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How is weight loss for people over 50?

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I like playing mah jongg on the computer. I can get really adicted to this. Same thing goes for Scrabble and Boggle. I don't play well with others, though; I am too impatient!

Nice to see you back, DynamoMini.


If you think you might be interested in online Scrabble, I know of a site where you can play with others for $10/year. You take your turn and then send it back. They have Scrabble & Super Scrabble. Super Scrabble can be played with up to 6 people. The board is twice as big & 200 letters instead of 100. If you want to try a game, I think you can play once for free. Then you pay the $10 if you want to continue. PM me with your email address if you want to try a game & I'll start a game with you. I play with my three sisters, mom, friends, daughter-in-law, granddaughter, etc! It's great fun.

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Hi Everyone,

We do get impatient with one of our players who seems to have a lot of brain freezes, and loses her place in the game. She wins as often as the rest of us tho'. LOL

Well it is cold here in Denver. Do any of you feel the cold more as you lose weight?

I am painting four little pictures of coffee mugs for my mah jongg group. We always do handmade gifts. However, we have postponed the giving until January, because many haven't gotten to it this year. It is fun to see what each of us comes up with.

Happy Sunday! OMG I had better get to bed I have to teach tomorrow - I mean today at 9.


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Thanks for the quick assessment of the game, Dynamo! It sounds great. I used to play Bridge all the time and loved it. My problem was with the people who took the game too seriously and ruined it for others. There's definitely a place for serious Bridge, but at a social gathering isn't one of them.

I read that Green plays Mah Jongg sometimes online. I'll go there and see if I can get a better feeling for the game. It sure sounds intriguing.

Btw, the DH and I got one of those revolving Scrabble boards a few years ago and it makes that game much more fun. We haven't had it out in a while, so glad you reminded me. Thanks phyll.

Phyll, I used to live in Sierra vista, AZ. Where do you mostly RV in AZ? It's been 20+ years since Sierra Vista and I still miss it sometimes. The weather is ideal (to my thinking) in the high desert.

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Thanks for the quick assessment of the game, Dynamo! It sounds great. I used to play Bridge all the time and loved it. My problem was with the people who took the game too seriously and ruined it for others. There's definitely a place for serious Bridge, but at a social gathering isn't one of them.

I read that Green plays Mah Jongg sometimes online. I'll go there and see if I can get a better feeling for the game. It sure sounds intriguing.

Btw, the DH and I got one of those revolving Scrabble boards a few years ago and it makes that game much more fun. We haven't had it out in a while, so glad you reminded me. Thanks phyll.

Phyll, I used to live in Sierra vista, AZ. Where do you mostly RV in AZ? It's been 20+ years since Sierra Vista and I still miss it sometimes. The weather is ideal (to my thinking) in the high desert.


We were all over AZ the first year of retirement: Bullhead City, Lake Havasu, a few weeks in Needles CA. But our last stop that trip was here in Desert Hot Springs CA and we fell in love with Sky Valley Resort so we've been coming here every winter since then for 4 months. We love the weather here, except when the wind blows like crazy!! It did that over the weekend. So we went shopping!

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Hi Girls,

I'll turn 60 in February!

I got my band on April 3, 2007. Best decision I've every made. My weight prior to pre-op fasting was 231. (BMI 39.4) Current weight is 196. Now that I've had a second fill of 2.1cc's I'm losing about 1.5-2 lbs/week. I'm very happy with that! I walk about 3 miles/4X's a week.

Just remember that the decreasing measurements are more important than the scale.< /p>

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I am currently struggling a lot with head hunger. I want that last 15 lbs gone and I know what I need to do, but it's been hard to not eat the wrong things. I am glad I am getting a fill soon. Maybe if I had that full feeling that a fill gives me, I won't feel like snacking so much.

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Denise - What is your eating plan?

I was almost perfect for a week and I have barely lost a pound that I had gained in Oct. I am really struggling and frustrated. I am not sure it is a fill, altho' I haven't had one since July. I sometimes PB, I just don't know. Perhaps the Lean Cuisine Alfedo, glass of wine, piece of bread are too many carbs even if I am within a caloric intake that is below my resting metabolic rate.



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Denise - What is your eating plan?

I was almost perfect for a week and I have barely lost a pound that I had gained in Oct. I am really struggling and frustrated. I am not sure it is a fill, altho' I haven't had one since July. I sometimes PB, I just don't know. Perhaps the Lean Cuisine Alfedo, glass of wine, piece of bread are too many carbs even if I am within a caloric intake that is below my resting metabolic rate.Help??Michelle


It just might be too many carbs - typical daily food

BF - 2 eggs or egg beater - or Yogurt with 1/4 c granola - or 1 weight control oatmeal.< /strong>

Lunch - turkey chili Beans 1 cup or cup of veggies & little can of tuna or Soup.< /strong>

Dinner - 4 or 5 oz fish - 1/2 cup rice or red baked potatoes and veggies

Snacks - sf yogurt - or sf pudding or sf fudgecicle.

I eat carbs (don't count veggie or fruit - just rice Pasta bread etc as carb) - but not alot and i rarely drink - and when I do have a sandwich or toast I buy lite bread. (40 caloires a slice)

I would cut the wine and piece of bread and add veggies and a salad... imho :)

Are you exercising?? drinking your Water? ??

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We'll be on Christmas break soon. I want to lose 10 pounds by Jan 3rd. Our family time is Thanksgiving, so if I'm good about not bringing home any sweets (I usually am...it's the dh I worry about), watch my bad carbs and use the treadmill regularly, I'm hoping I'll make it. But at our age...my metabolism has never been stellar, so we'll have to see.

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:omg:I took the plunge! Are you sitting down? I did some weight training exercises last night, about 25 minutes! yeah THEN, I got up at 4:30 (that's AM) and it took awhile to get myself to do it, but did 20 minutes on my exercise bike! Hope I can walk tomorrow without knee pain....but I finally got started. Surgery is in 5 weeks, I know it will help if I'm stronger for the recovery process. Just had to share. I haven't moved in way too long.

Hope you all have a great day! I think maybe I found some of those endorphin guys! Maybe?

I am currently struggling a lot with head hunger. I want that last 15 lbs gone and I know what I need to do, but it's been hard to not eat the wrong things. I am glad I am getting a fill soon. Maybe if I had that full feeling that a fill gives me, I won't feel like snacking so much.

Denise! Hang in there! Only a week until your fill!

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Denise - What is your eating plan?

I was almost perfect for a week and I have barely lost a pound that I had gained in Oct. I am really struggling and frustrated. I am not sure it is a fill, altho' I haven't had one since July. I sometimes PB, I just don't know. Perhaps the Lean Cuisine Alfedo, glass of wine, piece of bread are too many carbs even if I am within a caloric intake that is below my resting metabolic rate.



I feel your pain. I haven't lost anything in months and have gain a few lbs. I saw my doctor today and go another fill and I'm now at 3.9. I really hoping this will do the trick. I need to keep better track of my carb which I know I get to much. I have had very little restriction. So maybe you need to get a fill and see if that would jump start you weight lost again.

Just wanted you to know that you are not alone. We are here for you.

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We'll be on Christmas break soon. I want to lose 10 pounds by Jan 3rd. Our family time is Thanksgiving, so if I'm good about not bringing home any sweets (I usually am...it's the dh I worry about), watch my bad carbs and use the treadmill regularly, I'm hoping I'll make it. But at our age...my metabolism has never been stellar, so we'll have to see.

Way to go Crabcake - 10 lbs by 1/3 :clap2: I am just aiming for 1 lb a week for the month of December...

:omg:I took the plunge! Are you sitting down? I did some weight training exercises last night, about 25 minutes! yeah THEN, I got up at 4:30 (that's AM) and it took awhile to get myself to do it, but did 20 minutes on my exercise bike! Hope I can walk tomorrow without knee pain....but I finally got started. Surgery is in 5 weeks, I know it will help if I'm stronger for the recovery process. Just had to share. I haven't moved in way too long.

Hope you all have a great day! I think maybe I found some of those endorphin guys! Maybe?Denise! Hang in there! Only a week until your fill!

Luvsrocks - Good for you - I did this too - well not 5 weeks prior to surgery but a couple of weeks before.

I feel your pain. I haven't lost anything in months and have gain a few lbs. I saw my doctor today and go another fill and I'm now at 3.9. I really hoping this will do the trick. I need to keep better track of my carb which I know I get to much. I have had very little restriction. So maybe you need to get a fill and see if that would jump start you weight lost again. Just wanted you to know that you are not alone. We are here for you.

Carol - Hope this fill gets you to your sweet spot - It helps cuz once you have eaten your Protein first not much room for those nasty carbs :)

Denise - Head Hunger - OMG this is what the whole battle is about - even with proper restriction - head hunger rules. I have problems with this alot especially at night - but the only thing that really helps is that i don't have the bad stuff in the house and only cook single servings (sometime I do have lunch leftovers especially if I make a one pot wonder) but I will find myself - looking - looking for more to eat cuz it taste so good..

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1st Step: Admiting There's a Problem<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

<HR style="COLOR: #e9e9e9" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message --><!-- google_ad_section_start -->Ok so through-out this whole process I have never admitted to myself that I have a problem. I have moaned and groaned to myself about how my restriction isnt good and I haven't lost my last 20-25 pounds. But I came to the realization that I am choosing to be over weight. I now know the band isnt going to do all of the work for me. I choose to eat too much.. I choose to not exersize enough.. I choose to let my hubby sabatosh me.. I dont have to do any of it. I dont have to eat food because its around and I can exersize more. So I have decided today to choose to be thin. No matter how hard it is and even if my band doesnt work as well as other people, I can do it anyway. I dont need great restriction to get off my ass and move around more. So what have I been waiting for? I suppose inside I wasnt really ready but I am choosing to be ready today and tomarrow and the next day. Restriction or not

This was a thread posted by gummiebear - I think that it was great and would share with the rest of you in case you didn't catch it...<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

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1st Step: Admiting There's a Problem<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

<HR style="COLOR: #e9e9e9" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message --><!-- google_ad_section_start -->Ok so through-out this whole process I have never admitted to myself that I have a problem. I have moaned and groaned to myself about how my restriction isnt good and I haven't lost my last 20-25 pounds. But I came to the realization that I am choosing to be over weight. I now know the band isnt going to do all of the work for me. I choose to eat too much.. I choose to not exersize enough.. I choose to let my hubby sabatosh me.. I dont have to do any of it. I dont have to eat food because its around and I can exersize more. So I have decided today to choose to be thin. No matter how hard it is and even if my band doesnt work as well as other people, I can do it anyway. I dont need great restriction to get off my ass and move around more. So what have I been waiting for? I suppose inside I wasnt really ready but I am choosing to be ready today and tomarrow and the next day. Restriction or not

This was a thread posted by gummiebear - I think that it was great and would share with the rest of you in case you didn't catch it...<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

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Your right this whole thing is a learning process. Everyday I learn something, I don't alway do what I learn. I know that I need to excersise more, but I choose not to. I know the band can't do it all, but I want it to. Yes your are right, we make the choices and the choices make us.

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Hi All,

I have been trying to watch what I eat since Nov. 12 (the day of the 3 hour intro to banding). The doctor said if he starts the banding and can't move the liver because it is still too enlarged/rigid he will simply close and put the person back on a diet until the liver has shrunk. I took this as a GOOD message to start count/measuring my food intake.

When I began this landing process I topped the scale at 300....today at my dr. appt. I weigh 285.2.....sweet!!!!

I use the calculator at the Sparkpeople.com site to tell me how many calories, fat, carb, Protein I eat per day...I am trying to 1200 cal. per day....because I am disabled I cannot get the exercise that most others can. The doctor said if you count one calorie per each pound you weight that's how many calories you are eating per day to stay at that weight!!! When I weighed 300 I then must have been eating 3000 calories a day to maintain that weight. So I figure if my goal weight is 150 pounds I should only eat 1500 caleries a day and eventually I will weigh 150 pounds.

How simple does that sound?!!! Carol:nervous

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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