not banded.

Once when I was at weight watchers - i told the lady I waited til after the 1st of the yr to join and she said why - if you had joined prior to the holidays you would not have gained any weight (that's if you followed the program) or maybe just half as much.

Do you know that has always stuck with me - My surgon and i had this discussion too - he said that he didn't understand why people didn't get filled or they got unfilled prior to vacation or holidays- he said "why would they want to sabotage their self like that - they are defeating the purpose of the band."

So for ME - I will be filled and do my very best to continue my healthly eating habits - I want the weight off - and if I can't eat ton of xmas Cookies or boxes of See's candy so be it - it's not the end of the world and I should be able to have one or two cookie - but what will that one lead to?? 5 or 10 - I have no control - just like a drug addict so why start.. Just My Humble Opinion :P

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I love the feeling of the pounds dropping off, but have confronted a psychological barrier. I have substituted food for a best friend. Yuck, like who needs a best friend that makes my knees hurt? etc. but that is the plain truth about it. I have personified food into a friendship, that through good control, I really miss. Sometimes it is downright painful. Any ideas for me? Has anyone else made their food almost into a person?


Hugs all,



YOU ARE NOT ALONE !!!!! The more that i read here on lapband talk - the more i find out we (well A LOT of us) have the exact same issues with food... I said this exact same thing to my friends prior to surgery "I am losing my best friend" They are thin - I don't think they totally understood me - but see you do... That's why I love it here !!!

IMHO I think this is why food is such a comfort to me at night when I am home alone. I also use it to help me sleep - sugar/high carb foods makes me sleepy - I don't get the sugar high - I just want to sleep - all my friends know that if i eat a large meal or sweets and I will want to go to sleep within 1 hr.

But IS food really our friend - what has it done for us but robbed us of a more productive life. It's like the DEVIL - it tell's you come on eat some more - don't i make you feel good aren't i your best friend - it makes you happy - Well ya for the moment it does - but in the long run it doesn't - it's KILLING US.. So the thing is what you "thought" was your freind really isn't - it's your "enemy" and that's the way you have to approach things like cookie - candy - cake - tons of refined carbs & fat.

Your new best friend is noW "low fat Protein - veggies - and small - tiny amounts of refined carbs if at all - cuz just like a drug - we have no control.... Just like a drug addict - once we come to realize that we are on the road to recovery.. The Serenity prayer should be our mantra "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. "

I don't mean to get preachy - but this is how I am dealing with it - I can't just do one (cookie) if i am at home - out yes but home no.. cuz no one is watching at home. I am a behind closed door eater.. So Why start.... If I need to nosh on something - I will eat extra veggies or a sf pudding. I will eat - can't say I have controlled that - but i am eating better food and not tons of it.

Let me know your thoughts on my thereoy??

How was your art show??

xoxox Janet

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I sure do understand what you all mean about feeling guilty. I feel terribly guilty about spending the money since I will be self pay. I am just in the planning phase but I already feel guilty about spending the money on me. I know it is a necessary thing since I have failed numerous diets over the past 35 years. I am getting excited about the prospect that I can once again be slimmer and keep it off. I know the band is a tool but it sure sounds like something I could live with. I really enjoy all the post from everyone.

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I sure do understand what you all mean about feeling guilty. I feel terribly guilty about spending the money since I will be self pay. I am just in the planning phase but I already feel guilty about spending the money on me. I know it is a necessary thing since I have failed numerous diets over the past 35 years. I am getting excited about the prospect that I can once again be slimmer and keep it off. I know the band is a tool but it sure sounds like something I could live with. I really enjoy all the post from everyone.

Hi Southerngal

Please Please know that it is only a tool... I can't stress this enough.. I am hungry right his second - that's why i am here on my soap box preaching the word :P - I figure if i preach enought i will beleive it ;)

It's my way of staying occupied - What i am preaching we all know as we all have been professional dietiers and we did learn from those diets its just that we don't practice it. You didn't fail those diets... I bet you lost weight with them - so you suceessed - what happend was that you thought that this one cookie wouldn't hurt then it was 2 - then it was the bag, then it's when i gain 5 lbs i will watch what I eat - then that 5 turns into 10 and so on - that you just get to the point of "I GIVE UP"

I have too much to loose it will take forever and it's just too hard. Then you get to the point - Heck people accept me for who i am a Fat Person, i like eating and i am happy the way i am" (all of these are the excuses I have used on myself) Am I really happy that i can't walk for any distant without my feet killing me or being worn out. Am I happy shopping at a handful of store and my selection of clothing is limited to Avenue - Lane Bryant -etc.. Am I happy that when I am at a party and i can't dance the whole dance and if i do fake my way through it i have to sit and rest - can't dance to the next song that I love.

