~Kim~ 0 Posted July 5, 2006 Hello! I am having the surgery this Thursday and I am getting nervous! I have been taking the Optifast shakes and eating vegetables for 2 weeks now. The head hunger is starting to get to me. How will I cope with not going insane by not eating? How do you cope? I keep thinking about the foods that I will miss, the textures, the tastes. I woke up last night from sleeping feeling like the procedure is like a collar around my neck - getting tighter - tighter. Will this feeling of "oh my gosh - I will never eat again" ever go away. I am craving Mr. Sub BIG TIME :hungry: How do I get my thinking "ON TRACK". It just goes to show how much of an addiction I really have with food. Question: I am having to "use the toilet" more than ever - is it from all the veggies and shakes I am consuming? :help: Many thanks. Kim kmhasson@rogers.com surgery: July 6, 2006 Dr. Mumford, Mississauga, Ontario BMI: 45.8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TexasTerry 0 Posted July 5, 2006 Kim, I'm only newly banded, so I don't have all the answers for you. I think for many bandsters, the band helps us not feel so hungry all the time. But remember, it is a tool and so we have to use our brains to help us make good food choices also. You will still eat the foods you love after the band - just not as much. You will still have the tastes, textures, smells, etc. that makes food enjoyable. I'm not a health care professional, but I would venture a guess that with more veggies - Fiber - and the shakes - liquid, that it would cause more trips to the bathroom for you. If your not cramping I would not be real concerned, but then again, if you have any worries, never hesitate to call your doctor. Were here for ya:) This is life changing event and SO WORTH IT. So, hang in there. Let us know how you do. Terry Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Diane Louise 0 Posted July 5, 2006 Hey Kim, I was just banded by Dr. Cobourn on June 23rd so I know what you are going through. I discovered Grilled Vegies on the BBQ and had myself almost convinced that they were delicious. Now I am post op and was going crazy on the liquid part of the diet. About 6 days after surgery and when I was off the Codeine I got really really bad diarrhea. So I put myself on pureed Foods. I know I am braking the rules but I am trying to be very careful and it totally cleared up my problem. Anyway, you will be over this Optifast Diet in a couple of days so hang in there it will be worth it to ensure your liver is less fatty for the surgery. Diane Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vlb11752 0 Posted July 5, 2006 I still eat the foods I like (except bread & buns). I only miss really chowing down now and then. A big juicy burger hot off the grill is not as much fun if you cant take a big ol' bite of it. However, losing 60 lbs (30 since surgery) is way better than any big ol' bite of anything I've ever taken. The liquid phase is killer...but you will soon be over that...hang in there it gets better. Good luck on your journey and keep coming here...these people are the best!! Oh the bathroom thing will take care of itself when you start regular food...liquid in...liquid out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
juliegeraci 7 Posted July 5, 2006 You will be okay. The preop and post op diets are really important. Once you return to real food you will be able to eat pretty much what you desire just in smaller portions. You will be fine. Hang in there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stitchy 0 Posted July 5, 2006 After surgery, the liquid phase will be OK - at the beginning. If it can go through a straw (puree and thin Soups down), you can have it and it will satisfy your hunger. But it drove me crazy near the end! I craved something substantial. Then on to soft foods, but near the end, the same thing. I am now 8 weeks out and I can eat anything I want. Crunchy crackers, even some corn chips. I've had wine, ice cream, popcorn. All of the things I missed. Because of the bad press (sliming, PB's), I have not tried white bread or carbonated beverages, but I have eaten everything else that I wanted. However, in much smaller quantities. I truly don't feel deprived. The band doesn't necessarily mean you can't ever again have your favorite foods. Hang in there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites