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Will Power - Something we thought we didn't have but with the motivation/help of our band we do have some... Isn't that strange?

Maybe a as we go along - our brains are getting banded too??

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We do not see our surgeons post op in the UK, unless we have problems.

Sorry to hear that. If we could do it on our own we would have. Thank God all I have to do is talk with the doctors nurse. They seem to go on what we feel like. They always ask if I am hungry or do I eat Snacks. Sure hope it not terribly hard for you. I will be thinking of you and thanking God I don't have to do it on will.

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Thanks for your kind thoughts Carole. I am, however, going to insist on a fill now because I want to get as much weight off as possible because I am having a two month holiday in Australia. We have a years aftercare included in our self pay and if I do not get a fill before I go to Oz, when I come back I will only have four months to get to my sweet spot before I have to start paying for fills. My big problem is that I keep on losing a good amount of weighteach month, but I am not prepared to stall my weight loss just to get a fill,

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Sorry Carol I spelled your name wrong. One of my close friends is Carole and I just got carried away and added an "e"

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Hi All

Will power is a tough one. Seems that if the key was will power then when we lose weight without the band we'd keep it off. I eat very healthy, whole grains, skim milk, olive oil for fat, fresh fruits and veggies, no sweets, deserts or white bread. Some wine after dinner is my greatest foe. Yet, I've gained a monsterous amount of weight. Seems that I enjoy food and go back for seconds and even thirds if I can. That is what I love about the band restriction. One gets full on very little.

I'm due for 1st fill on Thursday. Appetite is Back to where it was before banding. Flying to San Diego on Thursday for fill in TJ. With those fires, I don't know.

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Will Power - Something we thought we didn't have but with the motivation/help of our band we do have some... Isn't that strange?

Maybe a as we go along - our brains are getting banded too??

That's something to think about, isn't it?! I guess it's easier to have "will power" considering what we have invested in this endeavor: surgery... discomfort, pain, money (in some cases), etc. And, if we've "told", we know we have people watching us to see if we're enjoying some success. And, then there are the "FOOD COPS", like you, Janet! :o And, my DH, my live-in food Cop! I may resent that at times, but he's really a partner in this with me and I appreciate the part he is playing. He helps keep me on track, fixes most of my food, etc. We plan our meals together. And he's on my case if I'm snacking too much or snacking on the wrong things. And he's reminds of what I went through having this surgery.

So, there are a lot of things contributing to our new found "will power", I think.

I had some unusual conversations regarding my surgical bills today, BTW. I've been checking on my claims online... Medicare and Tricare. I found that besides about $200 I was billed for the surgeon, my entire hospital claim, $17K+, was denied by Medicare. So, I've been following up on that all week. Today Medicare called me back and after a considerable length of time on the phone waiting for the claims person to research why it was denied, I was told that the hospital filed the claim using a code that is intended for automatic denial. So, she told me to call them and have them change the code and re-submit. So, I did that this afternoon and the hospital billing person looked up my account and told me that, yes, it was denied by Medicare so they wrote off the remainder of the bill (Tricare paid $527), and my balance was zero! Huh?? So they don't want to get paid by Medicare??? Okay! Whatever! I tried, didn't I?? As long as I don't have a balance, I guess I'll let them bite the bullet! My Tricare EOB stated that I was going to have to pay about $2500. Don't you just have to shake your head and wonder about the "system" sometimes?? I mean, Medicare is ready and willing to pay their part but the hospital says, "No. That's okay. We just wrote it off."

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That's something to think about, isn't it?! I guess it's easier to have "will power" considering what we have invested in this endeavor: surgery... discomfort, pain, money (in some cases), etc. And, if we've "told", we know we have people watching us to see if we're enjoying some success. And, then there are the "FOOD COPS", like you, Janet! :) And, my DH, my live-in food Cop! I may resent that at times, but he's really a partner in this with me and I appreciate the part he is playing. He helps keep me on track, fixes most of my food, etc. We plan our meals together. And he's on my case if I'm snacking too much or snacking on the wrong things. And he's reminds of what I went through having this surgery.

So, there are a lot of things contributing to our new found "will power", I think.

I had some unusual conversations regarding my surgical bills today, BTW. I've been checking on my claims online... Medicare and Tricare. I found that besides about $200 I was billed for the surgeon, my entire hospital claim, $17K+, was denied by Medicare. So, I've been following up on that all week. Today Medicare called me back and after a considerable length of time on the phone waiting for the claims person to research why it was denied, I was told that the hospital filed the claim using a code that is intended for automatic denial. So, she told me to call them and have them change the code and re-submit. So, I did that this afternoon and the hospital billing person looked up my account and told me that, yes, it was denied by Medicare so they wrote off the remainder of the bill (Tricare paid $527), and my balance was zero! Huh?? So they don't want to get paid by Medicare??? Okay! Whatever! I tried, didn't I?? As long as I don't have a balance, I guess I'll let them bite the bullet! My Tricare EOB stated that I was going to have to pay about $2500. Don't you just have to shake your head and wonder about the "system" sometimes?? I mean, Medicare is ready and willing to pay their part but the hospital says, "No. That's okay. We just wrote it off."

On the will power - as I see it we do have it - we say we don't cuz then we wouldn't need the band - that's not necessarily so - we have all lost weight before - that means we did stick to a diet at one time in our lives

Yes we all gained it back and then some - That's not necessarily lack of will power but falling back into old habits just a little at a time. Oh this extra taco isn't going to but 40 lbs back on it's ok to eat it - those cookie - that we started out only going to eat one and then the bag is gone. we gain 5 lbs - do go for a while eating healthy some of the time but slipping more and more and then gain 5 more - so on and so on..til it's all back and then some - and then we are so disgusted with ourselves again - cuz this last time we lost the weight we said "WE WILL NEVER RE-GAIN IT" as it was too hard to loose... We get hopeless. We think that we should be able to eat like we do and enjoy our food and be thin at the same time... We feel so cheated - cuz we look at our thin friends and it seems like they can eat any and everything and stay thin (a rare few do but those are the rare cases) but our thin friends don't eat like we do - cuz most of us are closet eater - people don't really see you eating 3rd serving of dinner at night or getting up and eating a half a bag of cookie or a bag of candy - not one candy bar but 2 or 3 King Size, socity is to blame too - super size this -All you can eat buffets. We play little mental games with ourselves... We can't do - it's too hard why can't i be like Suzie.. But that girl who eats a big lunch isn't eating a big dinner with desert too and then another dinner before bed...

But you know what "We can do it " "We are doing it" We have a great tool that does help you eat smaller meals but we all are working hard using our will power to make healthy food choices. We could be still making bad food choices even with the band but we all went through alot to get this tool - We are trying to figure out why we ate - what are triggers are and how to deal with them other than food. LADIES we are learning a new lifestyle - which I don't think we really did in any other diet we went on - we just figured that we would follow the diet and once the weight was gone we could go back to eating our way. For once in our lives we are really working the program we understand that if we want to succeed at this that we have to eat healthy for the rest of our lives - not just until the weight is off but forever.. We can have that cake - candy - but only every now and then. With the band we can't over eat a 240z steak - a large baked potato with the works - half a loaf of bread dinner salad & Soup Plus desert. The band will stop that binge for sure even if you don't have alot of restriction,..:embarassed:

We have this site which we didn't have before - it's made up of FAT women & men - people just like us - who understands our addiction to food which is physicolocgical and not phyical. We can talk to each other - we understand each other - We are on this journey together we are here to support each other - give a helping hand when needed and slap (from me:biggrin1:) when needed. Ladies we really do have will power we have just convinced ourselves that we didn't - but we do - look at us lucky #7's. We are STRONG women - we are on our road to recovery - 10 lbs by Turkey Day... That's will power - Lucky #7 Will Power. & over 50+ will power (and us older ones are a tad smarter than the young ones - age does have it's benifits)...

Ok - the story above is mine - but i bet there is more than one other person out there who felt the same way as i did/do... We all are different but again we are all alike...

Well enought of my rant ....

Phyl :clap2: at least you aren't responsible - our whole medical system needs revamping and your story is proof...

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I have found it really difficult to find that illusive sweet spot. I was too tight and had a really hard time eating. So I had him take a little bit out. I found found that it's not an exact science as to how much he thinks he puts in or takes out since he does use the fluro.

Now I can basically eat whatever I want again. I just try to eat as little as possible.

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I also think we have a great deal of will power. How many slim people do you know who could go for weeks or even months without eating solid food, only having Protein Shakes. I once challenged a slim person to do it, she fell by the wayside at lunchtime following starting at Breakfast. I know we fatties are like that as well, but we have to deprive ourselves of the things we like all the time.

