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30 Day Challenge... get ready to kick some butt here!

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I am still in a stall, but still doing good about tracking stuff. My problem is the working out. Just too darn hot. But I ordered a fitbit and will see if that motivates me.

Sticking at 800 calories right now and high on my Protein and low on carbs.

Question...about how many calories did you all normally have daily during weight loss??? I'm having some memory problems and my PCP thinks it is due to too low of calories!

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I finally made it through the day and stayed away from the carbs. I have really been struggling.....but today was good.

Breakfast: 1 sausage patty:

Lunch: Protein shake: 30 grams Protein

Dinner: Taco meat, cheese, lettuce and salsa

After dinner Drinks: 1 1/2 glasses of red wine

Snack: Turkey Sausage.

Total Protein: ??

Need to exercise & drink more water!!

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Great job, Wannabethin! Congrats, the carb thing gets easier as we get further from it, I think! So you did the hardest day!!!

My stats for today:

1.5 oz. cheese

Beans, meat and cheese from a taco = approx 1 oz. pork and 2 oz. Beans, and .5 oz cheese

1 cup 1% milk

3/4 smoked chicken sausage

= 602 calories/ 28 g carbs/ 40 g. Protein

so a little low on calories, and Protein.

I also did 60 mins of my kick-ass class (cardio, weights, pilates).

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Hi all,

I was busy with the grandson all day monday and didn't get a chance to check in. My energy is coming back because I made it till 9 pm last nite before I conked out like a log. Here's my info for today and yesterday:

August 9, Tuesday:

Went to the park with grandson and fed squirrels and me some peanuts

Breakfast: Yogurt smoothie (3/4 C. Fage 0 Plain Yogurt, 1/8 C. OJ, 1/4 C. Water, 2 strawberries, Splenda): 15 grams Protein, 115 calories

Lunch: 8 peanuts and 1 cheesestick: 8 grams Protein, 180 calories

Dinner: 2 oz. Tortilla crusted tilapia, 1/4 corn on the cob : 10 grams protein, 170 calories

Planned Late Snack: 1 scoop French vanilla Gold Standard whey Protein, 1/2 C. Starbucks Via Decaf Italian Roast, 1/2 C. plain soy milk: 27 grams protein, 155 calories

Protein, 60 grams, Calories: 630, Water: 64 oz.

Vitamins: Forgot my lunchtime Calcium. I am gonna go put some in my purse right now!

Exercise: 45 minutes fast walk, rode bike about 3 miles

August 8, Monday:

Had the grandson all day. We made Cookies and he decorated one for me. I ate it all but one bite.

Breakfast: Yogurt smoothie (3/4 C. Fage 0 Plain Yogurt, 1/8 C. OJ, 1/4 C. Water, 2 strawberries, Splenda): 15 grams protein, 115 calories

Lunch: 3/8 C. Homemade chili: 8 grams protein, 120 caloriesSnack: small cookie: 100 calories (guestimate)

Dinner: 3/4 of the filling from Taco Bell Combo Burrito : 15 grams protein, 250 calories

Late Snack: 1 scoop French vanilla Gold Standard whey Protein, 1/2 C. Starbucks Via Decaf Italian Roast, 1/2 C. plain soy milk: 27 grams protein, 155 calories

Protein, 65 grams, Calories: 740, Water: 64 oz.

Vitamins: Took my lunchtime Calcium and got in an Iron pill before bedtime

Exercise: 30 minutes with trainer, 15 minutes stretching, 15 minute fast walk with grandson

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Today after lunch I took a nap. Woke up feeling full and didn't really want dinner or my Protein Drink, but I had them anyway to meet my Protein goals. Might have to do with the fact I let myself get a little "backed up," but with the help of some colace, that has been getting straightened out all day. Pooped out on my planned evening activity. I'm stronger, but not back to pre-op levels. Can't wait to begin reaping the energy benefits of being at a lower weight! Today at the gym I did some crunches on the incline bench and I noticed how much easier they are without so much body weight to huff uphill with.

