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Kelly, Aceves or Alvarez

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I have upgraded my opinion of Dr. Kelly for the following reason:he (though I can not verified this) apparently got fed up with the sub-par practices - sterile practices, at the facility that he was at and moved to a better one, a full hospital. If this is true, then that alone deserves my respect. Can't say that about other TJ physicians unfortunately.


Ok folks, thanks for your input. I spoke with Dr Kelly yesterday and I'm very pleased with him. I guess I just needed the reassurance of hearing his side of things. This is some info from our conversation. Please remember, this is my best understanding of our conversation, I'm sure there are those out there who understand things differently from their own personal conversations with him.

He's been doing bariatrics for 10 years, 6 of those doing the sleeve as his primary operation. Over the course of these past 10 years he has performed the sleeve 4000+ times (not just as a sleeve only, but also as part of the DS). The hospital he currently works out of is the Oasis of Hope cancer treatment center. It is a last chance effort for those people with terminal cancer who aren't responding to other treatment methods. He has been at this hospital for 1 or 2 years, I didn't write that part down. The reason he moved to this hospital is because the one he was previously at was beginning to have patients getting infections from lack of proper sterilization. His efforts to help contain the problem were not heeded, so he decided to leave that hospital to remove himself from the reputation that hospital was getting. The Oasis of Hope does have an ICU with 3 beds. Dr Kelly said that he would only operate if he had an ICU bed open because you have to be prepared for an emergency. His anesthesiologist is Dr. Hernandez, who has been doing his job for 10 years. His diplomas and certifications are available at the hospital for anyone to see if they ask.

Regarding leaks...he has not had any leaks in years. He said that leaks most commonly occur in the upper part of the stomach where the esophagus and stomach meet. His way of preventing leaks is by taking the patients own fat tissue and using it to make a patch around the first 2-3 stitches.

Once we're at home...he said it would be best to have a relationship with a bariatric surgeon in your area, but a PCP would be able to handle any regular aftercare. We need blood work twice a year. He would like it if his patients could return to him once a year for follow-up, but he understands that traveling to him isn't always possible. He recommends a support group meeting once a month in our local areas.

Regarding mortality rates...He has only had one death in his entire career, and that was in June. I know that there is all kinds of stuff going back and forth about he said/she said kinda stuff, but this is what HE TOLD ME...She died from a pulmonary embolism that occurred after surgery. He has autopsy reports to show that fact. For more info on these you can go here...http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/pulmonary-embolism/DS00429/DSECTION=causes

At the end of our conversation I asked a "surprise" question that I believe he probably doesn't get asked often..."What would you life for us to pray about for you?" I will not tell his answer because I feel that is between us, but I will tell you that his answer was exactly what I would have hoped for. He showed us, by his answer, that he is a humble man who takes great care in what he does and wants to be the best he can be for his patients.

Finally, as a result of our conversation I feel very confident in my decision to stay with Dr Kelly. I believe I, and any others, will be well taken care of and have a great experience with him. I believe that he truly cares about his patients and their outcomes.

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I too chose Dr. Ramos-Kelly. I think your comment was good information. I left him a personal email and he called me back today. However, I was unable to answer because I was at work. I will be speaking with him tomorrow before I leave for work. This is very helpful. I won't be able to have my sleeve done until Feb 2012 due to work, law school and saving the final 2k I need for the surgery. I am glad to hear that your conversation went well and that you posted the information about the condition. I would think that one should definitely get a physical before going to have this surgery. Try to find out if there are any issues concerning your health before having this procedure so far away from home. That could save your life. Doctors need to be informed of any preexisting conditions before a surgery is performed. Good Luck to everyone and I pray for everyone's success.

Hello, Im new to this website. I thought, maybe I had joined in too soon, since I wont't have my surgery until around February 2012 as well. I'am glad I'm not the only one. I am having the wls by kaiser permanente, or actually the Dr. they refer me to. Next Monday I am starting the first of 12 weekly classes which are suppose to educate me about the wls. I will not get to see the surgeon until I am done with these classes at the end of December, so Im hoping the surgeon approves the VSG over the gastric bypass. I simply wont do the bypass, i think its too risky for me, for I'm concern about the Vitamin malabsorbtion, since I already tend to have Vitamin deficiencies. I am really exited about this journey, I have read amazing stories of success which keep me motivated and focused on my ultimate goal. I can't wait to have my sleeve and to share my success with everyone here. I too wish every one the best of luck and a successful journey.

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Stand your ground and get the surgery you want. With RNY you won't be able to take NSAIDs if you ever need them and who knows what lies 10 or 20 years down the line. Also I view the dumping that 40% of RNYers experience as a bad thing as it really messes with your blood sugar levels and can make you crave stuff (although dumping if often promoted as a positive thing).

See here for some reasons why you don't want RNY http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/amos/4321339/Lurkers-Learn-Here-About-Your-Pyloric-Valve-informative/action,replies/topic_id,4321339/page,1/

If you need a revision from RNY that's a very complex surgery, whereas if you were to need one with VSG then you have a comparatively straight forward revision option.

Good luck! cool.gif

Hello, Im new to this website. I thought, maybe I had joined in too soon, since I wont't have my surgery until around February 2012 as well. I'am glad I'm not the only one. I am having the wls by kaiser permanente, or actually the Dr. they refer me to. Next Monday I am starting the first of 12 weekly classes which are suppose to educate me about the wls. I will not get to see the surgeon until I am done with these classes at the end of December, so Im hoping the surgeon approves the VSG over the gastric bypass. I simply wont do the bypass, i think its too risky for me, for I'm concern about the Vitamin malabsorbtion, since I already tend to have vitamin deficiencies. I am really exited about this journey, I have read amazing stories of success which keep me motivated and focused on my ultimate goal. I can't wait to have my sleeve and to share my success with everyone here. I too wish every one the best of luck and a successful journey.

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Aceves and Alvarez are, I think great choices. I cut Dr. Kelly a break, despite horror stories about him, because I heard that he upgraded to a better facility, a real hospital. However, since that post (see above) I have talked to a member here in this topic who suffered a botched surgery where he burned an ulcer in her stomach, lied and said she already had it, and then botched a repair. He sent her home only for her to have to go an ER for emergency surgery here in the states. This, in case you are in the dark, IS a horror story. So Dr. Kelly goes back down to the level of Dr. Almanza.

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I thought hearsay was not allowed on here.. speaking of coordinators, you sound like you work for Aceves or Alvarez..

Aceves and Alvarez are, I think great choices. I cut Dr. Kelly a break, despite horror stories about him, because I heard that he upgraded to a better facility, a real hospital. However, since that post (see above) I have talked to a member here in this topic who suffered a botched surgery where he burned an ulcer in her stomach, lied and said she already had it, and then botched a repair. He sent her home only for her to have to go an ER for emergency surgery here in the states. This, in case you are in the dark, IS a horror story. So Dr. Kelly goes back down to the level of Dr. Almanza.

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Oh, I work for BOTH of them, happy now? If you ever bothered to check the records of either of these doctors, you would know why I say that. And please, where does it say that the exchange of forum information must be limited to one's OWN experience? The reading and listening from other peoples experience is more than experience: it is learning.

I thought hearsay was not allowed on here.. speaking of coordinators, you sound like you work for Aceves or Alvarez..

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Oh, I work for BOTH of them, happy now? If you ever bothered to check the records of either of these doctors, you would know why I say that. And please, where does it say that the exchange of forum information must be limited to one's OWN experience? The reading and listening from other peoples experience is more than experience: it is learning.

I am interested in the contact information or link to a discussion where a patient of Dr. Kelly's had an ulcer burned and botched repair. I'd like to verify this information with the source. Also, I'd like a link/copy of the autopsy of his female patient who passed away in June. It is difficult to verify truths regarding surgeons when so many positive things are said about so many of them and the only negatives seem to come from the same mouth over and over. I'd like to verify it myself, so contact info or appropriate web links would be very helpful to those of us making this important decision.

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.. and we can all learn a thing or two from your experiences with the surgeons in question. Oh wait, you didn't go to either of them.

Enough said. Let people research.. you don't need to paint Almanza and Kelly with the same brush. People who want to undergo surgery in a foreign country are perfectly capable of speaking to ACTUAL clients of those surgeons.

Enough already.

Oh, I work for BOTH of them, happy now? If you ever bothered to check the records of either of these doctors, you would know why I say that. And please, where does it say that the exchange of forum information must be limited to one's OWN experience? The reading and listening from other peoples experience is more than experience: it is learning.

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Yes agreed, everyone needs to check the records/complications of ANY dr they consider, including YOUR Dr. Who is your dr and what is his/her complication rate? You eagerly bring other drs complications up, insult other peoples intelligence and research skills, while avoiding your own experience with your own dr and avoiding their leaks and deaths. If you want to discuss drs and their complications, you should at least mention your own drs as well. Attempting to manipilate others through fear is just wrong.

