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Band to Sleeve Revision Approved

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Hello All. I am new here and thought it's time to tell my story as I am about to start the second leg of my WL journey. I am 63 yrs and don't think it's too late to once again get healthy. I am a 2 years lapbander and can't wait to finally get a tool that I can begin working. Let me explain. I was banded July '07 and the Dr. was forced to use a much larger 15cc Lapband rather than the smaller Realize band as was expected. This was due to the size of my stomach and the fat growing on the stomach itself. Couldn't get the Realize Band around it properly so in the operating room he made the decision to use the larger band. Started out at 5cc's and took easily 6 months of fills to get it close to near full. Surprise . . . . Absolutely NO RESTRICTION. Eat anything and everything if I wanted to. It all just went right thru the band and into the stomach. No help whatsoever. It was completely the commitment to the change in lifestyle, diet, exercise, etc. that I was following that helped me lose 83 lbs. I went from a surgical weight of 363 to a low with lapband of 283. Then I went into a stall . . Just couldn't lose . . Reason for this mostly was I did get a chunk of food stuck for over 48 hrs . . . pain, foamies, upchucking, . . . tenderizer no help, couldn't sleep, . . . absolute misery. Had to drive 100 miles on a Sunday to see the surgen to have 5 cc's removed and swoosh it was cleared instantly. Thanks God!!! But, this was a setback now we had the slow process of trying to fill the band back up to capacity to see if we could get me some restriction. Never happened. Did a couple of the scan tests where you swallow the small cup of material and they can watch it pass thru the pouch and stoma. . Instantly passed . . no trickle at all. . . The Lapband NEVER gave me the restriction help that I was expecting.

Well I was frustrated, started eating too much, starting eating the wrong things at times, and was on a slippery slope back up the scale. Gained back 35 lbs and finally I looked myself in the mirror and said what are you trying to do to yourself. Well back to the surgeon and after much discussion, research, and reading here to you all and your stories I felt that the sleeve could give me the support I need to beat this weight issue.

A little history. I didn't gain my weight until after 40 yrs . . I am still very active physically traveling all over during the fall hunting from Sept. thru Jan. My body shape is normal legs, normal arms, with all my weight in my belly. I am told most men carry their weight this way. I have been thru the Optifast program with good success at first and then gained it all back. Physically I have diabetes( currently 100 - 110),hypothyroidism, slightly high BP(never over 140), no sleep Apnea, never smoked, and only drink at Weddings and New Years. . . . My eating falts are volume. Steak and Potatoes guy. Don't eat sweets, candy, cakes, or pies. . . well only occasionally. I do like soft drinks. But, haven't had sugared softdrinks for 5 years. Haven't had diet soft drinks for 2 years. I have a loving wife, 2 adult sons, and 2 wonderful granddaughters. Our first granddaughter is 16 and I have been her PaPa since birth. You ask why that is significant? Well she has inflected with cerebral palsey and my wife and I have been heavily involved in her care even to this day. We help out 2-3 days a week and some overnights. She is my mission in life and PaPa is the first words she could say and she only can speak about 10 words at this time. She is fairly high functioning but wheelchair bound due to left side impairment. What I am trying to say is. . . . I have to get this weight down to continue my care for her. It scares me to death thinking of how she will get along without me there. If you put 100 people in a room she would search me out and scream and point to me calling out . . . "PaPa". I must lose this weight so that I have a chance at a better longevity. I owe this to her. Don't want to forget our second granddaughter. She is a doll and very active in sports which I dearly love. A hockey player as a matter of fact. Plays against the boys and staying right with the boys her own age. Been playing for 4 years now and is 9 yrs old. She needs me also.

Well back to me and my situation right now. Since my Dr.'s appoint 16 days ago when we decided to move on to the sleeve I have completed my Psych eval and I already had a clear chemical stress CT scan of my heart in past 30 days. Insurance forms and application was submitted and I got the phone call today that I was approved for the surgery. Will be waiting now for the call for pre-admission testing(PATs) and my surgery date. Hope to get this done very soon during the month of Aug as I need to get healthy quick as KLA(short for Kaylah) needs me. Only my son and I are strong enough to lift her in and out of her wheelchair and into bed or the cars.

For the past 16 days I have been getting back on the program both mentally and physically. Got my diet straightened around and have again begun my exercise program. I am walking 2 - 4 miles a day at a fast clip . . 3.5-4 mph. In this heat it is really burning off the fat cells. Have walked 22 miles in the past week and have dropped 22 lbs. My goal is to get my weight back down to my low point of 283. Hopefully I can reach that before surgery. Then the second leg of my journey will be . . .my sleeve.

