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Sherry, yeah, it's weird, but I know I had a hard time saying goodbye to some of my bigger clothes, but once I got into it, it was very freeing...it felt really good.

Kat, good luck with everything! Yes, you have our prayers, for sure! We'll be waiting to hear from you! And size 16!!!!!!!!!!! That's my next size, and I can't wait to say that! Congratulations! That was a funny story about the chocolate milk, too! I turned down ice cream at my DD's ice cream/swim/church camp kick-off party this afternoon. They gave me the "oh, come on" thing, and I said, no, I have made a promise to some friends of mine not to have ice cream, and I think they probably thought I had a little screw loose, too! So, there ya go...loose screws, all around. Quit thinking those bad thoughts, Eillen!!!

Anne, soooo great to hear from you! And really cool that you started in on the challenge, without knowing about it! I love stuff like that. What suit did you pick out from Lands End, and where are you going on vacation? I'm sure you're gonna look great!

See everyone tomorrow!

Eileen, how was your dinner out?

Hugs, Cindy

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Hi Goils :(

Kat, my love, its good to hear from you. My prayers are with you and DH and DD... boy your hands are full but God know's you can handle this. Congratulations on the 16's WHOOOAH thats wonderful. Maybe another 25 lbs and I might squeeze into a 16 but for now, I'm still in my 18's Tall and now a 1x top instead of 2 or 3x. My gut is big and is the last to go soooo. Hang in there hon.

Cindy good for you for not cheating... wtg... that took strength. I wish I had the magic words for you to tell your DD who's missing her nana.... but I don't. Just being there for her is really all you can do. Its never easy is it. dinner was okay, I had a nice salad w/egg, bacon and blue cheese dressing droooooooool... got some fish and it had some stuffing in it which went down to easy... BUT DH got sick from eating the same thing I did. I got a tummy ache around 9 PM... farted 2 times and went to sleep... no probem here HAAAAAAAAA (more than you wanted to know huh). ROFL.

Sherry, can you get those lovely sweaters altered? They must be wonderful OMG. Good going on trashin the clothes. I just realized yesterday that I need to do the same.. no more big baggy stuff, maybe a little more form fitting is what I need *shrug*

Anne, good to see ya girlie, we've missed you. Whoot on the bathing suit :clap2: and no, you don't have to give up your wine lol... enjoy.

CONFESSION !!!! I had 3 bites of a carrot cake at dinner yesterday (small ones lol). We went to Charlie browns steak house and 99.9% of the time I never get dessert... well my DH ordered one of my fav's and I caved... y'all forgive me ? :guess See when I can't have it, I want it more... WTG :)

Well here's some GOOD NEWS ~~~ The doctors called regarding my neice Jessann who had the throat surgery last week.... NO CANCER :clap2: SHe will need to have surgery every few months b/c the tumors will grow back but for now this is what we've been longing to hear... makes the other stuff seem like a booger ya know. Thanks for all your prayers.. I really do love you all.

Where is everyone today ??? I miss my friends :bananapartyhat:

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Eilene, that's awesome news!! :biggrin1: This calls for celebratory bananas.

:hug: :bananapartyhat: :(:) :bananapartyhat: :bananapartyhat: :bananapartyhat: :bananapartyhat: :bananapartyhat:

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Hiya Ladies...

So sorry... I have been good... well... in regards to ice cream and chocolate...lol. It was hard this weekend because we were out and about and it was so stinking hot! Unfortunately... I think I may be eating everything else in the attempt to squelch the craving for the no no items. *sigh* Anyhoo... at least I'm still working out!

Betty... overjoyed that your hubby found a job...WHEW... that must be a load off of your mind!

Anne... Speaking of minds... how kewl that you were reading ours! I bet that suit is going to look terrific when it arrives!

Eileen... Wonderful news!!!! I'm so glad it wasn't cancer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think that great news cancels out the carrot cake. :(

Kat... Darn it all... you are already gone but wishing you a good trip anyway! Congrats on the size 16's!

Cindy... Sorry about your DD and her grief... it sounds like you are handling the situation perfectly to me. Time will pass and her pain will lessen... just keep listening and loving her and time will take care of the rest.

Patty... Girl... There is nothing wrong with doing nothing! It sounds like your body is screaming for a time out... go with it!

Sherry... Doesn't it feel good to get rid of the clothes???? I mean... I know there were some favorites that I hated to give up... but all in all I was glad to see them go. ( Now I wish I had them back... crud ).

It funny... before this challenge I barely gave chocolate a thought except for when I would occaisionally buy a candy bar... now I can't think of anything else! LOL. I may have to tweak this challenge for myself and make it a caloric intake challenge or something. Hmmm... that really sounds terrible too...lol.

Anyhoo... TTFN

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1st day and I blew it lol. I ate a handful of peanut M&Ms then I realized DUHHH you said you wouldn't eat chocolate. Sooo I stopped and gave the suckers away so I wouldn't eat anymore! I don't have ice cream in the house and if the guys say lets go I'm going to say sorry....you go I'll stay here lol. I have my grape sugar free popsicles to slowly savor yummm.

work is absolutely NUTS! I can't keep up with it all and I'm starting to feel even more stressed. So much for the week off UGH.

Betty - That's awesome DH found a job. Congrats!

Eilene - carrot cake doesn't have chocolate in it does it? or is it all sweets you're givin up? Besides.....that was news to Celebrate by! Thats awesome! I do hope the surgeries that she has to have again aren't as bad the next time around..poor thing.

Darcy - It was nice to get rid of the stuff but, at the same time sad. Not because I had to give them up because of the size but, because I really did love the cuteness of them lol. I could buy more but, man they aren't cheap sweaters. I usually waited for them to go on special and I've had some of them for a few years. Oh well.....getting a compliment on my shrinking ars is better lol

Anne - Welcome back and I hope you enjoyed your time watching your SciFi with da hubby. DH and I watch Hell's Kitchen on Mondays and So You Think You Can Dance Wed and Thurs lol. Always something. Sunday's are race days of course zzzzzzzzzzzzz lol (Betty you didn't see that hee hee)

Pat - Where is ya?

Patty, Cindy, Kat, Diane, Chrispy...hellllllllooooooooooo

Oh Chrispy was here Sunday and she's forcing me to take that picture for ya'll when I finally lose this last blasted pound to make it 50 lol. I think she's gotta wait a while lol. Going to the doc ummm next week and time for another fill I think. Just a tweak I don't want anything drastic :(

Gonna go watch some tube with DH. Hugs!

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Hi Y'all!

Gosh, I don't think I will ever catch up! Things do move fast on here!

Well, DH got his van all done, well we have more to do, but it is licensed and passed inspection and cleaned up! He is a happy camper. He got his tools all over to the job and he is ready to start in the morning. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: I sure wish I had his hours!

Eileen - I am so happy that it wasn't cancer! Wow, what a relief y'all must feel now! I just can't do challenges, every time I try I eat everything in sight! As soon as I tell myself I can't have something, I'll die trying to eat everything else to get the thing I can't have. I keep doing them though and it hurts me every time! Now, if I tell myself I can have anything I want anytime, I do good! WTF?

Sherry - I had a really hard time giving away all my clothes, I kept thinking I could just wear this at home around the house, or what if I gain my weight back, then what. Well I finally packed it all up and gave tons of stuff away, and I have never regreted it. I only wish I had some of the tops I had in a smaller size! Sherry I love nascar! But once in a while, I snooze too! After all, it is a long race!;):D :D

Cindy - I can only say that it was good for me to think about my folks, and cry. It took me a long time to talk about them without crying, I just was so close to mine, especially my mom. We did everything together and talked to each other all the time. I not only lost my Mom, I lost my best friend. If she needs the time to mourn, let her do it, it really will help her.

Darcy - I just love your avatar! I smile everytime I see it! You look so different! :D :D :D

Anne - Don't worry about losing 50 pounds, put on your swimsuit and enjoy! You'll look stunning no matter what!

Kat - You know your family is in my thoughts and prayers. I just know in my heart things will work out for you. I hope you enjoy a little down time at the motel before you get to the hospital. God knows you can use some R&R!

Patty - Enjoy your time resting, after all, you'll be back home watching kids all by yourself soon enough. Sometimes we just need to kick back and enjoy life.

Pat - I am missing you girl!

I have to tell you a story, this morning I was in the kitchen getting my cup of coffee at 5:00 a.m. and saw a spider crawling really fast on the floor, a big one too! Well, I am scared to death of spiders, but ran to get a shoe to kill it with. I ran so fast I hurt my bad foot again, and totally miss the spider. I was so mad, mostly because I didn't even think about damaging my foot more, but also because I totally missed it. About half an hour later, DH got up and, when I walked in the kitchen I saw it again, and yelled, so he came running and killed it! Now, why didn't I just wait? I just knew he wouldn't come out again until I got in bed! Ewwwwwww, I couldn't sleep if I didn't know he was dead!

Well, gotta run, catch y'all later!

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Thank God, it wasn't cancer, Eileen! That is such great news, and I am soooo relieved! I think the carrot cake was okay...no ice cream, no chocolate. Score! That salad sounded great, too!

Betty, funny spider story, but hope your foot's okay. I was the same way with my mom, and she was very close to her Nana...my mom was her "second mom". I just let her have her feelings and try to make sure she knows that I have them, too, and I respect them. Your advice, as always, is great!

Sherry, you did good to give away the rest of the M&M's...you should be proud of yourself!

Darcy, hang in there...at least you are working out! I'm still a couch potato on that score.

Patty, how's it goin'?


Anyone else I have missed, hope you're doing great!

We're taking DD to camp tomorrow!!!! She's so excited! I'm excited, too...but I have the responsibility of remember to pack all the stuff. sigh.

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Betty... Sorry about your foot but I know just how you feel about spider... YUCK!!!! I would rather run into a mouse any day!

CIndy... Step away from the couch. ;)

Sherry... Don't beat yourself up... this challenge is to be about girls having fun without chocolate and ice cream... LOLOLOL. Well... it was worth a try! Anyhoo... if you fall off the wagon... just climb back on when you're ready. :D

Well... I had a horrible PB last night on steak (Usually always goes down fine)... I horked up the few bites I managed to get in of the steak and vegies and the pain didn't stop. I was up until 4 am and awoke at 6am... feels better than last night but the pain is still there and I am sipping coffee very slowly as that is barely dripping through. I don't think even chocolate or ice cream would go through... *shock horror gasp* So... liquids for me... and I wonder how long I should wait in regards to those not going down well. I'm not going to work out this morning because I'm afraid I can't stay hydrated at one sip per hour... what a lucky break eh? Sorry for the babbling...

Have a good day ladies and if you eat anything... chew a couple of bites for me cause I'm starving!!!!

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Cindy-The candy was gone in less than 10 minutes! Thank goodness! How's DD doing? Your such a good mommy.

Patty-Are you relaxing?

Kat-Thinking of you and DH! Congrats on the size 16 that is awesome!!! WTG. Hang in there I know it's going to be tough, but you and DH will do fine. Remember to breath.

Anne-That is so funny that you decided to give up chocolate and ice cream the same day as us!

Sherry-What I find is strange is that the new stuff I brought last year is now to big, so I'll have to get rid of that stuff! I refuse to buy another summer thing. I'm just going to live with what I have. I did have a few of my favs altered. I'm not sure I'd do it again cause it was so expensive, but we'll see. That travel fabric is worth doing.

Eileen-You crack me up!!! OH I'm SO happy about your niece! You knew it you had that piece about it. That is so wonderful I'm so happy. When are you 2 going shopping!!

Darcy-Your doing good. 1 step at a time! Hang in there your going DOWN GIRL!

Betty-I hope your foot is ok! That's what DH's are for ya know. killing spiders fixing clogged toilets, changing filters..lol...

OK confession time. I had 3 kisses last night! BUT I went from whatever day we decided last week until last night. I haven't had ice cream. I can't help the chocolate cravings although I must say last night when I was opening the kiss and thinking of all you, then tasting it, it didn't give me the thrill I thought it would.

Went out to dinner with our company last night. I had the best grilled tilapia ever! I'm not a fish lover so for me to order it out is a lot! This was so good, I can't wait to go back!

We went out in their boat yesterday and we went tubing. Well today I see my physical therapist and I know he's going to shake his head! I went airborne for about 50 feet! Thought I might have had major injury..lol...smashed in the water..I'm laughing typing about it...I flew over my GF hit her and the tube I have a swollen lip, my leg hurts bad and my neck and back are hurting...lol...but it was so much fun...we went on it again...no more flipping though...My lip has a natural dark red in spots...DH was afraid I was seriously hurt. As I flew through the air I thought I was going to die or be paralyzed. Anyway it was a blast. Hopefully I won't be sore for to much longer.

I'm off for 2 business appointments today. I'm professing that I will get 3 more advertisers, at least, by Friday!

Have a good day, ttyl Where is Beanie? Vacation right? When does she come home?

Everyone else hi.

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Good Morning ;)

Hey Girls, we can tweek the challenge, I too am looking for other ways to stuff/fill the void. How about a 1600 calories challenge or what ever you set yours at....(cause everyone is different) ? I think I'd be better at that too but I won't start until next tuesday *evil grin* for those who want to stay on the no chocolate / ice cream can stay on that... it will be a 'personal challenge' wadda thunk?

Darcy luv, how are you feeling today. That some nasty PB egggads !!!! I can't imagine steak coming back up. Hang in there !!

Dianne, crap, are you okay today ??? your one brave chick (but then you do come from NJ :D ) Don't sweat the kisses. Tilipia is one of my fav fishes yummmmy, glad you enjoyed it. good luck w/the advertisers.

Cindy hope DD enjoys camp today. have a safe trip :D

Betty I would have freaked w/the spider too... I hate insects, just hate them and my DD is 10x worse than me. I wouldn't have rested until that thing was smooshed lolol (sorry your foot hurts). Tell DH good luck today!!!

Sherry I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures :D and whoot for you for giving your M&M's away. I would have sucked them down b/4 doing that LOLOL. Work bites here too but what can you do? just go with the flow and hopefully you'll get a break soon.

Anne, how are you feeling? 100% yet?

Back to work for me... ho hum :bored

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Hoooowwweeee... I really did it good! I have to confess that I had a low carb carnation instant Breakfast this morning (chocolate flavored)... but for a good reason... I was HUNGRY!!!! Even that is just sitting there dripping slowly out of my pouch... my own little chocolate IV drip!

Eileen... I think that is going to be the only way for me... saying no to a specific food almost gaurantees I will think about it constantly! I think I will go a little higher with my caloric intake but I have to look the rec. caloric intake for weight-loss for my size. Maybe that is the healthiest option anyway... yesterday I stopped and bought a grab bag size cheese puffs in the never ending search for something else. If I am sticking to a specific calorie range I tend to make better choices.

Anyoo... Hope the irritation and inflammation caused by that PB fades soon. I don't plan on putting anything but liquids in today or tomorrow.

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Good morning, everyone!

I'm all in for for supporting whatever personal challenge is the best for you! I need the ice cream withdrawal, because it's my personal booger, so I'll stay with that...I added chocolate in solidarity.

Let's think of something interesting to do starting next Tuesday...one thing we haven't ever done is something like "15 minutes of movement" each day, which is a piece of cake for Darcy! OOOPS! Did I say cake?

Or, we could each make our own committment, and do the Personal Challenge thing...that's a great idea, too! Everyone give their ideas!

Dianne, good luck on your ad sales! I had the most vivid movie in my head of you flying through the air on the tube! I'm glad you're (mostly) okay!

Darcy, I'm so sorry you had that nasty run-in with the steak! I understand about the liquid diet, though...we live in nearly parallel universes! I just added mushies yesterday...the good news is that I should be able to change my ticker tomorrow (Christmas Wish weight posting on Wednesdays). It will be the first time I've changed my ticker in more than a month...so, we'll see what Mr. scales tells me tomorrow!

Take it easy today, and let that swelling go down...do you do that Carnation Instant Breakfast thing? Trying to thing of way to get protein...and liquids at the same time....

Hope everyone's staying cool during these "dog days of summer." I'm gonna paint DD's toenails before she goes to camp! Then 4 days with out DD...whatever will we do??????? LOL!

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This challenge will be so worth while if you are able to change your ticker!!!! I can't wait to see you reach Onederland! I know what you mean about ice cream... it is my biggest temptation as well. I had already cut it out as of last Monday. I will just never be able to keep ice cream in any form in the house. I may start letting myself have one McDonalds cone per week because they are pretty low in calories and the serving size is controlled. Hey... that means I have gone 1 week and 1 day without icecream! Oh... and I have gone without chocolate (other than the carnation breakfast this morning) for one full week as well. ;) Hope your DD has a great time at camp... I know my DD did!

Tonight is the night that I usually stop after class and get a Snickers bar... luckily for me... I couldn't eat one if if I wanted to!

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Sounds groovy to me. My scale hasn't budged in a while so I'm up for a "personal challenge" Mine will be 1400 - 1500 calories anything more than that the scale won't move and IMHO less isn't always healthier. I've been swimming every night so the movement thing is okay for now.

Darcy, IMHO the carnation isn't a cheat.... its healthy and not a snickers bar by no means (btw, snickers is one of my FAV's too). I threw out the container of ice cream last week and ice cream isn't one of my down falls, but it goes down easier than dinner some nights. So in the garbage it went... I'm gonna try like heck NOT to buy more.

Cindy can't wait to see the ticker move for you... WTG !! have fun painting dd's nails ;)

It is BRUTAL outside today, the heat coming off the sidewalks was burning my feet (I'm wearing cute sandals today :D ) Can't wait to go home.

Hugs and kisses........

Where's the rest of the gang........... we miss you!!!

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Oh......... one more bit of good news... my hair is starting to grow back. The top of my head looks like a baby birds head LOLOL.

I went to get my hair trimmed and the girl showed me where its growing back... YIPEEE!!! sigh. ITs gonna take forever to get it at the length I had it but WTF...its growing

Caw caw !!

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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