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How is weight loss for people over 50?

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When I lived in Los Angeles, the Santa Anas would come in periodically and it would make me sooooo irritable! It was like someone had rubbed sandpaper across my skin!

And I know just where you're coming from w/ the 'trying to play it smart' feeling...there are times when I'd just like to give whoever I'm talking to a big raspberry! There's this lady I work w/ who I sincerely believe thinks she is the effin' center of the universe! Everything is...'we're doing this this weekend' and 'my son/daughter/grandchild did this yesterday'. Even when she asks if you had a nice evening or weekend, it's usually so she'll have a good segue into what she's done. Sometimes I just want to say...who cares? Do you really think I care???? You're just NOT that interesting!!!

Ok, where did that come from? :) Sorry. Must have been building up! Oh, I know...it's those durn Santa Anas...they're affecting me even here in Alabama!

Not to mention I had a fill and a weigh in yesterday and it didn't go as I'd hoped it would. I shouldn't complain, afterall, I did lose 3 pounds...but on the other hand, I ONLY LOST 3 POUNDS!!! And the worst thing is, it's all my own fault.

Indio, my weight keeps bouncing from 199 up to 202+ and slowly back again. It's psychological I'm sure. You're probably the same way. My pants are hanging off my bum (which I LOVE btw!) but then my nurse asked me if I was exercising and I had to admit...I'm a SLUG!!! :) Really. I HATE exercise!!!

I finally broke down and changed my goal weight in my signature to 150 as opposed to 135...I mean I'd LOVE to weigh 135...but frankly...I'd LOVE to weigh 150 too! :)

I'll stop now. Thank you ladies for allowing me to vent!

Ok Crabcake - The way I figured my goal weight is that 130 at my age with having been fat for so many yrs would look so ugly.... I carry my weight well even for being short 5'4 (it's pretty much all over equally distrubated) I'm 211 and look about 180 (per my gf) At 170 I will look like 140 - after I get to 170 - I will see how i feel and look and then may try for 160-150 - but heck getting to 170 is losing 80 frickin pounds and I don't want to make that # so big that it seems insirmountable (sp)...

I think we all have friends who think it's all about them... I have a gf here at work who is just a cry baby boobie - she is a taker not a giver and sometimes that just bugs me so very much - example - She is the friend who i expected to come and see me in the hospital after surgery - well she never showed. I went and visited her when she was in the hospital. She sent flowers after i got home and that was suppose to make up for not making the effort. I am always supporting her - cheering her up - but she never recipocates - she never noticed yesterday that i was out of sorts - but by comparrision - a gf who is on the reunion committee did without me saying anything.. I guess that tells you who your TRUE friends are

Last night this one chick would not shut up and let the guy from the class reunion place talk.... She tries so hard to sound smart and important and all she does is make herself sound dumb.

I am just such B*tch....

Congrats on 3lbs - What went wrong with your fill???

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I am just such B*tch....

Congrats on 3lbs - What went wrong with your fill???

You are not!!!

My fill was fine, it's just that I didn't work as hard as I should have last month. So easy to get lazy! I'm super sensitive to the fills, so she'll only put in .5 cc's at a time. She said others have about twice as much as I have this far along. Oh well...

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I think this is why i am blue today - all i have are fat clothes and they make me feel fat - like i haven't lost weight - even though they are baggie - i went shopping a couple of weekends ago - but there was nothing out there that i wanted to spend $$$ on when I know that in another couple of months they will be too big...

You have my sympathy. I have an entire collection of pants which I bought while I have been losing weight that are in a variety of sizes. :) I found the shirt/sweater thing easier to deal with as I do like wearing baggy tops but the pant thing has been a real problem for me - especially because I am kinda picky and once I find something which I like I find it difficult to get rid of it even if I can't wear it anymore. :tired This is stupid on my part. :help: Anyhow, it does seem like I am spending a lot of money on clothing since I got the band. :straight And then I have to deal with all those complicated post-shopping feelings. :phanvan

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I had read this book by Dr. Phil on weight loss and he said one of the first steps is to discard your fat clothes as you lose. It is sort of like burning the bridges. Also I know the baggy clothes thing is because I want to hide my shape. 9 years ago I lost a lot of weight and ended up with this gorgeous figure. I wanted to show it off then. Even started to wear those sexy panties, the ones with the strap in your butt, what do they call them? Well after several years like that I went through the stress of the divorce from hell. Lasted .... truth is it is still going on today. I ended up putting on 70 pounds which on my 5 foot frame looks very obese. The first thing I did when I started gaining the weight back was to dig out my fat clothes.

Oh and all this new fat is around my middle too.

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I had read this book by Dr. Phil on weight loss and he said one of the first steps is to discard your fat clothes as you lose. It is sort of like burning the bridges. Also I know the baggy clothes thing is because I want to hide my shape. 9 years ago I lost a lot of weight and ended up with this gorgeous figure. I wanted to show it off then. Even started to wear those sexy panties, the ones with the strap in your butt, what do they call them? Well after several years like that I went through the stress of the divorce from hell. Lasted .... truth is it is still going on today. I ended up putting on 70 pounds which on my 5 foot frame looks very obese. The first thing I did when I started gaining the weight back was to dig out my fat clothes.

Oh and all this new fat is around my middle too.

I did that the last time I lost 70 pounds. Actually, I gave most of them to my sister who was also losing weight but was a few sizes bigger. I had to ask for them back but she had gained also and couldn't wear them any more. I don't expect it to be as much of a problem this time since I don't plan on regaining the weight, but I didn't "plan" to last time, either. I just ended up having to buy more clothes! It's fun when you're losing and very depressing when you're gaining!

I'm afraid the weight can come back whether the clothes are there or not. And I really tried hard not to regain the weight, too!

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I also cannot part w/ the fat clothes--but finially did!! I now buy all of my clothes at Goodwill--just gave away size 18!!! I gave them to a person that could wear them....so hard to find large sizes, I felt better about having a person actually take them from me with a huge smile!!! It was definately worth the moment!! The thrift store is getting more expensive--especially if the item doesn't fit, so yesterday I bought a pair of jeans at the Eddie Bauer outlet near my house--size 16....and only 7.99!! Wearing them NOW--no more SAVING clothes and they fit and feel great!! Down from 5x!! NEVER thought it would happen,and while it COULD come back (there are no promises) hopefully the band will always work and so will I!!!

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Hi all I haven't posted in a while but I have been reading all your posts (sort of like a Band voyeur) I've been thinking of listing some of my good clothes on ebay. Has anyone ever done that? I have 4 AND 5X because I am now in a 3X (22-24) Yeah.

But I am really worried. I can eat anything and as much as I want. I have lost about 2 lbs a week since my surgery but that is due to pure will power. Unfortunately there were times when I binged. I leave tomorrow to go to MX for my first fill. Do you think I messed us so bad that my band is no longer in place? Also it is a 2 day trip by car and I am meeting my son and family in San Diego for 2 days so food is going to be big temptation during trip. My grandson wants to see the lions and tigers and bears - I want hamburgs and fries OH MY!!

My fill is on Monday morning. Thank God my Dr requires 3 days of liquids after a fill - hopefully that will get me back on track.

I'll let you know how I make out


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Wow Sweetviolet!! You went from a 5x to a 16??? That is so totally awesome! How long have you been banded? I will be banded this coming November 5th by Dr. Moon - Arnot Hospital in Elmira, NY. I'm so excited about it and to see how much you have accomplished is sure encouraging. I'm 50 and was thinking that I might be too old really to have it done. You have a great testimony!


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I also cannot part w/ the fat clothes--but finially did!! I now buy all of my clothes at Goodwill--just gave away size 18!!! I gave them to a person that could wear them....so hard to find large sizes, I felt better about having a person actually take them from me with a huge smile!!! It was definately worth the moment!! The thrift store is getting more expensive--especially if the item doesn't fit, so yesterday I bought a pair of jeans at the Eddie Bauer outlet near my house--size 16....and only 7.99!! Wearing them NOW--no more SAVING clothes and they fit and feel great!! Down from 5x!! NEVER thought it would happen,and while it COULD come back (there are no promises) hopefully the band will always work and so will I!!!

Very, very cool! Congratulations from me.

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Do you think I messed us so bad that my band is no longer in place?


Nance, I think this is pretty normal for right before your first fill. Your appetite returns after the surgery. Getting the fill will help you a lot. I wouldn't be too worried.

Enjoy your trip!

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I had read this book by Dr. Phil on weight loss and he said one of the first steps is to discard your fat clothes as you lose. It is sort of like burning the bridges. Also I know the baggy clothes thing is because I want to hide my shape. 9 years ago I lost a lot of weight and ended up with this gorgeous figure. I wanted to show it off then. Even started to wear those sexy panties, the ones with the strap in your butt, what do they call them? Well after several years like that I went through the stress of the divorce from hell. Lasted .... truth is it is still going on today. I ended up putting on 70 pounds which on my 5 foot frame looks very obese. The first thing I did when I started gaining the weight back was to dig out my fat clothes.

Oh and all this new fat is around my middle too.

All my fat was around my middle. I gained it just like my mum. I looked like a spider with an egg sac. :cool: My arms and legs and hands and feet were always pretty boney. But, now that I have lost all this weight my thighs and upper arms - places which were never BIG - have all got this weird old lady skin, that really stringy, fragile-looking, tissue-y type of skin, and I have to have my rings resized. Getting my favourite ring resized is going to cost me far too much cash, a bunch of the stones are pave. All of this makes me want to eat, doncha know. Ergh!:help: And my facelift still feels weird and I have got a cold. blehhhhhhhhhhhh!

I don't think that I am emotionally ready to toss my favourite fatty-pants clothes yet. :rolleyes: They are made out of linen. This is my fave fabric.

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This is where I am hoping for Lap Band magic.... not gain the weight back!

It was the depressing knowledge that I'd just gain the weight back and more that keep me away from diets the last few years. Then I heard about the LapBand =.

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I need to know what type of Protein Shakes do you guys use? There are so many to choose from that I am confused. What about the ones with 40g Protein in each shake? ?:help:

. I bought this giant container of whey protein for muscle builders. It’s called six star body fuel and has 20g’s of protein in each scoop. You could drink that between your meals to boost protein. I use it as a meal. I put a scoop (chocolate flavor) of it in the blender along with a scoop of chocolate slimfast, a cup and ½ of no fat milk and a bunch of ice cubes. Then blend until the ice cubes are crushed. It tastes like a thick chocolate shake (granted you have to push your imagination a little).

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Sweetviolet You went from a 5x to a 16 OMG That just so Fantastic

Nance, I agree with crabcake

I think this is pretty normal for right before your first fill. Your appetite returns after the surgery. Getting the fill will help you a lot. I wouldn't be too worried. Enjoy your trip!

All my fat was around my middle. I gained it just like my mum. I looked like a spider with an egg sac. :cool: My arms and legs and hands and feet were always pretty boney. But, now that I have lost all this weight my thighs and upper arms - places which were never BIG - have all got this weird old lady skin, that really stringy, fragile-looking, tissue-y type of skin, and I have to have my rings resized. Getting my favourite ring resized is going to cost me far too much cash, a bunch of the stones are pave. All of this makes me want to eat, doncha know. Ergh!:help: And my facelift still feels weird and I have got a cold. blehhhhhhhhhhhh!

I don't think that I am emotionally ready to toss my favourite fatty-pants clothes yet. :rolleyes: They are made out of linen. This is my fave fabric.

Green - They do make Linen clothes in smaller sizes too :o and yes arms and legs ugh i can relate I will be happy 170 - may go for 150 - we will see

I need to know what type of Protein Shakes do you guys use? There are so many to choose from that I am confused. What about the ones with 40g Protein in each shake? ?:help:

I used Unjury chocolate & unflavored Protein Powder heres the link Welcome to the UNJURY Homepage - it has 20 grms protein per scoop - i added the unflavored stuff to my Soups - but you gotta let them cool a little cant be above 130 degrees - I would also add 1/2 scoop to coffee in the morning - again let it cool some another great way to get your protein in - I also use it with my yogurt & fruit shakes add a scoop of the unflavored and you are good to go... Also my doc sells some proti15 clear liquid drinks - taste great and they have 15 grms pt... i haven't been able to find them on the web - but found some almost the same and they were good here is the links BariWise Fruit Drinks (7 Servings/Box)

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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