trizzy 0 Posted July 4, 2006 Okay-- for the first time EVER--I was kicked off an amusement ride because I was too fat to have the mechanism lock on me! I went to our local amusement park and decided I would like to ride a new ride they had there. Of course my super skinny marathon runner sister was there, and my skinny sister-in-law was there, and I thought it would be fun to ride a super "scary" ride. I got in the ride (with the help of an assist from my sister-in-law) and then they came and told me that they couldn't lock my seat! I was SOOOOO embaresed(sp) and humiliated that I had to get off the ride! Has this ever happened to anyone? I have children that are 11, 5 and 4 years old, and the prospect of not being able to ride the rides with them is killing me!!! I cried all the way home and had a mini melt-down at home because I couldn't ride that stupid ride. Knowing that I will be getting the lap band in August was a little bit of a help, but it is not helping now!!! Sorry--but I kept thinking all the way home is that the band support system would help me feel better and that one day--maybe even next summer--I would hopefully be able to ride that ride without difficulty!!! Again, has anyone else had this problem, and how did you deal with it? Thanks for any support!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stesti 0 Posted July 4, 2006 Trizzy, I'm so sorry that this has happened to you. Just think, next summer you'll be riding every ride with no problem. In fact, you'll be one of the fittest people on those rides. This incident was just a little speed bump. Just look foreward to August and prepare for your fabulous new life. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
picardy3 0 Posted July 4, 2006 I was with my students on a school field trip to Six Flags when it first happened to me. I had finally convinced one of the boys that he would just LOVE the Mr. Freeze roller coaster and that I would ride it with him. Well, lo and behold, they couldn't get the safty mechanism to close. I had to get off in front of EVERYBODY. Yes, it's embarrasing. No, I didn't break down there because that would have been worse since I was with my students. This is not the only time this has happened. Last Spring Break I went with my mom and sister (both skinny) to Fiesta Texas. I had just recently lost about 60 lbs. on my own and thought that surely I could ride the roller coasters. WRONG! There were still a few that would not close safely and I had to get off in front of everybody. But let me tell you the good news now. I was banded on April 3, 2006, and went to Six Flags last Monday. For the FIRST time since who knows when, I was able to RIDE every roller coaster that I got on. Talk about an adrenaline rush! I couldn't wait to get to the next ride! So hang in there, it will get better. I just wanted to let you know that you are not the only one this has happened to. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
trizzy 0 Posted July 4, 2006 Thanks so much for the support! I must also confess that I came home and had quite a few rum and diet cokes to make me feel better!! It is till just such a crazy thing--somehting I never thought would happen to me--and I still haven't told my husband because I'm still SO embarassed!! One day this too shall pass---right????? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leatha_g 4 Posted July 4, 2006 Yep, one of my first year NSV's was the fact that I COULD ride the roller coaster and the safety bar closed with no problem. Get your band girl and get ready for lots more rides! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mommydog 1 Posted July 4, 2006 I had an incident at the Santa Cruz Big Dipper. I squeezed into the seat with my eldest son and I felt like I was going to break my thigh bone or hip because I forced the bar to lock. Ouch! It was one uncomfortable ride. That was 6 years ago and every year since I had made the excuse that the ride was too Jerky for my back. I was banded on 5/23 and can still eat well so my loss of 17 pounds is not going to change my mind on riding the Big Dipper this summer but next year, 2007, I will be ready for the herky Jerky ride and not feel so crammed in that I would break. The kids and I did Disneyland and Disney Calif at week ago and I felt great because their rides are lardo friendly. Kathy Banded date 5/23/06 Dr. Machdo - Sac Bariatric Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jachut 487 Posted July 4, 2006 I went on one kiddy ride at Movieworld when we were on the Gold Coast that I really shouldnt have been on, I dont know whether it was actually "locked" properly becuase it was just about cutting me in half. What gets me was I was about a size 20 then (a US 18) so not ridiculously huge, any number of tall well built men would have been bigger around the middle than me. So the rides were not built to accommodate adults but you had to of course take your children on them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Woodys 0 Posted July 4, 2006 a big person that is one of the things that helped me get even bigger. I use to see this happen to big people all the time, they couldn't fit into restaurant chairs, couldn't squeeze into the seats on the subway, busses, planes, amusement park