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How is weight loss for people over 50?

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Denise: I'll bet you'll drop a few before you know it. It is strange how we bounce back and forth with the same few pounds sometimes. But overall it seems like we are moving ever so slowly downward on the scale. Some bandsters who are losing really fast are able to exercise like a couple of hours a day and they are not just cutting portion size, they're taking in less than 1000 calories a day. They will undoubtedly get there before I will, but I will get there!

I have the same problem with carbs as some of you others have. I have also found that if I have caffeine I tend to crave chocolate too. I made the mistake of tasting one truffle after New Years and I still haven't been able to stop eating some chocolate every week. I try to stick with the Healthy Choice or Blue Bunny fudgecicles instead of candy, but it is very hard if I've had caffeine at all.

I'm like you Carlene, if it's in the house with me I will obsess over it and eat it until it's gone!

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It gets right at the addiction piece of obesity. I do great on Proteins and fruits and veggies, then I eat carbs and whammy - I go into this intensely crazy eating pattern. I can't get enough carbs. I guess my job is to accept that this is my truth. WW doesn't really work for me because there are too many carbs. I do better with Protein Shakes or smoothies, Protein, fruit (apples or berries), and veggies. The craving lets me go and I can think more "normally" about food without obsessing. So my truth sucks, but then it doesn't FEEL good to be out of control either. So I hope as I "grow up" and accept my journey I will do better and the band will hopefully support me doing that.

You know this website has been a powerful ally. Never have I been this honest with others, as well as myself. I understand when people say they are addicted to the websites. I read postings and see myself in everyone else. I love you guys!

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DynamoMini: You explained the carb thing very well. I tend to look at some foods as my drug of choice. I can sidle up to some of them like they're my best friend, and then the next thing I know I'm in a sugar-induced coma. Am I the only one who's eaten a pint or 2 of Hagen Daz ice cream, become very elated and hyper and then crashed and fallen asleep? Talk about your true confessions! It's tough to admit, but it's the truth.

I consider this a very healthy place for me to hang out because I too feel like many of the bandsters here are allys, who know just exactly what I'm talking about, and I understand them too. It's great. Thanks, ya'll.

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Scarlett, good luck with your surgery on the 15th. I think it's very normal to feel uncertain about the decision to have this surgery. I ran through the mental "should I or shouldn't I? at least twice a day. In fact, I said to my husband in the surgery waiting room, "I hope I'm doing the right thing." He reassured me that I was. When I first started getting serious about having this surgery my husband was not too supportive. I think he was afraid for me and also feeling uncertain about how it would change our lives. After he met the surgeon and went through our list of questions with him, my husband got on board and has been nothing but supportive ever since. He retires in 18 months. When I would tell him about my second thoughts, he'd answer that he'd worked hard all his life so we could enjoy his retirement years doing things together. What good would it all be if I wasn't there to share life with him? My co-morbidities were growing with every pound -- high blood pressure, glucose intolerant, arthritis... I've been married to this man for 36 years and never once has he said a negative word about my weight. My weight was always about me and how it made me feel, but I realized it wasn't just about me. It affected my husband too. He had tears in his eyes as I walked away to have the surgery. It was scary for him too, but he was behind me 100%. His encouragement really got me through all my second guessing. Sounds like your husband is trying to do the same for you.

Gerbera, I'm so glad you're feeling better.

BJean, are you hungry for Breakfast or just feeling too tight to eat it? I haven't had a fill yet, so I'm pretty much hungry every two hours. I'm really trying to reign myself in.

I've sworn off sweets -- Cookies, candies, cake. Desserts are red light foods for me. Once I start, I crave more. I'm always amazed by people who say they can eat a couple squares of chocolate, then wrap it up and put it away until the next day. I'm hoping my resolve gets stronger the longer I go without having them. It's been 6 weeks and every now and then I get the urge. I was in the A&P the other day and they had chocolate dipped chocolate chip cookies on display in the front of the store. I had to make a quick get-a-way down the Condiments aisle and make myself think about something else. That was my last big temptation.

I love anything made with flour. Thank goodness the lapband makes breads and Pasta more difficult to eat. I let myself have a about 1/4 cup of pasta and one meatball the other night. It satisfied me. I hope I think about these things a little less when I'm not so hungry, but I think I'll always be a food addict. Without the lapband, and going by my past history, Portion Control would eventually go out the window. Once I get back into the routing of overeating at meals, the sweets and other junk start to follow because I get overwhelmed with my feelings.

