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I have to run we have company comeing in an hour the house is still a mess I have no makeup on I'm tired and I have to go to the store.

I will try to check back later. I held the bag of kisses ths morning and was very tempted to have one cause I had about 8 M&M's ..lol...for Breakfast but I thought of all of you and didn't do it. I did land up taking a zanax cause I'm barking orders around here and feeling anxious.

I'll do personals soon. have a good weekend.

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Hi Y'all!

Dang, it is hot here! I have good news! DH got the job, (it's a cut in pay but it's still a paycheck), and he starts on Tuesday. We just sold his truck a couple of months ago, because the place he worked furnished him and truck and he hasn't used his own truck for 6 years. Now, we had to invest in a different vehicle! My DB gave him a van he had, but needed lots of work on it as it had been sitting for a long time, so we have been working on that getting it going.

It sounds like y'all are doing so good with the ice cream/chocolate. I haven't had any either, but I almost stopped and got a cone while I was out running for parts for DH. Now, I have to go right back again and I sure hope I have the will power to say no again!

My foot still hurts, but the swelling is gone and my ankle is of normal size again. Hopefully with me doing the brace support on it for a longer time will help it.

Well, got to run and get the other parts for DH so I will catch you all later!

Have a great day!

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Sounds like the hot summer is just taking its toll on everyone's nerves! Tiime for a nice long summer nap, sounds like. I'm all gripey today, too...I don't have TOM anymore, since the hysterectomy, so I guess I'll just blame menopause and lack of ice cream....but I'm determined, and will not falter! I can bear that burden, surely.

Darcy, SWEATING!!!!!! I know it stinks, but good for you!

I imagine some M&M's would be great in there, but not for a couple of weeks, anyway!

Dianne, hope you're calmed down, and you better ditch that bag of M&M's!!!!!! Or, try the old "eat them until you're sick of them" trick! (Does that ever happen with M&M's?)

Betty, glad DH got the job, and hope all of that works out for the best for ya'll. Wear that cast thing, and make sure you get all healed up!

Stay strong, everyone...the weekend's a hard time for the challenge!


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I have a new phrase for PMS it's PMO (piss me off)..lol..

I do feel better and just talked to my friend they are going to be about 5 hours late so I may just get to rest a few minutes before they come.

Cindy I have a bowl of M & M's out and the rest of the Jelly Belly's so they have 4 kids they should be gone by the morning I hope!

Betty- I'm so glad DH got a job. To bad about the car but I'm sure it will all work out.

I'm singing tomorrow morning with the small group at church again. I should be fun I had a blast last time.

Everyone else hi, have a good weekend.

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Dianne, Now, that's a great way to get rid of candy! You're too funny! Did you go to the store and get some other stuff? Hope you get that little rest!

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Hello all..the ship is finally slowing down and sailing a bit smoother. I only noticed it a few short times today and I'm not feeling it much right now...just feeling tired.

It was in the 90s today and sunny. DH and I went for a nice long motorcycle ride in Newport, RI today. Left the house at 8:30am and didn't get back until 2:30pm. Thank goodness I'm not starting the no chocolate, no ice cream thing until Monday lol. Grey's Ice Cream is in the RI Hall of Fame for winning #1 ice cream in RI for well over 10 years. All the flavors are made by hand and there are alot of flavors to choose from. Of course DH stopped there and all I could say was...thank goodness I said I'd start on Monday. I've never been there before and DH has been pumping that place up for months. I had to have homemade Maple Walnut yumm. DH had homemade peach and that was delicious as well. That was actually my lunch and I got a one scoop cone...would of eaten a large before without thinking about it. We came home and jumped in the pool and I got lots of exercise there. My friend came over and we went out for seafood dinner. Turns out I didn't care for my chowder (or chowda as Massachusetts and RI folks say it lol) so I didn't eat much of it. I had a couple of my friends fried clams and a forkfull of my DH's fish. I won't be ordering the chowder next time lol.

Nothing planned for tomorrow except a Walmart trip and trip to the grocery store. We have a new one here called Hannafords that has alot of organic type foods. Chrispy introduced me to a frozen brand of French Onion Soup that you bake in the oven. It's yummy and I'm going to pick up some more tomorrow.

Eileen - Wahooo congrats on your DQ choice! Way to go.

Cindy and Darcy - I'll be with you guys starting Monday. Hmmm I better eat the rest of the chocolate lol. JK I'll put it in the freezer for another day :Banane56:

hope you all had a great day!

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Wow, Sherry! That ice cream sounds really good! Glad you enjoyed it, and isn't it good that you were able to exercise restraint you didn't have before? I always feel proud when I can do that. Sounds like the bike ride was really great!

Alright, you've got one more day of ice cream and chocolate freedom! Enjoy!

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Hey Gang,

I made it to Santa Barbara...... it's cooler here in the degrees but the humidity is killin me! I've been here 4 days and I have zero energy and wake up just as tired as when I went to bed. Whats up with that?

