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Just Starting Out! Questions... :)

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Hi everyone! I turn 40 in 1 week and I have been over 200 lbs on a 5 ft 1 frame for over 15 years! I am currently 219 and my highest was 230. I have tried many diets and can never stick to them because they always leave me feeling hungry. I recently called my insurance company and asked them how they can help me since we pay them soo much money every year. My option: Weight loss surgery covered at 90%! I had never considered weight loss surgery but after 15 years of struggling, I think it is time. I told my husband that I never wanted to face my 40th (39th, 38th, 37th etc) birthday still fat! It would be nice to actually take a picture I did not want to burn (hah, or delete or photohop). 15 of my 40 years fat... :angry: And I have never been able to get pregnant. So, I thought if I can't have any biological children, then I might as well do something for me to help get thin and be HEALTHY for my stepsons and husband. So he gave me the ok to research it. At one point I thought "Maybe I can have a bypass of the mind and just eat small portions and fight the hunger." hahaha NOT. I did not have an issue in eating the small amounts, mentally, but physically I was a ravenous beast!!!! I can lose weight at 1200 calories per day, I just can't stand the ravenous hunger. I am hoping if I get sleeved then the ravenous will disappear. I kind of like the idea of slow weight loss. I do not plan on telling everyone what I am doing so slow loss won't be as obvious that I did something drastic. I also want to try dry brushing of the skin to help with elasticity. I have seen AMAZING photos of skin brushing success!! I have a consult with Dr Wade Barker in Dallas TX next week. I do have a few questions I would like to ask some experienced sleevers...

* I like to make a "taco soup" in my blender.. It is tomatoes, carrots, cilanto, taco seasoning, sharp cheddar cheese, Water and chicken bouillon blended together. SCRUMPTIOUS... Is this the kind of stuff you can eat after the clear liquid broth stage? We love creamed Soups and it is a great way to get flavor... I bet i could add some Protein Powder int hat too.. a small amount (gag)

* Can you add Protein powder to fruit smoothies? I have a fruit smoothie mix I like to buy from costco. It is perfect. And if i can add some protein powder (gag) to it I might just make it. It is fresh fruit with some frozen yogurt in it (Jamba juice Razmatazz in 8 oz servings with 4ozs of juice added) mmmm...

* The thought of staples, little metal titanium staples in my body kinda freaks me out. uhm, do you feel them in there??? I know, it is probly a laughable question but it is something I just need to ask!!!

I have this vision of a poking sensation or rust.. (hahaha I know.. I just have to ask!!)

* I have watched a few youtube videos of the surgery and when they start pulling out the excess stomach I gasp and say OMG everytime. I wonder what size beast I have in my belly! Is anyone willing to share how much excess stomach they had excised??? I hope this is not too personal of a question. And if it is a sleeve "faux pas" please forgive me!!!! If I get this done I am going to ask the doctor to take pics for me....

And my insurance is through United Health Care plus choice. SO if anyone has any experience with this please let me know what I have to look forward to.

Thank you so much for reading this and I appreciate your responses.. Hopefully I will become a part of the sleeved family!


AKA Fatty Mcfatterson B)

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Hi Crystal - I am pre-sleeve here but am 40 this year, 4'11 and started at mt heaviest 242. So we are close in size and age and amount to loose! I am hoping to be sleeved in July/August

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First off, Congratulations on beginning your journey! Once the process gets going, it seems to go by really quickly!

In regards to your questions food: Personally, I couldn't stomach anything acidic, including tomato-based foods. It would all come back up. It may work for you once you're onto FULL liquid, which is a few days after surgery, but not when you are on clear liquid. You wont feel like eating at first, anyway. I can't give you any advice on Protein powder, the program that I went through doesns't allow them as a part of the meal plan, so I've never used any.

My surgeon gave me before and after pics of my stomach, but I'm not sure how big it was. The difference in the pics was really noticeable, and I had a visable intentation above the skin for about a month where you actually SEE where the stomach used to be. The stitching was all absorbed, so they aren't made of steel, and the outside wounds were closed with dermabong and steri-strips.

Good luck!

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Yes Taco Soup will be fine in your full liquid stage but not your clear liquid stage but you might want to add some chichen to the blender to add some protien or maybe some plain greek yogurt to make it "creamy" amd add some protien.

Yes you can add protien powder to smoothies but you need to watch out for the carbs in them especially in the apple juice you add to those. you might just want to make your own smoothies from frozen fruit and non fat greek yogurt but even that may be to many carbs depending on your drs plan (most reqire less then 30 carbs a day)

my dr used staples on my stomach and no I cant feel them and no they do not rust they are medical grade.

as for the size of what he took out I dont know the exact details but he did give me a pic of it on a table next to his arm and it went from his wrist to his elbow... he said it was rather big for some one of my age and size.

Good luck with your journey and keep asking questions they help more then just you they help the people who are to shy to ask.,

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Congrats on your new Journey.

I will be 40 in January and was sleeved three weeks ago.

As for your questions, everyone is different. So, the taco Soup would work for the full liquids stage as long as your new tummy can handle it. I have not had any problems with Tomato based items. However, some programs advise waiting on these. For the cream based Soups, again it based on your program. My doctor wanted me to stay as far away from these as possible due to the carb content. This is the same for the fruit smoothies, they are really high in carbs. My plan is to stay under 30g of carbs per day. I see many people on here with 40-50 a day but this is still low with little to no room for fruit and fruit flavored yogurt. There are some strawberry and other flavored Protein powders out there. Again, taste preference is different for everyone. So try to find some you can stomach now. My plan suggests ones with over 20g of Protein and less than 8g of carbs.

My doctor staples, oversewed, and glued my stomach. He doesn't like to chance leaks. From what I understand the staples are titanium (they look shiny in the pictures) and will long outlast us. The stomach disection was on the side, well inside so you don't see of feel anything. I can barely even see some of my incisions at three and a half weeks out. Funny enough this were the size of a regular office staple. lol. These were glued and covered with steristrips. My doctor even gave me pictures of the surgery in progress and the disected part of the stomach.

The normal sleeve removes 85% of the stomach. Some surgeons remove a little less. You can ask what size bougie your surgeon normally uses. I have seen on here, they range for 32 ro 44. But, essentially your stomach is about the size and shape of a banana.

Good luck and this is a great journey.

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Just curious; why does your program not allow them as part of the meal plan?

I can't give you any advice on Protein powder, the program that I went through doesns't allow them as a part of the meal plan, so I've never used any.

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Just curious; why does your program not allow them as part of the meal plan?

I can't give you any advice on Protein powder, the program that I went through doesns't allow them as a part of the meal plan, so I've never used any.

The program that I went through wants us eating real food, and getting our Protein from food only, for 2 reasons.

1) it is harder for your stomach to digest real food, so it stays in your stomach longer, which helps to control hunger

2) You can take in more liquid than you can solid, so you will end up consuming more calories with a Protein shake than you will with real food.

It also helps to "train" your stomach right away to eat food.I have no problems with any foods going down now because my stomach is used to it. There was discomfort with some foods at first, but at almost 5 months out, I don't have any issues.

It hasn't been proven yet, but there seems to be a link between more severe acid reflux and Protein shakes. There hasn't been any offical studies, but the nutritionist that I saw said that it all ties back into the stomach-training idea. I took a PPI daily for the first month, and haven't taken anything since. I haven't had any issues with reflux, so in my case, it all seems to be true.

