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I'm 7 weeks out. I'm not losing fast at all.

Week 1 -7.70

Week 2 -4.4

Week 3 -4.4

Week 4 +1

Week 5 -1.8

Week 6 -1.2

Week 7 -2 That was on Monday.

Tues I went back up .6 lbs. So I'm at 194 as of today. It's been the same for 3 days. But I was 194 last week too. On Aug. 1 I was 196. On Aug. 31, I was 194. So for the month of Aug. I lost 2 lbs.?????? dry.gif

7 weeks out and I'm only down 18.50 lbs. Most of that in the first 3 weeks. I know we all lose differently. But this is really getting to me....really bad.

For weeks I've been telling myself its ok, I will lose. But you see I did WW for 4 months and only lost 5 lbs that entire time. I feel this is JUST how its going to be for me. I went through the surgery and the cost for pretty much the same thing.

Help me...help me get these bad thoughts out of my head....help! I'm drowning here. I'm so down and depressed, it affects everything and everyone around me. I just can't seem to work or do anything without thinking I'm a failure.

I track all of my food. I get more than 60 gms of Protein per day. At first my calories were anywhere from 500 - 650 per day. So I was told to up them to lose more....so now I'm anywhere from 750-900 per day. Nothing changes.

I've been working out and doing more this week than any other. Going tonight to work out with a personal trainer.

I need help with these head games. I feel like such a loser and not in a good way.

I was thinking of tossing my scale and not tracking my food for an entire week.......is that crazy? But the other part or me, would go nuts not knowing, if I'm gaining or losing....I'm so torn.

Any help or advice I would love.


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I don't have an answer for you. I have been at a stall now for a week but the scale finally moved this morning. I would like to encourage you to hold your head up and keep pushing forward.

DO NOT get on that scale everyday. Weigh once a week if your not already. Make sure you aren't thinking that you haven't eaten enough and go back for more. Basically what I'm saying is re-evaluate exactly what you are doing. Also, call your Dr.'s office. They may have some suggestions for you.

Not only that but from what I understand slower losers have less problems in the long run. It's not healthy to lose all at once anyway. You being stressed out over it isn't going to help either. When you are stressed your body will hold on to weight.

YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE! If you still weight 194 in a year, then I'd say the sleeve wasn't for you, but at least you tried.

Now, put your big girl pants on and move this in the direction you want it to go! We are all here for you!

I hope this did not offend you in any way. I would expect someone to tell me the same.

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I'm so so sorry that you're having such a tough time. You're right that everyone loses differently, but I think that there is something you can do to help yourself. I went back and looked at the last week of your food diary and I noticed a pattern. You have been knocking it out of the park with your Protein (honestly, you're wonder woman!), but you went over your carb goal every single day. Many days you more than doubled it. I'm not one who believes that you have to stick to 20 carbs a day to lose weight (I don't), but your current daily goal is anything between 40 and 50 calories on any given day and you're not staying under that number.

Remember, you want to shoot for meeting or exceeding your Protein goal and go for staying below your carb goal.

I think you should set a solid goal of 40 grams of carbohydrates per day and stay below that goal every single day. If after a week there is no change, set a new goal of 30 grams of carbs or less per day. Take a look at the high carb foods that you're eating and find lower carb substitutes for them. Once your body runs out of carbs to burn for fuel, it turns to burning fat and you lose weight.

My last piece of advice would be to show your food diary to your NUT and see what they suggest. I hope this helps. Good luck!

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Not everyone can lose on low carb diets. I CAN NOT!! That is why I don't count them. When I low carb, I don't lose or I gain.!!! WEIRD!

Stop weighing yourself everyday and stop counting all them carbs. Also, up your calories a bit if you are working out that much and with a trainer. Your body is probalby starving to death!!

Drink your Water and watch your salt!

It will happen.

Kelly ;)

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Not everyone can lose on low carb diets. I CAN NOT!! That is why I don't count them. When I low carb, I don't lose or I gain.!!! WEIRD!

Stop weighing yourself everyday and stop counting all them carbs. Also, up your calories a bit if you are working out that much and with a trainer. Your body is probalby starving to death!!

Drink your Water and watch your salt!

It will happen.

Kelly ;)

I agree with you Kelly that not everyone can lose on low carb, but some do. I'm not a person who can do very low carb or my body gets stubborn. However, her carbs are routinely over 50 or 60 grams and lately they have ranged between 72 and 119. She gets between 700 and 1000 calories per day, her Protein is always stellar, and she gets 6-10 glasses of Water per day. I really think with numbers like this, it's worth it to her to look at her carbs.

Although I do agree with you about watching her sodium intake. Reducing the salt will help with water retention.

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Are you tracking your measurements along with tracking your weight? Sometimes I lose inches, not weight. Sometimes I lose weight, not inches. I would keep doing what I'm doing - 60+ grams of Protein, <30 grams carbs (no "white carbs - bread, potatoes, etc) and >60 ounces of Fluid. Only weigh once per week. Measure once per week, too.

Hang in there, the weight will come off with the sleeve.

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I'm not offened in any way. That is why I came to you guys, I need a stern talking too. You have some great ideas and your probably right about the stress. My stress level has doubled lately. My husband broke his leg at my 4 week mark. So since then I've been taking care of him. He had to have surgery and had a plate and screws put in....so no weight on that leg for 6 weeks or longer. So here I am, trying to recover myself and having to help him get in and out of the shower, get his clothes for him, taking his food to him plus doing the things he use to do around the house....he does nothing right now. So my load doubled up. Not to mention the cost of his surgery, while we are still paying on mine, so money stress is added to the mix.


My doctor's office and NUT told me not to count calories or carbs, just my Protein. I have a hard time doing that. I have my carb count on my food dairy just so I know what I eating, but I don't really worry about the carbs. But maybe I should. I don't know......I'm so confused about all this.


I'm going to try and stop weighing everyday. that is a hard habit to break. But I'm going to do it. I'll put the scale up until MOnday, my weigh in day.

Thanks, ladies for your advice and help.

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I'm not offened in any way. That is why I came to you guys, I need a stern talking too. You have some great ideas and your probably right about the stress. My stress level has doubled lately. My husband broke his leg at my 4 week mark. So since then I've been taking care of him. He had to have surgery and had a plate and screws put in....so no weight on that leg for 6 weeks or longer. So here I am, trying to recover myself and having to help him get in and out of the shower, get his clothes for him, taking his food to him plus doing the things he use to do around the house....he does nothing right now. So my load doubled up. Not to mention the cost of his surgery, while we are still paying on mine, so money stress is added to the mix.


My doctor's office and NUT told me not to count calories or carbs, just my Protein. I have a hard time doing that. I have my carb count on my food dairy just so I know what I eating, but I don't really worry about the carbs. But maybe I should. I don't know......I'm so confused about all this.


I'm going to try and stop weighing everyday. that is a hard habit to break. But I'm going to do it. I'll put the scale up until MOnday, my weigh in day.

Thanks, ladies for your advice and help.

Oh my, woman, you do have stress!!! Take care of yourself!

I am very glad to hear you say you will put your scale away... You need to... it becomes an obsession and creates frustration. ... I have read about so many people being "scaleaholics" that I vowed prior to my surgery to only weigh myself once a week... each Wed.. I do "bend" and weigh myself on the 3rd of each month too, but I refuse to be prisoner to tht scale, especially when you are in a stall... so, good for you... put it away, only weigh in once a week and stay on track,,that scale will move...

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My doctor's office and NUT told me not to count calories or carbs, just my Protein. I have a hard time doing that. I have my carb count on my food dairy just so I know what I eating, but I don't really worry about the carbs. But maybe I should. I don't know......I'm so confused about all this.

Obviously you should follow the advice of your doctor and NUT, but when is the last time that you spoke with them about your diet? Maybe it's time for them to reevaluate. There's really no need to count calories or carbs or anything besides Protein inside the first month after your surgery because you just plain can't eat enough of the other stuff if you're following the "protein first, and no drinking while you eat or 30 minutes after" rules. Once you're able to eat more, that could begin to change.

The thing that I've noticed is that at first most doctors and NUTs give the same packet of information and advice to all new WLS patients who have the same type of surgery. The trouble with that is that we're all different. We heal at different rates, we lose at different rates, and while we all need the same basic elements to be healthy, the amounts will vary because our bodies are different. Please consider taking your food and exercise diary back to your NUT and getting more personalized advice based on what you're currently doing (if you haven't already done so). This is the time when you should be having the best results and even though you're not failing, you may still be able to kick things into a higher gear.

WIth that said, I'm a big believer in calories in/calories out being the most important thing when it comes to weight loss, so I think no matter what you do you're going to lose the weight if you keep eating the way you are. I'm just making suggestions about what might help the weight come off a little faster. The only other thing that I can think of that may be affecting your weight loss is the shock your body is going through from a major surgery and major change in eating habits. It's only been a month and a half. September will probably be a much more consistent month.

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Thanks everyone.

I do take my measurements once a week and that is my saving grace...I do lose inches even if I'm not losing pounds. I just want it to speed up a little. I know not every week is going to be huge numbers, but it would be nice to have a 3-4 lbs loss every once and awhile. Knowing that the first 6 months are the best to lose the most, I just want this to work for me. If it gets slower after 6 months, I'll be pulling my hair out, instead of it falling out. LOL

I do keep in contact with my doctor's office. It's been about 2 weeks since my last meeting with them. They don't seem worried and tell me its going to work. So I guess I'll see how September treats me. Hopefully better than August.

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Texas mon, I totally understand where you are and how you feel. This is my one month anniversary of surgery and I've not lost anything since day 9. It's frustrating and annoying and you want and perhaps do SCREAM your head off!! Everyone I talk to ( in my surgeons office) tells me..its normal, don't worry...bla bla bla.....i can repete it to everyone but it doens't change the way you feel about it not working. It is working, your still loosing inches and it just takes time. One post i read said...if you take your pre op weight (including the pre op diet...way at the beginning) take that weight and your goal weight and see what's the difference...(total weight loss). The artical sayd you are on track if you lost 30-35% of your total weight loss by month 3. and 1/2 by month 6 then so on....

So by looking at your tracker. Starting weight - goal weight times .3 or .35 = (if your tracker is right... 30 -35 pounds should be lost by 3 months out. that's by OCTOBER 11....GIRL...LOOK at that...you have lost 32.6% of your total weight to be lost in LESS that 2 months!

WOW SUPER JOB!!!!! see your right on track and even early with the weight loss!!!!!

( i had to do this for me to feel better...too)

HOPE I helped make your day!!!!


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HUGS, Robin! ExitMelanie says "Your race, Your pace"! It took me about 4 months to figure out that I HAVE to count carbs (no matter what Dr. Nick's office says!)....35 net carbs a day on average and I lose weight like a champ! But that's what works for me, and it took some experimentation to figure that out. Look at this as a journey to what's gonna work for you for the rest of your life.....gone are the crazy fad diets and failures! This WILL work, it just might take a little time to figure out YOUR path. As for the stress....leave the laundry behind and go for a run/walk/bike ride....we used to eat to relieve stress, now we move to relieve it! Also, take a step back and look at the BIG picture (not the daily scale picture!)....when have you ever lost 20.5 lbs in under 2 months? That is AMAZING!!!! YOU ARE DOING THIS, Robin!!! Hang in there, hon!!!



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Gayle and Dana....thank you so much. You both made my day. Thank you, I do feel better today, instead of feeling sorry for myself, I'm gonna grab the fat by the horns and wrestle it off my body....LOL

I'm putting up a new video I did this morning on YouTube....explaining what my new program is going to be. It's a way to find what formula works for ME. But it took all the help from you girls and my Youtube family to help me figure it out.

Hugs to everyone today,


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Hey Texas,

Here are my stats:

Surgery date 27-Apr 193

27-May 178

tried to quit smoking 27-Jun 181

Said screw it and stopped trying lol 27-Ju l187

27-Aug 180


Over the past 4 months I have tried different things to try and speed up my weight loss, sometimes they work sometimes they don't. I am carb sensitive and if I eat just a little too much of them my sugars go up. If I didn't try to quit smoking and lost those two months instead of gained, I still don't think it would have been more than a total of 10lbs for the 2 months. So that would make my total loss since surgery 27lbs. Slow for some, yes, but basically I'm trying to tell you everyone is different and if you keep at it you will lose weight, even if its slow, you are still losing and winning!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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