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Scared of going to Mexico alone

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I am having my sleeve with Dr. Kelly on October 31st. My brother was suppose to come with me, but he flaked on me and there is no one else that can go. I don't want to cancel it because I really need this surgery, but I don't want to go by myself. If there is anyone out there that went to Mexico alone, please tell me about your experience and what I need to do to prepare. Also, if there is anyone going to Dr. Kelly at the end of October let me know and we could be a support for each other. Thanks.

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I went to see Dr. Aceves in Mexicali alone and it was fine. I was picked up at the airport by a driver and driven to the hospital. The day of surgery I slept 90% of the time and peed the remaining 10%. Once up and about, I met the people who had surgery the day before me and we walked around the unit, pushing our IV poles. When it was time to come home, the driver took me back to the airport and I flew home. Aside from feeling tired, it was easy. During my stay, I slept so much that anyone who came with me would have been bored out of their skull. I felt perfectly safe, too. You will do fine.

Oh, and you will need a passport or proof that you applied for one. I had one already so I can't help you with that.

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I hope you find a sleeve sister or brother going to Dr Kelly, because it's really cool! But if not I think you will get support from Dr Kelly and Trish. I just love your surgery date by the way!


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I wish I was at the same time. I'm going to Dr. Kelly on Nov 4th I think. The date isn't set in stone but I'm getting ready to make the deposit. My boyfriend wont go so my daughter and my dad are going. If you were there the same time we would adopt you as ours.

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I, too, went to Dr. Aceves in Mexicali alone. I felt very safe and secure.....I don't know anything about Dr. Kelly, but it is their business to get people down there, keep them safe, and do the surgery, so those people will tell others, and they will tell others, and so on.... I am sure you will be safe, and the only problem I had was that I was BORED!!!! I also had a really creaky throat when I got back and started talking with my hubby and kids 'cause I hardly talked with anyone down there! Good luck to you and I hope everything turns out well!!biggrin.gif

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I did it alone and I prefered it that way. No one for me to worry about being bored as I slept. I was able to concentrate on me which was good. I would say pack really light and if you can have your luggage with wheels so that it makes it easier to pull. Other than that you are stronger than you may think. Plus you will meet other people having the same surgery who you can talk with if you so feel inclined to do.

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I think you will be just fine! You will have Trish there for you and it gives you personal time to heal and prepare for the journey ahead. Contact Trish and see if she can provide you with names of anyone who will be there the same time. I did that and found my sleeve sister Davida that way! We are now both 7 months out and both less than 10 pounds to our final goals!

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I went alone to Dr Aceves too and it was fine. I drove myself, fortunately the hospital is just a few blocks over the border in Mexicali so i didn't have to worry about getting lost and driving a long distance in a foreign country.

I never felt afraid or lonely, I read a lot and played on my iPad - which I bought with money I saved by having the surgery in Mexico. :)

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I went alone to Dr Aceves too and it was fine. I drove myself, fortunately the hospital is just a few blocks over the border in Mexicali so i didn't have to worry about getting lost and driving a long distance in a foreign country.

I never felt afraid or lonely, I read a lot and played on my iPad - which I bought with money I saved by having the surgery in Mexico. :)

I went to Dr. Aceves by myself as well. It was nice not having to worry about anyone but myself. The first day I had a bit of a meltdown (too much built up anxiety + margarita = meltdown). I had my "surgery iPad" too so I came on here and the folks on the forum helped me through it.

You will probably meet people there or if you want to just hang out, watch tv, read, and sleep, you can do that too! Good luck!

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I am having my sleeve with Dr. Kelly on October 31st. My brother was suppose to come with me, but he flaked on me and there is no one else that can go. I don't want to cancel it because I really need this surgery, but I don't want to go by myself. If there is anyone out there that went to Mexico alone, please tell me about your experience and what I need to do to prepare. Also, if there is anyone going to Dr. Kelly at the end of October let me know and we could be a support for each other. Thanks.

