lins12 0 Posted July 5, 2006 It is that time of the month for me and I am SOOOO tight that I am hunched over at the office dying...ok not really dying but it hurts. Feels like heartburn and reflux. I cannot get a thing down. I don't want to get an unfill. I know that it is because I am just as bloated as it gets. anybody know anything that can help me through the next 24 hours until this thing starts to go down? Would a Water pill work? If they have one that is capsule? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FunnyDuddies 6 Posted July 5, 2006 Can you get down any Water at all? If you can, I would say any sort of water pill, and as much water as possible. You bloat even more when you get dehydrated (i know it sounds weird, but it is a stage of dehydration) and if you get enough water in your system it will help to regulate it. If you cannot get a water pill, and you cannot get enough water, try coffee. it is a natural diuretic. full caffeine too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lins12 0 Posted July 5, 2006 Funny, I ADORE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks a bundle for the thoughts. I will head by the grocery on the way home; however, I doubt I can get down any. Just tried some...NOPE, just hurt like HELL!!!! ARG!!! Pain right between the breast bone and stomach hurts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jessiebear 2 Posted July 5, 2006 try hot liquids. Just tiny sips & the hotter the better. It may help. I hope it loosens up for you! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stitchy 0 Posted July 6, 2006 I second the hot liquids. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Linds 0 Posted July 6, 2006 Poor you....don't our monthlys cause us enough problems without interfering with our bands? In future (I know that doesn't help you now) try taking a Water pill a few days before your period - great if you can get your GP to prescribe you one but failing that Aquaban or Waterfall or something along those lines might help. As for getting some form of fluids into you at the mo....try the hot drink theory...must admit never works for me but I know it does for some. You could also try sucking on an iced lolly (pick a nice flavoured one as it will help stimulate your juices!!) this is a slow but nice way of getting a drink inside you!! Wishing you all the best Linds Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dianechef 3 Posted July 6, 2006 I'm the expert!! It happens to me EVERY month!! I have a heating "bag" that I use constantly. (The kind that you heat up in the microwave.) I sit that right on my stomach & then drink anything I can that's warm & clear. Sometimes it's just a tiny, tiny sip - but eventually it will open up so I can atleast get Water down. I'm sure your over it by now, but maybe this will work for next time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the best me 6 Posted July 6, 2006 How are you lins? If you are too tight to do hot liquids expect by the sip, I wouldn't put any type of pill down the hatch. Do what Linds said and take the Water pill ahead of time next month. Aloe Vera juice. Yeah. It helps with the burning from reflux and reduces swelling somehow. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dianechef 3 Posted July 6, 2006 Oh my goodness! I forgot to say Alove Vera Juice!! Kathy (the best me) told me all about Aloe Vera juice & I drink it all the time when I'm tight. It usually won't go down right away but it helps with the irritation in your throat & esophagus. Just like Kathy said!!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
niki 1 Posted July 6, 2006 Gosh! I NEVER noticed any difference on my band when I'm having my time of the month... the only difference is during morning periods, when i feel more tight, but when evening comes that's a whole different story... I would definitely go along with the warm liquids theory - tea, broth, little sips. hope you'll feel better soon, niki Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lins12 0 Posted July 7, 2006 Thanks for all your help guys. It ended up getting REALLY bad last night. I was burning al through my throat and stomach. It hurt so bad I was hunched over. I called my doctor who told me to take a phenergen (?) and sip on Maalox. I could not get the Maalox down. It was AWFUL. I was up all night. My stepmom took me to my doctor (2 hours away) and they took out my entire fill. :confused: But I felt better INSTANTLY!!! I have an appointment to get a refill on 20th. So alls well. Hopefully, after a year, I can lose some weight without the band. It was great to try and have some help. AND I did see a 50 pound loss this morning. I am sure it was all Water weight but it was nice to see for one day! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lookingout 0 Posted July 7, 2006 lins, that is really scary! Has it happened before? Reason being, I just got a fill, am having a visitor too, and am dying today. I thought the fill was okay until this am. It was horrible all day, and my friend has changed so much this past year compared to the first eight (I get cramps, never had em before, I'm super emotional, normally totally levelheaded). I hope you are okay! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lins12 0 Posted July 7, 2006 Never happened before. It was awful. There are things I probably could have done to prevent it but it was REALLY painful. Feel free to OM me if you need anything. Lindsay Share this post Link to post Share on other sites