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Amen!!! My red headed sister!!

Kemo I'm glad you said that. I have talked to A LOT of people who have gone to Dr. Almanza and nobody has complained about heat or anything else. That is not to say Yellow rose is, I think she's painted a very good picture of the experience but some people seem to be responding as thought the experience is going to be like broke down palace. My friend Sandra and I are having surgery there in a few weeks and we both agree that for the money we're saving we can suck it up a little on the amenities and use that extra $1,000 to $1,500 for a one year anniversary vacation.

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Not.. not unbearably hot, just warm. We ran the fans on Saturday. Dress accordingly and you will be okay. There is no humidity so it isn't bad at all.

To make a long story short because life is moving forward at a faster pace than I care to keep up right now! lol... (In other words, I'm back at work - DAY 1 - with a long list of things to do).

I had a choice of staying another night in the recovery house and getting up at 4am to go with the group that had 7:30am flights (takes anywhere from 2-4 hours to cross the border) and wait for my flight at 12:30pm -- OR --

what was behind door #2!! I won!

I decided to go ahead and cross the border that evening with another guest. He already had a room reservation at the Hampton. I called and there were no reservations available. I called surrounding hotels - nothing. BUT... glimmer of hope.... the reservation guy said there "might" be a room if someone cancels. I took that chance. Besides, the gentleman - and he was a perfect gentleman - said that I could share his hotel room if needed. Yeah - my mind sort of did that thing that yours just did too, out of state, out of country, miles from home, all alone, - I felt like a true pioneer woman. Forging shelter & safety in the wilderness. hahahaha

It did take us almost 3 hours to cross the border, sitting in traffic. It wasn't boring though because it was Saturday night and the place was hopping. There were street vendors everywhere. More food than you could possibly want - hahahaha especially now! It was a unique and memorable experience. There were children juggling balls & men carrying huge home-made crucifixes on their shoulders. So interesting.

Please Notice - I am not in pain at this time. My belly is a little tender and I am a little tired - but the pain & gas pressure was pretty much gone. The worst was behind me.

So, we finally got through the customs gate and headed to the hotel. When I got to the front desk I was offered a room for $179 - and the manager said, "It is one of our nicer suites on the 6th floor and that is the price!" I said, "ok.. I'll take it" (knowing that some bill juggling would be happening when I got back home, but at that moment it did not MATTER.) The manager picked up his bag and left for the evening and the young man at the counter continued to check me out." He said, "I'm giving you the regular rate - you just had surgery." SO -- I got the suite on the 6th floor facing Pacific Ave with a beautiful view of the bay for only $129. Wow.

Seriously though, I had a little pang of regret thinking about the experience I just left - the flowers, the people, the view, the kindness, the aromas, and especially the smiles.

Someday I would like to see those people again.

So.. I got to my room, dumped my bag in the middle of one bed, gathered my stuff together for a good long hot shower. I had showered at the recovery house, but in respect of the other guests I just made it a quick run through - not the soaking, running, relaxing shower that I love. There are 3 bathrooms at the recovery house and there was never a wait. They were always clean. There were always towels. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT WHATSOEVER AT ANY TIME -- with the small exception of the full house. And that is not really a complaint because there was plenty of beds, chairs, & whatever you needed... just a full house.

I looked at the clock and it was already almost 9pm so I took some pain meds just to help me sleep, a gasX strip, and laid down to rest. I slept straight through until around 7am (I'm a morning person). I repacked my bags, dressed, and then got a phone call from the gentleman friend - I told him I had extra bandages and tape. I went to his room and taped up his belly for him-he had lapband-so that he could catch his flight at 11:00am.

After that, I wandered down to the Breakfast bar. Wow. People everywhere filling their plates high. I got a cup of juice and sat down - AND ran into the mom of another woman who had the full gastric bypass. She and I sat and talked about the experience and enjoyed the morning.

So... 10:30am.... I got on the shuttle to the airport and headed home.

BUT ... of course you know there is more - my "First Class Experience" -- first time I ever flew first class. I'll be right back....

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I had thought ahead and requested wheelchair assistance for the trip home. It can be a very long walk to some of the gates. When I arrived at the airport there was a long line at the check in. I had done my boarding pass via my smartphone so technically I was checked in. I ALSO had the option to "upgrade" to first class for $150. I grabbed it up. Originally they had me in seat #29 at the BACK of the plane. ugh.

I found a airport worker and asked him what I was supposed to do. He told me to "go sit over there" and walked off. I did as commanded. haahaha... AND then afterwards thought, okay... is someone going to come and get me? I tend to ask very few questions and just observe everything around me looking for clues. Suddenly a woman appeared with a wheelchair, helped me get in, and handed me my one bag.

... by the way, I packed ONE change of clothes and packed very light so that it fit in ONE bag. Not knowing what the situation would be I wanted to be able to carry my own bag if needed. Even with that, I really didn't need my make-up lol... but I brought it anyway.

So... anyway, I'm in the wheelchair going to security. THEY COULD NOT HAVE BEEN NICER AND MORE ACCOMODATING - or else I was still feeling the affects of the really good drugs! hahaah -- An agent leaned over and asked me, "Ma'am, are you able to stand up?" I said yes. "Ma'am, are you able to raise your hands above your head?" ................. hahahahaha.. and I seriously thought "YEAH! AND RIDE AROUND TJUIANA BUTT NAKED TOO!!" hahaha.... but anyway... didn't say that. I said yes. So he had me just walk through the metal detector. Let me add that they took my shoes off my feet, they took my bag and my small purse, they put it in the bins, they walked them through. One of the agents APOLOGIZED for having to check the liquid magnisium I was sent home with, but he put it back in my bag. They placed my shoes back on my feet, handed me my bag and purse. The entire experience took less than 5 minutes. I was AMAZED -- KUDOS to the San Diego Airport for such efficiency and politeness!! And we were headed to the terminal.

I DID NOT KNOW THAT ONE OF THE PERKS OF FIRST CLASS WAS A MEAL! Baja chicken Wraps or a grilled chicken caesar salad, cheesecake, & choice of wine.

Yeah... my first class experience and "wimpy butt" says, "No thank you, but may I have some hot tea?" It was FREEZING on the plane - or it may have been me. They brought me two blankets, but I still stayed pretty chilled.

We landed back in Houston and I was wheeled out front to my waiting hubby. Kiss, kiss, hug, hug... and home.

And the experience was over.

Now the new adventure begins as I peel off this fat coat.

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So happy to hear your story!! I would love to follow your progress and recovery. I am being sleeved next Monday and am so excited!

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The weather in Tijuana/San Diego is great, no need for an A/C. I love my A/C but high temps in the 70's, that is fantastic. I live in Texas and I would love that right now. If I had surgery here in Texas and they did not have A/C, I would have cancelled in a minute. It is a different experience at the clinic but I would not trade it for anything. The care was fantastic and there is no substitute for experience.

<div><br><div>Renee was in Mexicali for her surgery, and there is quite a bit of difference in the temps there compared to Tijuana/ San Diego now. Highs are in the 100-110 range right now. I think that was what she was referring to, her own experience. I went in early March and it was getting too warm already outside for me. I live in the deep south, so I am used to it, I just don't like it..lol. Thank goodness for the AC in the hospital. I can't sleep at night without it.</div><div>Great story yellowrose, I love the way you keep us hanging!!! Wanting more!biggrin.gif


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So glad you're home safe and sound! I can't wait to hear more about your new journey! Oh please tell us there's a book in you about about all this!!!!

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You are not only a good story teller but an inspiration. On your own 2 days after surgery with no complaints!!! You are amazing, hope I do that well........Janice

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What day did you actually have your surgery...to be back at work today?

I'm curious because I don't plan on taking off much time for this, if possible.

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I'm cracking up reading this! I would SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO have gotten up and scooped and scooted my stuff by hand or foot or whatever to have it altogether! I honestly believe a sense of humor can save your life. You'll be fine with whatever you EVER do! You rock!

Okay part 2.

In the truck on the way back I went to my " happy place". Lol. I realized I was in a nice vehicle, with a chauffeur, riding around Tijuana naked. Suddenly Talking Heads song "As the Days go By..." came on the radio. I asked him to turn it up. He did. It was a surreal moment forever etched in my brain.

So, got back and was led to a room to lay down, get IV Hooked up and WAIT. I ended up going last.

Now must explain. My shoes were in one room. My carryon bag was in another, my purse was locked in Dr Bettencourts office. I am scattered all over the clinic.

So I'm am led to the surgery room. Smells very clean. I laid down, said hi to the anesthesiologist. And I was OUT.

NEXT thing I remember is hearing my name and trying to sit up. I think they laid me back down. Not sure. Next memory was needing to pee. They helped me with that. I was brought a shot containing pain meds a anti nauseous meds. Worked great BUT WARNING!!!! they must put it in the IV slowly or it will burn like Fire. Night nurse was not quite as patient with this and I yelped once.

For some reason during the night I decided I wanted my stuff. I had asked about it but was told it wad "locked" up. It was not. So grabbed my IV pole and headed down the halls. Found my shoes, found my bag in another room but since I couldn't carry it I pushed it on the floor with my feet. FINALLY a helper heard the noise and carried to to my room. I just wanted my stuff around me. I was all by myself.

Ok. Going to take some gasx and sip Water. More in a little bit.

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Texasmom- I had surgery on Thursday, July 30. I was glad Monday was a holiday. I only made it 1/2 day today (Tiesday). I planned to go all day but just ran out of energy. The good excuse I have is that a couple of other people have been out sick so I just used them! Lol.

WARNING: the liquids you drink can cause diarriah. As I have read, it is temporary. I packed baggies, changes of undies and Wet Wipes. I'm really a controlled, classy exec type. This has caused me to REALLY plan ahead.

I'm pretty resilient and work a desk job. I'm not exactly sure but the combination of surgery AND the pressure of work only allowed a half day - but it was a very productive 1/2 day .... Of course.

Lol. So right after the boss got back from lunch I couldn't hardly wait to get home and flop into the bed.

Got home and my dear sweet husband HAD STRIPPED THE BEDS OF ALL THE SHEETS BEFORE HE LEFT FOR WORK!!!! God blessem

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Wow - what an amazing story. And back to work already! I'm planning 2.5 weeks off and my boss is saying that I can take longer as he was talking about not having me come back until after Labor Day. I'm a wimp compared to you! LOL :)

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<div><br><div>Renee was in Mexicali for her surgery, and there is quite a bit of difference in the temps there compared to Tijuana/ San Diego now. Highs are in the 100-110 range right now. I think that was what she was referring to, her own experience. I went in early March and it was getting too warm already outside for me. I live in the deep south, so I am used to it, I just don't like it..lol. Thank goodness for the AC in the hospital. I can't sleep at night without it.</div><div>Great story yellowrose, I love the way you keep us hanging!!! Wanting more!biggrin.gif


AHHHH! Yes I was in Mexicali at the end of may and good grief..it was miserable out there. Let me add, I'm a total WUSS when it comes to heat. I'm very fair complected and have never been able to stand heat and I have a bit of a sun allergy. So much so that they are testing me for Systemic Lupus because almost instantly I break out in a rash. Anyway, no, I can't stand the heat at all, even 80's is just to hot for me. I'm glad YellowRose was fine and had a wonderful experience!


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Wow YellowRose....this read like a novella! I have a lot of respect for you and everyone else who goes across the boarder. My naked butt would have been scared to death!

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<div><br><div>Renee was in Mexicali for her surgery, and there is quite a bit of difference in the temps there compared to Tijuana/ San Diego now. Highs are in the 100-110 range right now. I think that was what she was referring to, her own experience. I went in early March and it was getting too warm already outside for me. I live in the deep south, so I am used to it, I just don't like it..lol. Thank goodness for the AC in the hospital. I can't sleep at night without it.</div><div>Great story yellowrose, I love the way you keep us hanging!!! Wanting more!biggrin.gif


Correct, big difference in weather in Mexicali. I would require A/C in those temps too.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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