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Hi everyone! I turn 40 in 1 week and I have been over 200 lbs on a 5 ft 1 frame for over 15 years! I am currently 219 and my highest was 230. I have tried many diets and can never stick to them because they always leave me feeling hungry. I recently called my insurance company and asked them how they can help me since we pay them soo much money every year. My option: Weight loss surgery covered at 90%! I had never considered weight loss surgery but after 15 years of struggling, I think it is time. I told my husband that I never wanted to face my 40th (39th, 38th, 37th etc) birthday still fat! It would be nice to actually take a picture I did not want to burn (hah, or delete or photohop). 15 of my 40 years fat... :angry: And I have never been able to get pregnant. So, I thought if I can't have any biological children, then I might as well do something for me to help get thin and be HEALTHY for my stepsons and husband. So he gave me the ok to research it. At one point I thought "Maybe I can have a bypass of the mind and just eat small portions and fight the hunger." hahaha NOT. I did not have an issue in eating the small amounts, mentally, but physically I was a ravenous beast!!!! I can lose weight at 1200 calories per day, I just can't stand the ravenous hunger. I am hoping if I get sleeved then the ravenous will disappear. I kind of like the idea of slow weight loss. I do not plan on telling everyone what I am doing so slow loss won't be as obvious that I did something drastic. I also want to try dry brushing of the skin to help with elasticity. I have seen AMAZING photos of skin brushing success!! I have a consult with Dr Wade Barker in Dallas TX next week. I do have a few questions I would like to ask some experienced sleevers...

* I like to make a "taco soup" in my blender.. It is tomatoes, carrots, cilanto, taco seasoning, sharp cheddar cheese, Water and chicken bouillon blended together. SCRUMPTIOUS... Is this the kind of stuff you can eat after the clear liquid broth stage? We love creamed Soups and it is a great way to get flavor... I bet i could add some Protein powder int hat too.. a small amount (gag)

* Can you add Protein powder to fruit smoothies? I have a fruit smoothie mix I like to buy from costco. It is perfect. And if i can add some protein powder (gag) to it I might just make it. It is fresh fruit with some frozen yogurt in it (Jamba juice Razmatazz in 8 oz servings with 4ozs of juice added) mmmm...

* The thought of staples, little metal titanium staples in my body kinda freaks me out. uhm, do you feel them in there??? I know, it is probly a laughable question but it is something I just need to ask!!!

I have this vision of a poking sensation or rust.. (hahaha I know.. I just have to ask!!)

* I have watched a few youtube videos of the surgery and when they start pulling out the excess stomach I gasp and say OMG everytime. I wonder what size beast I have in my belly! Is anyone willing to share how much excess stomach they had excised??? I hope this is not too personal of a question. And if it is a sleeve "faux pas" please forgive me!!!! If I get this done I am going to ask the doctor to take pics for me....

And my insurance is through United Health Care plus choice. SO if anyone has any experience with this please let me know what I have to look forward to.

Thank you so much for reading this and I appreciate your responses.. Hopefully I will become a part of the sleeved family!


AKA Fatty Mcfatterson B)

What is skin brushing? Never heard of it.

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Hi Crystal, welcome to VST and the beginning of the rest of your life!! What a great way to ring in your 40th year. :) Before I answer your questions, I've got to tell you how hilarious your screen name is! I love King of Queens and will never forget the "Fatty McButterpants" episode... so funny!!! :lol:

Hi everyone! I turn 40 in 1 week and I have been over 200 lbs on a 5 ft 1 frame for over 15 years! I am currently 219 and my highest was 230. I have tried many diets and can never stick to them because they always leave me feeling hungry. I recently called my insurance company and asked them how they can help me since we pay them soo much money every year. My option: Weight loss surgery covered at 90%! I had never considered weight loss surgery but after 15 years of struggling, I think it is time. I told my husband that I never wanted to face my 40th (39th, 38th, 37th etc) birthday still fat! It would be nice to actually take a picture I did not want to burn (hah, or delete or photohop). 15 of my 40 years fat... :angry: And I have never been able to get pregnant. So, I thought if I can't have any biological children, then I might as well do something for me to help get thin and be HEALTHY for my stepsons and husband. So he gave me the ok to research it. At one point I thought "Maybe I can have a bypass of the mind and just eat small portions and fight the hunger." hahaha NOT. I did not have an issue in eating the small amounts, mentally, but physically I was a ravenous beast!!!! I can lose weight at 1200 calories per day, I just can't stand the ravenous hunger. I am hoping if I get sleeved then the ravenous will disappear. I kind of like the idea of slow weight loss. I do not plan on telling everyone what I am doing so slow loss won't be as obvious that I did something drastic. I also want to try dry brushing of the skin to help with elasticity. I have seen AMAZING photos of skin brushing success!! I have a consult with Dr Wade Barker in Dallas TX next week. I do have a few questions I would like to ask some experienced sleevers...

* I like to make a "taco soup" in my blender.. It is tomatoes, carrots, cilanto, taco seasoning, sharp cheddar cheese, Water and chicken bouillon blended together. SCRUMPTIOUS... Is this the kind of stuff you can eat after the clear liquid broth stage? We love creamed Soups and it is a great way to get flavor... I bet i could add some Protein powder int hat too.. a small amount (gag)

Yes, anything you can blend up and suck through a straw you are good to go (once you graduate from clears). FYI, unjury makes a really great chicken Soup flavor Protein powder. I bet if you added some to this you wouldn't even know it's there. It tastes like real broth. :) Just don't add it if the soup is too hot, it will affect the texture of the protein powder.

* Can you add protein powder to fruit smoothies? I have a fruit smoothie mix I like to buy from costco. It is perfect. And if i can add some protein powder (gag) to it I might just make it. It is fresh fruit with some frozen yogurt in it (Jamba juice Razmatazz in 8 oz servings with 4ozs of juice added) mmmm...

You can pretty much add protein powder to anything, my suggestion is try not to add too much. The unflavored is tricky, if you add too much you will be left with a terrible yuck drink on your hand. Right after surgery your main concern will be getting all your Water in. Getting in Proteins will be second, but a close second. If you can tolerate it, then do it.

* The thought of staples, little metal titanium staples in my body kinda freaks me out. uhm, do you feel them in there??? I know, it is probly a laughable question but it is something I just need to ask!!!

I have this vision of a poking sensation or rust.. (hahaha I know.. I just have to ask!!)

No, I do not feel the titanium staples on my sleeve at all. I hope they don't rust either! LOL :)

* I have watched a few youtube videos of the surgery and when they start pulling out the excess stomach I gasp and say OMG everytime. I wonder what size beast I have in my belly! Is anyone willing to share how much excess stomach they had excised??? I hope this is not too personal of a question. And if it is a sleeve "faux pas" please forgive me!!!! If I get this done I am going to ask the doctor to take pics for me....

And my insurance is through United Health Care plus choice. SO if anyone has any experience with this please let me know what I have to look forward to.

Thank you so much for reading this and I appreciate your responses.. Hopefully I will become a part of the sleeved family!

Ask anything here!! No holds barred, we are here to support and guide.

My surgeon removed 85% of my stomach. I didn't need it!!! Good riddance!! :P

Lastly, I was self pay so I can't help you with the UHC question, but I'm positive there will be some who can. Hugs and well wishes on your journey!!! You will be pleased! Keep asking all the questions you can think of and check out our photo galleries. They are a great source of inspiration.


AKA Fatty Mcfatterson B)

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I have UHC Choice Plus in Florida, and they are pretty up front about what they want to cover my surgery 100%. I am required to have either a BMI over 40 or a BMI over 35 with 2 co-morbidities (I fit the former), be over the age of 18 (Done!), complete a six month supervised weight loss program with a physician (Working on it), complete a psychological evaluation within 1 year of surgery, and have my surgery at a Center of Excellence. Each insurance company is a little different by state though, so I definitely recommend calling your insurance company to see what they require.

P.S. Welcome to the forum! :)

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Libbe, I enjoyed your vlog... Gonna try it too!! If not just to talk out loud about this stuff!!!

Everyone else, thanks for the responses!! I am curious if I can avoid Protein powder!! That would make me very happy!!

Debby01, check out this link http://t-tapp.com/success/michellep/index.html It shows a great story on the brushing and you can learn more on the website!!

Thanks everyone!!!!!!!!!!! :D

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I will only add that it is good to strain any solid out of your cream Soups for the first few weeks to protect your tender new tummy.

I was not allowed fruit until now, and even now not fruit with seed such as strawberries. etc. With that as well as the high carbs of the smoothie mix I would probably avoid that. You may or may not decide to count carbs but it does seem to me that the people who have the best weight loss results do count carbs. That is all I have to see to make my decision!

Welcome to VST!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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