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Stuck, sick, & tired

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Thank you all, ladies. It made me feel so much better just to know you're here and ready to be there for me. I hope I can repay you the favor sometime. :)

AND… miracle of miracles… I woke up today 5lbs lighter. Yes, overnight! (Or over 2 nights, since I didn't weigh yesterday.) Maybe I should complain more often!! Obviously it must be mostly Water, but still, that Water was hanging on for dear life until now, so that's a good sign and I'll take it.

I'm 277 now, which is a number I haven't seen since I got sick with mono (which triggered CFS) almost 2 years ago exactly. That's just a few (7) lbs more than I weighed when I got married 3 years ago. I'm happy about it. :)

And my face is still swollen so there must be more water ready to come off.

Thanks to your advice, I'm getting back on the mega-Protein wagon (fell off a bit in Italy) and drinking MORE water.

KellyL, thank you so much. I had almost forgotten about taking vits. I was into all sorts of supplements for my fatigue/fibro pre-op, had to quit taking them 3 weeks in advance to prepare, and never got back on the bandwagon somehow. I will attack it again with that dedication.

And I also realized that I must be at least a little dehydrated, cuz I have to breathe thru my mouth all night and I wake up with super crackly dry-mouth. I must lose a LOT of water that way. So I've turned on the humidifier and upped my fluids -- my surgeon says 2L/day, so I started doing 2.5-3L when I wrote this post, and I do feel a bit better already.

Nurse Elisa, you might be right. Most post-op recommendations (from the major universities etc) seem to be in the 600-800 range, my surgeon said 1000, but I've been trying to do 900. Some days I feel sick and don't want to eat tho. (THAT never happened before surgery, heh.) If I stall again, I will definitely try upping calories. I felt fine on 900 for weeks -- but maybe now that is contributing to my fatigue.

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I'm so glad you're feeling better! I had blood pressure ups and downs at your stage, and I was so tired I could barely function on some days. The real Protein and MORE of it helped me a lot. And if you're really sweating, etc, drink a little Gatorade and it will help you. It's odd for us weightloss patients to ever hear, "Eat more and you'll feel better", but it is true, I believe!

Thank you all, ladies. It made me feel so much better just to know you're here and ready to be there for me. I hope I can repay you the favor sometime. :)

AND… miracle of miracles… I woke up today 5lbs lighter. Yes, overnight! (Or over 2 nights, since I didn't weigh yesterday.) Maybe I should complain more often!! Obviously it must be mostly Water, but still, that Water was hanging on for dear life until now, so that's a good sign and I'll take it.

I'm 277 now, which is a number I haven't seen since I got sick with mono (which triggered CFS) almost 2 years ago exactly. That's just a few (7) lbs more than I weighed when I got married 3 years ago. I'm happy about it. :)

And my face is still swollen so there must be more water ready to come off.

Thanks to your advice, I'm getting back on the mega-protein wagon (fell off a bit in Italy) and drinking MORE water.

KellyL, thank you so much. I had almost forgotten about taking vits. I was into all sorts of supplements for my fatigue/fibro pre-op, had to quit taking them 3 weeks in advance to prepare, and never got back on the bandwagon somehow. I will attack it again with that dedication.

And I also realized that I must be at least a little dehydrated, cuz I have to breathe thru my mouth all night and I wake up with super crackly dry-mouth. I must lose a LOT of water that way. So I've turned on the humidifier and upped my fluids -- my surgeon says 2L/day, so I started doing 2.5-3L when I wrote this post, and I do feel a bit better already.

Nurse Elisa, you might be right. Most post-op recommendations (from the major universities etc) seem to be in the 600-800 range, my surgeon said 1000, but I've been trying to do 900. Some days I feel sick and don't want to eat tho. (THAT never happened before surgery, heh.) If I stall again, I will definitely try upping calories. I felt fine on 900 for weeks -- but maybe now that is contributing to my fatigue.