rides.....and I always use to say to myself...."that will never happen to me, thank goodness I'm not that big yet".....that attitude helped get me right to the point where I became one of those people....scary. Good news is.....we are all on our way to being among those who fit anywhere! Carol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Midnightwitc6 0 Posted July 4, 2006 Yes I completely understand how you feel! I went to Universal Island of Adventure where they have a few "demo" seats available with a sign that states that these new and improved seats cannot hold large people. Seeing that sign, well I just told everyone I was to scared to ride. However anyone who's flown anywhere and cant buckle the seat belt has extra special humiliation when you have to ask the pencil thin and often snotty flight attendent for an extention...ugh. Or my hell moment when I got stuck in that turn-style 3 pronged thingy. I hate those! That is my goal, to be able to ride on a plane and buckle that damn seat belt...or not get bruises on my sides from the arm rests. /sigh Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
paula 4 Posted July 4, 2006 Trizzy, What a humbling experience (((hugs))). My heart broke for you when I read this. Hang in there Baby, next summer you're going to be a NEW person and there'll be NO stopping you on ANY ride! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
*susan* 1,709 Posted July 4, 2006 Trizzy, I am so sorry that happened to you. But, the important thing is you are doing what you need to do to achieve a healthier you and next summer you will be able to ride any ride you want. I have never had that experience simply because I am so afraid of something like that happening that I just avoid those types of places all together. It makes me sad to think of all the fun times I have missed out on with my kids because of my weight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Time2live 0 Posted July 4, 2006 Welp since I'm in mini melt down mode with only 4 days to go until surgery...I of course had a good cry when I read your post. That has never happened to me...but purely because I avoided it. I cried because I started thinking about all the things that we miss out on because we let ourselves get this way. The trips I've not gone on because I was terrified I would need a seat belt extension. The rides I've never riden. The places I avoid because I don't know if I'll fit in the booth. Worrying that I'll crowd the person beside me in the movie theater. All the sacrifices that my children have made and the price they have paid for having a fat mom. I hate living with that. We all have humiliations and moments of embarrasment. What matters now is that you are trying to change your life for the better. Next year no one will be able to wipe the smile off your face as you slide comfortably into the seat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Diva Girl 3 Posted July 4, 2006 Trizzy.... I'm getting banded in August, too....and we'll both make a date next summer to ride Roller Coasters, Ferris Wheels and any darn thing we want at the amusement parks of our choice. We won't be afraid of booths in restaurants, seats in planes and rickety chairs. You're doing what you need to do. Good luck! Lyn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
princess_n_thep 2 Posted July 4, 2006 I took my neice to one of those air bounce jumpers but she was scared to go in. So I went in with her. Then a few guys came running over and rushed me out, breathing hard, in a panic..... I thought something was wrong. Then he told me, "your too big to be in there". I thought maybe it was because I was an adult. Then about an hour later I walked by and saw 2 skinny mom's in playing with their 2 kids. I felt like a cow! I couldn't believe it because I had never thought of myself as "OBESE". Fat, yes.... but never considered myself obese. It was an eye opening experience. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
trizzy 0 Posted July 4, 2006 Thank you everybody!!! You are all just the best--and I knew after I would read your comments I would feel better! Princess and Carol--you are absolutely right. I knew I was fat, overweight and obese--but OBVIOUSLY in serious denial about just HOW big I have gotten!!! This was my BIG eye opener--and hopefully the last one I'll ever need! Diva girl--you've got a date! I can't wait to go on the rides with my kids and be able to sit comfortably (or even fit) in a booth. All those little things skinnies never think about but that we are faced with daily!:cry Time2live-- I totally get the sacrifice our children make because of the way we have let ourselves go. I know I'm a good mom--but I want to be able to be in family pictures, ride on the flippin' rides, and sit with them in the movies, on a plane, or in a car COMFORTABLY! Here's hoping the band thing will work and we can both become even better moms than we already are!:whoo: Thanks all for your encouragement!! I knew that you all would understand and help me through my "worst moment EVER!" I am SOOOO ready to get my band and can't wait to slip into that ride and have it lock--and I'm going to have my DH there to take a pic and everything!:biggrin1: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites