chuckle 0 Posted July 8, 2006 Hi all, I just had my lapband procedure this afternoon. I am getting a lot of gas that is pushing on the band which is painful. Any sugguestions or remedies to reduce the pain would be greatly appreciated. Chuckle:help: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DaNieLLaBeLLa 0 Posted July 8, 2006 Chuckle - congrats!! I have been taking chewable Gas-X and it is working wonders. Also, make sure you walk around because that helps to loosen the gas from inside of your body. I try to walk for at least 10 minutes almost every hour if I feel up to it. It will get better!! <!-- / message --><!-- sig --> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Time to love me 0 Posted July 8, 2006 Chuckle, Congrats on your surgery and welcome to band land!! I'm not too far behind you. I'm not banded but, I've heard what Daniella said is true. A lot of others say that too. Also, besides the gas-x and walking.. try a heating pad to help you out with it. Anyway, I'll add you to the list on July Band Crew.. It's just a thread of people that are banded or being banded in July.. There a a few who are in the same stage as you, maybe you can exchange thoughts or solutions with each other. We, who are being banded after you.. Love all the stories of advice of what works and what didn't... Once again, congrats. Here is thread! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DonnaB 3 Posted July 8, 2006 Walk, walk, walk, walk, walk. That works best. When I wasn't walking, the most comfortable position I could find was this: Standing next to the bed, bend from the waist and put your forearms on the bed with your forehead resting on the bed between them. You can bend your knees slightly if you need to to make it a bit more comfortable. I also stacked several pillows next to the edge of the bed and rested my pelvis on them. The idea is to keep your rear end sticking up. It looks weird put it takes the gas pressure off your sternum and shoulder area. I've had two laparoscopic surgeries and this position worked well for me both times. Good luck - I hope this helps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
princess_n_thep 2 Posted July 8, 2006 and then... walk some more!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MerryHearted 20 Posted July 8, 2006 I don't have anything further to add on the gas side of things as you've gotten great advice -- but CONGRATS on your banding!! :clap2: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
July5forMe 0 Posted July 8, 2006 chuckle, walking does help alot. i haven't taken any gas x so i don't know about how that works personally. when i first start walking its a little uncomfortable but the more you walk the better you feel. eventually you can walk pretty normal. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chuckle 0 Posted July 8, 2006 Thanks for all your support! I will start walking and maybe try gas-x. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PaulaA 0 Posted July 8, 2006 Okay- Now I have this thing...I am scared at what I have just done to myself. I have already lost 12 lbs this week- no hunger, just a bit dizzy. I think that is from the meds still in my system. My tummy is rummbling alot, and that gas...well, the walking does help. I will feel like my regular self soon, right? I can handle the pain, it is the fuzzy headed feeling that is getting to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DonnaMarie 0 Posted July 8, 2006 Hey Paula.. that fuzzy headed feeling will subside. Think about how little calories your body is taking in compared to what you used to eat. You body is saying, "WHOA!".. It gets better. I was banded the same day as Daniella.. 7/5/06.. we can do it! Donna :0) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PaulaA 0 Posted July 8, 2006 :phanvan Okay- that makes sense- less calories, light headedness- the tight chest feeling is gas, right? I'm just a little freaked out. I hope I feel "normal" soon! Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DonnaMarie 0 Posted July 8, 2006 Everything you are feeling, I feel too.. no worries and no freaking allowed!! lol I am not really lightheaded but I do have the gas pains and had alot of gas pain in my upper chest and my shoulder. Plus, on that table, you are stretched all out and they are not that gentle with ya girlfriend! They flip you around and position you in different ways. So, early on, there is soreness.. No worries.. HUGZ! Donna :scared: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
July5forMe 0 Posted July 9, 2006 paula, i'm glad to hear that i am not the only feeling fuzzy. I'm such a worrier. A big worrier. so i get a little dizzy or tingley i start thinking of all these terrible things that could be happening to be. i'm pretty confident now that everything is going okay. so i'm glad we are all just talking about our worries. it helps alot to hear i'm not the only one going thru something. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luv2luv 0 Posted July 9, 2006 thanks for the advice everybody!!! i get banded on july 25th...i'm so scared of the gas thing that some of you have experienced....i have never had surgery so i'm freakin' out a little too....but i'm trying to be positive...thanks again for the "walking" advice. :scared: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PaulaA 0 Posted July 9, 2006 The surgery itself didn't seem so bad. I was out of it day one, day two was a bit better, and today is day 4- I drove myself to work, and then came home and took a nap, and then went to visit a friend- so it isn't really that bad, just all this churnin in my belly- it's kind of noisy, but I know it is going to be worth it, and I can't wait to look and feel more fit~ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites