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Another LBT Member Considering Revision

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Hi everyone! I'm Heather and I'm a lapbander that is considering revision to VGS. I've been banded since 12/07 and have a possible (probable) slip. I had a CT scan July 1 and go for the results on the 14th. My doctor and I have discussed (briefly) revision to the VGS as opposed to repositioning my band. This was all done prior to my CT scan so I don't know how bad my slip is. He is 100% sure I've slipped and since I spent the entire month of June barely eating anything solid, and most days not even being able to tolerate liquids, I'd tend to agree with him. Since he removed 5cc on the 29th I've been able to eat normally for the first time in nearly 2 years and have gained 10 pounds!

I am down about 72 pounds since being banded. I've been less, but have been re-gaining over the last year even as I fight to keep my weight in check. I'm happiest under 200 but have not been there in the last 12 months. I'm hoping if I revise to the sleeve I will be able to finally get to my goal weight (160ish) and not have to keep fighting myself all the time. The band was the only reason I have no re-gained to my highest weight, it's been just enough to slow my gain but I'm tired of not eating until 3pm, not being able to drink much earlier in the day, throwing up, having complications like a month of not knowing if I can eat from day to day etc... BUT I'm scared of the revision. It's such a major surgery. The fear is the main reason I shied away from RNY before getting my band. Now I have those same fears with the added concerns of what happens to my body after the band and port are removed.

I look forward to reading more of your posts, and hope you'll share anything you want with me to help me make this decision as informed as I can be.

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Hi Heather, I'm very sorry to hear of your complications with the band. Just know you are not alone in the least and you will find many of us here who have gone through all of this.

Wishing you well on your new journey!!

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Hi Heather, I'm glad you are here so that you can make an informed decision. As you can see from my stats, I had the band for about two and a half years before my revision to the sleeve in April. I have not regretted my decision at all since my surgery. Alot of us former bandsters are on here and can tell you how sucessful the sleeve has been, compared to the band. I was in the same boat as you, for most of the time that I had my band. I had alot of problems eating healthy food, no problems eating junk. Even after I had a complete unfill I still couldn't eat regular food well. I was so happy to find out that my insurance covered the sleeve and within about 2 months, I had my revision. The recovery was more difficult for me compared to the band surgery but after the first 4 days, I felt alot better than I had in years. The good thing about having the band first, is that you are already trained in how you're supposed to eat with the sleeve. Take small bites, chew really well, wait a bit in between bites, and no drinking while you eat or for a while afterwards. So for me, it was a pretty easy transition. I have said since my surgery that this has been everything that I wanted from my band and did not get. I have been extremely happy with my results so far and for the first time in a while, I feel like this is the answer to my weight problems and that I WILL lose the weight. That's alot more than I could say when I had the band. There are alot of us here to answer any questions you might have so don't be afraid to ask! Good luck with your decision and keep us updated! :D

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Hi Heather.I'm Leslie. I had a major slip with my band also and thought I'd tell you a little about my experience in case it might help you with your decision...

My insurance didn't cover the sleeve surgery when I had my slip and my doc wasn't doing cash payments for it so I talked at length with him about waiting it out (he was pretty sure they'd come around eventually) or replacing the band. Now, I am kind of and instant gratification kind of gal (probably obvious lol) and at first I thought I'd just go ahead and have the band replaced. But, I hadn't been all that happy with it and was plateauing, etc. Long story short I decided to wait for the revision. Even though I had to wait a year from the slip to get this surgery I am so very happy I did it!!! Now, had you asked me about 6 months into the waiting game I would have cried (ok, I did-and a lot lol) and gotten mad (did that a lot too lol) about the whole thing...the "mind game" has always been my biggest struggle and throughout my year waiting for insurance, etc. I gained all but about 15 pounds back of the close 80 I had lost with the band. Talk about depressing...I tell you this not to scare/worry you about gaining it back but to tell you that I do feel that waiting for this surgery was the right thing for me/my body. I feel better not having the band in me and I feel better when I eat/drink. July 7 was my one month surgiversary and I have lost 28 pounds. Of course I wish it was more (another mental struggle for me) but I am super happy that I am on the way back down and am trying to stay off the scale and just enjoy feeling better.

