jigglypuff 0 Posted July 17, 2006 Hi All,I was banded 7/27/05. Have had a few bumps in the road over the past year--including being overfilled, reflux/heartburn, an unfill for a month, then a conservative 1.4cc put into my 4cc band. I have some pouch dilation, that's why I am only at 1.4cc, since April. (First fill was at 1.6cc, 2nd fill put me at 1.9cc, then I had the problems with the reflux/over-restriction; hence, unfill, i.e.) I have been doing OK with the 1.4cc--and losing alright. I have always noticed variability with my restriction, especially related to my menstrual cycle, although the timing of that has varied, too. In the last month or so, besides the usual state of being unable to eat in the am, then a shake, Soup or chili at lunch, then hopefully a meal at dinnertime, I have noticed that almost anytime I eat or drink something (including a warm beverage) I feel like there are little air bubbles or burps (with no noise) inside of me. They do not hurt or cause discomfort, and I have no reflux or heartburn, but they bug me and make me worry that something is wrong/going wrong; especially now that I have a dilated pouch. I have had no PBs for months--I am very careful. Since I was never really a burper pre-band, and this little air bubble thing is only since the last couple of months, does this bode something bad? Anyone else have this? Is it anything to worry about?Thank you in advance--you guys have saved my sanity before.Jigglypuff Share this post Link to post Share on other sites