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Cindy - Your trip sounds neat, hope you have a ball! I am not much on the tattoo stuff, but we need to see some pictures, that's for sure.:)

Dianne - Awwwww, you poor girl! You know the third day is usually the worst with the pain stuff, so be careful and if you start hurting be sure to get to the doctor. I did the same as Cindy, I didn't go when some guy hit me and then the insurance didn't want to pay me for missing a day of work. If you hurt, go get proof! I sure hope you feel better tomorrow! Hugs!

Donna - Have a safe trip, and take some pictures. I do my own hair too! I went to beautician school so I have been doing mine most of my life! I even cut my dh's too!

Well, I found a Foot/Ankle Doctor that is close to my work. I don't know anything about him, but he has all kinds of certificates, medical stuff you know, and he has an office in Dallas and Arlington. I can't get in till next Tuesday, so I will just keep icing it as much as possible and stay off of it as much as I can.

Well, going to go get that ice put back on it!

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Hi Everyone!

I'm sorry that I've lost touch. This summer has been so busy, and here I thought it would be nice and relaxing. We've been spending a lot of time up north at my sister's house, and with a combined total of 5 kids under 5 it's a madhouse. I just looked at the calendar, and I think we finally have some peace and quiet on the way.

Dianne, I'm so glad that you're okay after your accident! No doubt - that man was an angel. I hope you're not shaken up too badly. (((HUGS)))

Betty, how is your foot? I hope the sports med doc can give you some better answers and get that injury healed up for you!

Kat, it sounds like you have a house full right now! I'm glad your son and his family are keeping DH occupied before his surgery. The anticipation is often the worst part. Give your grandbaby hugs from us! :)

Darcy, I love that you named your goiter Sybil! I named my belly "Hanging Chad" because it's hanging so low over my thighs I can practically kick it when I walk. Glad to hear that they don't need to try surgery. Good luck with the new meds!

Eilene, I have to admit - I buy one pocketbook and carry it around until it's so grungy that I'm embarrassed to be seen with it. Then it joins the pocketbook graveyard at the bottom of my closet. I did buy one about a month ago that is quilted and has a matching wallet. It's brown and turquoise and I just love it. Maybe I'll try getting a Fall purse too. Baby steps... :party:

Donna, have a great trip! Give your DS a big hug from all of us. Where will he be stationed after basic?

Patty, I was thinking of you and wondering if you were there when I read about the big Pirates of the Caribbean opening at Disneyland! Sounds like you and your sons are having a blast this Summer. Enjoy your trip (I can't remember where you're going... to North Carolina?) and forget about all this lapband crap for a while.

Beanie, how is the big backyard project coming along? I have a love/hate relationship with yardwork. Love the flowers, hate the work.

Mary, Pat, how are you doing?

This morning was my port revision surgery. All things considered, it was a piece of cake. I was mostly nervous about the iv, but the nurse really knew what he was doing and I hardly felt a thing. My belly is of course really sore, but I have a fill again! Yeah!!!! I'm on fluids today, and I'm just convinced that the restriction is back. So, after gaining back an appalling amount of weight I'm feeling very optimistic.

In other news... we got a letter from the IRS stating that they are showing a discrepancy in the income that we reported for 2004 and what "outside agencies" are reporting for us to the tune of... get this... $273,000!!! Pahahahahahaha! I told my husband that if he won the lottery and hid away 273K we're leaving the country and never looking back. So we have to straighten that out which will be lots of fun. Time to dive into my patented filing system, which consists of throwing our papers willy nilly into cardboard boxes. Stupid IRS.

My DD is staying with my sister this week so that I could have a little down time after the surgery, and I miss her so much! On the plus side, with her gone my DS is enjoying being an only child so we've had some nice quality time together. We finally went to see Cars last night with him. Great movie!

I hope I've caught up with everybody. Even when I disappear, I'm always thinking about you guys! (((HUGS))) all around. :) I almost forgot! Happy belated birthday Darcy! :party:

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Hi all, just got home a little while ago, DH took me out to dinner, now I am ready to sleep!!! My Dad got a good report, we don't have to go back for 6 months. Well actually I go back in 3 weeks, DH will have his heart surgery 3 weeks from today...soon it will be behind us! My Dad is having some issues with his carotid arteries, so they do a doplar on them every 6 months watching closely to make sure he does not block up, but so far so good. He is such a good patient tho, he walks 6 miles a day, watches his diet, when the Dr. says lose 10 pounds, he suffers until they are gone. I think my brother got all that determination, I got none!!

Dianne, you poor thing. Document EVERYTHING!!!! If you hire an attorney, have him get the witness' statement asap. You never know when the witness may move or change a phone #. I had 2 witnesses we were never able to contact again. Keep record of any phone calls, time off for appointments, if you have to buy a new ice bag...keep the receipt! I was seen by the paramedics at the time of my wreck, and was in the ER the next day when my knee was 3 times normal sized....and insurance was a pain. But when they kept trying to "forget" certain expenses, I had them! In the end, after my surgery and all,they finally settled on me, to pay my expenses, and made an offer for pain & suffering. I used that settlement, to pay for my band!!! I hope you are not hurting too bad, I will keep you in my prayers too!