Oh, I work for BOTH of them, happy now? If you ever bothered to check the records of either of these doctors, you would know why I say that. And please, where does it say that the exchange of forum information must be limited to one's OWN experience? The reading and listening from other peoples experience is more than experience: it is learning.

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My surgeon was Dr. Aceves. He freely talks about the death that he had earlier in his career and a leak as well. In all my research of Mexican surgeons I did not come across ONE horror story about him. Not ONE story of him or his coordinator lying or covering up complications. Not ONE story of a negative post that was put down, denied or deleted. Not ONE case of a frantic coordinator denying that a patient with complications had ever even BEEN a real patient. In fact, other bariactric surgeons in both the USA and Mexico recently voted him one of the best 25 bariactirc surgeons in the world. His complication rate is microscopic. In any comparison with a Tijuana cut rate surgeon, he shines like a spotlight on a trash heap. I didn't pick him and then do research to justify my choice, I researched everyone and picked him He was the best that I could find - and afford. I don't have his name plastered everywhere because: 1) he doesn't need the advertising, and: 2) I don't need to be accused to putting down others to promote him.

Yes agreed, everyone needs to check the records/complications of ANY dr they consider, including YOUR Dr. Who is your dr and what is his/her complication rate? You eagerly bring other drs complications up, insult other peoples intelligence and research skills, while avoiding your own experience with your own dr and avoiding their leaks and deaths. If you want to discuss drs and their complications, you should at least mention your own drs as well. Attempting to manipilate others through fear is just wrong.

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What a hatred you have for any surgeon but your own. It's so transparent. When I originally did my research I dismissed comments like yours. I found them to be slanderous and very unhelpful. You are like an unmarried marriage councilor..lol I thought you were getting off your soap box?

To be honest with you, I don't even care to defend your surgeon or my own.. I could care less who someone chooses to go to, it is about your complete lack of personal experience and spewing about things you have no first hand knowledge with and it's really quite annoying.

Hope your weight loss is going as well as mine.

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As the original poster of this thread I am starting to regret asking for any opinions. I was really hoping this would be a "state your facts and get on with your life" kinda thing. But, this is really starting to sound like a bunch of kids fighting over who's right and who's wrong. Everyone has their own opinion and their own way of stating that opinion. Also, I believe that every one here is an adult and should starting acting like it. You will never get the other person to change how they think/feel about this topic. Maybe it's time to just let this thread die and everyone go on about their business

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What hatred? What nonsense. I greatly admire ANY surgeon for sticking it out in all the schooling, and putting himself on the line to help other people. My criticisms are very specific, and ALL of my criticisms stem from actual incidents where doctors and their sales people (coordinators) turned their back on patients who developed serious complications, lied about it, and/or forced forums to remove the posts about these incidents, and/or threatened legal action if they weren't. And if I ever find out that Dr. Aceves has done that, believe me, he' ll join that list too. You seem to be one of those people that think these stories aren't real, that they aren't the stories of people just like you. You seem to be content with the ridiculous notion that people have the time and inclination to just make them up for some nefarious reason of their own that makes no sense at all. You seem to be one of those people that is completely willing to believe whatever a coordinator tells you because the price is right. A coordinator is a SALES person who's livelihood depends on getting you to believe anything they say. So I'm happy for you; you got yours, and you obviously don't care anything about the ones who didn't get theirs.

What a hatred you have for any surgeon but your own. It's so transparent. When I originally did my research I dismissed comments like yours. I found them to be slanderous and very unhelpful. You are like an unmarried marriage councilor..lol I thought you were getting off your soap box?

To be honest with you, I don't even care to defend your surgeon or my own.. I could care less who someone chooses to go to, it is about your complete lack of personal experience and spewing about things you have no first hand knowledge with and it's really quite annoying.

Hope your weight loss is going as well as mine.

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Dr Joya anyone?! and NO arguments please. this is my first day on this site, its bummin me out. So heres to You, positive people!

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Hi and welcome to the forum! Sorry you had to witness some differences in opinion. I have heard good things about Dr Joya, but not sure if his patients will see this under this thread. Can you start a new thread entitled Dr Joya or anyone use Dr Joya? That way maybe more people will see it and people who used him might see it. I remember a lot about Dr Joya over on obesity help too, it always seemed positive. It doesn't hurt that he is in a nice area of MX either.

Good luck to you on your journey!


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