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Good Afternoon,

Awww I missed saying goodbye to Cindy :confused: I hope she has a safe and happy vacation... and comes back with lots of details and pictures :D

Donna you look great!! Your son looks very happy, I'm glad you got to see his graduation :D

Sherry, have a blast on your trip, enjoy and we want lots of details and pictures when you get home *hugs*

Patty, I'm so glad that this information (diet) will help. You know even if you get approved now, you can always ask your doc to schedule you for a later date, sept oct when its cooler. How's everything by you? Did you say your going to visit your Mom? How are the boys enjoying the summer?

Beanie congrats on the WL WHOOT!!!! ... ohhh and a pool, girl your gonna love it.

Mary, how are you doing? how are the kids? Is your dad still staying with you?

Betty, I know your afraid, can't blame you. I'm glad your getting it checked out and I'll pray its something simple and easy they can help fix.

Kat, I'm glad your dad's results came back good :D Your poor DH, I feel so bad for him, he must be very frustrated with the whole ordeal huh. Please know that we also continue to pray for him AND you. Things like this not only wear down the person who it effects but it also wears down the family as well....... ENJOY your Breakfast w/the girlies :eek:

Annie Bananie, whats shakin toots? how are YOU feeling. Haven't heard a report in a lwhile (okay days).... Is DD home yet?

Dianne, how are you feeling love?

Darcy, ya heading up to the cabin this weekend? How are things with you?

Nothing going on today, DD as a bit of the runs lol, so I'm leary on taking her out anywhere pfffffft !

I got lots of things to do around the house, laundry and fun stuff like that (NOT). Its supposed to rain today so who knows if we'll get in the pool... rain doesn't bother me but we get thunder and lightening to go along with it b/c its so hot and humid.

No update on Jessann... her surgery is next Friday, so there's nothing else we can do. She's in good spirits but then, she really doesn't realize what she is in for. Hopefully the doctors are wrong... In my gut, I believe they are wrong so I am very relaxed about this believe it or not.... its a peacefull feeling I can't explain (THANK YOU JESUS).

My boss keeps looking at me asking if things are okay... kinda with a sad look on his face.... so I'll take that as his way of showing concern. For some reason I can't believe he is 100% asshole... maybe 90% LOL. He even asked me how my Mom was (she was sick and I had to leave early the other day to take her to the doctor)... so. I think he's just trying not to make me upset. Although he IS odd.... MEN!

Whats everyone up to?

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Eilene I'm glad you're feeling better about your niece. She's got a path in front of her but, being a little one she's got the youth and strength for a speedy recovery. I guess I got the weeks mixed up because I thought it was this Friday. I won't be here to let you know I"m thinking of you and your family but, please know you're in my prayers every day and will be while I'm away.

I have everything except the morning essentials packed. The guys think I've packed too much but, they won't think so when they need it lol. I think I thought of everything including Imodium AD juuuuuuust in case they eat something they shouldn't lol Lots of shorts, sunblock, undies etc. So we should be set to go. Just drop the puppies off at my friends and we're on our way. Have a great week everyone!

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we are off to attend church with my son and then we are leaving san antonio. We don't get home until after midnight. Both DH and I have work on monday.

We have had a wonderful visit and I am very grateful.

Talk to you guy more tomorrow.


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Good Morning,

Sherry and Donna have a safe trip and tell us more when you get home :)

Its beautiful outside today, crystal clear blue skys, brilliant blue if I may add and its already 80 degrees out. As soon as DD gets up I'm in the pool..yep. I love the morning.

Nothing mush is going on... my fill feels a little looser which is strange, I was just getting used to 4 bites and OUCH... now I can eat more. Odd little thing the band is lol.

Anyone got any goals for next week? Mine is to lose 2 stinkin pounds.. I wanna lose 50 but 2 will do for now :)

Shall we do a mini challenge? no reward except to see those #'s on the scale go down. I really want to eat healthy and NO goodies this week...anyone wanna try with me?

Okie dokie lovies, I'm gonna get some coffee and do some reading.

Luv yah's.


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Hello Y'all!

It's really Hot here! We got all our outside work done early this morning when it was 83!

I think I might go out and so a little swimming, but the pool is so warm it's like taking a bath!

Eileen - I'll play with you! I really have to get serious, I just keep eating all the wrong stuff. I'll shoot for one day of good food, then another and another till I get back right. Keep on my butt!

Donna - Have a safe trip! We are going to San Marcos the first weekend in August and do the rafing. All my neighbors are going, it should be fun. We are going to spend the weekend, then go to San Antonio to shop and lunch.

I'm looking forward to it.

Catch y'all later! Everyone must be enjoying their weekend.

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just dropped in for a few min - everything is going ok here so far..

Working a bit today - kids are with their dad?

Nope Eileen my dad is not with me.. Has not called me since last year come to think of it.. His loss

Just realized - today is my 2 yr band anniversary...

well gotta go -

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Good Morning Y'all!

Another hot one today, they are calling for 104, with a heat index of 106-109.

Our pool is like a bathtub, not refreshing at all, but still nice to go into. The heat is burning up a lot of my flowers though, we have big umbrellas over some of them.

Mary - Happy bandiversary!

I am already running late this moring, so I will try to check back this evening.

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Hi! I was just wondering if anyone was near me. I am in Ocean County. About an hour north of Atlantic City......where is everyone else located?:rolleyes:

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Good Day :rolleyes:


Bettina, I'm the only one that lives in Jersey here HEHEHEHE ... I'm norther, Bergen Ctn. Good to have you here.

Betty your on !!

Mary happy bandiversary WHOOT!

HI EVERYONE!! can't play... TTYL


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Hey All...

Sorry I have been AWOL. My duaghter came home from camp and it seems like we have been running every since! AHHHHHHHHHH... it's so good to have her home! THe best part was how happy she looked when she go off of the bus and she ran to me and hugged me with free abandon just like she used to do when she was little. I'd have paid the camp fees for that alone! SHe nearly tlaked our ears off over the next 3 hours...lol.

Eileen... Wow... that seems like such a long wait for the surgery! THis must be so hard but I bet your sister is her beautiful Gaurdian Angel and will be watching over her namesake.


Dianne... Oh my Gorsh... my ears were ringing the other day! I am really flattered but Ladies... my nickname at my last job was Brat. :rolleyes: It's easy to be sweet when surrounded by so many great peeps!

Donna... Your boy is Handsome... Handsome... Handsome! Great pics!

Betty... Man... I can't wait for you to get that foot looked at... I am starting to limp just thinking about the pain you are in! Hang in there! Boy howdy... Y'all are getting the hottest end of this hot weather stick! It's hot here too but nothing compared to your neck of the woods!

Sherry... Sending wishes for you to have a safe and wonderful trip... you will be missed here!

Rene... Congrats on the Weight Loss and for your defoliaging...lol. :D

Cindy... Hope you are having fun!

Mary... Happy Bandiversary! My two year just passed so we were banded around the same time frame. :eek:

Anne... Halarious Pic... My brother once got into my Mom's tampons and made jet packs for his GI Joe doll. Hehehehe... he then proceeded to come out and play in the midst of a room full of company...LOLOLOL.

Kat... Sorry about the hubby's fall... I can only imagine how stressful all of this waiting has been for both of you! It will be good when this is behind both of you and you can be moving away from it instead of towards it. (((Hugs)))

Patty... It was a tough 6 days waiting for my DD to return but it was well worth it. She had a great time and it renewed her appreciation for just about everything here at home!

Well... Hugs to everyone I didn't get to... I must go and get a few chores done since the entire morning was spent going to dentist appointments and piano lessons!


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Morning Y'all!

It hit 107 here yesterday, and let me tell you it was darn hot! I spent a lot of time in the pool when I got home, and it felt good. It's the only way I really enjoy exercise:D

Today is my doctor's appointment with my foot. I am glad it is here, yet worried about what he is going to tell me. He just best know what he is doing!:D

Darcy - It's so nice to have you back and posting! Your daughter sounds like a sweety, and it's always nice to see how much they missed you.

Eileen - I stayed good on food all day and night, how about you?

Donna - Hope you made it home alright, I know you must be tired from the trip.

Anne - Hey girl, how ya doing?

Kat - Is DH feeling any better? I just can't imagine the nerves that he must be living with, with all the waiting.

Mary - Hope things are going better for you, divorce is a rough thing to go through.

Beanie - are you rested up?:)

Dianne - Hey girl, how are you feeling? Hope you didn't get too sore from the accident.

Patty - How are you managing with all the heat and no air?

Pat - Hey girl! We miss you!

Cindy and Sherry - I bet you girls are just having too much fun!

Well, the clock tells me it is time to go! Gotta get dressed for work, and fix my lunch. I have been taking salads for a long time, I really love them, but the last couple times I could hardly eat them, guess I am getting burned out on them. Now, I don't know what I want to take. hmmmmmmm

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Hi chicas - miss you all - just stopped by before i get to work..

been busy here at work and at home. We are in the last stages of the Divorce - fighting for him to sign the quick deed with no refinance. He says yes his lawyer says no.. So I will just sit on it for a while a demand alot more money from them.. Kids go back to school Aug 16th so getting ready for that..

Well gots to go - you all take care

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Hello Kiddlets :eek:

Darcy I hear ya on being busy.... there is never enuf "me" time and thats really okay ya know.........enjoy the dentist *EEK*

Betty how did you do at the doc's today??? I won't lie, I did have a cookie yesterday but I did do well w/my eating all in all. I can not eat salads every day... I'll do good for about 3 days and then by the 4th I crack and want a meal. How's it going today?

Mary, good luck with the paperwork. Would you like me to slap em on the back of the head LOL. Kids here start school september 3 or 4 something like that but I noticed the stores have all the school stuff out already.. things just move to fast for me lol.

Geeze it feels like a hairdryer blowing on you today. We are getting storms later so hopefully that will take the edge off of this heat. But really folks, I'd rather have this then that icky ice and snow stuff with 25 degree weather... no-sur-re-bob!

My boss stepped out for a while and I'm feeling devious *evil grin*


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Hi everyone!

Stopping in for a quick hello... I'm back up in Cadillac for the week (sister's house). DH and I came up to go to an outdoor performance of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra at Interlochen Arts Academy. We got all dressed up and everyone else was in shorts and t-shirts. Oops! :)

DH went home Monday to work and I decided to stay up here with the kids. They're going to vacation bible school at my DS's church this week. I think my hubby needed a break from my post-surgery whining and complaining. Port area feels a little better every day. Can't wait to sleep on my side again! :)

Betty, I hope your appointment with the foot doc goes well today!

Mary, happy bandiversary! Sorry that DH's lawyer is being a jerk. No big surprise there I guess. Your patience will win in the end.

Eilene, enjoy your time away from the boss-man today!

No time for more personals right now - the kiddoes are begging to go outside. Have a great day everyone! :eek:

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Hi Ya'll.... I feel like I'm still in Texas!

The long weekend with DS was beyond my wildest dreams. He looked so good! When he spoke to you he looked you in the eye... the smile was real. It was like seeing the son I knew a long time ago.

It was a long couple of days. They plan everything or early morning so it was up and out at 7 am. His girlfriend and her mother flew in from Connecticut and stayed at the same Inn as us.

DH is already at his next duty station in Biloxi, Mississippi for Tech training. He will be there for about 6 weeks and then on to Ft. Gordon in Georgia. Who knows after that....

Now that DH and I are home, we move onto the the house problem in CT. Also, I am having a surprise 60th birthday party for DH in August....

Anne: Glad your DD had a good time at camp, and that greeting was memorable... Glad you are doing better after surgery. You deserve a break after all you have been through!

Eileen: How are you girly girl? Hot are you!!!! You guys can't win up north... cold, wet and now hot! Did the boss give you the day off on Friday for your Neices surgery?

Cindy and Sherry: Hope your vacation is all you want it to be. Can't wait to hear about it.

Mary: Congrat's on two year bandiversary. That is a wonderful accomplishement.

Betty: Well, I really enjoyed my time in your large state of Texas! People were very friendly and we really liked river walk. That was very cool.

Darcey: Thanks on the compliments ... the boy is very cute! I kept saying that and people on the base were... Hansome, not cute! LOL

Bettina: Welcome to our little support group within a support group!

Irene: Congrat's on the weight loss. You have worked hard and it is paying off. How is work? DH?

Patty: Did you go to away yet? I can't remember when you were leaving with the kids....

Pat: What cha up to girl?

Well, that is about it... having new living room furniture delivered so I have to clean up and get ready.

Oh, I forgot .. Please pray for my stepdaughters husbands family. They live in Beruit and after getting bombed, they have temp relocated north. They seem to be safe for now...


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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

    • Alisa_S

      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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      1. GreenTealael


      2. Bugzy46


      3. Alisa_S

        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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