Betty--hope the foot doc does you some good!!!

Anne--welcome back!!! Gee $237 grand....can I borrow some????

Cindy--are you excited yet??? I love the anticipation of a trip!!

Donna--if you check in before leaving for San Antonio, big hugs to DS, and ENJOY!!!

Eileen--I am not quite as serious as you seem about my purses, but I have an thing that they need to match....I have wallets, and checkbook covers in every color imaginable, to match whatever purse I choose!! I mean, not just brown & black, but red, pink, lime green...I love JCPenney's for them!

Beannie--I made my nephew a big bowl of Death by chocolate for him to take to his fiance's families picnic tonight...so finally the brownies are out of my house!!!

Mary--Pat--Sherry---Ollie Ollie In Free---Come play!!!


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Just stopped by for a few min. I really have to read back ~ I hear there is was an accident..I pray everything is ok Dianne...

Gotta go - boss came in early

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Good morning1

Hey, Betty...just wanna make sure you know that henna tattoos are painted on, not REAL tattoos! I am too big a chicken to go through actual pain to have art applied to my body! Henna is just right for me! LOL!

Going to get a pedicure today...run errands...buy some unsalted peanuts to feed the chipmunks at the Maine cabin. So cute!

DD is going to a movie with my sis. That's about all that's going on around here.

Diane, how are you feeling today, hon? I bet you're sore as heck!

Check on ya later, Cindy

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Hi Ladies,

Welcome back Anne :) now if only PAT would get her rump back in here.

Hugs and kisses to you all. I have read all the posts but today I am in my own world and really am having a hard time concentrating, so prayers to you all.

Yesterday I found out that my 6 year old niece has to have an opperation for her throat... Doctor says its cancer :) ...... yeah I'm besides myself. Her operation is the 21st.

Its hard to sit here at work but whats gonna be harder is to tell my boss I might need next friday off b/c of this. When I tell the little sargent I know I will cry and I do NOT want to cry infront of him... he thinks I'm a week piece of chit as it is.

Soooooooooo..... thats where my brain is right now.

Hugs and kisses to you all.... thanks for letting me get this off my chest.

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Hey Guys

Having a little work-stress right now, so I am not able to hang out much.

I just wanted to stop in and let you know I was thinking of you and that I am alive.

I will fill y'all in on the backyard project when I get a minute to breathe.

Eileenie - Hugs! Keep the Faith - your Niece will be ok.

Hugs all around! Love you guys!

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Eilene honey, (((HUGS))). I will keep your niece in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted.

Kat, so glad to hear that your dad's appointment went well!

Hi Beanie! I see you're on here too. :)

Love you guys.

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I am so sorry Eileen.. My prayers go out to you all.. HUGS

Weak - no way ~ caring and sensitive with heart is what he should think...

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Eileen-I'm crying for you. I'm so sorry. Your niece, you and the rest of your family have my prayers. Psalm 91 always comforts me when things aren't going well. I pray that you can personalize it to you feel his love around you your niece and the rest of your family.

If you cry in front of the chit you cry. Maybe he will have some feelings for you. (((Hugs)))

Hey Gang,

Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers.

I'm ok today. Sore, stiff and still kind of dizzy. I went to the Dr. and she is recommending I go to PT. So tomorrow I will call and set up an appointment.

I understand more today about what happened than I did yesterday. The guy I hit hasn't contacted the insurance company. I wonder if he thinks it will go away if he doesn't return Allstates calls! I asked the insurance adjuster what would happen if they can't get a hold of him and she said they would go by what the police, witness and I said. Then she said clearly it is our customers fault so we will take care of everything for you.

Ok so here is my dilemma. Help I need advice! Last August I got rear ended by a guy. He had Allstate insurance also. I had been seeing a chiropractor for almost 8 months. I went to the ER the day of the accident. (I'm never doing that again, that board is way to painful) anyway went to the chiropractor and started treatment for 6 weeks. She strongly encouraged me to get a lawyer. So I finally did. I'm glad I did because he took care of everything. He had a challenge with my medical insurance company in the end. He wanted to be sure that they were going to continue to cover me without a problem. He got that all done. So I called him this morning. I told him I am still seeing a chiropractor although I hadn't been in a few weeks. He recommended that I take another approach. He was concerned about the insurance of the vehicle being Allstate again since I now have a history with them!

Part of me is thinking to just keep my mouth shut and not complain, but I'm afraid I will be sorry later. The other part of me is nervous about Dr's and insurance companies saying here she goes again with an attorney, and what if I really have a much more serious problem later.

I wrote this before I read Eileen's post. This is nothing in comparison to what she is going through. I feel so bad.

Love you guys.

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Hi everyone. Our laptop works at the Inn here in san antonio. We arrived in Austin at 1 pm and rented a car. We got to the Inn and didn't even unpack .. just put our suits on and jumped in the pool.

Went to the airport and picked up my son's girlfriend and her mom who arrived from Connecticut. We just got back from dinner... ate to much, but we are having a great time.

EILEEN; Honey I am so sorry about your neice. What is her name so I can add her to the prayer list at church. She has a higher power to watch over her so try to stay calm... That boss of yours better not think my friend eileen is shit or I will kick his a**!!!!!!!! Do what you got to do for your family....

Anne: good to see you here! We understand, but know you have been missed.

Everyone else... thanks for the well wishes .. Can't wait to see the boy on the "run". We go to the base and they have the graduation run. We can't talk to him, but I can see him. I believe we can go back to the base tomorrow night and have dinner with him. Graduation is on Friday.


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God bless you, Eileen. I will keep your niece in my prayers the whole time I am on vacation...its gonna drive me crazy not knowing what's going on...yikes! Please go to the Lord for comfort and mercy and know that you and your family are loved by all of us here. (((((hugs)))))

About your boss, can you write your request? I do better when I write stuff like that.

Dianne, I don't have any good advice about the insurance thing. They confound me every time. Hopefully, somebody here will have some experience and can give you some meaningful help. I just hope it all turns out okay for you!

Beanie, hope your work stress lets up!

Hugs and squeezes, Cindy

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Hey guys... Just wanted to pop in for a quick hello...

Eileen... Oh heavens... I just can't imagine how frightened you must be with such a diagnosis and surgery facing your niece... I'm so sorry! My prayers are with you all. Big Huge ((((Hugs))))

Dianne... Wow... so glad you are okay! It frightening to see just how quick life can change. Sometimes we are just seconds from a life altering event! I'm not sure what to say in regards to the insurance... I've never really been in a car accident. Hope somebody here has some helpful advice!

Anne... It's so good to see your post! LOL abbout the hanging Chad... darn... wish I would have thought of that! :)

Rene... No sweat... we'll all still be here when life settles down for you. :)

Cindy... Pictures of the "painless" tattoo please. THat's the only kind I will ever muster up the courage to get!

Betty... Darn it.. hope you find a specialist that is close enough for you to see and get that foot fixed up. I for one need a good butt kicking so I'm counting on your foot to be in tip top shape!

Kat... Great news about your Dad! Wow... I can't believe it is only 3 wks until your hubby's surgery! I know he is going to come through all of this strong and healthy and ready to drive ya nuts for ever and ever amen! :)

Well... Nothing new here... just missing my girl. :) Talk to you all soon and (((hugs))) to anyone that I missed!

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Just poppin in for a bit. Have to get ready for work. Been so dang busy at work trying to play catch-up so that I can go on vacation in peace..instead I keep getting pulled into meetings, seminars etc this week. Unreal! So now I'm two days farther behind...can't win! DH says I'm going on vacation anyway...ummm yea we already paid for it lol. Just wouldn't of mind going away on a clean slate....oh well.

Diane - Sorry to hear about your accident. Definately make sure you're doing ok and then make the decision on how you want to react to the driver of the other car. My SIL was hit from behind and the guy was going 60mph when he did it. She was stuck on the highway behind backed up offramp traffic and wham. Her lugguge in the trunk was in the front seat with her. She didn't sue the guy and now she has pain in her foot for the rest of her life with no compensation other than the original medical bills. Definately think about it.

Eilene - So sorry to hear about your niece. You're all in my prayers and I hope it all goes well with her surgery and recovery. Little ones sure have alot of spunk and heal up fast too....saying special prayers for her.

Well...need to get ready for work UGH. Seminar today...another 4 hours gone grrrrrrrr Have a great day my friends!

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Donna-I'm so proud for you! You must be so excited.

Cindy-Have a wonderful vacation. We will miss you! How long are you away for? I remember you leave tomorrow and your packed already...lol...I still haven't unpacked from 2 weeks ago..argh...

Darcy-We were talking about hw sweet you are at our NC dinner the other night. Best of Me...Kathy brought you up. How great you are. I agree.

Sherry-WOW that's awful about your sister! It is amazing how these things can happen.

Eileen-Can't stop thinking about you and your niece what is her name? You can call me or PM if you want an ear. Times like this I wish I was in Jersey. (((HUGS)))

Hi everyone else....Well I have a crazy day and I'm much sorer than yesterday. I have to go 45 minutes south of here then go an hour north of here so I will be all over the place. I most likely won't get home before 6 or 7. I don't usually have crazy days like this. The magazine seems to be picking up with really good strong names so I'm real excited about that.

I didn't go to curves yesterday or today. I did walk this morning and I'm hoping to go to curves if I'm not to sore when I get home. If not I'll go to the pool and exercise for a half hour.

I think the scale is moving, but not 100% sure. When I saw the doctor yesterday she said I was down 2 pounds in 3 weeks. I really only go with my curves scale and I'm not planning on going on that for 2 more weeks. I so hope I get into onderland on of these days soon!!!!

Have a good day, stay safe. And as they used to say on Hill Street Blues...BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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