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How is weight loss for people over 50?

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Hi Phyl, It's Myrtle Point. My sister lives there too. It's about 10 minutes from here. Have you ever visited here. Coquille Hospital is small but very nice. I'll be haveing my surgery in Coos Bay though since that's where my doctor is. Coos Bay is only about 15 minutes west of here.


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Hi Sunshine,

The list should be a big help. I'm wondering about the cottage cheese, pureed meat and applesauce. I was surprised they would be on a liquid diet. Are they OK for right after the surgery? I';m sure the surgery center will explain it all to me but I like to be prepared and well informed.

Thanks, Charlene

P. S. I like the new name.

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Hi Sunshine,

The list should be a big help. I'm wondering about the cottage cheese, pureed meat and applesauce. I was surprised they would be on a liquid diet. Are they OK for right after the surgery? I';m sure the surgery center will explain it all to me but I like to be prepared and well informed.

Thanks, Charlene

P. S. I like the new name.

My doctor's list is very different than Sunshines' list, Charlene, so you might want to check with the clinic or the nurses to get his specific list (unless I missed something and you are going to the same Dr.). I had to have Clear Liquids for 10 days, other liquids for about a week (can't remember exactly), then mushies (that's when I could grind up meat and have mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, applesauce, etc.) and then, finally after almost 6 weeks after surgery I could progress to solids. Man, those aren't fond memories--that was tough. Good luck to you!

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Click on my name over to the left. You'll get a box that says send a private message to Denise.

The support groups are the 2nd and 3rd Tues. of the month at 7pm in the

North Bend Medical Center upstairs. If you tell me when you're coming, I will wait for you in the parking lot. They usually lock the front door, so you have to go up the stairs to the left of the front door.

The one that is the 3rd tues of the month is the best because Robin his nurse holds the meetings. She usually has a topic or a guest speaker.

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New Life,

I believe the first week after surgery is liquid. This is the full routine from Dr. Gonzales:

Diet Progression<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

You will be on a liquid diet for the first week post-operatively. This diet includes all foods that<o:p></o:p>

are liquid at room temperature. The primary concern during the first week is to allow your body to heal, the first four weeks following surgery are a very critical period. Foods allowed during this diet include:<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

· Broth<o:p></o:p>

· Low-fat yogurt<o:p></o:p>

· Jell-o<o:p></o:p>

· Popsicles<o:p></o:p>

· Fruit drinks<o:p></o:p>

· Pudding<o:p></o:p>

· Sherbet<o:p></o:p>

· Water<o:p></o:p>

· Fruit juices without pulp<o:p></o:p>

· 1% or skim milk<o:p></o:p>

· Sugar-free Protein supplements<o:p></o:p>


<o:p> </o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

You will be on a liquid/pureed diet for the next three weeks.<o:p></o:p>

PUREED DIET:<o:p></o:p>

For safe weight loss you need to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. In order to prevent a slip of<o:p></o:p>

the band everything you eat needs to be blended to the consistency of applesauce for four weeks.<o:p></o:p>

This will be a challenge for you. Stick to it and be creative! Buy or borrow a blender or food<o:p></o:p>

processor if you do not own one.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Instructions for pureeing foods:<o:p></o:p>

1. Cut food into small pieces about the size of your thumbnail.<o:p></o:p>

2. Place food in the blender.<o:p></o:p>

3. Add enough liquid (fat free chicken broth or fat free gravy) to cover the blades.<o:p></o:p>

4. Blend until smooth like applesauce.<o:p></o:p>

5. Strain out the lumps, seeds, or pieces of food.<o:p></o:p>

6. Use spices (avoid spicy ones) to flavor food.<o:p></o:p>

7. Blend and enjoy!<o:p></o:p>





Tips for the first 4 weeks:<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

1. Keep food records. This will help you to monitor your intake and tolerance to foods. Look<o:p></o:p>

for patterns of foods tolerated well and food that are not tolerated well. The records will also<o:p></o:p>

be helpful for your dietitian to provide suggestions for better tolerance or nutrient balance.<o:p></o:p>

Record the: <o:p></o:p>

1. Time<o:p></o:p>

2. Type of food (ex: baked chicken without skin)<o:p></o:p>

3. Amount eaten (ex: ½ chicken breast or ½ cup)<o:p></o:p>

4. How your food was prepared (ex: baked with broth). Be sure to<o:p></o:p>

include any butter, oil, grease or margarine that was added to the food.<o:p></o:p>

