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Hey guys, well I am home - finally. The Dr would not release me until I could get some liquids in. And right now I can get in maybe 6 oz a day.. not good. So the basic run down was that I could not swallow anything = hot, cold or otherwise. I was on IV fluids all this week. Pretty scary. I had some pretty nasty burps that produced hot acid. Water was the worst for me - still is. Not sure why but in order to get my fluids in, they have to be warm.

I get pretty bad spasms in my chest even with the tinyest baby sip. Was told that it is gas. Well... hmm.. not sure about that one. 3 or 4 baby [non warm] sips later, I am dry heaving. It hurts so freaking bad. They sent me home with Dilaudid (sp?), Ranglin (sp?), Prilosec and Nogfran (cant remember the name but it is for nausea). They were going to send me home with the Lortab elixir but I just cant get it down.

Incisions? Oh yeah those nasty little buggers. They hurt like hell! How the heck am I supposed to get up and down? Did you roll in and out of bed? I dont have a recliner :( so it is the bed or couch for me. I literally need someone to help lift me. I feel like I am ripping my incisions open every time I move. That in turn causes nausea. Sigh.

I have two massive bruises the size of melons on my personal / inner thigh area. That is scary all by itself. The Dr said they took blood from the femarol(sp?) and that caused the massive bruising.

So how do I feel right now, it is nice to be home. I know I have to get liquids in or I will end up in the ER. So I am sip, sip, sipping. Sigh. Would I do it again? WOW not sure if I should answer that right now. My answer today would be not just NO but HELL NO! I am sure a month from now I will have a new answer for you. Right now, I am freaking a bit. It hurts so bad to move, cant get liquids in and yes I am hungry and broth doesnt cut it.

Anyway, not meaning to be a pity party but I wanted to share my still biased opinion of the surgery. I will update when things start going better. If you have any tips for me, PLEASE inbox me. I am very scared, nervous and sad about my progress.

Thanks for listening!!

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Awww sorry you are having such a rough start!! Sounds like you have some good meds, i hope that relieves your discomfort. Yes sip, sip, sip!! I have never heard of bruising "down there". Take care of yourself and update us when you feel up to it!!!

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Wow...sorry you are having a hard time. Especially since I am seeing the same doctor..:unsure: I was talking to Dr O on Thursday and he mentioned that he had just done a sleeve on someone that was going to be staying another day or so...I was afraid it was you since you hadn't shown back up on the boards yet. I hope you feel better fast and are able to enjoy the journey again.

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This WILL get better! I was kept for an extra day because I could not drink. Set an alarm for every 10 or 15 minutes and drink as much as you can in small sips. The alarm really helps because time passes quickly and you wont always remember to do something that is so hard. Everything turned around for me on day 5- maybe you have some comfort in the offing! Your swelling will go down and drinking will be easier. I wont tell you that your difficulties are over but relax and know in a few months this will be a memory and you will be loving your sleeve!

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Warm liquids for some soothe the tummy. I know that a warm cup of herbal tea or broth went down easier than cold Water. If I had cold Water in the beginning I got hiccups and they were not the nice ones either. Try what Meggie said and set a timer and take a couple of sips every 15 mins. Eventually your swelling will go down and you will have a much better time with your fluids.

Sending my best wishes on your swelling going down soon!

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Sorry to hear you are having such a bad time!

I needed extra stiches so I felt the same everything in there felt so tight, my Dr explained that when you lay down the stomach swells so you have to be up and walking. I walked every hour for the first week and I can tell you it really helped. Also thin liquids hurt but things like sf jelly did not so give that a try too.

Wishing you a speedy recovery you will love your sleeve soon I promis. I'm now day 28 and have lost 26 lb! So keep that faith and look after you! X x

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I would do the couch, but use big pillows and blankets to prop yourself more upright so it doesn't hurt so much to get up. Also, get someone to tie a rope over the end of the couch so you can use that instead of your stomach muscles to help sit up to get up.

I had to do warm liquids too. Cold hurt too much. I hope you are getting better quickly. Don't be afraid to ask for help from those around you.

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Wow...sorry you are having a hard time. Especially since I am seeing the same doctor..:unsure: I was talking to Dr O on Thursday and he mentioned that he had just done a sleeve on someone that was going to be staying another day or so...I was afraid it was you since you hadn't shown back up on the boards yet. I hope you feel better fast and are able to enjoy the journey again.

Hey stranger! It was probably me. I had surgery on Monday and just got discharged last night (Friday). So it was MUCH longer than I expected. Today is better than yesterday. I can drink warm liquids and they feel good. But if I drink maybe 2 oz in a sitting (over an hour or so) I feel so full that I get bad pains in my chest. Otherwise I do feel much better. Being home has helped expect for being able to get up and down out of my super comfy couch and bed! LOL There was a guy that had VST when I had mine and man he was up and running the next day. I was so jealous!! LOL He looked great - walking the halls and sipping easily. I would like to think that I am not a big wimp, but compared to him, uhh yeah - wimpy wimpy wimpy me! :D

BTW Dr O called me minutes ago. I was shocked. He wanted to check on me and make sure I was getting some fluids in. I really like that he seems very caring. I think it was day 2 or 3 and I told him I felt bad because he looked so disappointed with my progress - he totally cleared that up and said he not disappointed at all with me. Instead he was worried I would get dehydrated. That is why I had the week long stay at the hospital.

Are you having your surgery at Baptist East? The staff there is AMAZING!! They were so nice. All my friends that came up made mention of how good-looking the staff is! LOL That was just an added bonus hahahah!!

All, thank you so much for the encouragement!! Today is going better and I hope everyday gets a litter better.Thanks for the tips. I loading the couch with pillows right now!! xoxo!

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I am sorry you're off to a rough start. I felt kinda discouraged at the beginning too. (tomorrow is 2 months) and while its hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel...it does get better. And then you will have good and bad days. I still do, but I think I am hitting the point that I do not regret my decision. It has taken me weeks to get to that opinion...and I'm not 'all in' yet with loving my sleeve....but the weight loss was my primary goal and I know without a shadow of a doubt, it never would have happened and STAYED gone, if I had not suffered through the surgery. Sooooo...every time you lose a pound, know...that for the first time in your life THAT POUND is gone FOREVER!!!! So no matter how slow...how fast a pound goes or how painful or discouraging a day gets...you can know that things will absolutely positively get better in time and that you won't go through all this only to be back at your heaviest weight ever again!!! Good luck!!! *hugs*

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I'm so sorry you are having such a rough experience!!! I had surgery the same day. I'm also having a bit of a rough time. I had a hernia repaired and I think that must be what is causing the pain in the esophagus. I was giving similar meds you were given. But I can tell you that I see positive change day to day. The first couple of days I thought I was crazy to do this. Losing weight was the last thing on my mind. I just felt like I needed to recouperate my health. My husband kept reminding me that it had only been a couple of days from MAJOR surgery. I realized that to me, because I felt so lousy, a day or two felt like an eternity. When I got things in perspective I could see that a couple of weeks of healing is very much in order and that indeed the body repairs and repairs and works its magic. So hang in there. I bet you'll be feeling better and better by the hour and definitely by the day. Most likely next week at this time you will be a whole lot stronger. Someone told me that it all passes. Even if you end up needing fluids, you get them and your done. Your body will take over. I hope this is helpfull to you. Sending lots of positive thoughts and energy your way for a speedy recovery. Be well!!!!!

Hey stranger! It was probably me. I had surgery on Monday and just got discharged last night (Friday). So it was MUCH longer than I expected. Today is better than yesterday. I can drink warm liquids and they feel good. But if I drink maybe 2 oz in a sitting (over an hour or so) I feel so full that I get bad pains in my chest. Otherwise I do feel much better. Being home has helped expect for being able to get up and down out of my super comfy couch and bed! LOL There was a guy that had VST when I had mine and man he was up and running the next day. I was so jealous!! LOL He looked great - walking the halls and sipping easily. I would like to think that I am not a big wimp, but compared to him, uhh yeah - wimpy wimpy wimpy me! :D

BTW Dr O called me minutes ago. I was shocked. He wanted to check on me and make sure I was getting some fluids in. I really like that he seems very caring. I think it was day 2 or 3 and I told him I felt bad because he looked so disappointed with my progress - he totally cleared that up and said he not disappointed at all with me. Instead he was worried I would get dehydrated. That is why I had the week long stay at the hospital.

Are you having your surgery at Baptist East? The staff there is AMAZING!! They were so nice. All my friends that came up made mention of how good-looking the staff is! LOL That was just an added bonus hahahah!!

All, thank you so much for the encouragement!! Today is going better and I hope everyday gets a litter better.Thanks for the tips. I loading the couch with pillows right now!! xoxo!

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What a ride you have been on! I am getting sleeved next week and was watching for you to come back. I am glad you are able to drink a small bit easier today. Tomorrow should be even better.

The pain makes it hard, but to avoid pneumonia and blood clots, be SURE you are deep breathing every hour - fill those lungs UP. Even if it hurts. And get up and walk every one to two hours and rotate your ankles, do knee bends when sitting/laying down now and then. Take good care of yourself. The more you do of these things, the faster you will feel better. The body tends to rise to what is expected of it in healthy people. :hug:

Hang in there. You have been in our thoughts!

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Take it one day at a time my friend! I had a terrible time post op! I was sooo hard on myself, please don't do that! It really does get better with each new day and you will feel normal again :)

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Hey Day Dreamer!

I also had my surgery on June 6th. I'm so sorry you're having some issues. I was having a lot of trouble getting Water down too and still don't really like it, odd as that sounds. I bought some Vitamin Waters and Sobe Lifewaters and drink them at room temp. That seems to help me.

Also, not sure if you've ever had a c-section, but try to use a pillow against your tummy every time you stand or attempt to roll out of bed. The pressure helps a lot with the soreness in your tummy.

Hope all gets better, and keep posting! Take care,

Darlene :rolleyes:

Hey guys, well I am home - finally. The Dr would not release me until I could get some liquids in. And right now I can get in maybe 6 oz a day.. not good. So the basic run down was that I could not swallow anything = hot, cold or otherwise. I was on IV fluids all this week. Pretty scary. I had some pretty nasty burps that produced hot acid. Water was the worst for me - still is. Not sure why but in order to get my fluids in, they have to be warm.

I get pretty bad spasms in my chest even with the tinyest baby sip. Was told that it is gas. Well... hmm.. not sure about that one. 3 or 4 baby [non warm] sips later, I am dry heaving. It hurts so freaking bad. They sent me home with Dilaudid (sp?), Ranglin (sp?), Prilosec and Nogfran (cant remember the name but it is for nausea). They were going to send me home with the Lortab elixir but I just cant get it down.

Incisions? Oh yeah those nasty little buggers. They hurt like hell! How the heck am I supposed to get up and down? Did you roll in and out of bed? I dont have a recliner :( so it is the bed or couch for me. I literally need someone to help lift me. I feel like I am ripping my incisions open every time I move. That in turn causes nausea. Sigh.

I have two massive bruises the size of melons on my personal / inner thigh area. That is scary all by itself. The Dr said they took blood from the femarol(sp?) and that caused the massive bruising.

So how do I feel right now, it is nice to be home. I know I have to get liquids in or I will end up in the ER. So I am sip, sip, sipping. Sigh. Would I do it again? WOW not sure if I should answer that right now. My answer today would be not just NO but HELL NO! I am sure a month from now I will have a new answer for you. Right now, I am freaking a bit. It hurts so bad to move, cant get liquids in and yes I am hungry and broth doesnt cut it.

Anyway, not meaning to be a pity party but I wanted to share my still biased opinion of the surgery. I will update when things start going better. If you have any tips for me, PLEASE inbox me. I am very scared, nervous and sad about my progress.

Thanks for listening!!

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It is nice to hear that I am not the odd ball out with my issues. I really felt like it was me making it so hard. Especially since one of the nurses said if I dont relax it will cause spasms and pain. Geez!

Never had a C-section but darn right I rode home (1 hr) with a Teddy Bear strapped to my tummy under the seat belt hahahaha!!

I took a Prilosec [about 1 hr ago] to help with the acid and no change yet. I was hoping it would allow me to get some Water in.

I am rolling on my side and using my elbow to push off the couch and bed when my DH isn't around to help.

Funny thing, he was somewhat supportive pre op... but today he made a nasty comment. I said wow this worse pain than I would have imagined. He says, well you made that choice so deal with it. Funny thing, I thought he would cheer for me... not hurt me. Yeah I know it was my choice, but that choice was based on tons of information, statistics and my other health issues. I am very sad that he thinks I should "deal with it" or get over it.

It is a little hard trying to deal with all these emotions on my own. Yeah I have great friends [in other states - just move to KY] but I hate to burden them with my woes. Moving on.

I am having a really hard time with my Vitamins. They go down ok after much chewing and dissolving, but then I get these nasty tasting burpies and acid. It seems like I can still taste my Vitamin from 10am right now at 3pm. Odd?

Did I mention I took my first post op shower. WOW WOW WOW. It was nice but I was totally worried about getting the incisions wet LOL. I step under the shower and back out very quickly. I don't have any gauze or bandages - instead they look like they have some type of clear seal on them?!?!

Ok well I am back to resting and sipping. I am burning the carpet with my walking hahaha! I do have to use a walker though. My spinal cord surgery last year left me unabl to walk without it. Seems this surgery may have irratated my back again.

Thanks for all the kind words.

_ Heather

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I forgot to mention sugar free popsicles- somehow I could get those down really easily even though Water would NOT go down. The Edys/Dreyers brands are fabulous! Water was the worst for me and still is hardest though I do drink 32 ounces a day now.

it really does get better! On my vlog about three days post surgery I look ghastly and feel that way ~ and then was so much better a few days later- and it has gotten slowly better every day since. My sleeve is small and I cannot get even a tiny bit more than 1/4 cup in - but I can eat pureed food now with no issues. Have faith!

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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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