August 10, Wednesday:

Breakfast: Yogurt Smoothie (3/4 C. Fage 0 Plain Yogurt, 1/8 C. OJ, 1/4 C. Water, 2 strawberries, Splenda): 15 grams protein, 115 calories

Lunch: low fat cheesestick, 1 oz. low fat salami: 15 grams protein, 5 whole wheat crackers, 2 T. avocado 200 calories

Dinner: 1 cup Anderson Split Pea Soup : 9 grams protein, 130 calories

Late Snack: 1 scoop French Vanilla Gold Standard Whey Protein, 1/2 C. Starbucks Via Decaf Italian Roast, 1/2 C. plain soy milk: 27 grams protein, 155 calories

Protein, 66 grams, Calories: 610, Water: 64 oz.

Vitamins: Took my lunchtime Calcium - go me!!

Exercise: 25 minutes with the trainer. I was 5 minutes late.

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Hi all,

Hubby had popcorn after dinner tonight and I ate some. Right now, I can eat so little, I never eat enough Snacks to make much of a difference, but I am worried about down the road. And when I don't worry abut that, I worry about my hunger returning. For the most part, I am never hungry now. I eat to meet my Protein and calorie goals. I feel a little hungry before meals sometimes, but it is really minor compared to pre-op. I never get that "I have to eat NOW" feeling.

August 11, Thursday:

Breakfast: Yogurt Smoothie (3/4 C. Fage 0 Plain Yogurt, 1/8 C.OJ, 1/4 C. Water, 2 strawberries, Splenda): 15 grams Protein, 115 calories

Lunch: low fat cheesestick, 1 oz. low fat salami: 15 gramsprotein, 130 calories

Dinner2 oz. ground beef, ¼ ear corn, 2 T. onions : 14 gramsprotein, 170 calories

After dinner Snack: ½ C. popcorn with butter: 100 calories

Late Snack: 1 scoop French Vanilla Gold Standard WheyProtein, 1/2 C. Starbucks Via Decaf Italian Roast, 1/2 C. plain soy milk: 27grams protein, 155 calories

Protein, 71 grams, Calories: 670, Water: 64 oz.

Vitamins: Missed my lunchtime Calcium.< /span>

Exercise: Rode bike 1 mile, worked garage sale 4 hours

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12 more days to go! I fell off the wagon today with a bite of chocolate cake. It's so hard to resist the treats hubby brings home. One saving grace: one bite is really enough. I don't want to eat more than that. I hope that lasts, but we'll see. Hit the face to face support group tonight.

August 12, Friday:

Breakfast: Yogurt Smoothie (3/4 C. Fage 0 Plain Yogurt, 1/8 C.OJ, 1/4 C. Water, 2 strawberries, Splenda): 15 grams Protein, 115 calories

Dinner2 oz. ground beef, 1/8 C. mixed veg, 1 t. oil : 14 gramsprotein, 185 calories

Dinner: 2 oz.pork rib meat, ¼ C. mixed fruit, .: 14 gramsprotein, 165 calories

After dinner Snack: 1 small bite chocolate cake: 50 calories

Late Snack: 1 scoop French Vanilla Gold Standard WheyProtein, 1/2 C. Starbucks Via Decaf Italian Roast, 1/2 C. plain soy milk: 27grams Protein, 155 calories

Protein, 70 grams, Calories: 670, Water: 64 oz.

Vitamins: Missed my lunchtime calcium

Exercise: 40 minutes withthe trainer.

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Hi all,

I'd love to hear from others on this challenge. Overall, I'm doing pretty good, but today I had a little slice of cake ( 4-45 small bites). For the most part, I am full after eating my required Protein, but sometimes I do sneak in a treat. My other problem is remembering my lunchtime Calcium.


August 14, Sunday:

Breakfast: Yogurt Smoothie (3/4 C. Fage 0 Plain Yogurt, 1/8 C.OJ, 1/4 C. Water, 2 strawberries, Splenda): 15 grams Protein, 115 calories

Lunch: low fat cheesestick, 1/2 oz. low fat salami, ¼ c. cubedmelon: 12 grams protein, 110 calories

Dinner: 2 oz. pork, 1/8 C. green Beans with butter, 1/8 C. MashedPotatoes : 14 grams protein, 200 calories

Late Snack: I small piece pineapple upside down cake:0 grams protein, 100calories

Planned Late Late Snack: 1 scoop powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury chicken Protein in 12 oz. water: 20 grams protein, 90 calories

Protein, 61 grams, Calories: 615, Water: 64 oz.

Vitamins: Took my lunchtime calcium

Exercise: Day off!

August 13, Saturday:

Breakfast: Yogurt Smoothie (3/4 C. Fage 0 Plain Yogurt, 1/8 C.OJ, 1/4 C. Water, 2 strawberries, Splenda): 15 grams protein, 115 calories

Lunch: low fat cheesestick, 1 oz. low fat salami: 15 gramsprotein, 130 calories

Dinner2 oz. ground beef, 1/8 C. mixed veg, 1 t. oil : 14 gramsprotein, 185 calories

Late Snack: 1 scoop Unjury chicken Protein in 12 oz. water:20 grams protein, 90 calories

Protein, 64 grams, Calories: 520, Water: 64 oz.

Vitamins: Missed my lunchtime calcium

Exercise: Worked 5 hoursat the neighborhood garage sale.

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Hah! No snacking today. Yahoo! Now, if I could just get the lunchtime Calcium in every day. And I'm probably more motivated than most: my paternal grandmother suffered terribly from osteoporosis.

August 15, Monday:

Breakfast: 3/4 C. Fage 0 Plain Yogurt, Splenda, 5 cherries: 15grams Protein, 115 calories

Lunch: 2 oz. crabmeat, 1 T. cocktail sauce, ¼ slice bread, 1/8C. Clam Chowder: 10 grams Protein, 150 calories

Dinner2 oz. pork, 5 whole wheat crackers : 14 grams protein, 200calories

Late Snack1 scoop unjury chicken Protein in 12 oz. water: 20grams protein, 90 calories

Protein, 59 grams, Calories: 555, Water: 64 oz.

Vitamins: Missed my lunchtime calcium

Exercise: 30 minutes strength training

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It's been a while since I've checked in, but have been keeping up with it. With about 2.5 weeks left of this challenge, I am 5.2 pounds from my goal weight for the challenge. Hopefully it keeps coming off and I don't enter another stall.

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I just saw this post. Please let me know when you guys are ready to start another one.I would love to take on the challenge!

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Hey all, hit goal on Sunday, which was my long-term goal as well :D Maybe I'll even go lower!

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Hi all,

Just checking in for the end of this challenge. I weighed 177 today. I haven't updated my ticker yet because my official weight day isn't till Friday. I've hit two goals during this challenge: Lose an additional 10% of my body weight (From 200 to 180) and meet my Labor Day Goal (179). I didn't do perfectly, but some days I did everything right and most days I did most things right:

No Potatoes: Had less than 1/2 cup potatoes over the entire challenge. Potatoes made me sick early out and I'm scared of them.

No Rice: Had one bite over the entire challenge. I'm scared of it making me sick.

No Breads: Had bread once and a while. Normally just a bite or two of the crust. Had a few bites of the soft part one time and it made me sick.

No Cereals: Yep, no Cereal.

No Pastas: Had one bite of Pasta. Scared of it too.

No Candy: Had candy 2-3 times.

No Pastries: My weak spot. Had a few Cookies and bites of cake here and there. Never much.

Maximum 5 Servings of fruit per day: Yep.

Unlimited Servings of Veggies per day: Yep.

Minimum 60g of Protein per day: Made this most days. Miss about one day per week on average.

Minimum 64oz Water per day: Made this most days.


Minimum 30 Minutes, 5x per week: Yep

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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