Hope I haven't rambled on too much here but just thought I would try to give you some background.

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Hi PapaBob, welcome to our humble community VST. :) Your story is very touching. We all have our special reasons on why we should go so far as to have weight loss surgery. You will find a lot of that here.

I am also a band to sleeve revision. I too worked for all the weight I'd lost with the band, and I even ended up gaining it all back less 2 Lbs. It was then, and with a few extra physical ailments I'd gotten in that time that I decided it was time to start over.

I was skeptical this would even work and figured if I couldn't work the band what made me think I could work the sleeve? Let's just say the sleeve worked me!!! I don't regret it for one moment (not counting the first weeks... LOL :P )

All the best to you and I'm looking forward to hearing more of your endearing journey!

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Hello All. I am new here and thought it's time to tell my story as I am about to start the second leg of my WL journey. I am 63 yrs and don't think it's too late to once again get healthy. I am a 2 years lapbander and can't wait to finally get a tool that I can begin working. Let me explain. I was banded July '07 and the Dr. was forced to use a much larger 15cc Lapband rather than the smaller Realize band as was expected. This was due to the size of my stomach and the fat growing on the stomach itself. Couldn't get the Realize Band around it properly so in the operating room he made the decision to use the larger band. Started out at 5cc's and took easily 6 months of fills to get it close to near full. Surprise . . . . Absolutely NO RESTRICTION. Eat anything and everything if I wanted to. It all just went right thru the band and into the stomach. No help whatsoever. It was completely the commitment to the change in lifestyle, diet, exercise, etc. that I was following that helped me lose 83 lbs. I went from a surgical weight of 363 to a low with lapband of 283. Then I went into a stall . . Just couldn't lose . . Reason for this mostly was I did get a chunk of food stuck for over 48 hrs . . . pain, foamies, upchucking, . . . tenderizer no help, couldn't sleep, . . . absolute misery. Had to drive 100 miles on a Sunday to see the surgen to have 5 cc's removed and swoosh it was cleared instantly. Thanks God!!! But, this was a setback now we had the slow process of trying to fill the band back up to capacity to see if we could get me some restriction. Never happened. Did a couple of the scan tests where you swallow the small cup of material and they can watch it pass thru the pouch and stoma. . Instantly passed . . no trickle at all. . . The Lapband NEVER gave me the restriction help that I was expecting.

Well I was frustrated, started eating too much, starting eating the wrong things at times, and was on a slippery slope back up the scale. Gained back 35 lbs and finally I looked myself in the mirror and said what are you trying to do to yourself. Well back to the surgeon and after much discussion, research, and reading here to you all and your stories I felt that the sleeve could give me the support I need to beat this weight issue.

A little history. I didn't gain my weight until after 40 yrs . . I am still very active physically traveling all over during the fall hunting from Sept. thru Jan. My body shape is normal legs, normal arms, with all my weight in my belly. I am told most men carry their weight this way. I have been thru the Optifast program with good success at first and then gained it all back. Physically I have diabetes( currently 100 - 110),hypothyroidism, slightly high BP(never over 140), no sleep Apnea, never smoked, and only drink at Weddings and New Years. . . . My eating falts are volume. Steak and Potatoes guy. Don't eat sweets, candy, cakes, or pies. . . well only occasionally. I do like soft drinks. But, haven't had sugared softdrinks for 5 years. Haven't had diet soft drinks for 2 years. I have a loving wife, 2 adult sons, and 2 wonderful granddaughters. Our first granddaughter is 16 and I have been her PaPa since birth. You ask why that is significant? Well she has inflected with cerebral palsey and my wife and I have been heavily involved in her care even to this day. We help out 2-3 days a week and some overnights. She is my mission in life and PaPa is the first words she could say and she only can speak about 10 words at this time. She is fairly high functioning but wheelchair bound due to left side impairment. What I am trying to say is. . . . I have to get this weight down to continue my care for her. It scares me to death thinking of how she will get along without me there. If you put 100 people in a room she would search me out and scream and point to me calling out . . . "PaPa". I must lose this weight so that I have a chance at a better longevity. I owe this to her. Don't want to forget our second granddaughter. She is a doll and very active in sports which I dearly love. A hockey player as a matter of fact. Plays against the boys and staying right with the boys her own age. Been playing for 4 years now and is 9 yrs old. She needs me also.

