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Last Thursday I went to get a sonogram of my gall bladder as required by my surgeon. I was a little grumpy because I was hungry and couldnt eat until after the sono and felt like I was waiting forever to be called. So finally the tech calls me into the room and tells me to lift my shirt and lower my pants so she can get to my gut region. She asked me why I was having the sono and I told her that I was pursuing weight loss surgery. She squirts that warm gel on my tummy and immediately goes into a story about how she used to be overweight and lost 80 pounds in two years by swimming and changing her diet. She went through a bad divorce and decided that since her kids were grown up and out of the house that she wanted to focus on herself and get healthy and lose weight. She said she went swimming early in the morning counted her calories during meals and went swimming in the evening when she got home from work. She’s telling me all this, and I'm just listening, trying to keep calm, because she's saying it in a sort of condescending tone; almost like she's trying to convince me not to have WLS. She goes on and on about what size clothing she used to wear and what she wears now, and I still listened, but I didn’t say a word. I'm the type that will usually take on a challenge, but all I wanted to do was get outta there and get my bacon and egg english muffin samich. Then she said those effin words..."I would never do the surgery, that's the EASY WAY OUT" and everything started to move in slow motion for me...like in the movies when a bomb is about to explode. I had to do everything in my power not to jump up off that exam table and cuss her out. I dont know what she said after that because I was literally trying to figure out a way to tell her that I wasnt interested in her opinion and didnt appreciate her trying to make me feel bad about having weight loss surgery. I took a deep breath and relaxed. Her opinion was her own and meant nothing to me. However, I did feel the need to put her in her place.

I'm so proud of myself....I said to her, "I'm happy that you were able to find a way to lose weight by swimming and counting calories. Unfortunately for me, I dont have the time in my busy day to go swimming in the morning and evening, as I have an entire family to take care of in addition to my full time job. I've tried countless times to lose weight with conventional methods and have failed every single time. You said it took you two years to lose 80 pounds? Well hopefully with my surgery I will lose 80 pounds in half that time, and can focus on maintaining it with my diet and regular exercise, but I know for a fact that it will not be an easy way out." (I was real sassy when I said that last part).

She then begins to apologize about not meaning it "that way", that she was just explaining to me that since she was able to put her mind to it and focus she was able to lose her weight “naturally”. My response was "Well, I'm puttin my mind to this surgery and will focus on it and lose my weight “naturally” too. I took one of them huge hospital paper towels, wiped that gunk off my tummy and wished her a good day as I sauntered off into the hallway.

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Good for you, I would have told her off. how rude!!!

Duh, nobody would get this surgery if we were all able to lose weight like she had!

Good luck with your surgery girl!

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This is not easy!! and Forever you will have to watch what you eat and the amounts.

RUDE woman!!

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I just chalk it up to ignorance. Unfortunately she works in the healthcare field and hasnt educated herself enough to know about WLS and feels the need to advocate against it since she lost weight "the natural way".

I told her off in a polite way. Eventually she'll run into another WLS candidate soon who wont be as nice as I was!

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You should report the tech , because what if she does that to other patients who dont speak up for themselves? She is paid to do ultrasounds and not therapy work.......good luck on your wls journey :rolleyes:

Last Thursday I went to get a sonogram of my gall bladder as required by my surgeon. I was a little grumpy because I was hungry and couldnt eat until after the sono and felt like I was waiting forever to be called. So finally the tech calls me into the room and tells me to lift my shirt and lower my pants so she can get to my gut region. She asked me why I was having the sono and I told her that I was pursuing weight loss surgery. She squirts that warm gel on my tummy and immediately goes into a story about how she used to be overweight and lost 80 pounds in two years by swimming and changing her diet. She went through a bad divorce and decided that since her kids were grown up and out of the house that she wanted to focus on herself and get healthy and lose weight. She said she went swimming early in the morning counted her calories during meals and went swimming in the evening when she got home from work. She’s telling me all this, and I'm just listening, trying to keep calm, because she's saying it in a sort of condescending tone; almost like she's trying to convince me not to have WLS. She goes on and on about what size clothing she used to wear and what she wears now, and I still listened, but I didn’t say a word. I'm the type that will usually take on a challenge, but all I wanted to do was get outta there and get my bacon and egg english muffin samich. Then she said those effin words..."I would never do the surgery, that's the EASY WAY OUT" and everything started to move in slow motion for me...like in the movies when a bomb is about to explode. I had to do everything in my power not to jump up off that exam table and cuss her out. I dont know what she said after that because I was literally trying to figure out a way to tell her that I wasnt interested in her opinion and didnt appreciate her trying to make me feel bad about having weight loss surgery. I took a deep breath and relaxed. Her opinion was her own and meant nothing to me. However, I did feel the need to put her in her place.