Please remember to bring these records with you for the dietitian to review.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

2. Use ice cube trays. Each cube holds about 2 ounces. This will help you to control portion<o:p></o:p>

sizes. Try preparing reduced fat cream Soups or pureed meats and vegetables and store them in<o:p></o:p>

the trays.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

PUREED DIET- This diet is to be followed for 2-4 weeks post-operatively.<o:p></o:p>


<TABLE class=MsoNormalTable style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; BORDER-TOP: medium none; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; WIDTH: 443.65pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse; mso-padding-alt: 0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=592 border=1><TBODY><TR style="HEIGHT: 17.25pt; mso-yfti-irow: 0; mso-yfti-firstrow: yes"><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: black 1pt solid; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: black 1pt solid; WIDTH: 148.25pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 17.25pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-alt: solid black .75pt" width=198>FOOD: <o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: black 1pt solid; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.65pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 17.25pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt" width=197>CHOOSE: <o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: black 1pt solid; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.75pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 17.25pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt" width=197>LIMIT: <o:p></o:p>

</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 59.5pt; mso-yfti-irow: 1"><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: black 1pt solid; WIDTH: 148.25pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 59.5pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid black .75pt" width=198>Beverages <o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.65pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 59.5pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=top width=197>Water, Crystal LightÒ, coffee, tea, non-carbonated beverages, and nutritional drinks such as No Sugar Added Carnation Instant Breakfast ¡ or Designer Protein <o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.75pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 59.5pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=top width=197>Fruit drinks, iced tea with sugar, soda, alcohol, and all carbonated beverages <o:p></o:p>

</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 23.5pt; mso-yfti-irow: 2"><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: black 1pt solid; WIDTH: 148.25pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 23.5pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=bottom width=198>Soups <o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.65pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 23.5pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=top width=197>Egg drop Soup, reduced fat cream soups, broth, and bouillon <o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.75pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 23.5pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=bottom width=197>All others <o:p></o:p>

</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 12pt; mso-yfti-irow: 3"><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: black 1pt solid; WIDTH: 148.25pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f0f0f0; HEIGHT: 12pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=top width=198><o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.65pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f0f0f0; HEIGHT: 12pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt" width=197>Cooked refined Cereal, mashed <o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.75pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f0f0f0; HEIGHT: 12pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt" width=197>Pasta, bread, rice, and all other <o:p></o:p>

</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 11.5pt; mso-yfti-irow: 4"><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: black 1pt solid; WIDTH: 148.25pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 11.5pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-bottom-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=top width=198>Starches <o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.65pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 11.5pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-bottom-alt: solid black .75pt" width=197>potatoes <o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.75pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 11.5pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-bottom-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=top width=197>starches <o:p></o:p>

</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 23.4pt; mso-yfti-irow: 5"><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: black 1pt solid; WIDTH: 148.25pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 23.4pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=bottom width=198>Vegetables <o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.65pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 23.4pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=top width=197>Pureed vegetables, vegetable juice <o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.75pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 23.4pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=bottom width=197>All others <o:p></o:p>

</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 23.65pt; mso-yfti-irow: 6"><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: black 1pt solid; WIDTH: 148.25pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f0f0f0; HEIGHT: 23.65pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=top width=198><o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.65pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f0f0f0; HEIGHT: 23.65pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=top width=197>Applesauce, pureed bananas or other fruits without seeds, skins, <o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.75pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f0f0f0; HEIGHT: 23.65pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=top width=197><o:p></o:p>

</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 11.4pt; mso-yfti-irow: 7"><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: black 1pt solid; WIDTH: 148.25pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 11.4pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-bottom-alt: solid black .75pt" width=198>Fruits <o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.65pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 11.4pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-bottom-alt: solid black .75pt" width=197>or hulls; unsweetened fruit juice <o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.75pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 11.4pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-bottom-alt: solid black .75pt" width=197>All others <o:p></o:p>

</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 70.4pt; mso-yfti-irow: 8"><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: black 1pt solid; WIDTH: 148.25pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 70.4pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid black .75pt" width=198>Meats, protein and protein substitutes <o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.65pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 70.4pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=top width=197>Pureed fish, tuna, poultry, veal, pork, or beef; low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat or non fat cheese (Alpine LaceÒ), baby food meats; mashed or pureed tofu, pureed egg or egg substitutes <o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.75pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 70.4pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid black .75pt" width=197>Peanut butter; all others <o:p></o:p>

