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How is weight loss for people over 50?

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SuzyGayle - I am happy to say that I am coming off my diabetic meds. I was diagnosed about 10 years ago and have taken up to three different meds twice a day. I am down to 1 1/2 pills, with the 1/2 pill the newest reduction. I am hoping that in two months I will be off that pill. Perhaps in the next 30 pounds I'll be able to get off the other one. so you may be really happy with the results, I am.

Denise - how is the fill doing? You have to be able to drink at least, so you may need a little unfill, I was right where you are after my last fill, and it did loosen up just enough. I am at a really good spot.

Hugs and best wishes,


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Denise - how is the fill doing? You have to be able to drink at least, so you may need a little unfill, I was right where you are after my last fill, and it did loosen up just enough. I am at a really good spot.

Hugs and best wishes,


Michelle, how long did it take to loosen up? I am in pain. I can drink Protein

drinks and Water. It feels like a vice grip around my stomach.

I don't mind staying on liquids, I just want the pain to go away. Last

night I could hardly sleep. I kept burping up water and I felt like

I was going to drown.

I have the hic ups a lot and that really hurts too. I just want to know

how long it takes to ease up a little bit. Like I said, I don't want him

messing with my port, but I may have to get an unfill.

Do you remember how long you felt too tight, before it started getting better/

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Denise: You didn't ask me but I'm going to jump in here anyway. You are too restricted. You won't necessarily lose weight if you are too restricted because if you are that tight you won't be able to eat nutritious food and you may wind up eating things that you can get down that will cause you to be extremely hungry. Like ice cream and chocolate.

If you are too restricted, you can harm yourself by PB'ing and coughing so much that your band slips. This is not something that is good to just tough your way through.

I finally found out that my band was too restrictive and that's the main reason I have not been able to lose weight. I thought that the more restricted you were, the quicker you'd lose weight. It just doesn't work that way for most people. And having too much restriction is very hard on you. Don't be afraid to have some of your fill removed. You won't get so dehydrated and hungry and you won't set yourself up for band slippage. Your band should not hurt or cause pain in your esophogus.

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Indiogirl---Thanks for your reply. So far all I've had to do is fill out paper work and have a nutro and psych eval. Get a letter from my pcp and that's it. I'm supposedly waiting for approval now. Pray for me please. I want this so badly. I read alot of your posts and you always are so knowlegable about everything. Very helpful to every one. I hope it works for me as well as it seems to be working for you. I'm watching my diet now and also working out at the gym 4 to 5 times a week just to get into the habit. I've been a slug for awhile. I have about the same amount to lose as you did according to your ticker. This is a great site. I think I've read every post thats on it. Thank you so much for answering.


Thanks you so very much for your kind words - made me tear up a little cuz someone thought i was smart - but I feel that there are smarter and more articulate (sp) women here more than me. I am a plan talker - terrible typist & speller - but am a deep thinkers some times - just an everyday kinda girl.

Do you know how I got so smart about the band??? Here on Lapbandtalk.com and my doctor too. But I learned so much here. I read and read and read all the good and bad possibilities - I have been looking into this for about 2 yrs - Obestyhelp was also another site i was on 1st before i came here and band2gether - I like it here the best.

As far as being helpful - the way I look at it is we are ALL in the same boat - we are all FAT and most of us have been for quite some time. We are all in the same age brackett here - we can all relate to the same things as we were all brought up in the same era - maybe diff circumstands but basically the same.

There is one thing I have learn in my 52 yrs is that everyone is BASICALLY the same in their thoughts - feelings etc - some of us admit to them and some of us have hide them. But we all are human and depending on our life experiences which have colored us as to who we are today, we are all the same (just diff colors due to our diff llife expereinces) - omg i really like that analogy ....

I am just a newbie compare to some of the ladies (bjean - michelle aka dynamomini - green - Denise just to name a few) here and they helped me on my journey to be banded - throught my little scare of breast biospsy - This place is a great support group - infact it is the only one i belong to since being banded - My hospital has one but it's mostly bypass and I feel that being banded is diff and they haven't started one just for banders yet - and this place is some place where you can come daily - not just once a week or month... I am here too much some times when I should be working:eek:

Listen to the advice - and what needs to be stressed the most and usually is - is that the band is only a tool - not the magic answer to our weight issues (and I can tell you - you will get people who think you are taking the easy road )- it's not you have to do most of the work by changing the way you look at food You gotta make alot of changes to how you eat (healthy) excercise - mental issues - the band does 25% of the work you will do the other 75%.

My success has been that I am eating heathly 99% of the time and I have been excercising 5 days a week - that has been my #1 priority it is what comes first - I MUST go to the gym when i get off work and am pissed off if i can't - don't misunderstand - I don't like it much at all - in fact i dislike it (exercise) - but loving the weight loss - so that equate to eating right & exercise - The band has given me the motitvation to do this along with all the people here.

Love & Hugs ;) to you and my lapband Family - cuz that's what they are "family"

Good luck on this journey - Janet

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Denise: You didn't ask me but I'm going to jump in here anyway. You are too restricted. You won't necessarily lose weight if you are too restricted because if you are that tight you won't be able to eat nutritious food and you may wind up eating things that you can get down that will cause you to be extremely hungry. Like ice cream and chocolate.

If you are too restricted, you can harm yourself by PB'ing and coughing so much that your band slips. This is not something that is good to just tough your way through.

I finally found out that my band was too restrictive and that's the main reason I have not been able to lose weight. I thought that the more restricted you were, the quicker you'd lose weight. It just doesn't work that way for most people. And having too much restriction is very hard on you. Don't be afraid to have some of your fill removed. You won't get so dehydrated and hungry and you won't set yourself up for band slippage. Your band should not hurt or cause pain in your esophogus.

Ok Denise - - I agree with Bjean ;) mostly due to the pain issues - i don't think this is suppose to hurt - and you gotta be able to eat some ..

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Thanks BJean, I am not sure yet if I am too restricted. I just got the fill yesterday. Believe me, if things don't improve, I will be running to get an


After I got really afraid that I had a leak, it made me not want to get poked with that needle again. A lot of people had said the tubing can get poked during a fill.

I think I am swollen from the fill. Tonight I ate some cottage cheese and some yogurt. So I am progressing. I'll see how it goes over the next couple of days. So very many people have said they were too tight for the first week, and now it's fine. I just got the fill on friday. Tonight the pain is gone and I am just hungry, so I think I am moving through the stages of a fill. My dr.

always says liquids and mushies the first few days of a fill. If I have any problems on Monday, I will definitely call. I don't want to be too tight. I am

too afraid of problems.

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I was Metformin twice a day before surgery. My doctor took me off the med the day of surgery and I was to monitor my blood sugars. My surgery was 8/30 and I havent' been on the meds since surgery and my blood sugars have been normal (well, most of the time). I'm also off my blood pressure meds!!!!

One of the things I decided before surgery was to make a list of non-weight related goals, or things I wanted to accomplish. I also promised myself not to get on the scale unless at a dr. appt. So far, I've been able to accomplish this. I like the surprise of the big weight loss when I'm at the dr.'s office. My PCP has been seeing me every 2 weeks to keep track of "vitals" and lab work.

Clothes feel good, energy level feels good, ability to wlak batter feels real good. I'm liking that I can accomplish what I need to do every day (meaning I follow the diet and rules).

I keep telling people that my head was in the right place to succeed at this. I also know that I'm probably in the honeymoon phase with this and a few months down the road I'm worried I'll want to go back to old habits. But, one day at a time!

Sue Stenzel

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I was Metformin twice a day before surgery. My doctor took me off the med the day of surgery and I was to monitor my blood sugars. My surgery was 8/30 and I havent' been on the meds since surgery and my blood sugars have been normal (well, most of the time). I'm also off my blood pressure meds!!!!

One of the things I decided before surgery was to make a list of non-weight related goals, or things I wanted to accomplish. I also promised myself not to get on the scale unless at a dr. appt. So far, I've been able to accomplish this. I like the surprise of the big weight loss when I'm at the dr.'s office. My PCP has been seeing me every 2 weeks to keep track of "vitals" and lab work.

Clothes feel good, energy level feels good, ability to wlak batter feels real good. I'm liking that I can accomplish what I need to do every day (meaning I follow the diet and rules).

I keep telling people that my head was in the right place to succeed at this. I also know that I'm probably in the honeymoon phase with this and a few months down the road I'm worried I'll want to go back to old habits. But, one day at a time!

Sue Stenzel

Sue I to am afaird of that honeymoon phase - I have done it so many times before - but there are people here who have gotten to goal and 1 -2 yrs later still there... Good Luck to all of us

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Are there other sites for journaling your food? I'm currently using FitDay.com and like it, am thinking of buying the program so I can use it off line and on trips. But I want to make sure that this will do the overall job for me and that there isn't something better out there for me.

Anyone know of other sites?


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Are there other sites for journaling your food? I'm currently using FitDay.com and like it, am thinking of buying the program so I can use it off line and on trips. But I want to make sure that this will do the overall job for me and that there isn't something better out there for me.

Anyone know of other sites?


I journel my food in a little note book - I bought a scale that weighs my food - tells me all the important info calories - Protein grams etc. and i record my exercise here to..

As far as calorie counting programs - there is Calorieking too.. You could most likely go to a best buy and find one too.

For me it's easier to record my food in my note book so i don't have to get on the computer every time i eat and it's very easy to forget those bites of this or that...

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Are there other sites for journaling your food? I'm currently using FitDay.com and like it, am thinking of buying the program so I can use it off line and on trips. But I want to make sure that this will do the overall job for me and that there isn't something better out there for me.

Anyone know of other sites?


I like sparkpeople.com. It's very user friendly and is fun--you get points toward a reward every time you log in and spin the dial, record your food, exercise, read their articles, etc. I've really enjoyed it. Of course, the reward is just a different colored squiggle on your log in page. They have message boards, too, but I haven't used them since this one keeps me plenty busy!

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I use DietPower. I did not try any others first but I like the features of this one. They let you try it out for a couple of weeks then you have to decide to purchase.

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Hi All

Today marks my first week since banding. Have had this funny thing happen during the night for the last two nights. I wake up about 4am with the type of pain you feel when you eat too much and I feel like I'm going to throw up, salivation starts going crazy.

I don't eat before bedtime and it's 6 hrs since Iast ate or drank anything. Could it be that I am dreaming of eating and of overeating????

Has anyone had this ??

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Hi All

Today marks my first week since banding. Have had this funny thing happen during the night for the last two nights. I wake up about 4am with the type of pain you feel when you eat too much and I feel like I'm going to throw up, salivation starts going crazy.

I don't eat before bedtime and it's 6 hrs since Iast ate or drank anything. Could it be that I am dreaming of eating and of overeating????

Has anyone had this ??

NMsunshine - No i haven't - you might want to take a pecide before bed.

My doc gave me a scrip before surgery and they gave it to me in the hospital - but i have never taken since - I have never been on to get heartburn - sometime from wine or a margirita but that's it..

Didn't you go to Mexico?? Can you call the clinic and ask them??

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I am going in for an unfill. I have been pbing in my sleep ever since I go the fill on Friday. It's been a miserable weekend. It's really awful to be sound asleep and have it come up and you feel like you're drowning.

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