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Thanks to everybody for your support and your honesty. I have a friend who had bypass 6 years ago and she smoked like a chimney before her surgery and never quit. She healed fine. I, too, have had 3 surgeries since I've smoked- the first was a tonsillectomy and the last surgery was for my sinuses. All the ENT told me was that the surgery wouldn't help my sinuses 100% if I didn't quit.

I used to work at a residential treatment facility and they used to test the boys for nicotine after their home passes. It went through my mind that the surgeons office could do a urine test to check for nicotine, but I didn't really think a Surgeon would do that!

I could've lied about several things today. I could've gotten out of the Psych Eval by saying that I don't take anything for depression or anxiety. I also could've gotten out of the sleep study by saying that I have no symptoms. But, I was honest because I didn't want a lie to keep me from having a trusting relationship with my Surgeon.

I can't believe that kellyw74 was treated like that because she smokes. I think that's a type of descrimination. I was messaging someone the other day about this and I just get so tired of being treated like a second class citizen because I smoke. I know people who don't smoke get offended when others do. But I get offended when people get drunk and obnoxious. I get offended when people make out in public. And as a Christian, I get extremely offended when people blaspheme God. But I bet people who do these things weren't told they had to stop their behaviors in order to have this surgery.

I was going to be referred to a new Endocrinologist, but he wouldn't accept patients who smoke. I know Pulmonologists who treat smokers, but an Endocrinologist woudn't? I know that smoking is a terribly unhealthy habit. But doctors should take the time to educate- not preach at, fuss at, or refuse to treat those who smoke.

Again, thank y'all for the support. And thanks for letting me get up on my soapbox and vent for the night! :)

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Please.... no bashing, my head is already hung!

I'm a smoker and haven't stopped. I smoked the day of surgery and the day I got home. In fact, I'm still smoking. My insurance required me to be smoke free for no less than 6 months prior to surgery so when the doctors asked if I smoked I always said no. I know it was wrong for me to lie, but I didnt have the will power to quit and really dont see myself quitting just yet. I know I will eventually, but not right now.

I have had NO complications post-op regarding my stomach not healing or anything crazy like that. In fact, I am completely normal and am on soft foods and am not having any issues. Please, dont take this as encouragement to continue smoking, not by any means! If you can quit... then quit!!! I just wanted to throw my 2 cents in.

This was me as well with the exception that I told my Dr that I am a smoker. I didn't quit and my Dr. didn't ask me to. They and myself were aware of the risks of complications and I went into it with my eyes wide open. I tried Chantix years ago and it was horrible. I wanted to kill someone and then cry over their dead body LOL I had horrible mood swings and I had to stop taking it.

I'm now 13 days out of surgery and haven't had complications at all, although I know that smoking impedes healing so I will heal slower than others. I'm aware of that and that's ok with me. I wish I could quit, but I've tried everything and apparently I'm just not ready to yet...when I'm ready to, I will. I don't think anyone should be denied the surgery just because they can't quit smoking. As long as they understand the risks going in, I don't see a problem. I know doctors don't want to be sued but I would think signing a waiver or something would take care of that.

just my opinion


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I smoke too, and I am stubbornly clinging to my last "friend" in the whole world. I have given up carbs (ie most of my favorite foods) and caffeine, have started exercising blah blah blah....and i want to be healthy. I want with all my heart to hate smoking enough to quit. But I love it. I honestly do. And I'll tell you a secret that my surgeon told me. He also told me he'd deny saying it, lol, but this is what he told me. I had told him, honestly, that I had a plan in place to reduce the # of cigarettes per day that I smoked prior to the surgery. I *know* its bad, I *know* I'd heal faster if I quit, etc. etc. You know what he said? He told me, "I honestly would rather you either quit 6 weeks before the surgery or keep smoking. If you quit cold turkey within 6 weeks of the surgery you are going to cough way too much afterwards and it is not going to be good. So cut down all you want, but stay wherever you're at at the 6 week mark."

And that, my friend, I will take to the bank. I'd rather heal more slowly after surgery than risk damaging the staple line from coughing. I'd rather quit for LIFE when I'm *really* and truly ready than to try and quit for the wrong reasons. In the meantime, let's pray for each other that we can somehow get that love for cigarettes out of our hearts and find a way to really, truly and FINALLY want to quit. If you do not pray, please do whatever you do to touch a higher power or whatever you believe in for us. Thank you!!

And....is it ethical for a doctor to refuse to operate with nicotine in the blood? just tell him you're on the patch/gum/snus/chew. what's the diff? I'm not trying to *encourage* anyone to smoke, by any means, but i tend to be passive-aggressive when it comes to that kind of stuff....it makes me angry. smoking is an addiction that is more difficult to beat than crack or heroin....and look what *that* does to people's lives....its not a hobby than we can just stop cuz YOU say so mr. doctor.... grrrrrrrrrr... i'm gonna step down off my soapbox now.



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I couldn't have said it ANY better Melissa!

The only reason I am able to stay away from the cigarettes is because I don't know if he will test me the day before surgery for nicotine. I think if I knew whether he did or not, I would be smoking if he didn't test. I just have too much at stake with re-arranging my entire life to be having surgery out of state to get denied because of nicotine in my system. That is my only motivator. Once the surgery is over and I'm out of the hospital, all bets are off.

I smoke too, and I am stubbornly clinging to my last "friend" in the whole world. I have given up carbs (ie most of my favorite foods) and caffeine, have started exercising blah blah blah....and i want to be healthy. I want with all my heart to hate smoking enough to quit. But I love it. I honestly do. And I'll tell you a secret that my surgeon told me. He also told me he'd deny saying it, lol, but this is what he told me. I had told him, honestly, that I had a plan in place to reduce the # of cigarettes per day that I smoked prior to the surgery. I *know* its bad, I *know* I'd heal faster if I quit, etc. etc. You know what he said? He told me, "I honestly would rather you either quit 6 weeks before the surgery or keep smoking. If you quit cold turkey within 6 weeks of the surgery you are going to cough way too much afterwards and it is not going to be good. So cut down all you want, but stay wherever you're at at the 6 week mark."

And that, my friend, I will take to the bank. I'd rather heal more slowly after surgery than risk damaging the staple line from coughing. I'd rather quit for LIFE when I'm *really* and truly ready than to try and quit for the wrong reasons. In the meantime, let's pray for each other that we can somehow get that love for cigarettes out of our hearts and find a way to really, truly and FINALLY want to quit. If you do not pray, please do whatever you do to touch a higher power or whatever you believe in for us. Thank you!!

And....is it ethical for a doctor to refuse to operate with nicotine in the blood? just tell him you're on the patch/gum/snus/chew. what's the diff? I'm not trying to *encourage* anyone to smoke, by any means, but i tend to be passive-aggressive when it comes to that kind of stuff....it makes me angry. smoking is an addiction that is more difficult to beat than crack or heroin....and look what *that* does to people's lives....its not a hobby than we can just stop cuz YOU say so mr. doctor.... grrrrrrrrrr... i'm gonna step down off my soapbox now.



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Hi my surgery is in the morning and I too have not stopped smoking I had 4 yesterday, and none today. I did tell my dr 4 months ago i had stopped with the help of chantex and still taking them now. I have already went to pre reg and had blood work done . I really dont know what will happen in the morning if he makes me pee I hope not but i have not smoked at all today and wont, thanks

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Hi my surgery is in the morning and I too have not stopped smoking I had 4 yesterday, and none today. I did tell my dr 4 months ago i had stopped with the help of chantex and still taking them now. I have already went to pre reg and had blood work done . I really dont know what will happen in the morning if he makes me pee I hope not but i have not smoked at all today and wont, thanks

I am in the same boat with the addiction, but I can tell you that nicotine stays in your system up to 10 days depending on the type of test they use. A hair sample can detect up to around 10 days, urine and blood is 3 to 5 days. Your not smoking today isn't going to make a difference whether they detect anything at this point - hate to tell you.

I have surgery Wednesday and quit about 2 weeks ago. My surgery is out of state and I have to arrange too much of my life to risk getting to the day "of" and be told no go because of smoking.

Let's just hope they don't test you in the morning. I plan to smoke after surgery (not tell him of course), but I like smoking. I started trying to quit a month ago and I have put on over 20 # that I attribute mostly to quitting smoking. I guess we all have our "crutches".

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Well, I've stopped, but am still using E-cigarette and Nicorette gum when I get a craving. If Nicotine is the problem, then I don't know what I'm gonna do. My surgery is this Friday, so I'm gonna try hard not to chew anymore gum or use E-cig between now and then.

I was talking with my cousin who's a Nurse. She said that surgeons know when they have a smoker in the ER. When they remove the Intibation tube, the smoker will cough up gunk. My thing is this- I've smoked for 21 years. I'm still coughing up stuff so I'll bet that I'll do that after surgery even though I've quit smoking.

I worry so much about what other people think. It's bothering me that my surgeon may think that I'm still smoking even though I'm not. I've been told not to worry about that, but I do. Even though the surgery will be over by the time I start coughing, it still bothers me that he may think that I'm still a smoker.

Am I worrying to much about things that shouldn't matter? I've never been scared to have surgery and I'm really not worried about any complications. I have faith that my Surgeon knows what he's doing and whatever God has in His plan is what is going to happen. But I don't like to be fussed at or to be made to feel that I've done something wrong.

