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I'm sure some of you read my other threads about my journey to having my sleeve, but I decided to combine it all in one post.

So I started my journey on accident actually... A couple years back, I had some stomach problems.. it required surgery, and 4 weeks in the hospital. It also brought on diabetes due to insult on my pancreas from the whole issue. Fast forward to Christmas time of last year, I was 305lbs, and in an attempt to get myself in shape I started hitting the gym. The day after my first trip I found a hernia the popped up literally overnight in my abdomen to the side of my scar from previous surgery (it ended up being emergency surgery, so I was opened up the hard way, straight down the middle)

I got a referral to go see a surgeon about fixing it, and the surgeon denied me the surgery, because as he put it, overweight people tend to have poor results with hernia repair, and requested I lose 40-50lbs and then come back to see him. That wasn't going to happen, even with diet, I just couldn't do it without being active, and this huge hernia wasn't helping. It was at that time that I started considering bariatric surgery. I had been feeling like total crap for the better part of the last year, and I knew I wasn't in a good spot as far as my health goes.. I have 2 young daughters, and the thought of not being here for them was enough to make me do the surgery.

Originally in Tulsa, Oklahoma where I am currently residing (for another 2 weeks), I found a great surgeon by the name of Luis Gorospe. He has performed thousands upon thousands of baratric procedures. It was at his seminar I was introduced to the sleeve. I followed up with him, and was on my way to doing pre-op insurance stuff I needed to do. I did my two psych evaluations, 2 sleep studies, and a 90 day physician supervised diet and lifestyle program. All went off without a hitch.. and 90 days later, it was time to submit to Aetna.

I got a call from Aetna, saying they were unable to approve me for the surgery, because my surgeon didn't operate out of an Aetna Institute of Quality. There were other surgeons in Tulsa, but no surgeons in Tulsa that operated at that hospital did the sleeve. So, that wasn't going to work out. I turned then to Las Vegas.. I had just moved from Las Vegas, and had researched the surgery in Vegas before the move, so I knew a few surgeons I was interested in.

I decided on Dr. Thomas Umbach, who operates out of Las Vegas, at Desert Springs Hospital. He was an Aetna approved surgeon, who operated out of an Institute of Quality and Bariatric Center of Excellence. In face, he is the head of the Valley Health System Bariatric Department here in Las Vegas, which is a chain of I believe 5-7 hospitals. I called Aetna back and asked to switch everything over to Dr. Umbach, and just like that.. 2 hours later I had a surgery date.

Over the next week I did more research on Dr. Umbach, and I found a rather scary story that I'm sure we've all read, granted it was the only bad incident I found regarding him, it was scary.. but in the end, I found that it was just the same people associated with said person, that were bashing Dr. Umbach everywhere and understandably so. I however also talked to several people that had surgery with Dr. Umbach, all with positive things to say. So I decided to stay on course.

2 weeks before surgery, I went in for my labs and EKG. EKG was ok, borderline, but ok, and labs were just awful. Tryglicerides were over 4000... Cholesterol was 666, and my PCP said he wouldn't clear me for surgery. I started my pre-op diet that same day, and went to Vegas as planned despite not being cleared. 8 days later, after being on my pre-op diet, and working out, I had lost almost 10lbs, and we redid everything.. this time EKG was perfect, and my labs came back Tryglicerides down from over 4000 to 500, and cholesterol down to 215 from 666, in just 8 days. Even with those improvements, my PCP here sent me over to get full cardiac clearance mostly because of my diabetes. I had another EKG, an echo, and stress test. All passed and I got a low risk clearance.

The day before my surgery, I finally met Dr. Umbach, I could tell he knew what he was talking about, even though I got kind of a cocky vibe from him, but I know a lot of surgeons, and some of the best surgeons in the world are also the biggest assholes. Not saying Dr. Umbach is an a*****e by any means, but he was kind of cocky with me, and tried to talk me out of the sleeve briefly in lieu of the band because of my previous surgery, and he was worried about it being difficult due to scar tissue and such. I told him I had no interest in the band, and while I had a little bit of bad taste in my mouth personally regarding him, I trusted in his abilities and his reputation in Vegas (both my PCP and cardiologist recommended him)...

The next morning was my surgery. I checked in at Desert Springs Hospital at 8:30am, for a 10am surgery.. My nurses and other people from the bariatric program there at the hospital came in to cheer me on, a couple of them even operated on by Dr. Umbach... I got on my gown, and took some pain meds, and just like that it was go time. I was in the pre-op area where I was met by the man who would be putting me under, and Dr. Umbach... he seemed a lot nicer and personable that day than he did the day before.

They wheeled me in to the Operating room, and told me they'd slowly be putting me under... I barely remember finishing that conversation and the next thing I knew surgery was over... and I was in recovery. Dr. Umbach was nice enough to come and talk to my wife and mother who were there waiting for me, he came to see me as well, but I was still out of it, and I may have scared him off. My first thought after waking up, was "WTF did I just do!?" I had serious gas pain, as well as overall soreness... and wasn't a happy camper.. after sitting there in recovery for about 2 hours, they wheeled me up, had me get up and walk off some of the gas pain, and then go pee.. then it was time to go home.

My first day home, I won't lie, I felt like ****, and I wasn't so sure about my choice... The gas pain passed with the help of Gas-X and the soreness was helped with the lortab. I woke up the next morning feeling bad but better.. no more gas pain, but was really sore... the next day was better, and by day 4, I was painfree and back to normal.

Today is one week since I got my sleeve. I call him Pedro. I've lost 17lbs in the last week, and 34lbs overall since the start of my pre-op diet. I had my doubts at first, but since the pre-op diet, I haven't had to take any insulin at all.. I've been sleeping better, feel overall like a million bucks, and am just already feeling like a totally new person. It was a hard choice finally admitting that I needed some assistance in losing weight, it's a total lifestyle change, but not really a bad one.. It's one that was needed, and so far has been welcomed.

I'd do it again in a heartbeat, I feel that it's saved my life, I feel like the old me again, and I'm loving every minute.

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You overcame a lot of obstacles and so glad that your journey is starting to get easier.

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Congrats. I know its been a logn journey for you. It is going to be so worth it.

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What a ride! You did great though and I hope you are feeling even better now that it has been another week since surgery.

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It's been an adventure so far that's for sure... I tried mushy foods, the first day or so didn't go too well, a good bit of discomfort, I tried refried Beans, that was bad... scrambled eggs were better, but still bad... I'm still eating Soup, and some random stuff.. each day the discomfort seems to be better... I'm about at 3 weeks out, I've been back in Oklahoma for a week now, not sure how my weight is as I actually don't own a scale... we're prepping for a move back to Las Vegas this weekend, so on my 1 month, I'll weigh in and see how I'm doing.. no point in doing it every day despite it being tempting..

I do know this though...

Pre-Op I was in a size 42 jeans..

I'm in a 38 now, and even those are starting to get loose.

I'm down from a XXXL shirt, to a comfortable XXL, and depending on the brand, I can get into an XL.

Excited is an understatement... it hasn't even been 3 weeks yet.

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You guys are really exciting me! I can't imagine dropping 30lbs a month after surgery but you all have given me hope that it is completely possible and even LIKELY. Do you understand I haven't weighed below 250 for YEARS? And after being sleeved (not until 8/9/11) I could weigh less than 250 in about a month???? Thank you, thank you, thank you for this hope.

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Did they fix your hernia at the same time?

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Did they fix your hernia at the same time?

He actually didn't.. I requested that he would, but he said until I loss some weight I'd be at higher risk of not being successful. So sadly, it didn't get fixed... gonna have to go in and get that fixed in a few months, as I'm scared to do any kind of abdominal exercise with it right in the middle of my abdomen.

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You guys are really exciting me! I can't imagine dropping 30lbs a month after surgery but you all have given me hope that it is completely possible and even LIKELY. Do you understand I haven't weighed below 250 for YEARS? And after being sleeved (not until 8/9/11) I could weigh less than 250 in about a month???? Thank you, thank you, thank you for this hope.

I didn't think I'd ever get under 250 either... The thinnest I remember being in the last 10 years, is 245lbs.. and that was 8 years ago.. I'm less than 10lbs from being that, and at my lightest weight in a decade... it's really crazy...

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Wow, that's awesome!! Sounds like I'm in the same boat as far as the comorbidities go. My date is August 29th, and I'm getting the prelaunch jitters.

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Wow, that's awesome!! Sounds like I'm in the same boat as far as the comorbidities go. My date is August 29th, and I'm getting the prelaunch jitters.

I was terrified... totally.. but you know, i've went a month now, no diabetes, my blood pressure is down, resting heart rate is down, cholesterol and whatnot almost normal.. not to mention I've went from 283, to 255 in under 3 weeks.... I went 2 1/2 weeks with no hunger at all, now that i'm reintroducing food i'm getting somewhat of an appetite.

It's not an easy process and it's a lifestyle change, I live in a town right now, that all there is to do is go to the movies, or go out to eat... and we used to go out to eat all the time, mostly just to get out of the house, and it's hard not getting to... it's about will power, and using the tools you have to better yourself and your life...

