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Anyone ever done a 'colon cleanse' ?

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Thanks, I wrote you back in regards to the Effexor. I did switch Telly to ignore, and I'm just going to move on. I feel much better. I had many private messages this morning that helped give me a more positive perspective on things.

I totally second what Bettina says about contraindications between herbal supplements and prescription medications. Just like prescription medications can interact and effect one another, herbals can effect them also. And different supplements can also effect one anothers. Even something as simple as Calcium can impact absorption of medications. There are great resources out there available now to let you know of the contraindications between pharmaceutical medications and supplements/herbs/vitamins. I always research carefully before I add anything into my routine. Sometimes you can still take a remedy/supplement you just have to take it at a different time of day from your other medications or supplements. It pays to be thorough, and that way you don't have any unexpected complications. Health is something I'm passionate about too.



Leila ~ I'm going to PM you. My doc switched me to the Effexor 12 hr b/c he said I couldn't take the capsule for the Effexor XR. Do I understand you correctly that is what you take?

You are being a real person and you shouldn't feel stupid or small b/c of what happened regarding your concerns of the white spots. It was a legitimate concern. Sounds to me like you have a smart doc on top of things.

As for Telly, I know there are some on here that offend more often than others, but just take it tongue n' cheek and write it off as her sense of humor. You are NOT weak.....you are a wonderful part of LBT and block any user that makes you feel uncomfortable. This place has too much to offer and you will come across users that you just don't jive with....block them and go on.

I wasn't aware of this. What is this all about? Help me understand. :rolleyes:

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Herbal remedies have (not all but a lot do) natural antidepressents in them and would counteract with the man made ingredients used in doc prescribed meds. Not to say that man made is bad---you just can't mix them.....like if you took St.John's wart with effexor...they both do the same thing, so a person could end up taking meds and still being depressed....very dangerous. This is stated in the pamplet you received (if you didn't get one--make sure you ask your pharmacist for one)...I am a huge believer in reading up on those pamplets!! Like telling my mom she has to ixnay the grapefruit juice while on blood pressure meds---which she didn't know...might as well be taking M&M's then!!!

You also can't take grapefruit juice is you're taking a statin such as Lipitor. Many drugs interfere with one another. You can't take Iron with Calcium is a common one.

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Even though I have Telly on ignore, a third party actually private messaged me with this post link. So it got read by me anyways. That being the case, I'm going to respond, keep Telly on ignore, and make this my very last post to you Telly and on this subject. I'm saying my bit, and leaving it at this.

I don't buy that it was an honest question. I don't think anything I've written or my behavior has indicated me being 'off my meds'. I think you were being deliberately cruel. You start your post to me with 'what I've noticed about you...' So I'll respond with what I've noticed about you. I've noticed you have a tendency to be deliberately cruel to people when you disagree with them. I'm not the only person that has noticed. I had a stack of private messages this morning, of people with similar experiences to mine, with you. I didn't realize, using your words, 'showing soooo much compassion' was a sign of instability.

As for taking a keyword such as drinking and then pracitcally 'accusing' someone of being an alcoholic, I don't think I did that, here's the thread - http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?p=254351#post254351 and in my one post of concern I did not accuse her of alcholism, I clearly state "I don't know whether you have a problem with alcohol or not".

As for the ice cream addiction, you remember wrong, here's the thread - http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?p=248176#post248176 - The person themselves mentioned multiple times that they had food addiction issues, particularly ice cream addiction before I even responded.

From their posts:

"...I am only as sick as my secrets!!!!!I bought two pints of ice cream yesterday. Ate one before DH came home from work and ate the other when he left..."

"...Thanks for all the words of wisdom! I feel like an addict! It is crazy this food addiction!..."

"Thank you all for the support. I actually went the whole day today without ice cream! I had to break the cycle of eating it everyday again...I am addicted to food. I know in my head I can't have it... I know it in my heart I can't have it! One taste and I'm off and running..."

"I told DH last night and he said he was disapointed in me, but understands that this is a food addiction. I feel so much better getting one day under my belt and sharing with you guys and DH my secrets!!!!"

"Donna... I also had that discussion with Dr. Rodriquez! I knew going in that my addiction to ice cream would be an issue! The result is I can't have it! If I start I can't stop! Bean: I want to thank you for being a constant support for me! I am unfortunately well aware of the downfalls of addiction. I can become addicted to anything and everything that alters the way I feel about myself... alcohol, relationships, drugs, cigaretts, ice cream and potato chips! I work on this addiction on a daily basis through diffent avenues, but sharing where I am at helps to get it out in the open so I can move one. Makes me accountable! Thanks so much for the love and support! It means the world to me"

There are actually more posts of hers still before I respond about food addiction. Many other people were writing her with support before I did, and I didn't label her an addict, she knew it was her own issue. If you are so motivated about concern for people, like me, why not chime in and have supported her? Or did you only read the thread recently? Maybe searching through my posts looking for questionable posts I've made so that you could find an excuse for having said something cruel to me?

You're right, I do have a background in psychology, and when I wasn't on disability and was practicing I made a good therapist because I tend to have good insight into people, and I care about people, and I'm pretty sure I have your number.

I don't think you're worried about me at all, I think you're scrabbling to cover up your impulsive nasty behavior. You can think what you like about me. I figure you're hurting yourself with your nastiness to others as much if not more than you are hurting me. I know I'm not the first person on the forums you've had conflict with, or the second, or the third, or the fourth.

Maybe you should stop examining other peoples behaviors and attend to your own.

I'm not here to win points. It was an honest question. Was just that I saw you writing books and books on this subject of colon cleansings and you showed soo much compassion, which was cool but, it made me wonder.

What I've noticed about you is that you take a keyword such as "drinking" as in the GFG thread and went into a whole "alcoholism" thing on that person, practically accusing her of being an alcoholic. Then in another thread someone mentioned, if I can remember correctly.."ice cream cravings" and you went into a whole addiction thing and your expertise on addictive disorders which had me worried about you. So the question was valid.

Hope you get better though. Depression is no joking matter.

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Hmmm...in my own humble opinion, it did sound a little preachy and "know-it-all-ish to me.(I just read the ice cream thread and the alcohol thread) And I understand concern but some people take overly concerned with a standoffish view. Its just human nature. I got slammed in the colon cleanse forum for not claiming to know all about colon cleanse but to say what I saw on the news. We don't know what goes on in a persons head and can't know what will hurt a persons feelings or not. So I have decided to stick with questions and only report on what I know from personal experience, that way I can't be attacked or misinterpreted in anyway.

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I definitely didn't mean to be 'preachy' and I definitely don't think

I know it all. I'm sorry if it came across that way, and I apologize to anyone who may have felt that way. It definitely wasn't my intent. I was honestly concerned about PNut, and affected by the fact that my sister in law had just died two months earlier from alcoholism and binge drinking. I didn't realize I was coming across as stand-offish. I really do think PNut is a sweet and vivacious person, and I was scared for her. I hope I haven't hurt anyones feelings, and I do know my own feelings got very hurt from Telly's comment to me about my meds. I'm human, I lost a sister in law, I have a brother struggling for his own life with addiction, I'm dealing with being on disability with severe depression and I care deeply about people - it's what drew me to being a therapist. I'm sensitive, and when I read about PNuts drinking, I was worried.

As far as being attacked and misinterperted... I don't know if there's anything you can do to avoid it, people can attack you for asking questions, or even for reporting on what you know from personal experience, as easily as for reporting what you saw on a television program, or what you've learned in university, or from reading medical studies. You were not the only one feeling attacked, I know both NancyRN and myself felt very attacked. I even feel attacked right now by you for feeling I came across as preachy and "know-it-all-ish".

It can be very hard to express ideas and thoughts writing in forums, people assume you are coming from a place, or meaning things you don't. When you try to tell them what you really do think and feel, they still can see it negatively. I think it can also be human nature for people to read negative intent to things people say, or to feel attacked. I think we all just want to be supported and accepted, and when people challenge us, or our ideas, it can shift us off balance. I never meant to attack you, I just wanted to voice my own understanding and information about colon cleansing, not to argue, not to attack anyone, I was motivated to post my information for two main reasons - One, NancyRN seemed to be getting slammed and attacked for having a different opinion than everyone else on cleansing, and two, I agreed with her information and it supported all the medical information I myself had gotten on cleansing being a scam and potentially harmful. I wanted to add my voice to hers to caution people on the possible risks. I tried to do it as respectfully as possible, and from as clinical a perspective rather than a personal perspective as possible, and to try to just give 'facts' so people could make up their own minds. If it came across as anything else, I sincerely apologize.