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well I'm back from Mexico BUT I don't have any restriction at all. My Dr requires 3 days liquid after a fill so today is my first day on solids. I had some scrambled eggs for breakfast - no problem eating them and I know I ate more than a quarter cup - probably a half. :faint:I am so glad you all have been talking about will power because it looks like that is what I will have to rely on AGAIN - STILL!

Oh has anyone heard of the port being aligned wrong? Apparently mine was perpendicular instead of horizontal and the Dr. had to push and prod to get it where he could insert the needle. ouch! well i am off to figure out what not to eat for lunch.:cry

oh he put in 2cc


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well I'm back from Mexico BUT I don't have any restriction at all. My Dr requires 3 days liquid after a fill so today is my first day on solids. I had some scrambled eggs for breakfast - no problem eating them and I know I ate more than a quarter cup - probably a half. :faint:I am so glad you all have been talking about will power because it looks like that is what I will have to rely on AGAIN - STILL!

Oh has anyone heard of the port being aligned wrong? Apparently mine was perpendicular instead of horizontal and the Dr. had to push and prod to get it where he could insert the needle. ouch! well i am off to figure out what not to eat for lunch.:cry

oh he put in 2cc


I too just got my 2nd fill - and don't have as much restriction as i would like - just ate a cup of cream pinto bean Soup - and still hungry -

Don't know about port being aligned wrong - I know that the doc had a heck of a time finding the soft spot the 1st time but yesterday got it after the 2nd stick (he numbs you first) i'm not scheduled to go back until the 19th of December - I am suppose to be on the same diet as when 1st banded liquids mushiee soft regular - each one week :embarassed::)

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Hi Ya'll,

Just had my 1st setback. :cry

I have been trying to have my LapBand done at River Oaks Hospital but found out they have not been aproved "YET" by Medicare for Medicare to pay for it. I can't afford it if that is not done . It should be approved but no telling when.

I went to a semanar at CMMC 3-4 months ago and they were in the process to be approved by Medicare for Medicare to pay for it. I'm going to check with them soon to see how it's going there.

Other than that, "I'm ready".

Glad to see another person on the Mississippi thread.


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Hi Don

When I tried to find a Medicare approved facility in Oregon there were only 2 - both in Portland. One of the facilities I contacted said they have been told that they are almost approved. Another facility said that one of the criteria for being approved is the number of surgeries they have done. OR is a rural state so they didn't forsee getting approved anytime soon. But here is the important part - The Medicare approved facilities are scheduling medicare payments 2 and 3 years out. I am sure it is because they can get more money from other insureds as Medicare is notorious for low payments.

I decided that I couldn't wait that long so I took out a loan and went to Mexico. Good Luck in your search.


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Hi Ya'll,</p> <p> Just had my 1st setback. <img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/depressed.gif" border="0" alt="" title="cry" smilieid="49" class="inlineimg" /></p> <p> I have been trying to have my LapBand done at River Oaks Hospital but found out they have not been aproved "YET" by Medicare for Medicare to pay for it. I can't afford it if that is not done . It should be approved but no telling when. </p> <p> I went to a semanar at CMMC 3-4 months ago and they were in the process to be approved by Medicare for Medicare to pay for it. I'm going to check with them soon to see how it's going there.</p> <p> Other than that, "I'm ready". </p> <p> Glad to see another person on the Mississippi thread.</p> <p> </p> <p>Don
</p> <p>Hi Don</p> <p> When I tried to find a Medicare approved facility in Oregon there were only 2 - both in Portland. One of the facilities I contacted said they have been told that they are almost approved. Another facility said that one of the criteria for being approved is the number of surgeries they have done. OR is a rural state so they didn't forsee getting approved anytime soon. But here is the important part - The Medicare approved facilities are scheduling medicare payments 2 and 3 years out. I am sure it is because they can get more money from other insureds as Medicare is notorious for low payments. </p> <p>I decided that I couldn't wait that long so I took out a loan and went to Mexico. Good Luck in your search.</p> <p>Nance</p>

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I would plan a trip to Mexico $7500.00, your age might be against you? I heard 65 was the oldest (Not sure) in the States. It is your health, $7500 is not the end of the world.

It was hard for me also, but it was the best $7500 I have spent. I am 60 and I am losing weight, and not gaining it back.

Good Luck

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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