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How is weight loss for people over 50?

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Hello Green and Sunshine,

I appreciate your suggestion of Water aerobics but cannot do that either...

The water pressure is too much for my back, too painful.

I cannot stand the pain of any touch due to the fibromyalgia and the back screw.....so no pressure from any source...water, human touch, etc...

I can only sleep (elevated hospital bed) for 3-5 hours....this is not good. I should be using a CPAP machine to help me breathe at night but thats a whole other story.

So, I am a mess.

I do take Lyrica for pain but at 150mg twice a day it only JUST 'masks' some of the pain. Lyrica was just passed by the FDA as a drug for fibromyalgia, it is actually for diabetics nerve pain but does have success with fibro too. I have been on every drug my drs. could think of for pain including narcotics and opiates...they didn't work. At least Lyrica is doing something.

Again, thank you for thinking of me and if you think of some other exercise please mention it.


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The report below came from John Hopkins health Alerts. Thought you all would be interested in itfaint.gif

A revealing study published in the International Journal of Obesity (online edition, June 27, 2006) highlighted 10 reasons why Americans are fat. The study explained that too much food and a lack of exercise are not the only factors contributing to obesity. They identified 10 other possibilities:

  • Weight gain factor 1. Less sleep.< /strong> We’ve gone from an average of nine to seven hours of sleep a night; sleep deprivation is linked to a more robust appetite.
  • Weight gain factor 2. Pesticides and other chemicals in foods. These substances can change hormonal activity, which can boost body fat
  • Weight gain factor 3. Air conditioning and heating. We don’t sweat and shiver as much as our ancestors, so we don’t burn as many calories.
  • Weight gain factor 4. Fewer smokers Nicotine is an appetite suppressant.
  • Weight gain factor 5. Greater use of medications, such as antidepressants and diabetes drugs, which have weight gain as a potential side effect.
  • Weight gain factor 6. Population changes. There are now more older people as well as more Hispanics in the United States, and these groups have higher rates of obesity.[/font]
  • Weight gain factor 7. Older birth mothers, whose children are more prone to excess weight gain than the offspring of younger mothers.
  • Weight gain factor 8. Genetics. Obese moms may pass the trait onto their children in utero.
  • Weight gain factor 9. Higher body weight = greater fertility. Heavy people produce more offspring than thinner people.
  • Weight gain factor 10. Assortative mating. Heavy people tend to mate with each other and produce heavy children.

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Thanks for posting this. I find it very, very interesting. :biggrin1:

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Hi, everyone!

I haven't posted in a while but am doing pretty well. I also changed my email address two weeks ago and couldn't get emails at either address until today. So I have just finished reading all the past posts.

I did have another episode of nonstop vomiting (this time a day and a half). Of course, I was out of town on business and had to find a clinic in Houston who could do an emergency de-fill for me last Friday. I don't know what causes this as it is the second time it has happened and it was 12 days after my last fill. Anyway, Water still wouldn't go through after they took out 1.0 cc so they took out another 1.0 cc for a total of 2.0cc. Of course, now I can eat a lot...

Hope everyone's Thanksgiving went well. I opted not to cook this year and we went to the Gaylord Resort with a group of 13 of us. It was fabulous buffet and we stayed for 2 3/4 hours which worked well for me as I ate a little bit, waited a while, then ate a little bit more. Never even felt uncomfortable. DH was worried about me not getting our money's worth but I think I did just fine. Then it was on to the Cowboy/Jets game where it snowed! So it was not our usual traditional day, but a fun one, nonetheless.

I have 7 more pounds to Onederland and would love to make it by year end. Are you all as anxious as I am about the Holiday food-fest this year? I don't want to nibble my weight back. Any plan of defense??

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Hi, everyone!

I haven't posted in a while but am doing pretty well. I also changed my email address two weeks ago and couldn't get emails at either address until today. So I have just finished reading all the past posts.

I have 7 more pounds to Onederland and would love to make it by year end. Are you all as anxious as I am about the Holiday food-fest this year? I don't want to nibble my weight back. Any plan of defense??