Hmmm...in my own humble opinion, it did sound a little preachy and "know-it-all-ish to me.(I just read the ice cream thread and the alcohol thread) And I understand concern but some people take overly concerned with a standoffish view. Its just human nature. I got slammed in the colon cleanse forum for not claiming to know all about colon cleanse but to say what I saw on the news. We don't know what goes on in a persons head and can't know what will hurt a persons feelings or not. So I have decided to stick with questions and only report on what I know from personal experience, that way I can't be attacked or misinterpreted in anyway.

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I refer to the mayo Clinic a lot when I need certain health information. This is what they say about colon cleansing, I'd keep your money in your bank account!


Colon cleansing: Helpful or harmful?

clear.gifI've read many articles on colon cleansing as the root of all ills. I don't believe it. Generally, colon cleansing sounds like a good way to clean toxins from your body. What do you think? Dan

Mayo Clinic gastroenterologist Michael Picco, M.D., and colleagues answer select questions from readers.


Doctors don't recommend colon cleansing for better health or to prevent disease. The only appropriate use for colon cleansing is in preparation for a medical examination of the colon.

Your colon normally eliminates waste material and bacteria and absorbs Water and sodium to maintain your body's Fluid and electrolyte balance. Some colon-cleansing programs disrupt this balance and can be harmful by causing dehydration and salt depletion.

To help prevent Constipation, eat plenty of Fiber. The Institute of Medicine offers these daily recommendations:

  • 38 grams for men and 25 grams for women 50 and younger
  • 30 grams for men and 21 grams for women 51 and older

Also, drink plenty of Water, which helps Fiber work more effectively

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People, everyone, PLEASE stop making personal comments about other people's behaviors. This thread will have to be locked if it continues.

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People, everyone, PLEASE stop making personal comments about other people's behaviors. This thread will have to be locked if it continues.

Alexandra, I think that is an excellent idea...locking this thread.

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People, everyone, PLEASE stop making personal comments about other people's behaviors. This thread will have to be locked if it continues.

It would be sad to see this thread locked as I never knew what I was missing as far as the colon goes. My DH had diverticulitis and I thought I knew a little bit about the colon. :phanvan

Am I the only one that sees the common denominator of the locked threads? Things that make you go hmmmm......:rolleyes:

Leila ~ Let me say I think you are truly a beautiful person inside and out. You have such a caring heart and are very sincere. Keep your eyes and thoughts moving forward. You will succeed along with many others on our journeys.

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A-HA! here is the thread I should have found before I started my own colon cleanse thread. I should spend more time reading. DOY!:nervous

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Thank you 3loves... at least someone can tell where I'm coming from! LOL. I was starting to feel like the wicked witch of the west!

Woody's - good added info, and nice and short and succint! I need to learn how to say it in a lot less volume than I do. I like words, I like to read, and I like to type, and I know I can go on and on and on... drives some people batty. I have to remember not everyone likes to slog through reading tonnes of info and articles just because I do!

I hope the thread doesn't get locked, I think there is lots of good information here, and lots of varied opinions, if you look past the tension. I'm personally not going to respond to anything else of a personal nature or that comments on my personality issues, and keep on topic.



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It would be sad to see this thread locked as I never knew what I was missing as far as the colon goes. My DH had diverticulitis and I thought I knew a little bit about the colon. :phanvan

Am I the only one that sees the common denominator of the locked threads? Things that make you go hmmmm......:rolleyes:

Leila ~ Let me say I think you are truly a beautiful person inside and out. You have such a caring heart and are very sincere. Keep your eyes and thoughts moving forward. You will succeed along with many others on our journeys.

LOL, instigator!

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I was starting to feel like the wicked witch of the west!

LOL that's impossible, you aren't from the West!!! :omg: J/K :rolleyes:

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I'm good though. I'm behaving. I'm just full of laughs today. I love everyone and don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings but I just call it as I see it and I SEED it!

It's all good yall!

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Yup! West coast of Canada! :) - Though the real witch of the west melts in Water, and I'd be in trouble since it's Pacific Rainforest country! The weather in Vancouver is mostly wet, and more wet. Though we like to think of it as liquid sunshine... it comforts us on the many gray days!

LOL that's impossible, you aren't from the West!!! :omg: J/K :rolleyes:

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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