I'm so proud of myself....I said to her, "I'm happy that you were able to find a way to lose weight by swimming and counting calories. Unfortunately for me, I dont have the time in my busy day to go swimming in the morning and evening, as I have an entire family to take care of in addition to my full time job. I've tried countless times to lose weight with conventional methods and have failed every single time. You said it took you two years to lose 80 pounds? Well hopefully with my surgery I will lose 80 pounds in half that time, and can focus on maintaining it with my diet and regular exercise, but I know for a fact that it will not be an easy way out." (I was real sassy when I said that last part).

She then begins to apologize about not meaning it "that way", that she was just explaining to me that since she was able to put her mind to it and focus she was able to lose her weight “naturally”. My response was "Well, I'm puttin my mind to this surgery and will focus on it and lose my weight “naturally” too. I took one of them huge hospital paper towels, wiped that gunk off my tummy and wished her a good day as I sauntered off into the hallway.

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It didnt even cross my mind to report her. I think I handled the situation well enough for her to think twice about the way she speaks to her patients.

You should report the tech , because what if she does that to other patients who dont speak up for themselves? She is paid to do ultrasounds and not therapy work.......good luck on your wls journey :rolleyes:

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Way to go girl, you tell her. People need to learn how to do their jobs and mind their own business. She was way out of line for bringing up her weight loss and giving you advice. Would she tell a cancer patient how to cure herself naturally? People think we are overweight because we are lazy and don’t try. Which is bull, I have struggled and struggled my whole life and know how you must have felt. Good for you for sticking up for yourself.

Last Thursday I went to get a sonogram of my gall bladder as required by my surgeon. I was a little grumpy because I was hungry and couldnt eat until after the sono and felt like I was waiting forever to be called. So finally the tech calls me into the room and tells me to lift my shirt and lower my pants so she can get to my gut region. She asked me why I was having the sono and I told her that I was pursuing weight loss surgery. She squirts that warm gel on my tummy and immediately goes into a story about how she used to be overweight and lost 80 pounds in two years by swimming and changing her diet. She went through a bad divorce and decided that since her kids were grown up and out of the house that she wanted to focus on herself and get healthy and lose weight. She said she went swimming early in the morning counted her calories during meals and went swimming in the evening when she got home from work. She’s telling me all this, and I'm just listening, trying to keep calm, because she's saying it in a sort of condescending tone; almost like she's trying to convince me not to have WLS. She goes on and on about what size clothing she used to wear and what she wears now, and I still listened, but I didn’t say a word. I'm the type that will usually take on a challenge, but all I wanted to do was get outta there and get my bacon and egg english muffin samich. Then she said those effin words..."I would never do the surgery, that's the EASY WAY OUT" and everything started to move in slow motion for me...like in the movies when a bomb is about to explode. I had to do everything in my power not to jump up off that exam table and cuss her out. I dont know what she said after that because I was literally trying to figure out a way to tell her that I wasnt interested in her opinion and didnt appreciate her trying to make me feel bad about having weight loss surgery. I took a deep breath and relaxed. Her opinion was her own and meant nothing to me. However, I did feel the need to put her in her place.

I'm so proud of myself....I said to her, "I'm happy that you were able to find a way to lose weight by swimming and counting calories. Unfortunately for me, I dont have the time in my busy day to go swimming in the morning and evening, as I have an entire family to take care of in addition to my full time job. I've tried countless times to lose weight with conventional methods and have failed every single time. You said it took you two years to lose 80 pounds? Well hopefully with my surgery I will lose 80 pounds in half that time, and can focus on maintaining it with my diet and regular exercise, but I know for a fact that it will not be an easy way out." (I was real sassy when I said that last part).

She then begins to apologize about not meaning it "that way", that she was just explaining to me that since she was able to put her mind to it and focus she was able to lose her weight “naturally”. My response was "Well, I'm puttin my mind to this surgery and will focus on it and lose my weight “naturally” too. I took one of them huge hospital paper towels, wiped that gunk off my tummy and wished her a good day as I sauntered off into the hallway.

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I know people who haven't had the surgery do tend to think of it as an "easy way out." One of my best friends did (although I didn't know it). After being with me through several meals and observing the amount I eat and, on one occasion, the way the sleeve rejects things it doesn't like even though I didn't overeat or eat too fast, she said, "Wow, if I hear anyone saying you took the easy way out, I'm going to set them straight. This is NOT the easy way out!" We hadn't been talking about it as an easy way out or about it at all. The way she said it made me realize that she had been thinking that but was friend enough not to say it out loud, but that seeing the sleeve in action had changed her mind. She has been nothing but supportive, though, and I'm glad she was observant and realized it was a complete change in my way of eating and not easy at first!!

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I am taking notes - what a great come back to an ignorant indiviual. What courage you have!!!! Best wishes on your journey!!!! you will be very successful. This is not an easy or wreckless journey we take upon ourselves and our families. From the posts on this site, one can see that the people here have fought long and hard to do something that comes easy to others (I never can trust people who's legs don't rub together). We research, ask questions, query doctors and fight ourselves over this decision that is for the rest of our lives. Nothing about the surgery is easy, we will be focused, determined and SUCCESSFUL!!!!!!! YEAH FOR US!!!!!! THE DOERS OF THE WORLD!!!!

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lol @ "I never can trust people who's legs don't rub together...Hilarious!

I am taking notes - what a great come back to an ignorant indiviual. What courage you have!!!! Best wishes on your journey!!!! you will be very successful. This is not an easy or wreckless journey we take upon ourselves and our families. From the posts on this site, one can see that the people here have fought long and hard to do something that comes easy to others (I never can trust people who's legs don't rub together). We research, ask questions, query doctors and fight ourselves over this decision that is for the rest of our lives. Nothing about the surgery is easy, we will be focused, determined and SUCCESSFUL!!!!!!! YEAH FOR US!!!!!! THE DOERS OF THE WORLD!!!!

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I know the phrase "easy way out" is a hot button issue, and I absolutely agree that this isn't an easy path by any stretch of the imagination. I'm only 4 weeks out, it's been hard enough so far, and I know it's going to get a lot harder. But personally I've managed to lose 80 - 90 pounds twice in my life, got down to a weight I was really happy with, and then put it all back on again, and FAST. I now understand that statistically our chances of keeping the weight off by traditional methods is only 3 - 5%. That's why I had the surgery, because I felt like losing it and keeping it off just wasn't possible for me any other way. I know I'm going to have to work hard even with the sleeve, but it sure beats a 95%+ failure rate, and in my book, hard is definitely easier than (nearly?) impossible. But why should I expect myself to attempt the nearly impossible once again? Why shouldn't I avail myself of all the tools medicine can offer me to be successful in the fight for my own good health, both physical and emotional? I think the real problem is that few people recognize just how dismal the success rate is for long-term major weight loss, so they consider those of us who fail at it to be lazy at best, as if it's some kind of moral failure.

I admire those that can do this and succeed long-term without surgery, but the failure rate is daunting. I have no apologies for making the choice that was right for me. I guess I'd just call it the "easier" way out.

Good for you for setting her straight!!