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It's been getting rough the last couple of days... transitioning to mushy foods has brought my appetite back, which I haven't had an appetite since before my surgery 3 weeks ago... and I'm not liking it... I've cheated a tad with solids, and I feel worried about it.. I'm not in any pain, no fever, or feeling bad.. just guilt, and my appetite is making me struggle with my decision of getting sleeved.. because not that my appetite is back, everything sounds good... and I want to eat..

My mushy lists says I can have soft veggies, ground meats, and whatnot... I ate some refried Beans the other day, didn't go over too well... When I eat some things I get a little discomfort in my stomach, that passes pretty quickly... and I only get that on somethings.... I've been eating a lot of Soup this week, vegetable Soup (no meat), wonton and egg drop soup are great too.. I even had some chicken tortilla soup the other night from Taco Bueno... a cup of it is only 60 calories, if you don't eat the strips.. It went down ok, but gave me a little acid reflux... So, what I've cheated with, has been a healthy choice meal.... which was sliced turkey/mashed potatoes/green beans... actually had no problems with them.. and I made sure to chew up the turkey really well... since it wasn't ground.. it was pretty low calorie (220 for the meal, with 19 grams of protein) but I felt bad about the turkey... today, I had 3 chicken nuggets from Chik Fil A... I gotta stop, it's only 1 week till I'm on solids, I look at my stomach the same way I look at my outside scars, my outside scars are pretty much healed... so I'm hoping I didn't do too much damage... it's got harder.. and I feel better the little bit I have ate actually makes me feel better through out the day.. as I've been a tad weak, and get lightheaded a lot...

Anywho, that's my update, and will probably be my last for a bit as we're leaving for our move to Las Vegas on Saturday...

But I'll update on my 1 month... i'm anxious to see what my weight is.

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It really is hard to get your mindset ready for this change. I had surgery on July 22, and this week I'm on full liquids and next week is pureed foods then on to soft foods. I'm not hungry or having hunger pains, but my head is telling me that I want this or that because I'm thinking about it or see it on TV. The moment passes, but it is hard dealing with the differences between the mind and the stomach. The only thing I can say is we have to focus on the real reason we chose to do this...our health and a longer life cycle to see our children grow up!

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Well... it's been one month now since I was sleeved.. and what a month it's been... I left Tulsa, Oklahoma on June 28th to come to Las Vegas, NV for my surgery... I had my surgery on July 6th, returned back to Tulsa on July 18th, and now it's August 5th, and I've relocated with my family back to Las Vegas... talk about a busy month.

So, as for how I'm doing.. I'm doing good... I weighed in this morning at 253lbs... taking me 30lbs down since surgery.. and a total of 50lbs since pre-op diet. I've been doing solids for a few days, except for the few slips I had in week 3. The drive during the move was hard, once I started on mushies, I slowly started getting an appetite back.. and on the road for 3 days, there's not a lot of options... day 2 of the drive was bad, I found myself probably taking in several hundred calories of empty calories... from random candy, to a late night mountain dew to give me a little kick to finish the last part of the 13 hour drive... except for that 1 day, I've been ok... and done fairly well on my diet...

I've found myself happy, about the weight.. but discouraged in a lot of ways, and saddened a tad by not being able to eat... I still go out for business dinners, and take my family out.. and even ordering small portions, I can't finish them, and usually after a few bites, I'm done... also having problems not drinking with meals, I've always been a big drinker at meals, now I can't.. yet, I order drinks anyways... I just don't drink them...

I'm not even 100% what I'm supposed to be doing for diet now.. I assume once I'm on to solids, I can pretty much eat whatever my body tolerates... My body isn't tolerating dairy too well, tortillas aren't doing well either... though I only tried it once. My bathroom habits are rather odd.. I find myself having to #2 really only after I eat.. that's one weird thing.. if i start to eat something my body doesn't agree with, or maybe it does, and it's just odd timing.. I'll eat.. and 5 minutes later, I have to go to the bathroom...

I also had a pretty bad bout of reflux one day, not sure what brought it on.. but it was a one time thing...

Anywho, that's my update.. I'm hoping for another strong 2nd month... as weirdly enough, I'm well over half way to my goal... I'm naturally a big guy, wasn't always overweight, but I have a big build, even at my skinniest, I was still considered overweight though I didn't look it... I need to lose another 30 lbs or so, and I'll be at my goal, and I'm hoping..(maybe hoping too much) to get that off by the end of month 3.... in a couple of weeks, I'll be start a workout routine, and really going in to "bring it" mode.. I'm down from a size 42 waist.. to a 36, and a XXXL shirt, to a XL..... I've never been in anything smaller than a large shirt since my teenage years.. so getting back to a large shirt is my goal for now.. with my build I don't think I'll ever get smaller than that... but I'm 6'1.. and built like a football player...

Anywho, good things are coming.. I feel good and ready for another good month!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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