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How is weight loss for people over 50?

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Sharon: you didn't address your question to me, but I started losing hair a few weeks ago. The dietician said that I need more Protein. I haven't been religious about taking my Vitamins either. They also say that the surgery itself with the anesthetic, etc., can cause a loss of hair. But I don't know about that.

My advice is to take your vitamins!! Be sure you get plenty of protein and don't worry! Even if you lose some hair, they promise that it will grow back. (My surgery was in September, like Green's)

Thanks for your input, I just worry. Seems like now everytime I shower I lose wads of hair. I just cant imagine losing more. I do take vitamins now, so that wont be a problem afterwards.

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Denise: Sorry, I get in too big a hurry posting sometimes. What I meant to say is that if I take a long hot shower in the morning and try to eat a regular Breakfast soon afterwards (like eggs & toast) I can only eat a bite or two before I feel full and don't want anymore. If I eat breakfast before my shower, I don't have a problem eating pretty much all I want at breakfast. Green said that if she has a nice warm drink before breakfast she can eat breakfast easier. I haven't necessarily found that to be true for me. :(

Everyone is very different but we do notice some similarities sometimes. Like before the band, about the only meat-type Protein I ate was baked chicken breast. Now I can almost just look at a chicken breast and feel all uncomfortable. I always choose something else like fish or turkey. I also have no trouble eating most kinds of beef, while some other bandsters say that they can't eat steak. I can't eat a whole filet mignon, but I have no trouble eating part or half of one. :hungry: I may not be as restricted as they are though.

You can't depend completely on what any other bandster tells you about amounts of food or what kinds. Except for a few things, it's pretty much individual trial and error. :rolleyes

Before surgery all this sounds a little ominous, but it really isn't awful. The benefits of having a reminder to slow down and don't eat so much is great. The further I get on my journey, the easier it gets to figure it all out.:D

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Does anyone here follow a specific diet like the Atkins or South Beach or even just counting calories? I've been trying to 'adjust' now to a few (hopefully) soon-to-be post op rules such as no diet cokes, drinking more Water and not drinking with meals. My reasoning being if I can't do it now, it won't happen after the surgery either. So far, I've been ok w/ everything. So I thought maybe I should try a diet I'd could use post-op as well.

Any suggestions? What works for you guys? I know BJean says Portion Control, which may be all I end up doing. I really don't want to not be able to eat something unless my tummy dictates it.

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From what I've been reading, I think every body is different in how much they can eat, digest, and still lose weight. I have to remember that I might not lose as fast as a 20 year old, but then maybe I will. I am trying to adjust my mind to healthy living, great lifestyle, and lots of chewing.... my surgery is April 16th so I am trying to mentally prepare. I think I may do liquids for a bit, but I won't give up my filet mignon, even at smaller portions, that's after the healing process.

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I have averaged 2 pounds a week since I was banded, but no way is it consistent. 5 pounds here, nothing there. Weeks of minimal change, sudden drops. I thought I was doing miserably intil I divided the weeks and pound and found out that overall I was averaging 2 pounds a week! Odd, but fine with me! My latest theory is that my body waits for my skin to catch up!

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Does anyone here follow a specific diet like the Atkins or South Beach or even just counting calories? I've been trying to 'adjust' now to a few (hopefully) soon-to-be post op rules such as no diet cokes, drinking more Water and not drinking with meals. My reasoning being if I can't do it now, it won't happen after the surgery either. So far, I've been ok w/ everything. So I thought maybe I should try a diet I'd could use post-op as well.

Any suggestions? What works for you guys? I know BJean says Portion Control, which may be all I end up doing. I really don't want to not be able to eat something unless my tummy dictates it.

I'm not doing anything specific at the moment except portion control, but I'm at the point where I'm getting frustrated with the fact that most of my loss happened in the first month and has been at a virtual standstill until last week. And now it seems to have stopped again.

So with that in mind, I'm thinking of doing Atkins for awhile. When I've done it in the past I've lost weight quickly (however, preband, I gained it all back again), I've felt amazingly wonderful (all my aches and pains gone) and everyone commented on how good my skin looked.

Maybe I can get things going again.

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G'day Folks :)

Been a while since I popped in. I've been quite ill for a couple of weeks.

I went for my 2nd fill 4 days ago YAY, he managed to do it at the surgery with far less prodding and poking, so no visit to the hospital @ $180 which pleases me :mad: All fills at the Dr surgery were paid for in advance as part of surgery costs.

I feel far more restricted this time, as I can still Veryyyyyyyy Slowly only get fluids down. I can feel the weight starting to drop off already.

Reading back over the posts, looks like your all doing great CONGRATS!

I've been averaging about 1kg (2pounds) a week also & thats with limited excercise. I do try to eat 3 Protein meals a day and get my Fluid intake in for the day. Thats about it for anything special I follow.

I also had a visit with the Knee specialist the same day. He has stated I need to stay on Sedentry Duties for a further 3 months at work, continue with the weight loss and I may escape knee surgery YAY.

So those of you walking, going to the gym etc, do a few extra rounds for me, coz I can't do it. I do however get to the pool 3 mornings a week and do Hydrotherapy/Aquarobics, toning, stretching etc.

CHEERS to Happy Healthy Eating & Weight Loss :)

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As far as special diets are concerned, no one has told me NOT to do them, but part of my "package" surgery deal is that I see a nutritionist/dietician every couple of weeks. She does not like any "fad" diets. She says that we must really work at getting the proper nutrition and that we should always eat Protein first. But we need fruits and vegetables as well.

I have read that some of the other bandsters are going to Weight Watchers and even have read that some have been taking different over the counter diet pills. I know my doctor and dietician would probably not mind the Weight Watcher's meetings, but would be against diet pills of any kind. They emphasize that we need to re-learn all about food and nutrition and that if we use the band properly we can do that without other aids. This is not supposed to be a quick fix, like extreme diets most of us have gone on. It's supposed to be a lifestyle change.

Gerbera: Good luck with the knees. I am in the same boat. I really, really wish I could get on a treadmill and go for long walks. We are at a disadvantage, but Water exercise is good for everybody so it will be good for us too, just not as convenient. I hope you're able to avoid knee surgery!

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From what I've been reading, I think every body is different in how much they can eat, digest, and still lose weight. I have to remember that I might not lose as fast as a 20 year old, but then maybe I will. I am trying to adjust my mind to healthy living, great lifestyle, and lots of chewing.... my surgery is April 16th so I am trying to mentally prepare. I think I may do liquids for a bit, but I won't give up my filet mignon, even at smaller portions, that's after the healing process.

Yep, you have got that right, Mini. The interesting thing about the band is that this piece of hardware does incorporate itself with your own body and thus it does end up reacting to and reflecting your own physiological and psychological responses. If you are stressed the band will tighten up. At certain times of the month the band will tighten up. The band is likely to be much tighter in the morning than later in the day. The band, unlike a pacemaker for instance, does not remain a purely mechanical device once it is installed, that is to say, the band is not a piece of hardware which operates entirely independently of your body, its moods and fluctuations.

The band really does become part of you and this experience is exceedingly interesting. This is what I have found. I have also found that the band does work. It does not permit me to guzzle foods the way I used to.

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I'm soon to be 52 and was banded Jan 29, 2007. I;'ve lost 31 pounds as of March 8th,,my first post-op visit. My doctor didnt think I needed a fill at this time. I'm trying to go to the gym,,ugh,,and Water exercises is what they said was best for me. Luckily, in the therapy pool,,they have a bike and a treadmill. My left knee is about shot,,so it helps alot to use the underwater treadmill. My orthopaedist told me that for every 10 pounds i lose,,it taes 30 pounds off of my knees. My meals consist of 3-4 ounces and Snacks between. He gave me a very specific booklet outlining exactly what I could and shouldnt eat in order to acheive the greatest success,,and I try to follow it to a "T". Soft breads, Pasta, sticky rice, carbonated drinks and especially salad are on my NO-NO list. I havent had any,,what are they called? PBs? I was a self pay,,so anytime I get head hunger and my thoughts drift towards NO-NO foods,,i remember what this surgery cost me,,lol. Thanks for all the posts, ya'll,,,I dont know what I would have done if I hadnt found this site! Keep up the good work!!

Banded 1/29/07

Dr Ken Cleveland-CMMC-Jackson MS

no fills to date

Presurg Wt-331

WT as of 3/8/07-300

Presurg BMI-60


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Hi Deb, glad you found your way over here. Congratulations on your loss. Now, if you hit a plateau come and talk to us instead of fretting.

Yes, knees seem to be an issue on this thread.

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As far as a special diet goes, my doctor said to eat 70% Protein, 30% fruits and veggies. I know for me, if I eat carbs, I crave carbs. I try not to eat them in any form, other than the little bit in veggies. There is a South Beach thread going on, and the South Beach diet does fit in well with all the bandster rules. The fruit I eat are frozen berries, because they are supposed to have the fewest calories. There are some people on a different board, that are going to WW and following the points. I know I could never count points. I also make sure I drink at least 64 oz of Water every day, and I put benefiber in the Water. I was really having Constipation problems before I started doing that.

For treats I eat sugar free popsicles and fudgesicles, sugar free Jello and Dannon Fit and Lite yogurt that has 60 calories.It's made with Splenda.

I would be curious to hear what everyone else is eating, because I certainly am not losing like I would like to. I blame my hormones on slowing my weight loss down. The main reason I cut out the carbs (other than dr.'s orders) is I totally crave chocolate if I eat carbs. It's all I think about, once I start eating too many carbs.

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I would be curious to hear what everyone else is eating, because I certainly am not losing like I would like to. I blame my hormones on slowing my weight loss down. The main reason I cut out the carbs (other than dr.'s orders) is I totally crave chocolate if I eat carbs. It's all I think about, once I start eating too many carbs.


I get most of my Protein from low-fat cheese, skim milk, etc. I do eat a little chicken and I eat bacon and tuna fish, too.

I totally understand about the carbs. I have the same problem - if I keep them in the house, I will eat them until they are gone.

I am still struggling with the weight Santa brought me (LOL) for Christmas. It got cold and that was my excuse for not walking. Then, after the Christmas candy was all gone, I found white chocolate M&Ms at Big Lots for $2.00 a bag, so I thought I should stock up. Big mistake. Now half my jeans won't zip, so I am trying to be "good" again. It sure doesn't come off as easily as it goes on, does it?

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I've had a really bad time about sticking to mushies. I just can't stand to look at, never mind eat, pureed foods. I manage farina and refried Beans, but mostly I just eat food that I can chew down to a puree before I swallow. I'm feeling okay, so I guess it's okay. I'm not a big fan of foods that have a consistency like pudding and cream Soups. I like my food to be chewable and my Snacks crunchy.


Debbie, when I was given the mushie list, it included everything except beef. I wasn't supposed to eat beef until after 6 weeks past surgery. You do have to be careful not to eat the wrong foods ( according to my surgeon) because you can damage your stomach and band without even knowing it until further on down the road. I can't remember when you said you were banded. A couple of the things I ate a lot on my mushy list were string cheese and turkey breast luncheon meat. It doesn't necesarily have to be pureed foods, but they are supposed to be soft foods. Cottage cheese and egges were on the list, but I despise both of those.

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I totally understand about the carbs. I have the same problem - if I keep them in the house, I will eat them until they are gone.

I am still struggling with the weight Santa brought me (LOL) for Christmas. It got cold and that was my excuse for not walking. Then, after the Christmas candy was all gone, I found white chocolate M&Ms at Big Lots for $2.00 a bag, so I thought I should stock up. Big mistake. Now half my jeans won't zip, so I am trying to be "good" again. It sure doesn't come off as easily as it goes on, does it?

That's for sure!!!:omg: I had that problem when I went to visit my dad in Arizona. Several people had given him candy for valentines day. He is 88 and has no appetite. I wish I had that problem. I finally had to dump all the candy down the garbage disposal, and it took me a couple of weeks to get back to where I was after a week on vacation. And it's taken me 3 more weeks to lose 2 more lbs. I am pretty disappointed to have only lost 22 lbs and 20 of them were on the liquid stage.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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