You have been loving yourself to death with $$$ of food - why not on something thats going to give you a better life all around.. Don't feel guilty Please - You are spending the $$$ to give you the tool to help you in getting a healthier life. It's not going to solve your food issues as you can still eat junk (seems like the band is junk freindly) but coming to the realization that we really do have some major issues with food and that we are going to go thru major surgery to deal with those issues is a BIG commitment.. That's the way I have looked at it... I have made a MAJOR commitment to myself - besides the co-pays for me -my dr has a LARGE program fee which i had to pay prior to surgery - and that in its self has motivated me -

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Dynamomini---Indigo Girl is right on. What we have is an addiction and the serenity prayer is an answer. Find out who or what your higher power is and learn to hand it over...the higher power can become your best friend. I am an achoholic and have spent a lot of time in AA where I have seen the miracles of the Higher Power work for addictions.

As a matter of fact (hopefully I am not a hypocrite) I have went back to drinking for the last several years. But, at least it is wine and not hard liquer. Along with the lapband prep, I plan on quiting. I went back to booze and food cause I neglected my relationship to a higher power and quit going to my AA meetings.

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Dynamomini---Indigo Girl is right on. What we have is an addiction and the serenity prayer is an answer. Find out who or what your higher power is and learn to hand it over...the higher power can become your best friend. I am an achoholic and have spent a lot of time in AA where I have seen the miracles of the Higher Power work for addictions.

As a matter of fact (hopefully I am not a hypocrite) I have went back to drinking for the last several years. But, at least it is wine and not hard liquer. Along with the lapband prep, I plan on quiting. I went back to booze and food cause I neglected my relationship to a higher power and quit going to my AA meetings.

NM Sunshine

I have always felt that food was my addiction - There is Alcohlism & Durg addiction in my family and have been involved in relationships with men who were either on one or the other (alcohal or drugs).

I understand addiction as much as it can be understood. but just as an alcoholic who thinks cuz they drink beer they are better than one who drinks the hard stuff (i don't meant to be mean here but it's all about justifing when in truth we need to fact the hard fact that it is what it is- no playing games and i think you will understand what i am say as you have worked the program) Alcoholic think they are better than a druggie and the druggie who smokes pot thinks their better than person who snorts who thinks their better than the person who shoots. Us foodies are on top of that chain as socitity doesn't look at us as having an addiction just lack of will power ... It doesn't matter your drug of choice be it alcohol - meth - heiron or food - it's all the same Sh*t it's all going to kill you.

NMSunshine - sounds like you have a double whammy food & drink and I bet that is terriblily hard to deal with. but it's one step at a time and give it up to hp and move forward.

I better get off this soap box before i offend everyone and thats not my attention here - it's just to face the facts that we all (including myself) hide from at times and that's why we have ended up being FAT..



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I sure do understand what you all mean about feeling guilty. I feel terribly guilty about spending the money since I will be self pay. I am just in the planning phase but I already feel guilty about spending the money on me. I know it is a necessary thing since I have failed numerous diets over the past 35 years. I am getting excited about the prospect that I can once again be slimmer and keep it off. I know the band is a tool but it sure sounds like something I could live with. I really enjoy all the post from everyone.

Southerngal, you STOP that right now! (Don't I sound like yo mama?) ;)

I'm serious though. I was self pay. I could've waited 6 months and had my insurance pay, but I wanted to be that much further along. I talked to my husband when we found out that the insurance would pay if I'd wait (when I first started looking into the lapband, they wouldn't) and he said 'no...you should do this now...you might not be here in 6 months if you don't!' So, that's what I'm telling you...if you don't do this, you might not be here to regret it.

Be good to yourself and be glad that you can be!

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Southerngal, you STOP that right now! (Don't I sound like yo mama?) ;)

I'm serious though. I was self pay. I could've waited 6 months and had my insurance pay, but I wanted to be that much further along. I talked to my husband when we found out that the insurance would pay if I'd wait (when I first started looking into the lapband, they wouldn't) and he said 'no...you should do this now...you might not be here in 6 months if you don't!' So, that's what I'm telling you...if you don't do this, you might not be here to regret it.

Be good to yourself and be glad that you can be!


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