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I agree with KellyL's suggestions. Also, it seems like you might be experiencing a constant sinus infection which will cause your whole system to feel terrible, so no wonder you don't have the energy to exercise. I think I'd deal with that first, and then move on to worrying about your weight loss. If you feel terrible, it's incredibly hard to motivate to work out. If you start to have a little more energy, then I recommend SLOWLY working your way up. I started with 20 minute walks, and now i can work out for an hour and half at a go. It makes a big difference if you go slow and don't overtax yourself at the outset. I hope these suggestions help you!!! We are behind you!!!

Lila21, I definitely have a chronic sinus infection. You should see my CT scans -- a couple of my sinuses are almost completely blocked by swollen tissue. At this point, I have tried everything… neti pot/sinus rinse, long courses of antibiotics, long courses of anti-fungals, etc., with little to show for it. I can't take steroid nose sprays to reduce swelling cuz they interrupt my sleep, trigger serious sore throats, tummy aches, acid reflux, and fibromyalgia (from poor sleep quality).

If you have any creative suggestions for stuff to try, I am incredibly interested :)

I'm pretty sure the only thing I can do now is surgery, but I JUST had surgery so I've got to wait. I had sinus surgery about 6 years ago and the recovery was kinda rough.

In fact, the whole reason I investigated WLS was because I saw a new sinus surgeon who said, "Well, I can certainly operate on you and you'll feel better for a while. But if you don't lose all this excess weight, you'll be back in here in 2 years." He told me about 2 of his nurses who had WLS and went from having pneumonia, bronchitis & sinus issues all the time to being healthy. That described me to a T.

I was SOOOOOO EXCITED when my nose cleared up in the hospital and post-op for a couple weeks. My skin cleared up and I looked & felt so much better. I wish like hell I knew what it was that caused that. I figure: the pain killers, the 4L/day of IV fluids, the humidified oxygen delivered right to my nose, possibly the diet (e.g. fasting then liquids), or maybe just the shock of surgery.

Then I got my period, and bam: sinuses clogged, face swelled up, broke out, and even the (dark) hair on my face got worse again. BLEAHHHH.

Again, I absolutely believe that you are right -- no doubt the chronic infection is causing issues. But the reason I had the surgery was cuz being overweight can worsen infection and inflammation. I was hoping it'd help instead of being another thing derailed by it :)

And again, I'm definitely interested in ANY suggestions you might have, if you have experience with this kinda thing.

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Hi Ahoy, you say that taking steroid nasal sprays interrupts your sleep, causes you sore throats, tummy aches, etc. Are you taking it in the evening? That's the only way I can see it going into your throat and stomach. The steroid nasal spays are most effective in the morning anyway (only slightly more effective, but still).

If that doesn't do the trick then you should be able to 'wash' away the spray by lying on your back 15 minutes after taking the spray and putting a few drops of saline in your nose.

I remember when my ENT surgeon took me off my nasal spray for a month for an experiment and wowzers I felt *AWFUL* without it - like I had a full on cold. 48 hours after going back on the spray I was almost better.

I've had nasal polyps removed twice as well as having my deviated septum corrected and believe me, that surgery way easier than the WLS we get so maybe nasal surgery has improved since 6 years ago. wink.gif

Lila21, I definitely have a chronic sinus infection. You should see my CT scans -- a couple of my sinuses are almost completely blocked by swollen tissue. At this point, I have tried everything… neti pot/sinus rinse, long courses of antibiotics, long courses of anti-fungals, etc., with little to show for it. I can't take steroid nose sprays to reduce swelling cuz they interrupt my sleep, trigger serious sore throats, tummy aches, acid reflux, and fibromyalgia (from poor sleep quality).

If you have any creative suggestions for stuff to try, I am incredibly interested :)

I'm pretty sure the only thing I can do now is surgery, but I JUST had surgery so I've got to wait. I had sinus surgery about 6 years ago and the recovery was kinda rough.

In fact, the whole reason I investigated WLS was because I saw a new sinus surgeon who said, "Well, I can certainly operate on you and you'll feel better for a while. But if you don't lose all this excess weight, you'll be back in here in 2 years." He told me about 2 of his nurses who had WLS and went from having pneumonia, bronchitis & sinus issues all the time to being healthy. That described me to a T.