</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 13.25pt; mso-yfti-irow: 9"><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: black 1pt solid; WIDTH: 148.25pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f0f0f0; HEIGHT: 13.25pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=top width=198><o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.65pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f0f0f0; HEIGHT: 13.25pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt" width=197>Fat free or 1% milk, sugar-free or <o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.75pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f0f0f0; HEIGHT: 13.25pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt" width=197>Chocolate milk, sweetened <o:p></o:p>

</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 12pt; mso-yfti-irow: 10"><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: black 1pt solid; WIDTH: 148.25pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f0f0f0; HEIGHT: 12pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=top width=198>Milk and milk products <o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.65pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f0f0f0; HEIGHT: 12pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=top width=197>low-fat yogurt <o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.75pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f0f0f0; HEIGHT: 12pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=top width=197>condensed milk, 2% or whole <o:p></o:p>

</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 10.5pt; mso-yfti-irow: 11"><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: black 1pt solid; WIDTH: 148.25pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 10.5pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-bottom-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=top width=198><o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.65pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 10.5pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-bottom-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=top width=197><o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.75pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 10.5pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-bottom-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=top width=197>milk <o:p></o:p>

</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 12.4pt; mso-yfti-irow: 12"><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: black 1pt solid; WIDTH: 148.25pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f0f0f0; HEIGHT: 12.4pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=top width=198><o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.65pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f0f0f0; HEIGHT: 12.4pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=top width=197>Sugar-free Gelatin or popsicles, <o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.75pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f0f0f0; HEIGHT: 12.4pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=top width=197><o:p></o:p>

</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 11.15pt; mso-yfti-irow: 13; mso-yfti-lastrow: yes"><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: black 1pt solid; WIDTH: 148.25pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 11.15pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-bottom-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=top width=198>Others <o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.65pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 11.15pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-bottom-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=top width=197>pudding, and custard <o:p></o:p>

</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; WIDTH: 147.75pt; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 11.15pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-right-alt: solid black .75pt; mso-border-bottom-alt: solid black .75pt" vAlign=top width=197>All others <o:p></o:p>


<o:p> </o:p>

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Sorry, looks like my copy paste went nuts. (if you remove all the HML stuff, then you get the message).

Basicly the 1st week liquid diet is all foods that are liquid at room temp. broth, low fat yofurt, popsicles, sherbet so on. The next 3 weeks you go on a liquid pureed diet. Everything goes into a blender or is food like baby food, applesauce ect.

I have 2 days until I start on the pre-op diet. I need to check it over but I think it is like the pureed diet.

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New Life

Do you have to go to the hospital for you surgery? I do. My age is 62. Doc says due to my age and co-morbitities he'd prefer to do my surgery in hospital rather than surgery center. I wonder if it is my high blood pressure?

Got any plans on plastic surgery when you get to your goal weight? I'm researching plastic surgeons in Mexico.

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I was able to go home a couple of hours after the surgery. I think I could puke at home or at the hospital. Smile. I react to the anathesia, no matter what. The suspositories were imperative. My docs post diet was 1 -3 days liquids 2 - 7 days mushies and whatever after that. He doesn't believe in a too restrictive diet. It worked for me. My body told me what I could tolerate. The real band work started after getting filled a couple of times. I imagine you will need to follow your docs orders, because they know your case best.

Best wishes,


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Dynamo, I do know that I will have to spend the 1st night after surgery in the hospital. Since I don't know about the 2ed night I booked my air ticket for Sept. 10 arrive and back on the 13th. Guess I will spend the extra night in a hotel if I don't have to stay another night in the hospital.

I'm amazed that you got to go home a few hours after surgery. It definately is more comfortable at home.

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Hi Phyl, It's Myrtle Point. My sister lives there too. It's about 10 minutes from here. Have you ever visited here. Coquille Hospital is small but very nice. I'll be haveing my surgery in Coos Bay though since that's where my doctor is. Coos Bay is only about 15 minutes west of here.


Yes, been there several times. Visited them twice, I think, while they were living in Coquille and once or twice since they moved to Myrtle Point. May stop again in Nov for a few days on our way south.

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NM Sunshine - I was only at the hospital 4 hours. My doctor told me that he only keeps patients overnight if their insurance requires it. I was self-pay so didn't want to incur extra expense. I was fine at home but I did need to sleep in a recliner for about 4 nights because it was uncomfortable trying to lift myself from a prone position. I was terrified of pulling my port site loose so I was very careful the first couple of weeks. You should plan to walk a lot from day one. I walked 5-10 minutes every hour to help with the gas pains that seemed to "travel" around my body!

My post-op diet was 3 days clear liquids, 4 days full liquids, two weeks mushies, then progress to solids. He wouldn't fill for 4 weeks. You will find that every doc is different so it's best to follow what your doc says to do. One thing I stocked up on was Liquid Protein in plastic vials - I got the New Whey brand at The Vitamin Shoppe and I got the Protica line online. I still carry them in my purse in case I need a "pick me up". I am still very careful about getting enough Protein so I don't lose my energy or my hair!

Good luck to you and New Life - you are in for a fun ride!

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Thanks to all of you for replying to me. That's a lot of info. Yes, my doctor will have the final say and I will follow his diet, but your comments provides me a basis from which to comnpose questins for him.

My insurance requires the surgery be done in the hospital. I will go home hat night unless the doctor feelsa I need to stay longer.

Lady HR, Losing hair is what I'm afraid of. I lost hair befor after loosing 60lbs on the Atkins Dies a long time ago. ( of course I gained it back). Thanks for the tip.

Sunshine, Thanks for expanding on your list and the additional info. I doubt if I will have plastic surgery unless it becomes medically necessary. It will be hard enough paying for the part of the Lapband surgery the insurance doesn't cover. My insurance will not cover plastic surgery but Medicare will. I'll wait untill I get medicare to make a final decision. I may not look too good under the clothing but I'll be healthier and wearing smaller clothes. I can always cover up the bad parts. Bikinis aren't my style anyway!


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<p>I think MOST of us were in a hospital. The difference is whether you stayed overnight or not. I went home after about 14 hours (mainly because I couldn't pee and that is a prerequisite for leaving the hospital). A lot of folks left after about 5 hours. Some doctors require their people to stay overnight. It's different with everyone.</p> <p> </p> <p>As far as plastic surgery, you betcha. I was only a BMI of 38 with about 70 pounds to lose. Plastic Surgery hadn't crossed my mind, but as I have lost half of the weight, I have a horrible turkey neck that, because of my age now, I don't think is going to go away with weight loss only. Even though my hair is white, I have good skin genes and I don't really have any wrinkles other than that damned neck sagging there and most people can't believe I am as old as I am. I fully intend to get that done in about two years when my 401K loan is paid. This neck makes me look a LOT older. YUCK. Also, I will probably have Lipo on my saddlebags. I have always had them (even at 113 lbs.). It's how I am made and no exercise in the world is going to make my legs symmetrical with the rest of my body. If I am going to the trouble and expense of losing this weight and keeping it off and getting myself in shape, I'm gonna be in the BEST shape I can be in, and not have any regrets.</p>

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Kacee - I'm with you. Plastic surgery is a good choice after we have stablized our weight. I would want it even if I had never been heavy. My neck bothers me the most, i am hoping I can avoid a lot of body surgery, but I will see what is possible with my trainer guiding me to develop a better muscular base than I ever had. Amazing to get with it at 57.

Hugs and best wishes,


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Was it at the Hospital or a surgery clinic? That hospital is costing me $1,000 more than his usual price. Maybe the doc's are different there. Mine is DR. Gonzales and I was told that most people have their banding done at the surgery clinic.

I also understand that at the surgery clinic people stay overnight.

I'm guessing that the $1,000 difference covers an overnite in hospital. I'll ask him about all this and if he feels I can, then I'll change my air ticket. The $120 a night in hotel in TJ is expensive.

The Protein is for healing and if your hair comes out, I'd guess that one wasn't getting enough protein. Luckily I have never experienced extra hair coming out of head, but I do have thick hair; so it wouldn't bother me much.

I'm going to check out that New Way on internet. I did stock up on the powders. whey powder and a high Protein Powder for muscle builders.

Thanks for the sleeping advise. I sleep on my stomach and have a hard time sleeping on my side or back. I have a real soft recliner couch and will sleep on it with some sort of pro to keep me from rolling over during night.

I need to be in Albuquerque, New Mexico on the 18th for a hearing. We will take the RV. It's about 270 miles and I will be traveling on day 6 after surgery. We had wanted to travel from there on up to Montana then to Canada.

Do you think this is too much too soon? How long does it take to heal?

New Life

Medicare covers plastic surgery? WOW. I've lost lots of weight on Atkins too, over and over again and gained it back and more.


Any one that can let me know how long it takes to heal enough to go on trips and vacations?

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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