moon goddess 0 Posted July 5, 2006 I am about to start my own web page about my weight loss progress, but I have one, not little actually...big problem...I haven't told anyone about my weight! It's hard to admit what it is, even to myself. I see the tickers that you all have, and everyone is so open about *that* number. And no offense to the men out there, but it's been my experience that most are oblivious to the actual number on the scale when it comes to women, so I just tell my boyfriend it's around 200...and then I watch my nose grow like Pinnochio as I lie...lie...lie!!! Was it hard for ya'll to just tell it like it is? To put it out there for all to see? To let your spouses and significant others know? It's like this deep dark secret....but the truth is....and I feel a little bit more free as I tell you's 285. Shhhhh!!!! :phanvan :grouphug: :eek: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kat817 19 Posted July 5, 2006 Well my Drivers License has not been correct in probably 15 years!! I don't think I have actually "lied" about the number, I simply never said it! My DH has never ask me "how much do you weigh?" He knows I weigh more than he does, and has seen me weighed in the hospital, but he never ask me, so I never said!! Omission, and avoidance, and letting people assume they know has worked, so I have never had to tell them a lie!!! The only place that ever has ask for it has been medical papers, and I know better than to lie on them!!! I am so interested in seeing what everyone has to say about this!!! Good Luck, and it will be easier as you can add the number of pounds lost as well to the ticker!!! Kat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
juliegeraci 7 Posted July 5, 2006 Dear Moon Goddess, Up until now I have never spoken about my weight. Just how much I lose. Now I am open that I started at 320, was 281 preop and now am 269. I talk openly about it. It was just time for ME to come clean about how big I had actually gotten. I am not embarrassed as it is my story. I don't tell everyone, but those that I do trust. BTW, my drivers license is still a lie....tee hee..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Denika 2 Posted July 5, 2006 Heck yes I've lied about it, and my husband knew pre-band better than to ask. He was forbidden to look at the scale when he did go with me to the doctor about anything, and when we took out life insurance policies, the man filling out the paperwork had to give ME the form and then both of them had to close their eyes while I held my hand over it and wrote with the other hand. I know, I know, like he didn't look later when he left, but at least it wasn't in front of me. Now however, my husband knows the truth. He's overweight too, and we both finally made a pact to let the other know so that we could help each other. He's not banded, refuses to be banded, but does want to lose weight. It is also kind of "freeing" when you do finally let them know though. You don't have to work so hard at keeping the secret. Now, letting other people besides my husband know is a totally different story. That's not gonna happen. Someday I may feel comfortable letting others know what I USED to weigh, but not yet. When I'm at a good weight I'll think about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jachut 487 Posted July 5, 2006 Nah, it wasnt hard here becuase I dont know anyone in the flesh and am never likely to, being right across the other side of the world as most of you (apart from the one or two Melbourne girls that is). Plus this was the final time in my life I"m ever ever going to have to be ashamed of my weight. If you notice though, I nearly always say "but I'm very tall" in any thread to do with weight. I go to great pains to clarify that I wasnt morbidly obese or "that big". Which is stupid, I was fat fat fat just like everyone else here. I belong to a very close knit forum of mums, we all got together via a public site during early stages of pregnancy and its Australia wide and has spilled over into very dear real life friendships too. We have a little weightloss side bar on our MSN site and I've visited several times over the years and gone on another blinking diet, I always always always felt compelled to understate my weight by a couple of kilograms. This time I was honest and that was quite difficult. In the scheme of things I am much taller than normal and most normal weight women tend to weigh in the 50 to 70 kilogram weigh range, and here was my weight at well over 100! Even at 80 I'd be normal sized but most people would still think I weighed a huge amount. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lisah25 3 Posted July 5, 2006 I am about to start my own web page about my weight loss progress, but I have one, not little actually...big problem...I haven't told anyone about my weight! It's hard to admit what it is, even to myself. I see the tickers that you all have, and everyone is so open about *that* number. And no offense to the men out there, but it's been my experience that most are oblivious to the actual number on the scale when it comes to women, so I just tell my boyfriend it's around 200...and then I watch my nose grow like Pinnochio as I lie...lie...lie!!! Was it hard for ya'll to just tell it like it is? To put it out there for all to see? To let your spouses and significant others know? It's like this deep dark secret....but the truth is....and I feel a little bit more free as I tell you's 285. Shhhhh!!!! :phanvan :grouphug: :eek: See, don't ya feel better now!? Hubby knows what I weigh. Of course the doctors do. My mom doesn't know the number, most people don't. I don't lie exactly, but they don't ask either. My weight on my drivers license was correct at the time, which was a big step for me. That was a few years and about 65 pounds ago. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
seppi 0 Posted July 5, 2006 Oh god yes, I have lied for years, I too am tall so most people wouldn't guess I weigh as much as I do. My drivers license and my work ID have been wrong since they were created. I work in a male dominated field and I would die if they ever knew what I weighed. I have never been to goal while working there actually I have never been this small. My husband knows that I would never lie to him unless he actually asked my weight. Silly hang up but I cannot fix it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alexandra 55 Posted July 5, 2006 I still find it VERY hard to admit what I weigh to actual people in real life. In fact, I just don't. But once I decided to get banded I realized a whole new approach was needed, and articulating my starting point was part of that. It became a constant eye-opener to see that number staring me in the face every time I sae my signature. It was really important that I admit and accept where I was, so that I could start the journey away from that point. My husband never asked, and I never told him, but he knows how much I've lost and that I'm thrilled to weigh less than he does. If he did the math he'd get the picture. But he loved and loves me anyway!! :kiss2: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sleepyjean 0 Posted July 5, 2006 I am about to start my own web page about my weight loss progress, but I have one, not little actually...big problem...I haven't told anyone about my weight! Sorry if this is a dumb question, but if you're sensitive about it, why put it out there for the world to see? You could just as easily keep your thoughts and photos in a journal and no one else would ever have to know how much you weigh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
j.s. 0 Posted July 5, 2006 I totally lied on my driver's license for about the last 15 years. Funny, I had to renew my pic on my license for ID purposes and it just so happend that I finally weighed what my license had said. So I go up and sign the stuff and the girl looks at me (I had explained why I was there, I dont think she was listening all the way) and she says, oh, you didnt change the weight on it, you lost 70 pounds, then I had to reiterate, yes, I lost 70 pounds but now I weigh what it says. I just need a new pic! I was glad it was a girl, she understood. We got a little chuckle out of it. As far as my husband goes, when he went to my first nutritionist meeting with me and she weighed me before surgery, when we got to the car he said it really shocked him, he had never heard exactly how much I weighed. Now I tell anyone what I was up to - because I am going down. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elisabethsew 50 Posted July 5, 2006 I live in a state where weight is not posted on your driver's license and only one person (other than the surgeon and his team) knows my weight. I have not had to lie about how much I weigh because nobody asks. It's obvious to everyone that I am obese so who cares about the actual number? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
moon goddess 0 Posted July 5, 2006 Sleepy Jean~~~ You asked me~~~ Sorry if this is a dumb question, but if you're sensitive about it, why put it out there for the world to see? You could just as easily keep your thoughts and photos in a journal and no one else would ever have to know how much you weigh. Well, I have been very sensitive about it, but one of the great things about finding this website is that I have FINALLY found a place where I feel comfortable enough to tell the truth and talk about the actual weight. It's a positive step, because I have not been banded yet, and hope that by the time I am, that I can be okay with just coming out with it to my boyfriend, family and friends...not like I will rent a billboard, but hey, letting people besides those in here that can relate have the link to a journal that will reveal my weight to them is a big step in working on the reality of my weight issue and just how much will be accomplished when I reach my goal. So...that is why I asked the question, because when I saw the tickers in here, I wondered to myself, "Do they have some of the same issues I do and haven't even talked about?" And thank God I am reading here that I am not alone! ~whew!~ Moon Goddess Austin, Texas waiting on insurance approval Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
niki 1 Posted July 7, 2006 Great thread! I think that here at LBT is the only place I'm comfortable about saying how much I weight or used to, because everywhere else I NEVER say my weight (apart from my doctor, of course). Good thing driver's license in Europe don't mention weight. I don't tell my weight to my husband, sister, or parents either. And if needed (insurance papers, blood donation, etc) I simply lie! I have no problem at all with that as I consider that it's nobody else's business but mine. niki Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MiaHalliwell 4 Posted July 7, 2006 I am a pretty open person and I will talk about it to most people. Now that I am banded I can share my weight with my hubby, where before I did the best I could to avoid that discussion or I did lie by a few pounds to him. He can be such a jerk about that. He has been bugging me and asking if I had hit a 20 lb loss even at only 2 months post op. It has taken almost 4 months but I am finally there and he was very sweet when I told him that I finally hit the 20lbs lost mark. I really don't mind talking about it now, but there are certain people that I won't talk numbers with, LOL. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wheetsin 714 Posted July 7, 2006 I've lost nearly 100 lbs and I'm still nowhere close to weighing what my driver's license indicates! I am more likely to tell people "I've lost X pounds" than "I used to weigh X and now I weigh Y"... but if someone asked I would be honest about it. The only time I can remember it being tough was the first time I told my husband, about 3 years ago, when I first started a serious effort at a low carb diet. Actually I didn't even tell hem when I first started. He'd asked me what I weigh a few times... not prying... but I'd say "I want to weight THIS" and he'd say, "Oh, what do you weigh now?" or "How much would you have to lose to weigh that much?" So one day when I was weighing, I just called him over and had him look. It was a little tough... mainly because it was such a blow to my ego, and because I weigh more than people think I do (one perk to being tall!)... I didn't want him to look at me differently. Since that one time it's not too big of a deal with the handful of people I'm close to. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites