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First of all Good Morning..

Dianne - Maybe it is better for you too get a lawyer to protect yourself. Regardless if you have History there.

My Ex got in a accident in Jan - The other driver was at fault and I contacted the other drivers Ins co and they paid out. Ex was not hurt.

Come March he gets in another accident - Our Ins pd. He did not need medical attention at that point but he now is telling me that he has a hernia and needs to go in for surgery. He says he never had the problem before the accident but now is suffering with it. I do not want to go rounds with the Ins since the other driver was not insured but we are covered but since he was being such an A&& I am unwilling to go to bat for him. Let him pay for it!

Any way that is my 2 cents. You just never know how long after something is going to creep up.

Eileen - How are you doing? I pray that everything will be alright and the little one will be comforted and safe in God's hands.. I am sure you all are:)

Well want to do personals but no time.. gotta go - you all take care

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Hi Kids :)

Thanks for all your prayers, I do take my cares and worries to the Lord, He's all I have. My niece's name is Jessann. She was named after my Sister who passed away in 1998 of a rare blood disease sigh~ Anyway I am just praying that since doctors like to use the "c" word alot that he is wrong.

I did email my boss that I need to take the 21st off if my sister needs me and I know he read it (I explained about Jessann), but so far he hasn't said a word... he read it yesterday soooooooooo.... do you think he's sensitive... NOPE! In a way I'm glad he's not saying anything... I don't want to break down infront of the schmuck. Men are strange and stupid animals indeed (but not our Ira or Shack :confused: ).

Dianne, I'm so sorry you had an accident. I don't know what to tell you about reporting it, you'll really have to go with your gut feeling. What does your DH say? How are you feeling today?

Donna enjoy the graduation and have a wonderful time visiting :) take pictures too.

Sherry the only thing meetings are good for is wasting time. Hang in there, you'll catch up. Scream if you have to :confused:

Anne, Cindy, Beanie, Darcy, Mary :(

I have to leave work early today to take my Mom to the doctor, she's got a tooth ache and the pain is in her ear now. So I'll talk to you tomorrow.


Oh... TOM is going to arrive any second now... that makes it every 2 weeks for the past 4 TOMs... OY VEY. I had 2 snickers bars yesterday sigh. Anyhoooo.. this too shall pass. Gyno here I come YUCK... I hate playing giddieup!

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Hi all....

We are back at the Inn and exhausted. Very happy, but tired.

It was a great day and I'll fill you all in later, but I am proud of my son texas style tonight... that is as they say here... BIG!!!

Tomorrow is graduation....

Here is our pictures from today.



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Donna, those are some fantastic pictures! I bet you are big-time proud!

Eileen, I'm praying for Jessann. You do what you need to do, and let God take care of your boss, if ya know what I mean. I will go crazy wanting to know what's going on while I'm away.

Mary, take care of yourself

All of you...take care and take care of each other.

We're leaving at 4 AM and off to the airport! I'm so excited! This time tomorrow night, we'll be in Bangor. Then the next day, we'll be heading for Camden. Picture us watching the ocean, feeding the chipmunks, and going to town to shop when we get bored of the ocean!

Love you guys, and I'll "see" you when I get back! We get in late on the 21st.


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Maybe I am just emotional, but everything brought tears to my eyes tonight.

Eileen--prayers are going up for you, yoru neice, her family, and even your boss, that he be compassionate. Big hugs for all of you...well maybe not the boss!! I am sorry about the TOM, I am glad you are seeing your Dr. I am very paranoid over that kind of thing now...guess I always will be, I make appointments for the girls still....Mom insists they go!!!

Donna--his stance and salute gave me cold chills! My Dad got his ribbon in church last week! Is so fun to "See" him!! Enjoy the rest of your trip.

Cindy--Woo hoo it is finally here!!! Lucky you!!! Have fun, enjoy yourself--in every way on every day!!

Mary--this is a really tacky thing to say so close your eyes if you don't wanna read it guys!!! Maybe your EX finally found his balls--it isn't a hernia afterall!!! Sorry- that was my first thought!! LOL

Sherry--do what you can and leave the rest behind til you get back, just don't take it with you in your mind...It is time for you and DH to enjoy!!!

Darcy--sorry you missin' you baby....just think of the fun she's having!

Dianne---how you feeling, still stiff? What did you decide about the lawyer?

Betty--Patty--Beannie--Pat--where ya at?

Big hugs to all!!!


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prayers going out to Eilene, Jessann and family and sending some of my angels your way.

Trying to get bills straightened out and paid before I leave for Bermuda Sunday. Gotta take the pups to the vet on Sat and finish packing then bonvoyagee!

Man I'm going to have alot of reading and catching up to do here when I get back. You gals and guys keep me hoppin. catch ya tomorrow !

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Good Morning Y'all!

Eileen - My prayers ware with you and your family, please keep up posted. Don't worry about the boss, just do what you have to do. Hugs!

Cindy - Hope you have a great time! I know you are excited.

Dianne - I hope you are feeling better today.

Donna - What a beautiful picture and a good looking young man you have!

Anne - Hello, we have missed you!

Darcy - How you doing girl?

Sherry - Your trip sounds awsome, wish I would fit in your suitcase, or in Cindy's!:)

Kat - I get emotional too, it's alright, it just means you are a kind and caring person.

Mary - Hello! Don't work too hard!

I know this is short, but running behind already this morning. I think all this pain in my foot and me fighting it has me worn out.

My nephew (18 years old) left yesterday for the Navy. He is such a sweetheart. His Dad and Grandpa took him to Hooter's for his last meal here with them. Then they took him to the Motel and stayed until they had to leave. I am very proud of him for going, and pray that he will be safe. He is a very good kid, and he is very special.

It's hot here, it was 102 yesterday!

Gotta run!

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Good Morning Chickies,

Nothing new today SOSDD. I can't play now but I'll be back later tonight or tomorrow morning, either way I'll see ya soon.

Hugs to you all and Thank You !!!

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I leave the board for a couple of days and all this happens?

I am stunned and speechless!

Eileen: I want to comfort you about your niece' dx. She is much too young to have something this dangerous. I'm praying for you all.

Betty: This dr thing is really taking a lonnnng time. Please be good to yourself.

Kat: In recent days your posts have been upbeat and chipper. You are handling life magnificently and you get a great big "high 5" from me. I'm really glad that you and your hubby are taking time out for dinners together and staying bonded. Glad that your Dad is doing well also. Hugs.

Cindy: Traveling mercies for your crew.

Donna: Handsome son you have. I have sons and the pride you must feel must have you overwhelmed. Way to Go!

Dianne: A car wreck? I have been in way too many fender-benders and never at fault. I've been left with NO neck muscles and pain unlimited. Please baby yourself for the whole weekend. Did I say eat? I don't think so! Hugs for your recouperation.

Sherry: Going to Bermuda..... oh yeah buying all those clothes! Please remember sunscreen..... we want you toasty brown when you come home! Luv ya!

Darcy: I have never sent my kids to camp and I KNOW I wouldn't like the lonely feeling of missing the children. Come here honey.

Anne: 5 kids under 5....... It's time for LADIES NITE! I understand you are swamped, but I'm really really glad you checked in. Hugs.


After I got denied last week I made another appointment with Jenny my dietician. Insurance wants 6 months of a supervised bariatric program. I have visited with Jen 3 times(yesterday being 4) sooooo, they are writing up additional notes for 2 additional visits and faxing them in. I don't need to appeal the decision and maybe this will satisfy whomever needs to be satisfied. I've developed a nervous dry cough and figure is due to a rather interesting disease that I will call lapbande stress. I'm drinking warm tea and hugging the kids alot and contemplating pizza for lunch. My Santa Barbara vacation will be just the ticket for my nerves where my mama will be there to baby her baby(thats ME)! It's all in Gods timing and I'm just fine with that. Have a great weekend everyone, and lets be safe out there.

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Hi All...

I want you to know that I am keeping up with my reading and thinking of all of you with warm & loving thoughts.

Too busy to spend much time here (AGAIN!) so I thought I would at least update before the weekend.

The scale is hovering at 312/313 for the last several days - so I am excited about that. It moves so microscopically slow, that it seems to be standing still most of the time - but then I look at my last "official" weigh in at the doc's office, and even adjusting for the 4 lbs the doc's scale adds, I have still lost about 5 lbs. I guess I have to just relax and keep on keepin' on.

My job is stressful to begin with, and now we are having some staff upheaval - which is no fun at all... I haven't been this excited about a Friday in a while. I am going home to hibernate in the loving arms of my DH - and I am not coming out again until Monday.

The tree guys came!! The Hedge from Hell & the Ivy That Swallowed Cleveland have been erradicated from my life. While my front yard still needs some spiffing up - it looks so much better with the dead tree removed and a naked chimney... so much better.

The back yard seems so HUGE without those nasty old pine trees...Huge and very bright. DH is busily researching Pool guys so we can get some bids on that.

The infamous Dying Deck is still there, and still dying - but I don't care at this moment. (see hibernation note, above). If I go outside to Water plants this weekend - it will be a miracle. I don't see myself tearing out the deck... *sigh* I will get around to it someday - if I can't make the DH do it while I am at work! *wink*

And now, I have to get back to the old grind...

Love you guys~

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Hi everyone! Just stopping in to say hello and pass out hugs all around. My friend sent this picture out and I thought you guys could use a chuckle. I beheaded him first for privacy, lol. Have a great weekend everyone!


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LOL, Made me laugh Anne! I had a niece who used them to wallpaper the bathroom at my former mother in laws!! And one of the kids I babysit for took a box of tampons from under the sink, he opened them, and was holding the top and popping them down on the ground, til, they come apart, when I heard him in there, I knew he was up to something other than what he should be doing...so I went to investigate, he looks up innocently and says "Look Kat, rockets!" So from that time on, it was a catch phrase in our house, when they needed to be bought, it went on the list as "rockets".

Kids....gotta love 'em!!

So what's up with everyone this weekend? We are going to take it easy, DH is having increased numbness in his feet, and as a result stepped on a hose wrong, and twisted his ankle. It is just a simple sprain, but with all the blood thinners he has taken, it is black! He has bled under the skin, it looks like it is gonna fall off!!! He is taking it hard, feels like he is just one problem after another. Poor guy is usually very upbeat, this brush with depression is all new to him. Other than waiting on him (!) all I have planned is a Breakfast with the girls tomorrow...hoping my morning restriction allows for a decent breakfast with no golfball to distract me!! Might try a cup of warm tea before I go...

Will be praying for safe trips for all you lucky guys going on vacation!

Catch personals at some point this weekend. My Grandson needs Grandma time right now, he is working his lungs!!! See Ya!

Thanks for the laugh Anne!!


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I forgot something!!! Betty--if you would not mind,I would be glad to add your nephew to our "service" tree at church. I explained it to Donna for her son...it is a simple ficus tree with yellow ribbons with each service members name on it, the banner reads "In service to the Lord and the Country"...On the way into church, members pick a ribbon from the tree, and pray especially for that serviceman, laying them on the alter as they leave from the service. Then are replaced for the next service. If you don't mind sharing his name, I would be proud to include him.


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Good Morning Y'all!

Just a quick check in, on my way to the bank and some quick shopping and get back off this foot. The swelling was better yesterday, but the pain is awful. I can't wait till Tuesday gets here and I can see what the Doctor says, although I am afraid of what he will say too! I am just tired of the hurting all the time.

Kat - How sweet of you, his name is Chris Larrison. He is a sweet, boy, and it is hard for me to think of him gone to the service, he just seems so young yet.

Eileen - How is your niece? Hopefully all the prayers has helped her. Please let us know when you get a chance.

Anne - I got the same picture, and it's so cute! Just like a boy huh?

Beanie - hope you get some well deserved rest!

Patty - good things come to those who wait, so I know your day is coming.

Darcy - You must be a the cabin this weekend. Hope you have a good time.

Pat - You must be riding the river! Stop and let us know how you are!

Well, going to get moving before it gets too how, they are saying 103 today, so I need to get home fast!


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Hi everyone, Just making a quick stop in today. Gotta get packing for our trip and some last minute errands. The puppies made out great at the vet but, Jenny needs a claw removed because it's curling and Jake needs to be fixed soon. (Ouch lol) Vets aren't cheap huh Darc UGH. $220 later just for shots and 1 heart worm pill yikes! My friend is taking the pups during our vacation. God bless her! Man I need to get her something special from Bermuda :confused:

Eilene - How did your niece make out? I hope everything is ok.

Betty - Definately take it easy on that foot girl. I hope you can get whatever is causing the pain to go away :eek: Man that takes a toll on a person. I've had a headache for a week now. Did I tell everyone our work building was evacuated for a Freon leak? and I wonder why I have a headache? Anyway...I hope you get that taken care of with your visit Betty.

Kat - How cool a prayer tree. I think that's really sweet and definately something that pulls the church together as a community for the community. Very special group you have there.

I know I didn't catch everyone...but, I do have to get going and finish packing so I know what I need to pickup at the store before we go. Always something right? Love you folks and I'll catch up when we get back. byeeeeeeeeee

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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