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I had to quit for 90 days or my doc wouldnt even make an appointment and then they did a carbon test on my blood. Came up positive because I was inhaling second hand smoke from my hubby's cigars. Had to do another 2 weeks later. They didn't do another test after that and I was smoking again from October to April. I did do little sneaky things so that he wouldnt know I was smoking, like showering and washing my clothes right before an office visit. No one said word one that they had any idea. The nurse said that it was up to the docs descretion if he does another one. I am still smoking. I am going to try and quit again after I reach my weight goal minus ten pounds for the notorious weight gain lol. Do I want to? Nope, but I know I should lol .

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I was a long-time smoker too and had tried to quit multiple times unsuccessfully. I quit a month before surgery but cheated quite a bit during the weeks leading up to surgery. I had my last cigarette the Saturday before my surgery. I haven't had one since and hopefully will be able to stay quit!

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Congratulations! I've never tried to quit before this and I'm hoping and praying that the cravings won't return after surgery. I've done pretty good especially since I had never tried to quit before and really didn't know what to expect. Keep up the good work!

I was a long-time smoker too and had tried to quit multiple times unsuccessfully. I quit a month before surgery but cheated quite a bit during the weeks leading up to surgery. I had my last cigarette the Saturday before my surgery. I haven't had one since and hopefully will be able to stay quit!

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I am a smoker and have been for 20 years. I know that the surgeon I'm using requires that I stop smoking for the month prior to surgery and the month afterwards to aid in the healing process. I was wondering if any other smokers have had to meet this requirement and how hard it was for you to stop.

Please don't reply only to tell me how bad smoking is for me. I know everything there is to know regarding how bad smoking is for my health. This is a choice I've made throughout the past 20 years of my life and I become extremely offended when I feel that I'm being judged for this habit. So, unless you can provide constructive support and/or advice related to my stopping smoking, please do not reply to this post.

Thanks :)

I took Chantix for 4mos.and smoked the whole time.The first few weeks I was still smoking my 2 packs a day.then i just started cutting back.I finally got down to 2paks a week.I had to be quit 3 mos. before surgery so i quit April 15th and done fine ever since.Surgery was Aug.16th i hardly think about smoking.You have to understand I LOVED SMOKING and been smoking for 25+years. I do credit the Chantix and knowing the doc wouldn't do my surgery unless I stop .So for its been well worth it. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!

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My doctor wouldn't even touch me unless I'd quit for 3 months. I used the patch (itchiness, redness, etc all of it!) and orange juice. I managed to quit and stay quit until maybe 2-3 months post op. Then it got to be too much for me to handle with the food/not eating much/etc AND not smoking so I started again. I'm thinking about switching to the E-cigg.

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Don't expect the E-cig the be like smoking the real thing because it's not! LOL

It's bigger than a regular cigarette and because it's porcelein- or whatever it's made of, it doesn't "rest" between your fingers like a cigarette. It slips unless you hold it between your fingers below your knuckles, close to your hand. And you can tell they tried to make it taste like smoke, but it tastes like sweet smoke. It took me a couple of days before I could stand it, but I don't use it alot- the gum works better for me- and when I do use it, I play with it by twirling it around instead of holding it like a real cigarette. I do catch myself "flicking" it after I take a drag off of it and even "flicked" it out of my vehicle window when I first used it. LOL! My windows were down because it's hot down here and I was trying to get some of the heat out of my vehicle. Window cracked, "cig" in my hand, Habits are hard to break!

Good luck!

My doctor wouldn't even touch me unless I'd quit for 3 months. I used the patch (itchiness, redness, etc all of it!) and orange juice. I managed to quit and stay quit until maybe 2-3 months post op. Then it got to be too much for me to handle with the food/not eating much/etc AND not smoking so I started again. I'm thinking about switching to the E-cigg.

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I smoked for 27 years. I quit 29 days ago. I used the e-cigarette. You drag on it like a cig but it gives you the nicotine in a Water vapor. I used that e-cig ONLY when the cravings got so bad I thought I would give up. It saved the day by taking the edge off just enough to not spark up a real smoke. I used the e-cigarette for 2 weeks when the cravings were the worst. If you can make it 2 weeks, you can make it forever. Just keep telling yourself, TODAY I WILL NOT SMOKE, and don't worry about tomorrow till it gets here.

Good luck and be strong. wink.gif

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I smoked for 27 years. I quit 29 days ago. I used the e-cigarette. You drag on it like a cig but it gives you the nicotine in a Water vapor. I used that e-cig ONLY when the cravings got so bad I thought I would give up. It saved the day by taking the edge off just enough to not spark up a real smoke. I used the e-cigarette for 2 weeks when the cravings were the worst. If you can make it 2 weeks, you can make it forever. Just keep telling yourself, TODAY I WILL NOT SMOKE, and don't worry about tomorrow till it gets here.

Good luck and be strong. wink.gif

And one more thing... get some sugar free life savers or breath mints. They really help keep the oral fixation in check.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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