Yoda 0 Posted July 15, 2006 Okay, so yup....I think I had a short visit to Slimeville for the first time last night. It wasn't a super bad place but not particularly a place I would like to visit frequently, ya know? Not too much to do there. My DH thinks perhaps I also make a quick trip to PBVille but I beg to differ. If I was at PBVille, it went by as I blinked and I may have missed it. I came home from work and DH had made a delicious looking apple pie that he had just taken out of the over (did I mention he is a chef?? oh vey!!). So, after it cooled down, I had two little bites ....more crust than apple (I LOOOOOOOVE pie crust and hadn't had any in about 5 months!). I may have forgotten to chew and/or taken too big of a piece. As I put the second piece in my mouth, I took a small swig of milk with it (ahhhhh, heaven!). Then it felt like something came up to me out of nowhere at 100 mph and sucker-punched me right in the solar plexus area. Owwwwwwwwwwwwww. I couldn't even speak in order to call my DH up from the basement. The piece was still in my mouth, getting bigger and bigger by the second (how that was possible, I don't know...it just kept expanding). I went thru a few seconds of indecision: "should I spit it out now before perhaps making it worse by swallowing it" or "should I swallow it because it is oh soooo yummy". Thankfully, logic won out and I spit it out. Yet, eerily, my mouth was filling up again. Hmmmmm So, recalling the stories on here, I went to the sink and merely opened my mouth as, seemingly, one of the Great Lakes seemed to virutally empty itself from my mouth into the sink right before my very eyes. During this, the sucker-punch pain was subsiding. Upon draining, I was fine....no more residual pain. From beginning to end the whole visit lasted only approx 10 mins. So...whatcha think? Merely Slimeville? or was there a PBVille there as well? Really not sure. I hope to remain a PB Virgin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leatha_g 4 Posted July 15, 2006 Definitely PB. Lesson #1. Flour/pie crust/gluten expands in the band. :eek: It may or may NOT be your friend, band-wise, which is good, cause it's definitely not weight loss friendly. Lesson # 2. Remember when they say NO drinking with meals?? :confused: This is ONE of the reasons why. Once you put solids in that tiny stoma, it becomes dammed up above the band for a while. IF you pour liquids (especially something thickish) like milk on top of it... we now have an overflow. OOPS! I believe you definitely passed through Slimeville, because it is your body's job to immediately go to work attacking offending visitors, hence the Slime patrol. But when even that doesn't work, the PB enforcers have to come to the rescue!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vegaswildflower 0 Posted July 15, 2006 This happens to me about once a week, I Lose my mind and eat bread or, well event when I eat the right foods but eat too fast, I suffer I mean the pain is wrenching for about 10 Min and then I open my mouth and a slime ball comes up.. MY Dr calls it foamies , well that makes it sound half cute but it isnt. each time its like a 1/4 to a half of cup of just slime, very little food. So as the negitive reinforcement has taught me , slow and steady, chew , chew , chew. when I focus on these thought coupled with listening to my body, If you already have a sticky poing dont keep shoveling it in!! it has slowed down. The good news is My Doc said, If your doing this and its just when you misbehave, then the band is well adjusted. If your doing this every day and having trouble then you might be to tight. Take time focus on what your body is telling you. welcome to slimeville. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cheri 0 Posted July 15, 2006 Thank you for this...alas, I might be a touch too tight after all!! Guess I'll call the doc on Monday!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yoda 0 Posted July 15, 2006 Thank you for this, Leatha and Vegaswildflower! I appreciate your input. Tis certainly a learning curve! I'll get there!! (on a better note: I had a two teeeeny bites of apple pie this morning...chewed chewed chewed and all was well!). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wheetsin 714 Posted July 15, 2006 Doesn't sound like what I consider a PB, but remember that definitions here seem to vary - no real "agreement" on what means what. When I PB, something comes forcefully up. I don't consider the excessive salivation a PB, so if you just opened your mouth and let the slime drain out, I'd say you were just sliming. If you actually had involuntary spasms that brought slime up from inside, then I'd say you had a PB. When I PB, I wretch -- you know -- make that charming noise, like I'm vomiting, only it's really nothingl ike vomiting... just sounds like it. :eek: So I guess my question would be - did the slime just "fall" out of your mouth, like a mouthful of Water would, or did your body bring it up and out of your mouth, expelling it, like with a cough, burp, or wretch? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wheetsin 714 Posted July 15, 2006 I should add - the combination of pain & sliming -- sounds like you got stuck. So maybe welcome to Stucksville? :eek: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yoda 0 Posted July 15, 2006 I should add - the combination of pain & sliming -- sounds like you got stuck. So maybe welcome to Stucksville? :eek: OMIGAWD!!!!! Wheetsin!!! I completely forgot about Stucksville!!!! I guess I wasn't looking at my map or using my GPS correctly....now that you mention it: I do, in fact believe I was in Stucksville, not PBVille (yahhhh I'm still a PB Virgin!!). I didn't actually "expell" it, I merely opened my mouth and let it all drain out like a tap! I did "feel" like I had to wretch and certainly wanted to...but I was able to control it and I didn't (was afraid to!). Daaaaammmmit....*Putting Stucksville on my map*....soooo many places to see..... Thanks for the insight and the tourist info! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LittleBird 0 Posted July 15, 2006 What the heck is a PB? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
*susan* 1,709 Posted July 16, 2006 I agree with Wheetsin, sounds like a stuck/sliming episode, no PB. For me, PB is when I literally wretch and food is forced out of my stomach in a projectile episode. Wow, we have such lovely discussions on here, don't we, lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites