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Sleeved 5/17 And I Have Questions

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I was wondering if I could get some help from the board. I was sleeved on 5/17 and I'm having a rough time. The first problem I'm having is I have no energy. Everyone keeps talking about all this energy they have and I feel like I still need a nap. Also the gas has gotten a little better but is still an issue when I eat. I have to take a bite, wait to burp and then take another bite of food. I am taking previcid and that helps a little but the gas pain is nothing like I have ever experienced. I feel a tightness in my chest often when I eat making me really not want to keep eating, which is another problem.

I am trying to get all my Protein and fluids in but it is really harder than I thought. I can only eat about 1 oz of food at a time and I'm eating every two hours. I'm just looking for some advice

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I was sleeved 5/2 and know exactly what you are going thru- I still am easily tired- and have the pain in my chest- like something is caught or something- but i have really struggled with nausea - It does get slowly better- it just takes time to heal- my doctor also recommended not taking a bite any bigger than your pinky fingernail! - I was like yeah right- but when I do- it helps- and chew chew chew - before i swallow- by the time I eat two normal bites worth - I am either full- or everyone else is done with their big plates full of food.

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Hi, I was sleeved the day before you and I get tired really easy. I go back to work Sunday as an ICU nurse and am freaked out I won't have enough energy. I have been off a month and still am not ready to go back. I can do about 3 to 4 ounces at a time depending on what it is. Good luck, I am told it will get better.

I was wondering if I could get some help from the board. I was sleeved on 5/17 and I'm having a rough time. The first problem I'm having is I have no energy. Everyone keeps talking about all this energy they have and I feel like I still need a nap. Also the gas has gotten a little better but is still an issue when I eat. I have to take a bite, wait to burp and then take another bite of food. I am taking previcid and that helps a little but the gas pain is nothing like I have ever experienced. I feel a tightness in my chest often when I eat making me really not want to keep eating, which is another problem.

I am trying to get all my Protein and fluids in but it is really harder than I thought. I can only eat about 1 oz of food at a time and I'm eating every two hours. I'm just looking for some advice

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You might want to go to your Dr. and tell them how you are tired. I was like that right after surgery. I would wash my hair in the shower and have to sleep for 3 hours. It was so crazy. I would walk around the block and sleep for 3 hours all in the same day! NUTS!

My Dr. did a simple blood test and I was anemic!!! Gave me some Iron pills and now I am good! In 2 days I felt like a new woman! WEIRD. I also was really dizzy and light headed with mine.

As far as the eating, I can not eat the required amount of food I am supposed to be eating either. I am suppose to eat 1/2 c 3 times a day. I don't get that at all. I can get about 1 1/2 oz of real dense Protein and then the gurgling in my chest starts. If I continue to eat, then my chest gets too tight and I can't eat any more for fear I will puke!

I go on Thursday to see my Surgeon for my first checkup. I was sleeved 5/9. Hopefully, he will shed some light on my gurgling and eating. People tell me to love the restriction because it wont always be like this!!

I hope you find out what is going on. Call your Dr., that is what they are for!

Kelly :D

I was wondering if I could get some help from the board. I was sleeved on 5/17 and I'm having a rough time. The first problem I'm having is I have no energy. Everyone keeps talking about all this energy they have and I feel like I still need a nap. Also the gas has gotten a little better but is still an issue when I eat. I have to take a bite, wait to burp and then take another bite of food. I am taking previcid and that helps a little but the gas pain is nothing like I have ever experienced. I feel a tightness in my chest often when I eat making me really not want to keep eating, which is another problem.

I am trying to get all my Protein and fluids in but it is really harder than I thought. I can only eat about 1 oz of food at a time and I'm eating every two hours. I'm just looking for some advice

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I was sleeved 5/2 and know exactly what you are going thru- I still am easily tired- and have the pain in my chest- like something is caught or something- but i have really struggled with nausea - It does get slowly better- it just takes time to heal- my doctor also recommended not taking a bite any bigger than your pinky fingernail! - I was like yeah right- but when I do- it helps- and chew chew chew - before i swallow- by the time I eat two normal bites worth - I am either full- or everyone else is done with their big plates full of food.

