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Really? You asked about the wisdom of eating a sundae on a weight loss board, a week after having 90% of your stomach removed. If you feel chastised why not ask your surgeon? Perhaps he'll tell you what you want to hear!

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Goodness people. Kelly thank You for your advice. I will have to try that a little bit later out. And Texas, I'm more than a week out. 15 days=2 weeks and 1 day. I hope they're not letting You teach children lol....

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Goodness people. Kelly thank You for your advice. I will have to try that a little bit later out. And Texas, I'm more than a week out. 15 days=2 weeks and 1 day. I hope they're not letting You teach children lol....

I'm sorry, but you asked for opinions, you specifically asked if "it's okay". Sure it's okay, is it smart or a decision that is conducive to weight loss? Nope, not at all.

Your comments are rude and condescending. Support comes in many forms, and no one was rude or condescending towards you. You asked on a public weight loss surgery forum for opinions/suggestions. It's no different than a recovering alcoholic going to an AA meeting and asking "is it okay if I just have 4oz of a beer instead of 12oz?" Do you think the other members would be cheering him saying "sure, it's no biggie, you've been sober for 2 weeks, hit the bottle, just no more than 1/2 cup!"

I agree with TexasTeacher 100%. You are a mere 15 days out from having your guts altered and want to eat one of the poorest food choices out there, and for anyone to tell you "it's okay" would simply be enabling a bad food choice.

So, if you don't like hearing that ice cream is not a good option, think before you ask a group of fatties and former fatties who have decided to make the very best of their surgery journey and not eat craptastic food while trying to get to and/or maintain their goal weight.

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To those of you that are offended by my question....if you don't like it, its simple.....just don't answer. I do not Have the time or desire to nit pick with you about a question. I'm done with that. We are all grown ups, and this is beyond ridiculous. For those that gave me an honest opinion without the superior attitude, I thank you. This is the second time in days That I have seen squabbles on this board. Oddly the other one included the same people. I'm here looking for advice. This is the first time I've had had this done. I am looking for sound advice (not put Downs) of others that have gone before me. I value those of You that Have been kind. I will continue to come to this board because they're are some really great and helpful individuals here. I refuse to get sucked in to childish computer bullying.

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Yes, megg, in fact they do let me teach children. Truth be told they're pretty happy to have me---both the children & the administrators. And if you think teenaged girls aren't curious how I went from an 18 W to a 4 in 8 months...think again!

This was a major, life changing procedure for me; as I'm sure it is/was for most of us. I take it very seriously and don't want to be back where I was 5 years from now.

Why not think about what might happen to those internal stitches from vomitting up that caramel sundae? No one makes perfect choices here, we all have weak moments. But don't ask a question if you don't want an honest answer.

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To those of you that are offended by my question....if you don't like it, its simple.....just don't answer. I do not Have the time or desire to nit pick with you about a question. I'm done with that. We are all grown ups, and this is beyond ridiculous. For those that gave me an honest opinion without the superior attitude, I thank you. This is the second time in days That I have seen squabbles on this board. Oddly the other one included the same people. I'm here looking for advice. This is the first time I've had had this done. I am looking for sound advice (not put Downs) of others that have gone before me. I value those of You that Have been kind. I will continue to come to this board because they're are some really great and helpful individuals here. I refuse to get sucked in to childish computer bullying.

No one is bullying you. We didn't give you the advice you wanted to hear and you're the one who is insulting other members.

I gave you solid advice with other, better food options and all you want to be told is that ice cream is okay at 15 days out. It's very obvious that you can not handle what people have to say who have been there, who are way further out, that have put in the work, and went through the same exact thing as you are right now. Not to mention, not only those who have reached goal weight, but those who have maintained their loss, who struggled with the same issues that you are struggling with right now.

No one is being superior. We are all just more experienced, and logically do you think it's smart to eat ice cream after weight loss surgery.

If you have major problems with people who won't coddle or enable poor food choices, and if you just want to hear that "it's okay" then use the block feature. It's a lovely feature of the forum. It allows you to not see what someone replies to your posts, but they can still your replies.

Edit to add: I was NOT offended in any way by your question. I gave an honest, simple reply with a suggestion. It's fairly easy to see that you didn't want to read that ice cream is NOT a good option.

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Re-read your initial post below. You asked our opinion and I don't think any of us have said "it's not okay" in a mean or cruel way. We just said it like it is. I know I for one certainly didn't mean to offend you, just to tell you what I thought someone shouldn't do that just had surgery based on my limited knowledge. I meant it more to help you than hurt you. You don't have to follow what we say but if you ask the question then expect all sorts of opinions. We're a diverse group here. So don't be so dang sensitive please! Take what you want to use and disregard what you don't. It's your decision at the end of the day. I just hate to see anyone fail at something that is so extreme as surgery because no one said anything to them about it because they were concerned they were being offensive. We were much more assertive than offensive. There is a difference.

I am 15 days out. I am still on a full liquid diet. Do you think an ice cream cone or sundae from McDonald's is okay to eat? I Have well over the amount of calories left.

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I actually find a plain McD's low fat cone a good thing when I'm really craving something sweet. With a tight sleeve, I can only eat about 1/2 and no cone. I ask them to make sure they make it small. I've had 3 this summer. I still would not trust any thing as strong as carmel topping. But what I find odd is that even my surgeon warns about "slider foods" and I haven't found one yet. Probably shouldn't admit this, but I kind of wish I could find one. It's odd to not be able to process even about a 1/3 cup of ice cream without feeling stuffed for a half hour.

I probably should add I'm not all that crazy about ice cream so I don't think this will lead me down a slippery slope.

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Same her DoOver. I thought that a 1/2 of the lowfat cone would be a good option for me because I was having such a hard time getting my calories in. I am also still having pain when I drink so I thought it might be a bit soothing. I do regret the carmel, probably shouldn't have done that. However, I had two small bites of the carmel and could tell it wasn't for me. I did however eat 1/2 of the ice cream. It's not like I went out and ordered an XXL tripple topping boat of ice cream sundae :lol: . It was 1/2 of a lowfat vanilla cone. I have no regrets about eating it. And as I stated before, it's not one sundae that got me fat. Thanks for your understanding outlook on my post. You are why I love this site :rolleyes:

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I'm 5.5 months out and sometimes I NEED to hear the truth as it is when I'm considering eating something I know is not a good choice, not people telling me "It's fine to eat junk because you need extra calories"or whatever the case may be. I would appreciate a healthy alternative being offered in place of the poorer choice. But I guess that's me.

I figure after all the time,money,energy,pain, put into this life altering decision, I certainly WANT the truth.

Good luck to all! We are ALL amazing just by being here!:)

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I preface this by saying I don't like ice cream much, never have. So that might affect my credibility LOL.

That said, my favorite 'naughty' treat, though I'm not much of a sweets person -- I more have to stay away from salami and that sort of thing, is to take Fage Greek yogurt (I would use 2% if I could get it, as I need to keep fat in my diet, but I can only get 0% or 5%, so I use the 0% -- has more Protein for whatever bizarre reason) and stir in one spoon Peanut Butter and a whack of SF Jello cheescake pudding powder. OMG tastes soooo good, but warning: is VERY filling. But also: is a tasty satisfying Protein bomb. Mmmm mmm good. Really tastes like you're being a very naughty WLS patient when in reality you're being practically angelic!

Also: Once when I was out and about for the day with DH and friends, we went to a place to eat where I could find NOTHING (thankfully this is so rare that that is the only time it's happened to me) I could eat. Oddly enough, I ended up having chocolate ice cream for lunch that day (I don't really like chocolate OR ice cream LOL...what a mental case I am sometimes). I could only eat a little of it, but it sat mostly fine and gave me energy to get through to snack time, which was really my goal. I wouldn't recommend it or anything, but in a pinch it was fine.

Now there's the other time I ate an entire red velvet whoopie pie over the course of an afternoon -- THAT was a bad idea and made me feel like shite for sure. I truly believe it was down to the fact that I hadn't had red velvet anything in years, and the novelty of even having something like that available to me (found it in London, being sold by an American guy, bless him LOL). It was a home-comfort food experience...ended up not being too comforting though. The best-laid plans and all that... :lol:

So yeah...good and bad choices, we all have them and we live with the consequences of the ones we make. Keeping with your program is the best plan, which I do 95% of the time. But I'm not the fastest loser here either, so my advice is worth what you paid for it. ;)

Just a tip, though -- if you ask about carby foods, sugary stuff, coffee, soda or alcohol, you will almost always see a bit of a debate (albeit usually a very civilized one, such as in this thread) ensue. My other tip is, if you ask for advice in one of these areas (or on any topic really), don't take it personally if someone answers you in a way that seems negative to you. People are sharing their reactions to your question you've asked on an open forum -- and the likelihood of everyone agreeing with you is pretty low, regardless of the topic.

Good luck!

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I'm 5.5 months out and sometimes I NEED to hear the truth as it is when I'm considering eating something I know is not a good choice, not people telling me "It's fine to eat junk because you need extra calories"or whatever the case may be. I would appreciate a healthy alternative being offered in place of the poorer choice. But I guess that's me.

I figure after all the time,money,energy,pain, put into this life altering decision, I certainly WANT the truth.

Good luck to all! We are ALL amazing just by being here!:)

I froze the greek yogurt after I added sugar free pudding powder or Torani sugar free Syrup. It's not ice cream, but it's close. I would mix whatever flavor I wanted, divide it out into ice cube trays, cover it in plastic wrap, and freeze overnight. Pop a couple of a cubes out (2-3 cubes is 2-3ounces), and have a dessert type treat when I wanted them. It kind of shaves off instead of being super creamy when frozen, but it sure beats the heck out of ice cream for nutrient and Protein content.

There are also several recipes out there for "protein ice cream". I know the blog "The World According to Eggface" has several Protein based dessert recipes. I personally never used her recipes because I developed a whey intolerance and soy Proteins suck.

Hope that helps give some alternatives. I used greek yogurt mixed with all sorts of stuff to avoid eating junk food. I pretty much just threw stuff in there and experimented until I got it right. It took some trial and error to find what would work, but those alternatives worked to keep me on track.

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The sleeve is a tool and to build a temple it takes smart use of said tool. I know you said one ice cream didn't make you fat and of course it didn't but the habits that you fostered (McDonalds) did. With it being so easy to fall back into bad habits, I would use the grace period to retrain myself to make long lasting and better decisions. A 'low fat' cone from McDonalds is 10% saturated fat, has 60mg of sodium and 24g of carbs. Grabbed this recipe for ya, I have made them before and they are tasty, hope it helps the craving.:)



Serves 10

Raspberry Yogurt Popsicles are a fun and refreshing way to cool off in the summer sun. This healthy blend of antioxidants, organic superfoods, and lean vegan Protein deliver a delicious and sweetly satisfying treat anytime of day!

This delectable dessert is 100% Natural. Organic. Raw. Vegan. Gluten-Free. sugar-free. Low Fat. Safe for Diabetics.

Check out the recipe when you read more.

Ingredients: *Always Use Organic*

  • 1 cup plain organic soy yogurt
  • 1 organic banana
  • 3 cups organic raspberries (fresh or frozen)
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1/8 cup purified Water

What You'll Need:

  • Recycled bamboo craft sticks
  • Blender
  • BPA-free popsicle mold
  • Pouring spoon
  • 1 medium glass bowl

What to Do:

Mix yogurt and banana in a blender for 30 seconds until smooth. Pour into glass bowl and set aside. Mix raspberries, lemon juice, and Water in blender until smooth. Pour yogurt mixture evenly into 10 (2-oz.) popsicle molds. Top with raspberry mixture and swirl. Have fun with it! Cover with pop mold lid, and insert craft sticks. Leave 2 inches sticking out of each pop. Freeze for 6 hours (or until sticks are solid and the pops are completely frozen). Eat and enjoy!

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I am almost five months out. Occassionally this summer I have accompanied friends to Coldstone Creamery and ordered the Sinless Sweet Cream with Pecans as the add in. I ordered it in the "kid" size which I believe is one small scoop. It was a real treat and I enjoyed it. However, ice cream was a problem food for me prior to surgery and I vowed NEVER to purchase a half-gallon of it and take it home. I think that if I find an acceptable substitute that is portion-controlled then I can have it occasionally without feeling deprived. At least, that's what I am telling myself. I also eat the Healthy Choice fudge bars and Yasso frozen yogurt bars about 2 times per week.


PS - I could NOT have eaten ice cream at 2 weeks out. The first time I had anything even remotely like ice cream was at 3 months.

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