Btw, my doc does the band removal surgery separate from the sleeve gastrectomy so I had to wait about three months in between removal and sleeve. Getting the band out was a piece of cake. I went back to work the next day for a 1/2 day and then was back to work full time the day after that. I felt like my sleeve surgery was also a piece of cake. I was walking like crazy the day after and the nurses were so encouraging and were even trying to guess how many laps I'd do each day...the whole experience was awesome. My doc had to leave me a little bit bigger at the top because of all the damage and scarring the band had caused but I'm not worrying about that (ok, trying not to lol). I feel great, am working out, and have had no problems so far.

Whatever you decide...best of luck to you!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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I had the lap band and had a full slip. I had to have emergency surgery because it clamped off the bottom of my stomach and I couldn't even swallow my saliva.. It was an awful and upsetting experience. So much so that I "swore off" surgery. A year later, I gained the 50 pounds back, was miserable and found my amazing doctor from a friend who was revised from band to sleeve (same surgery).

I can tell you this IT IS SO WORTH IT! I can't say as the previous post, that the surgery was a piece of cake....I found the recovery much more involved than with the band. First couple days were very rough.. But I would do it again in a heartbeat.

I eat and live normally with no pain or vomiting! I just follow the rules and eat less :) LOVE MY SLEEVE!

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Hello and welcome!

I got my band in 2007 too. You will see a lot of support here for this process. The sleeve is everything that the lap-band promised to be, without the pain and suffering. I am very happy with my choice and I am finally losing the weight :-)

Do your research, ask us lots of questions, and make the best decision for yourself.

Good luck--

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Thanks for your replies everyone. I know a few people from my surgeon's office that had the sleeve as their first surgery and loved it. My biggest fears are the surgery itself, recovery and the possibilities of leaks. I'm sure you all get that. ;) What I've been reading about the surgeries that have no complications just sounds heavenly. I never thought I'd want my band gone, but I'm there now. I'm terrified of living without something to help with restriction, but the bad has started to outweigh the good. I'm really nervous about what the CT scan shows is happening in my gut. I go in Thursday to discuss the results and plan my next step... which if my INS will cover it will most likely include the sleeve.

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I had my band in 2007 and it was a huge, painful mess. I have been feeling wonderful since my revision to the sleeve six months ago. The sleeve works and I am such a happier and healthier person now. I feel so great to not have that band in my body anymore.

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Almost four weeks postop here and I am doing well. I had a rough postop period, not with any complications, just more pain than I expected and far more fatigue. The last five days though have really been awesome. All pain is gone, yesterday I started back at the gym and actually beat my best time to distance ratio on the elliptical, which was pretty surprising and amazing considering I am still in postop period and my diet is so different from what my body is used to. I am shrinking in inches and my skin looks amazing. I feel......healthy. If these are my first glimpses of life with a sleeve, I am thrilled I made the switch.

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Hi, Heather! One of the concerns I had when I got the band was that I wanted something "not permanent". After having it since 2007 and not getting the results I wanted, I had revision in May of this year. I had a lot of scar tissue because of the band and it really made me think it's not as "reversible" as they tout.

I would completely recommend band removal to ANYONE. Now that I'm on the other side, I just can't help thinking about issues that could have happened further down the road. What kind of damage would it have done in another 5, 10 years?

Plus, I know I'm a newbie (relatively) to the sleeve, I love it. I had issues with being able to eat like a cow one day, and then zip, nada, nothing but Water the next. The sleeve has been consistent so far and I love that. It makes it easy to plan meals and eat with coworkers without having to explain why I'm jumping up to the restroom.

I love it. :)

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The band is reversible, but it sure leaves alot of issues.... I just thank the stars that i don't have band erosion into the stomach. I am 10 years out and likely have very significant scarring etc. I guess I will find out when it is removed... just awating insurance approval on that.

I was researching on PubMed and the one study I found makes it sound like the scarring etc from the band greatly increase the risk of leaks - double digit type thing. I THINK my doc told me that leaks were something like 5-6 percent for conversions and more like 1% for "virgin" WLS. I got so much info in that session that I actually don't know if I remember this right! Anyway, I have been kinda shocked at how long the recoveries are if there is a leak too - that and acid reflux are two huge fears that I have with being sleeved .

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Dang this board, I just had a long post ready to go and the board lost it! In a nutshell, very gastronomically sick today and was unable to go to my Surgeon's office to go over the CT scans. He won't be back until next Wednesday so now I wait until Thursday for my re-scheduled appt. From that day I have exactly an 8 week window in which to get surgery and recover before I won't have anyone to cover for me at work. :-( I'm not sure if the revision will be doable, and now I also have to wait another week to find out how bad things look on my insides. Why I had to get sick today of all days? I'm very depressed and the next week will seem sooooooo long!

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Hi Heather, I had my band in early 2006 and was diagnosed with a slip last month, although I'm pretty sure I've had it since 2008.

My slip was diagnosed via xray and I was called to confirm it about 3 days later, so no terribly long wait for me.

I had an EGD yesterday which also confirmed the slip. From the exterior, they had classified it as a "profound" slip because the angle of palcement was close to the opposite of what it should be. However, the EGD showed it was only a partial slip (not a complete prolapse). However, the surgeon confirmed with me yesterday that he still does not advise re-banding, because of the crappy( (ier) rates of re-banding complications.

The EGD was required by my ins co for removal.

I also found out yesterday my surgeon requires about 2 months between procedures.

I have not heard anything yet on when I will be able to get the band out. Waiting game...

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BTW, things "weren't so bad" with my unfill. My only real symptom of my slip - reflux (all night long, aspirating it, etc.) - stopped a few days after my unfill (fills/unfills took a bit to kick in for me).

Without the reflux, things were pretty normal. I still had enough restriction, I never had the symptom of getting sick, I could tolerate all foods/liquids on most days (just not all times of the day), etc.

Wow, that EGD must've swollen me up really good! The reflux was back lastnight after I tried to drink some apple juice around 11 am, that sat with me all day long. (My slip is weird in that way - I will eat something, get a winky slip feeling, and even if I can down a gallon of liquid after, I will still reflux all night unless the wonky feeling is gone. I'd like to know what's happening there, since logic says that if you can down liquids just fine, things should be clear/flushed out).

Having that reflux again reminds me how over this I am...

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Hi Heather, I had my band in early 2006 and was diagnosed with a slip last month, although I'm pretty sure I've had it since 2008.

My slip was diagnosed via xray and I was called to confirm it about 3 days later, so no terribly long wait for me.

I had an EGD yesterday which also confirmed the slip. From the exterior, they had classified it as a "profound" slip because the angle of palcement was close to the opposite of what it should be. However, the EGD showed it was only a partial slip (not a complete prolapse). However, the surgeon confirmed with me yesterday that he still does not advise re-banding, because of the crappy( (ier) rates of re-banding complications.

The EGD was required by my ins co for removal.

I also found out yesterday my surgeon requires about 2 months between procedures.

I have not heard anything yet on when I will be able to get the band out. Waiting game...

Hey Wheetsin, I remember you from the LBT forums don't I? Your name seems very familiar to me!

I'm waiting with you... it's the worst. I just want to know what's wrong and get it done. I'm not a very patient person. Thank goodness for these boards. I'm trying to get myself well versed on what's coming down the road. I don't think I'd get re-banded even if the option presented itself. I'm ready to get this thing out of me and do something that is more permanent even though that scares me a bit.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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