It's been one week that I've been home from my surgery experience with Dr. Kelly. Mine was August 19th and to be honest - you have nothing to be worried about. Going alone was freaking me out. I barely remember the 4 hr plane ride to San Diego but now I see I was wearing myself out all for nothing. Your driver will confirm your time you will get to airport and he will be out front waiting for you. You get driven across the border (no issues there - guess they don't care much about who goes INTO Mexico) and on a short ride to the hospital. The roads in mexico are TERRIBLE. Bumpy and dirty but people are whizzing around like ants on an ant hill and I didn't see ONE accident (don't know HOW cuz it would've been like bumper cars here in the states. ;-) You are never in any danger. You spend the first 2 nights after surgery there in the hospital and even the first night if you come the day before. The nurses are very nice and come in a flash when you need something or your IV is beeping (that happened to me a lot). Even Dr. Kelly comes in to check in on you. I came in for same day surgery so I was in the hospital and on to the initial tests as soon as I got there. After your hospital stay and drain removal (which I didn't feel being removed at all), it's on to the leak test at another hospital (you're driven again) and if all is well, off for 2 nights stay at the fence surrounded hotel. Very nice place and a room/balcony with a view. I was facing the noisy traffic side of the hotel which didn't bother me at all. It was fun looking off the balcony at all the hustle and bustle going on down on the streets. There are american television stations and you should be very comfortable - I was. The weather is so comfortable I walked around out by the pool and even around the whole hotel just to make sure that gas threat didn't sneak up on me. I rested a lot and was even on line since I brought my laptop. I used my cell phone (Verizon and probably all the others charge "data" fees and 99 cents per minute on calls) but I had to call and let my family know I was fine. There are no phones in your hospital room. Trish was my patient coordinator and since I felt GREAT and didn't want to sit around, she was either coming to get me to go shopping or checking in on me. She supplied me with gauze and tape to change your bandages after your showers and even some Gatorade and Jello (which you probably won't even want but she insists you eat something and keep hydrated). I'm telling you - I was terrified of going at all and going alone - I thought I was gonna lose it but I'm glad I did. I concentrated on ME and was never afraid or felt abandoned. The driver contacted me again to confirm my flight time and set up the pick up time for the next day. The border crossing takes more time going back into the states (long slow lines) but I made it back to the airport in PLENTY of time. Pack light. There's no reason for more than 2 changes of clothes. You can wear the ones you came in as the "Going back home" set if you wear something loose and comfortable. No jeans. Other than that, you should keep it simple. I brought about $100 cash, my driver's lic, and my passport card. I tipped the driver and the hotel concierge who brought my suitcase up and showed me around my room. I did some shopping but not much - all places LOVE & accept dollar so don't worry about converting money. You'll be in gowns or pj's while in the hospital. Bring flip flip flops for your many trips to the bathroom and shower. I forgot to bring but wish I had brought some antibiotic cream to apply to my incisions before applying the bandages. Alcohol pads, something. I just had to wait to get back home to really start "tending my wounds". ;-)

Sorry I wrote so much but I was in the same shoes you are in and wish someone had broken it all down for me - it makes it all so much more real and I could process the whole experience better. I read so many posts and was a sponge filling up with so much information I thought my head was gonna pop. Let me know if I can help you in any way. Other than that - you've got Trish who takes care of you and really cares! Then Dr. Kelly - he's a really good doctor and is so down to earth, he makes you feel safe in his hands. You will be fine. ;-)

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Thank you so much for sharing your experience. It is helpful to know that someone is gone through what I am planning and has come out doing great. That helps me to know I have made a good decision. I had my phone consultation with Dr. Kelly today and he answered all my questions and it helped put me at ease. I do think I will be well taken care of. Now all I have to do is be patient for the next 2 months. I can't wait till I am sleeved.

It's been one week that I've been home from my surgery experience with Dr. Kelly. Mine was August 19th and to be honest - you have nothing to be worried about. Going alone was freaking me out. I barely remember the 4 hr plane ride to San Diego but now I see I was wearing myself out all for nothing. Your driver will confirm your time you will get to airport and he will be out front waiting for you. You get driven across the border (no issues there - guess they don't care much about who goes INTO Mexico) and on a short ride to the hospital. The roads in Mexico are TERRIBLE. Bumpy and dirty but people are whizzing around like ants on an ant hill and I didn't see ONE accident (don't know HOW cuz it would've been like bumper cars here in the states. ;-) You are never in any danger. You spend the first 2 nights after surgery there in the hospital and even the first night if you come the day before. The nurses are very nice and come in a flash when you need something or your IV is beeping (that happened to me a lot). Even Dr. Kelly comes in to check in on you. I came in for same day surgery so I was in the hospital and on to the initial tests as soon as I got there. After your hospital stay and drain removal (which I didn't feel being removed at all), it's on to the leak test at another hospital (you're driven again) and if all is well, off for 2 nights stay at the fence surrounded hotel. Very nice place and a room/balcony with a view. I was facing the noisy traffic side of the hotel which didn't bother me at all. It was fun looking off the balcony at all the hustle and bustle going on down on the streets. There are american television stations and you should be very comfortable - I was. The weather is so comfortable I walked around out by the pool and even around the whole hotel just to make sure that gas threat didn't sneak up on me. I rested a lot and was even on line since I brought my laptop. I used my cell phone (Verizon and probably all the others charge "data" fees and 99 cents per minute on calls) but I had to call and let my family know I was fine. There are no phones in your hospital room. Trish was my patient coordinator and since I felt GREAT and didn't want to sit around, she was either coming to get me to go shopping or checking in on me. She supplied me with gauze and tape to change your bandages after your showers and even some Gatorade and Jello (which you probably won't even want but she insists you eat something and keep hydrated). I'm telling you - I was terrified of going at all and going alone - I thought I was gonna lose it but I'm glad I did. I concentrated on ME and was never afraid or felt abandoned. The driver contacted me again to confirm my flight time and set up the pick up time for the next day. The border crossing takes more time going back into the states (long slow lines) but I made it back to the airport in PLENTY of time. Pack light. There's no reason for more than 2 changes of clothes. You can wear the ones you came in as the "Going back home" set if you wear something loose and comfortable. No jeans. Other than that, you should keep it simple. I brought about $100 cash, my driver's lic, and my passport card. I tipped the driver and the hotel concierge who brought my suitcase up and showed me around my room. I did some shopping but not much - all places LOVE & accept dollar so don't worry about converting money. You'll be in gowns or pj's while in the hospital. Bring flip flip flops for your many trips to the bathroom and shower. I forgot to bring but wish I had brought some antibiotic cream to apply to my incisions before applying the bandages. Alcohol pads, something. I just had to wait to get back home to really start "tending my wounds". ;-)

Sorry I wrote so much but I was in the same shoes you are in and wish someone had broken it all down for me - it makes it all so much more real and I could process the whole experience better. I read so many posts and was a sponge filling up with so much information I thought my head was gonna pop. Let me know if I can help you in any way. Other than that - you've got Trish who takes care of you and really cares! Then Dr. Kelly - he's a really good doctor and is so down to earth, he makes you feel safe in his hands. You will be fine. ;-)

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Hello, my name is Laura and I just came back from TJ on Sept. 3. I was so scared to go to Mexico and I had a friend with me. I had heard all the news reports about border towns.

BUT I CAN'T SAY THIS enough I am so glad I did not let the fear take over and instead trusted the Lord.

Seriously, Trish and the dr's take care of everything that you never feel lost or afraid. I actually never saw anything to give me concern in the least bit. I am so glad that I went through with it. I had the most amazing experience and actually almost no pain. I can't believe I have had surgery I feel so AWESOME!

If you would like to speak in person please PM

I am having my sleeve with Dr. Kelly on October 31st. My brother was suppose to come with me, but he flaked on me and there is no one else that can go. I don't want to cancel it because I really need this surgery, but I don't want to go by myself. If there is anyone out there that went to Mexico alone, please tell me about your experience and what I need to do to prepare. Also, if there is anyone going to Dr. Kelly at the end of October let me know and we could be a support for each other. Thanks.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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