HRLady - Defense is just to stay away from it for me... I was just reading and artical about eat low gylicmic (sp) low sugar cutting out white stuff basicially - eat brown breads, rice, etc - stated the more sugar you eat the more you want and the more your body stores as fat. I make xmas Cookies w/my DGDs but this yr it will be at their house and i can only bring a couple home - they are my downfall - i will eat xmas cookies 24/7 (sugar cookies w/frosting). I am lucky at the office - I am in a different wing so not really exposed to all the sweets that come in during the holidays (lunch room on the west side of the building and I am in the east wing) and i know myself well enough that if I start - i won't stop - so I just won't start... Plus I am almost in onelander and i will be so jazzed to get there so that's motivation enought.

I go back to dr on 12/19 but even if i need a fill (right now maybe just a tad) sweets go right thru - i had a piece of cake yesterday ;) but didn't bring any home and have been exercising every day this past week (i am on vacation this past week and next and go every morning arount 7 or 8 a.m.) Exercise is another defense if you eat some treats make yourself exercise 1/2 for each treat - if you hate exercise as much as i do then you will stay away from the treats:p

Saying no makes you in control and not the food - it's empowering to me to win over stupid food...

Good Luck...

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Hi IndioGirl55

I am also convinced that sugar is the root of all evil dietwise. When I started on the weight loss surgery journey I decided that I would cut out all sweets, cakes, Cookies and chocolate, because as you say the more you eat, the more you want and in my opinion it increases appetite for other things.

I am not fanatical, I still eat fruit which has natural sugar in it and I do not scour labels to find if things have a little bit of sugar in them such as baked Beans. I have anout 15 lbs to go before onederland, but really looking forward to getting there.

Good luck with getting to your onederland

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:hungry:Follow the glycemic index for food. Stay away from processed food like white bread and white rice. Eliminate poatoesand bananas. You want to eat food that doesn't spike your blood suger and send you into food cravings......of course this is HARD to do during the holidays.

:sickAnyone know anything about high creatinine levels in blood? I've just been through some blood tests and 24 urine collection test. Turns out that my kidneys aren't elimating much of the creatinine from my blood. Will be seeing a specialist. Scares the shit out of me..........if I had to go on dialysis :cry

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Creatinine isn't a measure of something in your blood or urine, it is a measure of kidney function. Sometimes medication can make this go high or a number of other factors. Having a high creatinine does NOT mean you have to go on dialysis, that is a last resort. Sometimes dialysis is done but is temporary untiol the causing problem is fixed. It means there is something going on that needs to be evaluated. Hang in there and I hope that all goes well for you.

Sue Stenzel

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the discussion of refined sugars speaks to me. I havent' been doing well and only have 2 fills completed, haven't reached the "sweet spot". I find that once I eat high sugar food, I want more, more, more. And, I can't control it, if it's in the house, I want to eat it. Had a discussion with hubby this week, do not bring that kind of food in the house, can't resist it. Didn't help, came home with pie within a couple of hours :-(


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Hi IndioGirl55

I am also convinced that sugar is the root of all evil dietwise. When I started on the weight loss surgery journey I decided that I would cut out all sweets, cakes, Cookies and chocolate, because as you say the more you eat, the more you want and in my opinion it increases appetite for other things. I am not fanatical, I still eat fruit which has natural sugar in it and I do not scour labels to find if things have a little bit of sugar in them such as baked Beans. I have anout 15 lbs to go before onederland, but really looking forward to getting there.

Good luck with getting to your onederland

Ingyrob- I had 2nd Thanksgiving w/my son & his family yesterday - another piece of choc cake - OMG last night just wanted to eat eat eat.

I don't scour labels either and I still eat white rice and potatoes but I have to stay away from sweets - I really was missing eating last night and was half a$$ wondering why i got banded.... It was so much easier being fat (well I still am fat but you know what i mean)... This was just a temp lapse in my mental state - but OMG - I am really going to miss xmas cookies and tamales - I know i can eat them in small quainties but they are high calorie foods and my lifestyle change is to eat low calories. But I miss my FRIEND (food) sometimes - I know it's not my friend but you understand what I am saying

:hungry:Follow the glycemic index for food. Stay away from processed food like white bread and white rice. Eliminate poatoesand bananas. You want to eat food that doesn't spike your blood suger and send you into food cravings......of course this is HARD to do during the holidays.

:sickAnyone know anything about high creatinine levels in blood? I've just been through some blood tests and 24 urine collection test. Turns out that my kidneys aren't elimating much of the creatinine from my blood. Will be seeing a specialist. Scares the shit out of me..........if I had to go on dialysis :cry

NMSunshine - Can't help with the creatininne - but don't panic until after you see the doc...

the discussion of refined sugars speaks to me. I havent' been doing well and only have 2 fills completed, haven't reached the "sweet spot". I find that once I eat high sugar food, I want more, more, more. And, I can't control it, if it's in the house, I want to eat it. Had a discussion with hubby this week, do not bring that kind of food in the house, can't resist it. Didn't help, came home with pie within a couple of hours :-(


Sue - I would KILL HIM :(:):omg::P

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the discussion of refined sugars speaks to me. I havent' been doing well and only have 2 fills completed, haven't reached the "sweet spot". I find that once I eat high sugar food, I want more, more, more. And, I can't control it, if it's in the house, I want to eat it. Had a discussion with hubby this week, do not bring that kind of food in the house, can't resist it. Didn't help, came home with pie within a couple of hours :-(


I would sit down with this man and have a long talk. Why is he sabotaging you? If he just wants some pie, fine, he can keep it in the car and eat it when you are not around. Sugar is my downfall too, and my husband came home with ice cream and candy right after I was banded. I yelled and he either threw it out or hid it somewhere, which is fine with me. He does have this passive-aggressive thing going too, which means he frequently reminds me of what he is giving up for me, but I can't let that get to me. I just smile sweetly and tell him that marriage is always a sacrifice for both people.

A lot of us have enabling spouses just like alcoholics, who pretend to be treating us with things we love (booze or sugar), while they really have another agenda entirely.

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herghost :)

Thanks so for the information. It sure helps cleaify this creatinine thing. My doc did say that maybe my kidneys just needed a rest and then they would jump back in there. That's what I'm hoping for.


I'm OK with most of the sugar thing, just don't bring chocolate around me! And if anyone gives me chocolates for xmas :(

I've discovered that if I keep plenty of diet popcycles around, it helps. Also found this diet, sugar free Breyers frozen Fudge bars really fill the need for a yummy craving without triggering sugar cravings. They have 100 calories a bar.

I use to buy those Atkins low carb bars, but I quit because I just ate too many of them.

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Hi Everyone,

I haven't posted for awhile, kind of depressed with my lack of loss. I was in the carb cycle after a vacation to Mexico I found that booze really revs up the carb cravings too. Especially rum, because wine gives me a headache. Oh well, I'm on the wagon again, didn't even do badly after Thanksgiving.

Even with the band, I am left with my eating "issues" wanting more, more, more to fill a lonely heart, boredom, anxiety - you name it I react to it. I have decided that we are all very sensitive to our environments inside and outside. The defenses I have used is through insulation, over saturation, going into sugar numbness to protect myself. I've been in therapy for five years, exercising for four and now doing acupuncture for about a year. I do think there is light at the end of the tunnel, but there isn't any magic, for me. At least with my band, when things get off, I am not gaining great sums of weight! Yeah! That alone has given me a chance to breathe again. With the band I just stall for awhile.

Happy Thanksgiving to all - I am so grateful to you bandsters. It is wonderful to talk with people who understand and "get me."


Michelle from Denver

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I am not sure if this is true, but I read somewhere that it takes eight weeks to break a habit. So if sugary things can be avoided for that time it might help people break the habit of eating sweet things. However I know that it is easier said than done.

I feel sugar cravings are on a par with alcoholism and we have to give sugar up completely. It is a terrible ordeal but it has to be done. I have given up sweets etc since I was banded on June 21st 2007 and now I am scared to taste any at all. I feel that if I have just one sweet or chocolate I will not be able to stop and I do not want that. I am getting good though. About this time of the year we have very large tins of sweets and choclates being sold very cheaply in the supermarkets. I bought two of these tins for my co-workers and did not have any myself and now my husband has won another tin of sweets and they will go to my co-workers as well. They all eats loads of sweets etc and none of them are overweight.

I know I sound like a "goody two shoes" and to be honest I do feel quite pleased with myself, but on the other hand I could fall off the wagon at any time and then I will feel a fool boasting about it. I musn't get too smug.

Sorry about this being long

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You should be proud of yourself. Sweets are like alchohlism. I am able to have artificial sweeteners, which is a relief. If you do find yourself going off the 'wagon' you need to get back on the next day. That is how it works for me.

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Happy Birthday Phyl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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