Do you guys think being old and fat has something to do with my current condition? My Mom & sister have all these plans for the next few days and just getting up off the sofa makes me sweat. I'm not normally this tired.... not even at work. What should I do?

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Good Morning,

Patty dear, could it be stress? When I'm comming down from stress I'm like a wet sponge, I just want to sit around and not move, my whole body is limp. You've been under alot of stress lately and maybe now that your at mom's your relaxing and coming down from it. All I can tell you is enjoy your trip and don't be so hard on yourself :Banane56:

Betty WHOOOOOOOOT on DH getting the job, wtg :purplebananna: Glad the foot is feeling better too (what a relief huh).

Dianne, hope ya had fun with your company and got rid of the goodies :P

Sherry its about time your sea sickness is almost gone, I can't imagine feeling like that for as long as you did. COOL, I'm glad your joining us on the no "trigger" foods (what ever your trigger is?) SO far I have not had any "real chocolate" But like Darcy I'm looking for other things to fill the void WTF? lol

Darcy chick... how's it going? I'm finding I too am looking for other food to fill the chocolate void, but its still not as damaging as if I had the real stuff. We are going out for dinner tonight and I never get dessert when I'm out so that will be easy.... I just hope I make a good dinner choice LOLOL.

Cindy love, how's it going with you? did you make it thru yesterday?


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12:09pm and so far went to the grocery store, put it all away, pickedup a bit and now.....UGH...I need to go through tons of clothes that were given to me and stuff other stuff that I already have to see what fits and what doesn't fit. YUCK....dreading it but, I have to get this done. Although I like that I've lost weight...I'll admit I'm going to miss my sweaters. They all from Quacker Factory from QVC. I love the themes on them, and people used to love seeing which ones I had. Some of the themes were fish, movies, Christmas, flowers, bumble bees w/lady bugs, angels, Patritic....I have so many that just are too big for this coming winter. OH well someone else will enjoy them :Banane56: I better get working on it huh? hmmm maybe I'll take a nap first hahaha. OK OK OK I"ll behave and do the clothes! Check in later :P

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OOOH, Eileen, dinner out!!! Where ya goin'? I'm sure it'll be great...maybe they'll have a fruity dessert that will be delicious, and not break "our rules"?

This may be weird and not work for others, but when I'm craving stuff I shouldn't eat right now (remember, it's not gone forever!), I watch the food Channel, and enjoy watching the food! It works for me. Another trick I've used is to use SF Wintergreen Lifesavers after a meal as a little sweet, minty thing. Hey, hope something helps give you a new idea! I got some of these ideas from ya'll, I think?

Patty, I totally agree with Eileen, and I bet you do, too, by now. This is a classic "coming down from stress" reaction, and it means you need to do what you are doing. RESTING! Do some of the things they have planned, but you can also explain to your mom that she is your soft place to land, and in a day or so , you'll be up and at 'em. I am exactly the same way...and this year, I've been like that a lot. When I have the opportunity to relax and do something fun I want to do, I just want to sit. So, I just vegged out more of this summer than I had planned, but like my DH said, "You are doing exactly what you need to do." I now pass his wisdom on to you!

Last night my DD had another two hour cry about missing her Nana...it lasted until 1 AM, so we stayed home from church today. She's going to camp in a couple of days, and I think she needs her rest if she's that emotional. I hope, hope, hope I am doing her right on leading her through her grief...I let her cry and tell her it's okay to be sad, and that I am, too, and we'll always miss her Nana. She's with God, and knows how much she loves her. I try not to talk too much, and just let her do the talking. Any more ideas? I've asked ya'll about this so many times before...it's just so hard on her. And you know how your heart breaks when your kids are sad like that...

Well, it's time to make breakfast...she is awake and seems like she is feeling much happier this morning. Cross fingers.

Oh yeah, Darcy...just want to tell ya I'm proud of you for staying in the challenge! I know it's hard...

Is it Day #4?

Hugs, Cindy

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Donated 2 large bags of clothes to a friend and 3 trashbags full plus 2 grocery bags full to Good Will. Aaaa feels nice to have that out of the way...hmmm now I have to put the stuff I kept away lol. Back into the future shrinking closet those go :bananapartyhat:

Can't play as it's now 10:30 and I really should hit the sack. Yet another lovely work Monday in a few hours grrrrr. No ice cream for me today but, I did have my goodby chocolate cause I'm joining the "no icecream no chocolate" groupys tomorrow :bananapartyhat:

Have a great nights sleep everyone and a terrific Monday.

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Hi everyone--decided if I was going to get in here, and say my temporary goodbyes, it was now or never. Everytime I look around there is something else needing done! Chaos ensues! Nerves are at a high point, we are leaving for Albuquerque tomorrow I guess, although we don't have to be there until Tuesday morning....get a motel with a pool, and relax a bit maybe....maybe!!

Cindy I can totally relate, not sure about the level of restriction I have either, 4-6 bites, and I am done.....figure stress is playing a part. My DD is not doing well. We have an appointment a week from Monday, they are going to type my blood, and prepare for the worst, all the while, hoping for the best.

Sherry--I'll trade ya my grape popsicles for your orange!!! Glad you are not on quite such a wave anymore!!!

Eileen--I too slime rather than bring anything up, my SIL throws up daily she says...but she isn't open to much advice, so I butt out! So far I have managed to stay within the challenge limits. I had a glass of chocolate milk all stirred up this morning, when I realize what the heck I was doing!!! I was concentrating on trying to up some calories for the day, and almost blew it!!! I told my DH I was gonna dump it if he didn’t want it, he just looked at me like I had lost it, I told him it is either going to waste or to waist. ( I pointed) ..I choose waste. He again just looked at me like I needed help!!!

Darcy--that blizzard was gone quicker than you can blink an eye--my DH is an ice cream fiend!!!

Betty--hope the van is up & running soon, and tell DH congrats on the quick find of a new job...he will be ablt to find another if this is not something he enjoys---diesel mechanics are in high demand!!

Diane--enjoy your company!! I need to get out house cleaned, I know when we get back from the hospital all kinds of people will be stopping by, I should be prepared....instead, here I sit!!

We went for a motorcycle ride this morning, rode up into Colorado--we like the mountain riding! We had some brunch, browsed through a flea market, and wound our way back home. Tonight my MIL had an early birthday party for DH. It was nice, cooked out some hamburgers & hotdogs. We plan on going to dinner with the rest of his siblings, in Albuquerque, before he checks in to the hospital. His birthday is the day after his surgery! Poor guy! Our neighbor told him when he wakes up on the 3rd, he will have a much better idea of how his Mom felt 46 years ago!!

OH!!! Guess what I did! When we were in Denver, I went to Dress Barn, and bought new jeans. We don't have much choice around here where I live. So anyway, I started with the 22 I used to wear, and it was too big, so down to a 20...too big, an 18...comfy, so I pushed it and had DH bring the 16....snug, but I can squat, bend over, sit down....and I bought them!!! I cannot tell you when the last time I bought anything with a 1 as the first number (besides panties!!!)!!! I was so psyched!!! Today I bought size 18 capris to take to the hospital, they are fairly loose, but since I will be sitting all the time, it is a good thing I think. Feels good. DH said he could feel a big difference on the bike today. I haven't changed my ticker yet, but I have gone below 250 now...whew!! Now if some of these boobs and belly would go away!!! So anyhow we are off tomorrow, will check in and update all of you ASAP. I know your prayers will be right there with us! Can't tell you how much that means.....

Be back in a few days.


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Hello Ladies!

Well, I may not have been around the last few days but clearly there is some sort of telepathic link between all of us because (I'm not making this up!) 4 days ago I decided to give up chocolate and ice cream too! I am going on vacation 2 weeks from today with my sister and her family and we decided to get our butts in gear and lose some weight beforehand. It was on the exact same day as you all started the chocolate and ice cream challenge, and I haven't had a bite. I even took the kids to Captain Frosty (yummmm) for dessert on Friday and what did I order for myself? Nada! It was unheard of!

I also have a new bathing suit on the way from Land's End, so that's been great motivation as well. Think I can drop 50 lbs in 2 weeks? :bananapartyhat:

I'm going to attempt to catch up on personals, but please forgive me if I can't remember everything...

Cindy, you look so wonderful in your one year "after" pictures! I'm so proud of you. I'm sorry to hear that your DD is having a hard time with her grief from your mother's passing. She's lucky to have such wonderful parents for support.

Betty, congrats on DH getting a new job so quickly! :clap2: :clap2:

Eilene, I cracked up when I read your post about your DD still loving you if you get fatter. So nice to know that her love is unconditional, LOL!

Sherry, don't feel bad about getting rid of those clothes! You'll have so much fun replacing them in a smaller size that I bet you won't miss them a bit. :bananapartyhat:

Kat, I'm so glad that you were able to get some support and help from your friend. And it sounds like a great idea to have all of your mother's medications reviewed by a physician. Once there are several physicians involved there is always the possibility that they are unaware of overmedication.

Patty, hope you're having a great time in Santa Barbara!

Pat, we've missed you! Are you still filling in for the girls in the office? How is that son of yours and his evil ex?

Dianne, good for you getting rid of your chocolate. I have M&M's on a shelf over the toilet to try to bribe my DD to go number 2 (currently potty training), but other than that my house is currently chocolate free.

Darcy, no chocolate, no ice cream and you're working out every day! You're kicking some serious butt this week! :shade:

Well, DH wants us to have a glass of wine and watch Stargate (yes, we're geeks). Wait a minute - this challenge doesn't include giving up red wine does it? :bananapartyhat: Talk to you all soon.

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Kat, we must have been writing at the same time! Have a safe trip to Albuquerque. You and your DH will be in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. ((((HUGS))))

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