Thank you Cm that is exactly how I feel. I thought it was just me. I am experiencing the exactly same thing. You were sleeved a few weeks before me so how are you doing now?

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Hi, I was sleeved the day before you and I get tired really easy. I go back to work Sunday as an ICU nurse and am freaked out I won't have enough energy. I have been off a month and still am not ready to go back. I can do about 3 to 4 ounces at a time depending on what it is. Good luck, I am told it will get better.

Mee, I went back to work Monday. I was not ready. I was only at half capacity and it was driving me crazy. I kept trying to do way too much. I manager a retail store and I kept trying to pick up boxes or move stuff. I should have really taken more time off but it was a lesson learned. I'm starting my second week and really I just find myself having to sent down a lot. I also find that i'm eating way too fast which is making me feel like I'm having a heart attack. My advice is to take it easy. Dont think your superwoman like I did. Big Mistake on my part.

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Hi NewBeginnings - i know exactly what you're going through, I was sleeved about 6 months ago and it does get a lot better. Ask your doctor to see when you start your B-12 Vitamin, it comes as a nasal spray (prescription) or dissolves in your mouth (over the counter) and helps greatly with energy!! I know it's really hard to get your Water in, i still have a hard time getting 64 ounces in and I can definitely feel my energy go down if I don't get close to that amount. For the first 2 months i had to set the timer on my phone to remind myself to drink.

Also, I take dissolving gas-x strips when i get gas pains.

I hope this helps, and good luck sweetheart!!!! :rolleyes:

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Hi NewBeginnings - i know exactly what you're going through, I was sleeved about 6 months ago and it does get a lot better. Ask your doctor to see when you start your B-12 Vitamin, it comes as a nasal spray (prescription) or dissolves in your mouth (over the counter) and helps greatly with energy!! I know it's really hard to get your Water in, i still have a hard time doing that but just try to keep sipping throughout the day. For the first 2 months i had to set the timer on my phone to remind myself to drink.

Also, I take dissolving gas-x strips when i get gas pains.

I hope this helps, and good luck sweetheart!!!! :rolleyes:

Thanks Firefly. Everything helps me at this point. I'm trying to take in as much information as I can. I keep telling myself if I'm going to go as far as to have surgery then I better stay this motivated. I see people who have gained back the weight and I am scared to death. Hopefully that honeymoon period starts really soon.

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Everyone keeps talking about all this energy they have and I feel like I still need a nap.

You will be amazed in a matter of month or so how much energy you will be having, although u will still have ur down days, and to be honest it is absolutely normal for every non WLS human beings, but for the time being give ur body the naps it needs, and dont feel bad about it, it will pass:)

I have to take a bite, wait to burp and then take another bite of food

This has never happened to me, I usually burp after done eating and ALOT! sometimes, but may be cause I was banded before and I have a very good practice with chewing things so well, try making the bite smaller and the chewing longer.

I feel a tightness in my chest often when I eat making me really not want to keep eating

if this happens as soon as u start eating then for sure ur having a solid thing that doesnt agree with u yet , or u are just "as I said before" not chewing well and having bigger bites.

BUT if it happens after several bites, thats the one signal to know u are completely full:)

I can only eat about 1 oz of food at a time
What kind of food are u eating? I think u need to mash your food a little, with a little condiment or saucy stuff. 1 oz is still good but u need more at one sitting. I would recommend fish fillets, salmon, stewed chicken, grilled stuff are harder.