On a bright note, I've lost 25 lbs. since my pre-surgery fast began and I can stand and walk without so much pain in my lower back. I can't wait to see how I feel with another 25 lbs. off. I have 125 lbs. more to go before I reach my goal weight of 150.

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.

Regards... Debbie

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Well it sounds like we are all carb addicts. How do those meetings go

"My name is Denise and I am addicted to carbs"

The thing that makes me mad is I am not eating them and I am still not losing. I have to remember that I have read on several threads on this board that most doctors say it can take 2 years to get to our goal weight. How in the heck do we stay patient? I feel like going back on the liquid diet. At least then I was losing. I was bored with them, but I was losing.

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Thanks BJean. If I could lose the weight on my own, I would. I've had a weight problem since I was 8. I've dieted for the past 45 years, sometimes w/ success, sometimes not. As I've gotten older, it's been not. That's why that other voice in my head says 'if I could do it I would have done it by now'.

Two years ago I weighted what I do now. Except I've probably lost and regained the same 20 pounds 4 or 5 times. I'm tired :tired and I'm frustrated. So what's in committing another 2 years. I realize it's not a quick fix. From reading some of the posts, I see how difficult it still is for many folks. But getting the band must help, otherwise we'd all be losing weight w/out it.

My thoughts aren't logical. It's head games I'm playing on myself. Maybe I'm the only one who has had self doubts about the surgery, but I doubt it.

Hopefully talking to my surgeon on Wednesday will help address some of the doubts. In the meantime, I'll keep reading here.:decision:

Hey Crabcake, I am like you I have tried so many times. my surgery is March the 16th and I am excited. I have about 150 lbs to lose I pray that I will. I am a little bit scared but I know I am 52 and not getting any younger! I am going forward with this and will give it my all! I believe you can too! Kim

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Thanks Kim! I envy you your close date. I went last Wednesday for my first consultation. Now I'm trying to get the labwork and paperwork done. I keep vacillating back and forth, but I also know I haven't been able to do this myself and need some help. Thank goodness we have this board to encourage each other. I don't think I could do it by myself. My family is supportive, but I don't think they really understand. Good luck!:gluck:

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Debbie: The first part of your post could have been me writing!! Amazing how much we have in common with our husband's support, but concern, and we've been married about as long as you have, and practically word for word all the rest of that paragraph is what I've been experiencing.

I'm not usually starving in the morning unless I have had something high carb the night before. I have given in to having a small portion of dessert when we are out with family or friends occasionally. You know, the planned "only one bite" that turns into diving in until everyone else has eaten some too and it's thankfully gone! :faint:

Anyway I sometimes find myself getting busy in the morning and it's 9:30 or so before I realize I am getting really hungry. The earlier I have breakfast, the less I can eat anyway, so it all works out pretty well usually whether I eat when I'm first up or later in the morning. I have much better luck eating scrambled eggs with a little fat-free cheese instead of most cereals.

Sounds like you're doing very well! Keep up the good work.

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Scarlett, good luck with your surgery on the 15th. I think it's very normal to feel uncertain about the decision to have this surgery. I ran through the mental "should I or shouldn't I? at least twice a day. In fact, I said to my husband in the surgery waiting room, "I hope I'm doing the right thing." He reassured me that I was. When I first started getting serious about having this surgery my husband was not too supportive. I think he was afraid for me and also feeling uncertain about how it would change our lives. After he met the surgeon and went through our list of questions with him, my husband got on board and has been nothing but supportive ever since. He retires in 18 months. When I would tell him about my second thoughts, he'd answer that he'd worked hard all his life so we could enjoy his retirement years doing things together. What good would it all be if I wasn't there to share life with him? My co-morbidities were growing with every pound -- high blood pressure, glucose intolerant, arthritis... I've been married to this man for 36 years and never once has he said a negative word about my weight. My weight was always about me and how it made me feel, but I realized it wasn't just about me. It affected my husband too. He had tears in his eyes as I walked away to have the surgery. It was scary for him too, but he was behind me 100%. His encouragement really got me through all my second guessing. Sounds like your husband is trying to do the same for you.

Gerbera, I'm so glad you're feeling better.

BJean, are you hungry for breakfast or just feeling too tight to eat it? I haven't had a fill yet, so I'm pretty much hungry every two hours. I'm really trying to reign myself in.

I've sworn off sweets -- Cookies, candies, cake. Desserts are red light foods for me. Once I start, I crave more. I'm always amazed by people who say they can eat a couple squares of chocolate, then wrap it up and put it away until the next day. I'm hoping my resolve gets stronger the longer I go without having them. It's been 6 weeks and every now and then I get the urge. I was in the A&P the other day and they had chocolate dipped chocolate chip cookies on display in the front of the store. I had to make a quick get-a-way down the Condiments aisle and make myself think about something else. That was my last big temptation.

I love anything made with flour. Thank goodness the lapband makes breads and Pasta more difficult to eat. I let myself have a about 1/4 cup of pasta and one meatball the other night. It satisfied me. I hope I think about these things a little less when I'm not so hungry, but I think I'll always be a food addict. Without the lapband, and going by my past history, Portion Control would eventually go out the window. Once I get back into the routing of overeating at meals, the sweets and other junk start to follow because I get overwhelmed with my feelings.

On a bright note, I've lost 25 lbs. since my pre-surgery fast began and I can stand and walk without so much pain in my lower back. I can't wait to see how I feel with another 25 lbs. off. I have 125 lbs. more to go before I reach my goal weight of 150.

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.

Regards... Debbie


Gosh you wrote such a good post that is so me!! We are married 36 years also and my husband said the same thing. Almost word for word! He has never said anything about my weight but wants me to be healthy. He has seen me slow down with the pains in my joints. Thanks for the :clap2: it helps to know someone else is in my corner.

I am also addicted to chocolate and sweets. I could never understand the "one square and I am satisfied comment" I want to kick them!! I am hoping the band helps me with my cravings,like when I was pregnant with my kids. Got sick on some food and stayed totally away from the enemy food.

Got another class tomorrow and a meeting with the doc to pay and the 15th is right around the corner.

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Denise, my surgeon said he estimated that I would lose 120 to 130 lbs. over 2 years. I hope so.


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I gotta remember the two years idea, when I am such an instant gratification person. But if we lose 2 pounds a week that is 100 in a year. I remember a time I did Optifast and four months into the liquid fast of 450 cal. per day, I didn't lose any weight for THREE weeks. Inches, but not weight. The next week i dropped 7 pounds, so I have gotta remember STAY THE COURSE and the weight will come off. Better yet, I can't wait to see the health issues resolve themselves.

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Hi - can someone please tell me how to put a ticker on your sig. page? I went to tickerfactory and created a ticker and then couldn't do anything with it. Think I might be having a " senior" moment -/


Hi, just happened to see that you are around my age. I'm 64 yrs old. I feel a little out of place with all these young people. Let's keep in touch. Are you banded yet?? I'm going to the surgeon tomorrow and I guess he will tell me what I have to do next.

Sorry I can't help you with the ticker. Will probably need help when I start mine.


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Hi, just happened to see that you are around my age. I'm 64 yrs old. I feel a little out of place with all these young people. Let's keep in touch. Are you banded yet?? I'm going to the surgeon tomorrow and I guess he will tell me what I have to do next.

Sorry I can't help you with the ticker. Will probably need help when I start mine.


Welcome! Don't feel out of place just because you are 64. You are dealing with the same issues as the rest of us. It's harder to lose over the age of 50.

Those 30 year olds on some of the other threads are losing by leaps and bounds and it gets depressing. I am happy for them, but it still gets me discouraged. We are all in our 50's and 60's.


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I've always lost weight slowly. I'm shocked I lost as much as I did during the liquid diet stage -- 2 weeks pre-surgery & 2 weeks post surgery. It's one of the reasons I always got so discouraged when I dieted. I'd end up throwing in the towel and manage to gain even more weight.


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I've always lost weight slowly. I'm shocked I lost as much as I did during the liquid diet stage -- 2 weeks pre-surgery & 2 weeks post surgery. It's one of the reasons I always got so discouraged when I dieted. I'd end up throwing in the towel and manage to gain even more weight.


Dang, 2 before and 2 after? I'd be gnawing the woodwork by then! How'd you do that?

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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