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Last Thursday I went to get a sonogram of my gall bladder as required by my surgeon. I was a little grumpy because I was hungry and couldnt eat until after the sono and felt like I was waiting forever to be called. So finally the tech calls me into the room and tells me to lift my shirt and lower my pants so she can get to my gut region. She asked me why I was having the sono and I told her that I was pursuing weight loss surgery. She squirts that warm gel on my tummy and immediately goes into a story about how she used to be overweight and lost 80 pounds in two years by swimming and changing her diet. She went through a bad divorce and decided that since her kids were grown up and out of the house that she wanted to focus on herself and get healthy and lose weight. She said she went swimming early in the morning counted her calories during meals and went swimming in the evening when she got home from work. She’s telling me all this, and I'm just listening, trying to keep calm, because she's saying it in a sort of condescending tone; almost like she's trying to convince me not to have WLS. She goes on and on about what size clothing she used to wear and what she wears now, and I still listened, but I didn’t say a word. I'm the type that will usually take on a challenge, but all I wanted to do was get outta there and get my bacon and egg english muffin samich. Then she said those effin words..."I would never do the surgery, that's the EASY WAY OUT" and everything started to move in slow motion for me...like in the movies when a bomb is about to explode. I had to do everything in my power not to jump up off that exam table and cuss her out. I dont know what she said after that because I was literally trying to figure out a way to tell her that I wasnt interested in her opinion and didnt appreciate her trying to make me feel bad about having weight loss surgery. I took a deep breath and relaxed. Her opinion was her own and meant nothing to me. However, I did feel the need to put her in her place.

I'm so proud of myself....I said to her, "I'm happy that you were able to find a way to lose weight by swimming and counting calories. Unfortunately for me, I dont have the time in my busy day to go swimming in the morning and evening, as I have an entire family to take care of in addition to my full time job. I've tried countless times to lose weight with conventional methods and have failed every single time. You said it took you two years to lose 80 pounds? Well hopefully with my surgery I will lose 80 pounds in half that time, and can focus on maintaining it with my diet and regular exercise, but I know for a fact that it will not be an easy way out." (I was real sassy when I said that last part).

She then begins to apologize about not meaning it "that way", that she was just explaining to me that since she was able to put her mind to it and focus she was able to lose her weight “naturally”. My response was "Well, I'm puttin my mind to this surgery and will focus on it and lose my weight “naturally” too. I took one of them huge hospital paper towels, wiped that gunk off my tummy and wished her a good day as I sauntered off into the hallway.

You could get her in a lot of trouble for her statements to you. She is paid to scan, not preach. With that said, is she worth it? There are different kinds of overweight.. Those of us who have been overweight since childhood, those of us who have been overweight for years, those of who are gained weight as we age,,, ect. It boils down to this.............................. We know what we need to make the WL happen!

There is nothing easy about this journey, we have to make and cope with huge changes in addition to having most of our stomachs removed and the discomfort of that. We have to learn all new body cues post surgery. We have to take on exercise we formally did not do. SCREW the all knowing, negative nellies! WE are the BRAVE ones for being willing to take control of ourselves and we need only answer to OURSELVES!

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First off, how long does the gallbladder ultrasound take? I am scheduled at 7:15 tomorrow for it.

Next, let me tell you, after the first few months of high weight loss, the weight loss I see others sharing is something I could EASILY acheive in my weight watchers days - but I couldn't keep it off! I am using this surgery as a TOOL to help me keep it off too! You still have to change your way of eating and be more active - same as if you did it "naturally." But the sleeve gives you the ability to stay on track easier, not cheat to the extreme. That's my thought on it anyway!

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Did you ever see the movie Juno? Allison Janney's character goes off on an a preachy ultrasound tech, it's really funny. Deep respect to you for not unleashing on her, I wouldn't have had such control! And bravo to you for nipping it in the bud - if I had known then what I know now, about heredity and so much more, I would have had this surgery when I was only 40-50 lbs overweight, maybe I wouldn't have lost my 20's. I haven't yet had anyone get sanctimonious on me about having surgery but I have now several times been in the extremely awkward and bizarre position of being considered an arbiter or "success" at weight loss; average size women now start -unsolicited- monologues at me about their own weight issues, anxiously describing their progams to me, as though my approval/opinion holds weight? I'm really not explaining myself very well here ... it's kind of like when someone makes a fortune from clever business strategies, everyone wants financial advice, or when you study medicine and become a doctor everyone gives your opinion on all things medical gravitas. It's really wierd to be in a coversation with several women and have them talk about thier diets and exercise regimes and ... exclude (?) me from ... participation in the conversation because ... I'm not a combatant in the trenches of weight struggle? Or so they think. I don't know and I'm really really not explaining myself well but, it's wierd.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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