I was SOOOOOO EXCITED when my nose cleared up in the hospital and post-op for a couple weeks. My skin cleared up and I looked & felt so much better. I wish like hell I knew what it was that caused that. I figure: the pain killers, the 4L/day of IV fluids, the humidified oxygen delivered right to my nose, possibly the diet (e.g. fasting then liquids), or maybe just the shock of surgery.

Then I got my period, and bam: sinuses clogged, face swelled up, broke out, and even the (dark) hair on my face got worse again. BLEAHHHH.

Again, I absolutely believe that you are right -- no doubt the chronic infection is causing issues. But the reason I had the surgery was cuz being overweight can worsen infection and inflammation. I was hoping it'd help instead of being another thing derailed by it :)

And again, I'm definitely interested in ANY suggestions you might have, if you have experience with this kinda thing.

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Hi Ahoy, you say that taking steroid nasal sprays interrupts your sleep, causes you sore throats, tummy aches, etc. Are you taking it in the evening? That's the only way I can see it going into your throat and stomach. The steroid nasal spays are most effective in the morning anyway (only slightly more effective, but still).

Oh how I wish the solution was just to change the time I take it!

I have daytime post-nasal drip as well, sometimes quite bad. And right after I got sick with the mono (which lasted about 6 mos!!), my doctor put me on a steroid nose spray and Advair. They disturbed my sleep, made me extremely irritable, and eventually led to HALLUCINATIONS. Yep, that's right, steroid psychosis from 2 totally normal medicines that many people combine.

Somehow during all this crap, I've become incredibly sensitive to chemicals I used to be able to tolerate just fine. It blows. :)

If that doesn't do the trick then you should be able to 'wash' away the spray by lying on your back 15 minutes after taking the spray and putting a few drops of saline in your nose.

I will try that! The nose sprays REALLY help the swelling but the other side fx have been intolerable.

I've had nasal polyps removed twice as well as having my deviated septum corrected and believe me, that surgery way easier than the WLS we get so maybe nasal surgery has improved since 6 years ago. wink.gif

I had a bunch of swelling removed from inside the sinuses, and the deviated septum, and bone removed to hopefully improve drainage. I think polyps are not IN the sinuses, are they? Did they pack your sinuses? Cuz that was the part that was terrible. My sinuses and nose were completely packed for 2 weeks, swallowing was much worse than anything I experienced with WLS because my head was so blocked up that swallowing created pressure pops and stuff would come back up. :) TMI but *shudder* that is what I am afraid of going thru again!

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Ew, they packed your nose!! Nope then my surgery wasn't as bad as yours. You could also try playing with different nasal sprays. Before I got one that worked for me I had to try a couple. The first one gave me nose bleeds so when my nose ran it would go onto the open skin and then I'd sneeze more and that'd create more irritation.

Sorry about your nasal drip, that sounds nasty. Don't they eventually go away? I think I was warned that there was a slim risk I might get that when I had my polyps removed but my surgeon's great and last time I spoke to him that had never happened to one of his patients.

Are you taking antihistamine tablets, as that may help some of your sinus/nasal irritation and maybe help you with the nasal spray too. I have to take antihistamines for allergic rhinitis. The tablets are tiny and not expensive (I use Cetirizine Hydrochloride).

I hope you find some relief as you're having a tough time and I feel for ya! unsure.gif


Oh how I wish the solution was just to change the time I take it!

I have daytime post-nasal drip as well, sometimes quite bad. And right after I got sick with the mono (which lasted about 6 mos!!), my doctor put me on a steroid nose spray and Advair. They disturbed my sleep, made me extremely irritable, and eventually led to HALLUCINATIONS. Yep, that's right, steroid psychosis from 2 totally normal medicines that many people combine.

Somehow during all this crap, I've become incredibly sensitive to chemicals I used to be able to tolerate just fine. It blows. :)


I will try that! The nose sprays REALLY help the swelling but the other side fx have been intolerable.

I had a bunch of swelling removed from inside the sinuses, and the deviated septum, and bone removed to hopefully improve drainage. I think polyps are not IN the sinuses, are they? Did they pack your sinuses? Cuz that was the part that was terrible. My sinuses and nose were completely packed for 2 weeks, swallowing was much worse than anything I experienced with WLS because my head was so blocked up that swallowing created pressure pops and stuff would come back up. :) TMI but *shudder* that is what I am afraid of going thru again!

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Hi Ahoy, howz it going? Have you tried cutting out dairy for a couple of days? I know it helps me with congestion (dairy is really mucus forming). I've never really had a sinus problem despite my 3 nasal ops. But if it's going to help you should notice a difference after 48 hours of abstaining from dairy (difficult when you're early out I know).

Take care.


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Hi Ahoy, howz it going? Have you tried cutting out dairy for a couple of days? I know it helps me with congestion (dairy is really mucus forming). I've never really had a sinus problem despite my 3 nasal ops. But if it's going to help you should notice a difference after 48 hours of abstaining from dairy (difficult when you're early out I know).

Take care.


Hey! Sorry, I JUST NOW saw your big reply above :)

Thanks for all your advice, ideas, and support. It means SO much to me.

Yes, my last sinus surgery was really serious! Luckily they won't remove bone again so it won't be as bad when I have it done a 2nd time. *crosses fingers*

You're right about trying diff meds. I have tried the 3 nose sprays that are common in Austria… they're not as big on variety here. Nasonex, Flixonase and NASIC, which the doctor said was non-steroidal but turns out she was wrong. Alas! When I'm back in the US for several months, in 2 weeks (yay!), I will see what else is available.

The thing is, everything mucks up my sleep. EVERYTHING except (I think) my PPI, thank goodness. My friend who visited from the US brought me the "wonder pills," Mucinex with a teeny bit of decongestant. It worked so well! But I had super vivid dreams and 3 days in, got all muscle achey and tiiiiiired because of the sleep probs. Same thing with Claritin. Don't know if they have the equivalent to Zyrtec here, but I plan to stock up and try a bunch when I get back to the US.

Yeah… those drugs ALL work for me. But they also all make my sleep quality so poor, I end up worse than before :(

Cutting out dairy doesn't seem to make any diff. Can't decide if I'm glad, because I love it, or sad because it'd be an "easy" fix.

Now I'm going to try to add some supplements that are specifically anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial and see if that helps. Again, something way easier to do in the US. :)

BUT, all that said, sleeping with the humidifier and drinking more like 3L/day has already helped. Today I woke up breathing thru my nose. That is amazing! I still clogged up and got a headache but I'll take what I can get :)

So, lessons learned: drink way more than seems sane, and use the humidifier every night. :)

Thanks again!

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      Day 1 of pre-op liquid diet (3 weeks) and I'm having a hard time already. I feel hungry and just want to eat. I got the protein and supplements recommend by my program and having a hard time getting 1 down. My doctor / nutritionist has me on the following:
      1 protein shake (bariatric advantage chocolate) with 8 oz of fat free milk 1 snack = 1 unjury protein shake (root beer) 1 protein shake (bariatric advantage orange cream) 1 snack = 1 unjury protein bar 1 protein shake (bariatric advantace orange cream or chocolate) 1 snack = 1 unjury protein soup (chicken) 3 servings of sugar free jello and popsicles throughout the day. 64 oz of water (I have flavor packets). Hot tea and coffee with splenda has been approved as well. Does anyone recommend anything for the next 3 weeks?
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      1. NickelChip

        All I can tell you is that for me, it got easier after the first week. The hunger pains got less intense and I kind of got used to it and gave up torturing myself by thinking about food. But if you can, get anything tempting out of the house and avoid being around people who are eating. I sent my kids to my parents' house for two weeks so I wouldn't have to prepare meals I couldn't eat. After surgery, the hunger was totally gone.

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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

    • Ladiva04

      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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      I’m 6 days post op as of today. I had the gastric bypass 
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