Well back to me and my situation right now. Since my Dr.'s appoint 16 days ago when we decided to move on to the sleeve I have completed my Psych eval and I already had a clear chemical stress CT scan of my heart in past 30 days. Insurance forms and application was submitted and I got the phone call today that I was approved for the surgery. Will be waiting now for the call for pre-admission testing(PATs) and my surgery date. Hope to get this done very soon during the month of Aug as I need to get healthy quick as KLA(short for Kaylah) needs me. Only my son and I are strong enough to lift her in and out of her wheelchair and into bed or the cars.

For the past 16 days I have been getting back on the program both mentally and physically. Got my diet straightened around and have again begun my exercise program. I am walking 2 - 4 miles a day at a fast clip . . 3.5-4 mph. In this heat it is really burning off the fat cells. Have walked 22 miles in the past week and have dropped 22 lbs. My goal is to get my weight back down to my low point of 283. Hopefully I can reach that before surgery. Then the second leg of my journey will be . . .my sleeve.

Hope I haven't rambled on too much here but just thought I would try to give you some background.

AWESOME PAPA! I can tell you are her lifeline. My husband is 63 and had gastric bypass two years ago. He has lost 100lbs and kept it off. I had lap-band three years ago and lost 80, but have gained back almost 30. I have done all the requirements for insurance and I hope to hear from them this week. I need to lose at least another 80lbs, but 100 would be ideal. We are grandparents to 10 grandkids ranging from age 19-1year. Our 3yr old is very attached to Pawpaw. We had weight lose surgery first for our health and we didn't want our kids to have to care for us till we are nursing home bound. Plus we just want to enjoy our grandkids.

Congrats on your approval! Stay connected to Sleeve Talk. You will need the support.

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Hello and welcome!!

What a wonderful PaPa you are!! All of us revision folks know what you mean about the band. We all have different stories about how we became overweight, but the bottom line is that the band is just not a good tool for sustained weight loss. I am really happy your approval process is going well.

Good luck and keep us posted!!

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Thanks all for the kind words of encourgement. UPDATE: I received call from Barix clinic in Ypsi and my surgical date is set. Aug. 17th. I have a half day pre-admission testing(PATS) date for next Tuesday. So, I will be sleeved in less than two weeks. I am still progressing with my exercise program(power walking) and have covered 40 miles in past 2 weeks and dropped 25 lbs. I have 10 lbs to go to get back to my lowest LAPBAND weight. That will put me down 83 lbs from my lapband surgery 2 years ago. That is my goal for the 17th. So, everything from that point will be my NEW sleeved stomach and my mental willpower.

Looking forward to the future. I am having this done ASAP as I need the recovery to be completed before the Fall hunting season. I hunt all over the midwest and am looking forward to small meals and healthy living.

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Thanks all for the kind words of encourgement. UPDATE: I received call from Barix clinic in Ypsi and my surgical date is set. Aug. 17th. I have a half day pre-admission testing(PATS) date for next Tuesday. So, I will be sleeved in less than two weeks. I am still progressing with my exercise program(power walking) and have covered 40 miles in past 2 weeks and dropped 25 lbs. I have 10 lbs to go to get back to my lowest LAPBAND weight. That will put me down 83 lbs from my lapband surgery 2 years ago. That is my goal for the 17th. So, everything from that point will be my NEW sleeved stomach and my mental willpower.

Looking forward to the future. I am having this done ASAP as I need the recovery to be completed before the Fall hunting season. I hunt all over the midwest and am looking forward to small meals and healthy living.

Congrats! On your sleeve date. Wow! You will be in good shape for surgery. I heard from my surgeon's office. Dr. Davis wants to see me on August 11th to go over the procedure with me. They still haven't approved me as of today. I don't think it will be an issue though. I just hope the doctor is still willing to do the revision. I have had several abdominal surgeries. I know my insides are a nightmare.

Keep posting your progress.

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Thanks Charlene for the encouragement. No looking back and absolutely no regrets.

As for your situation. Just go in there and convince your Dr. that this just has to be done. Too many problems in the past and you need a bright future. Good luck.

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Welcome!!! You will find such a loving and supportive family here! I had a band to sleeve revision too and life couldn't be better. I wish the same for you!

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Becca, thanks so much. I am going to be a regular here at VGS thru out my journey with the sleeve. I also am a member at the Barix Clinic forum which has been unbelievable supportive thru my lapband process. With both groups keeping an eye on me and keeping me honest I can't "Lose" . . . I mean I will Lose but I can't FAIL. . . . LOL

Dropped another 2 lbs today. Still power walking like crazy. I really love the walking with my buddy "Jolly" who you can see in my avitar. Huge golden retriever that just loves our walks. Especially after I bought a new pair of shoes . . Sketchers " ShapeUps . . I love how the heel material protects you. My heels were killing me prior to these shoes but after I have zero foot pain. Doing well.