It will get easier and better, remember Water is the key! best of luck

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Hi Newbie,

We were sleeved on the same day. I take a nap most days still. I also know what you mean about the tightness. I take really tiny bites and use a timer - one bit per minute. That helps but it can still be tough to get stuff down. I've had better luck with ground turkey products, such as turkey meatballs, turkey sausage, and turkey meatloaf (my fav), lunchmeat, and greek yogurt. I drink a Protein drink every evening to get me up to 60+ grams of Protein. Yesterday I felt really sick after eating and I didn't feel 100% this morning so I have had liquid Protein all day. I have to admit- it feels so good to get a day off food!! I will go back to solids tomorrow.

You could call your Dr. about the stomach acid. I have read many posts where people have tried several different ones before finding one or a combination of several that works for them.

We are still healing - I know it will get better with time.


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Hi, I do better when I take my flinestones lol and my B-12 and my Gummy bear fish oil lol- and drink water- I have a lot of bathroom #2 issues- but I know its because I can not get all my Water in- I still eat to fast and feel like I am having a heart attatck or think NO I AM GOING TO EAT THIS and my body goes OH NO YOUR NOT and up it comes- lol but I am learning- and even though in my mind I havnt lost what I thought I would or I don't know maybe I just have set myself up to fail so many times- but I have lost 40lbs in a little over a month - so I don't think I am doing to bad- but you know the mind games we play with ourseleves can get rediculous some times lol.

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You are only a little over three weeks- that is pretty soon to challenge your sleeve with much solid food. I started purees on day 21 and I am still unable to eat more than 1/4 cup of anything. Stay with purees or really really soft moist food and supplement with Protein drinks, etc. You have to eat very slowly and chew really really well- that place in your chest is the top of your sleeve rebelling.

This is just a short period in a long life!

Also really work on your Water and Protein so that your body doesn't burn muscle instead of fat.

Finally- there is such a thing as too few carbs- I was exhausted and my nutritionist noticed I had been having about 4 or 5 a day. As soon as I added milk to my Soups and Protein Drinks the carbs from that boosted my energy amazingly.

Good luck to you June Jewels! Though I am a May Red Velvet girl I also consider myself a Jewel of June as my birthday is this month.

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I agree with you- but I have that feeling with Soup and anything- and I eat everything- with something that makes it mushy- I don't know my doc just said tht I have a quesy stomach- but your advice is good- cause everyone is different- how have you been?

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Loo I am eating really soft foods. My dr told me to switch to soft solids when I reached three weeks. "soft and mushy" but that includes fish, chicken, turkey, and lean ground beef. I was really excited to start eating and thought that would combat the constant hunger but it has not. Also I am eating very slow. Sometimes its taking me a half hour or more just for the one ounce of food. I have to admit all the work just makes me tired of eating and and some point I give up. Cold food is not tasty.

Lynda I think I may try going to turkey meatballs and other turkey products. I am finding the beef is a little much right now and may be the cause of my tight chest. I also love your idea of the food free days. I was dying to eat food that I think I've gone gung ho trying to simply eat. The Protein shakes were so much simplier. Right now I only have my powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury which dont taste as good as nectar. I'm going to try just the shakes tomorrow and see how I feel.

Cm 40 pounds is great. When have you lost 40 pounds that quickly before, but I do know how you feel. You see these big numbers that people post and want to see those results. I am so with you. I keep standing on that scale and getting mad its only moving ounces. I guess moving down in ounces is better than moving up in pounds.

Meg thanks for the carb info. I know I dont get any carbs in other than my Protein Shakes. When you mentioned that it reminded me of the first time I tried Atkins and had a two day headache. Yes the weight came off but I was so miserable I just wanted to lay in the bed. Im going to add a few whole grain crackers to my meals through out the day and see if that helps.

I do have another question I am having such an issue with my chewable Vitamins. They are so sweet and actually make me feel like I have to puke, plus they are the biggest Vitamins I have ever seen in my life. Any suggestions on how to keep them down.

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My doctor said to take two flinestones complete vitamins- might try it- of course its easy for me to remember to take too- cause I give my kids one and and I eat 2 at the same time in the morning. :)

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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