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Pre-Admission Testing completed today and all is set for my surgery next Wednesday. Everything is a go. . . still a bit nervous. Feeling so good right now . . . losing weight . . 25 lbs in last 3 weeks. . . walking like crazy . . 50 miles in last 3 weeks. . and I am going to mess this all up and restructure my stomach. . . LOL The stories of nausia, leakage, etc. . . are all on my mind now. But, I really know inside the band has to go and this has to be done for me to quickly get my excess weight off. I have 10 lbs to lose before next wednesday so I will be at my lowest weight achieved with the lapband. that's my goal for the next 7 days. Wish me luck.

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Oh I don't think you NEED luck! You have incredible willpower and two wonderful granddaughters to keep you going! But I will still offer it up to you!

Here's to your SUCCESS!

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Well I have just a couple days until surgery and still keeping up my WL and power walking routine. Passed the 55 mile mark in 3 weeks and have dropped below 290. 289 puts me just 6 lbs above my lowest band weight. Going to try and get there before surgery on Wednesday. Just a personal goal. Then everything from that point will be Sleeve WL. I will have lost all that I regained with the band and will be at lowest point. Hooray!!!

Still a bit nervous but determined that this will be the right decision in getting to a move liveable weight. That's my goal. Don't mind being a 200 lber but this 300 crap is for the birds. My goal is to get between 200 - 210. With my height(6') and bone structure I will be really happy with that weght and I believe all of my other issues will be taken care of . . . diabetes, BP, joints, etc.

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Well I have just a couple days until surgery and still keeping up my WL and power walking routine. Passed the 55 mile mark in 3 weeks and have dropped below 290. 289 puts me just 6 lbs above my lowest band weight. Going to try and get there before surgery on Wednesday. Just a personal goal. Then everything from that point will be Sleeve WL. I will have lost all that I regained with the band and will be at lowest point. Hooray!!!

Still a bit nervous but determined that this will be the right decision in getting to a move liveable weight. That's my goal. Don't mind being a 200 lber but this 300 crap is for the birds. My goal is to get between 200 - 210. With my height(6') and bone structure I will be really happy with that weght and I believe all of my other issues will be taken care of . . . diabetes, BP, joints, etc.

Woohoo! for you! I know there is a risk of complications, but there is a huge risk of remaining obese. I have had three colon surgeries(diverticulitis)......three bowel obstructions after the surgeries. That is why I am choosing the sleeve....Don't mess with my intestines! I had my final appt with Dr. Davis last week . He did not even go over complications with me. He is confident all will go well. He also took the fill out of my band. It is tough losing weight before the surgery, but the two week liquid diet ought to help. Approval should come next week. Surgery will probably be Mid-Sept.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Keep us updated.

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Good luck Charlene. . . Sounds like you have a good Dr. and above all you have the confidence in him. Will keep you updated on my progress after surgery. I am ready. . .

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Well I am now officially sleeved . . . I had surgery yesterday(Wed) morning and I was discharged this evening. I am now home and on the end. My band removal and then the VGS went really well and smooth. Dr. Taylor at Barix clinic in Ypsilanti did a wonderful job.

I met with him about 5 weeks ago and we made this decision to revise my lapband to VGS. He indicated that he wanted me to loose some additional weight. I had initially lost the 83 with the band and then gained 35 lbs back. Well, I started power walking 4 weeks ago and have covered 63 miles at about a 15:20 pace. The big news is that when I stood on the scale just before my surgery I had lost all 35 lbs and was back down to my lowest lapband weight. I am really pleased with that and so was my Dr.

I have very little pain at this time but I do have a small amount of nausea. Got plenty of meds to handle each of these issues. I have been able to down 2 clear liquid meals. . . chicken broth, raspberry Jello, and a crystal light drink.

Anyway I am headed to bed as I am a bit tired. Hopefully tomorrow will be as smooth as today. I am sure there will ups and downs throughout the first 2 weeks.

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    • cryoder22

      Day 1 of pre-op liquid diet (3 weeks) and I'm having a hard time already. I feel hungry and just want to eat. I got the protein and supplements recommend by my program and having a hard time getting 1 down. My doctor / nutritionist has me on the following:
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      1. NickelChip

        All I can tell you is that for me, it got easier after the first week. The hunger pains got less intense and I kind of got used to it and gave up torturing myself by thinking about food. But if you can, get anything tempting out of the house and avoid being around people who are eating. I sent my kids to my parents' house for two weeks so I wouldn't have to prepare meals I couldn't eat. After surgery, the hunger was totally gone.

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