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Hi Everyone! Thanks so much for the wonderful words and prayers of support. I am feeling a little more composed. Not much has changed, but as the days go by, I have seen that even with it all, we have survived and will continue to do so! Let's see....DH is coping, he is keeping very busy. The dye they used on his test in Denver has him broke out in a rash, they say it is quite common. Surgery is one week from today...and then it will be behind us.

My DD is on a series of injections, one to try to boost her immune system, and also an antibiotic, trying to clear the infection so we can go from there. Her soon to be ex, is bouncing from being very nice, to being an a$$. First he says not to worry, she is still on his insurance, then yesterday he told her he was going to have his lawyer file for custody, that their daughter deserved a healthy parent not one who is going to be having years of problems as she tries to grow up. Of course in her already warped emotional state, she let him get to her. Made me wanna go smack him!! And Mom, is hurting, but sees her ortho today to discuss what her options are, I imagine she will have surgery within the next day or so, she has abone chip lodged in the actual joint itself, even though the break is just about an inch below the joint. My Dad has really taken care of her. Now that we are back from Denver, I can help him some. I want her to see another Dr. I am quite sure hers has her overmedicated, and on things she has no need for. I had never had reason to look over her meds before, she and Dad are not dependent, but when she fell again I insisted. 6 months ago, she fell going out of our place, and broke her wrist, and gave herself a concussion. So when I looked the other day, he has her on all kinds of drugs! She has fibromyalgia. He has her taking an antidepressant for that, an allergy medicine, and a sleeping pill...all which have her in a drugged state lately. She also takes meds for cholesterol, she takes Premarin, and she takes HCTZ for mild hypertension, her thyroid meds, and I don't remember what else. So, I am making a list, to take to the ortho, and going to insist we go over it with someone else. I may make her mad, but better healthy and alive and mad!

Darcy--You called me "little" I love it!!! Ok, I know it wasn' meant that way, but I liked it anyway! And girl, you are so right. I read your post, and called a friend, and ask for help, she was happy to do it. Said she would do anything...what a relief, I know my grandaughter will be well cared for and have a good day, and I can help where needed. You are right, it is a helpless feeling, and I would prefer to know what they need...a wise woman you are! And I am relying on friends...here I am whining again!! As for your band issues...I am sorry. Mine is relatively new, and has been wonderful so far, I know that can change in a moments time! My Grt. Grandma used to tell me to Change anything, Change something. Mine was in relation to chewing my nails...I was 6!!! She said if I would just change one thing, then slowly things would all change. So after dinner, I did dishes (not like she had an ulterior motive there!!!), with my hands in Water, I couldn't chew. Then we began with her reading me a book, and me turning pages, if I chewed we quit reading. One small thing at a time, a simple change...and eventually they add up. I now have nails! So maybe for today...no chocolate...tomorrow, an extra walk...you will find ways to get in control again, we have faith in you, and soon you will too!!

Betty--sorry to hear about DH's job situation, my husband too is a diesel mechanic. Around here jobs seem fairly easy to find in general. He may need to take one as a get by until the right one comes along, but you will survive it! Will be praying for a good one!! DH is thinking of a change following his surgery. He has a new boss, that is not who he wants to work for, and he uses DH's credentials to push things through for the shop, and my DH hates it, feels exploited. He works for a world wide company, that is not looking real great right now anyway!!! Glad to hear the foot is improving some. Hope you can be well quickly!!! I may need that foot to kick me!

Dianne--AWESOME~~wonderland....someday I'll be there!! Quicker after the fill tweak I had done on my way to Denver! I have restriction now! WOW! 6 bites, my meal is done! Figure this too will change, but that's my life right now!!! My prayers for you and your dear grandma, and for your hubbies interview as well. Sometimes it does take peeking over the fence in your job, to realize what you have isn't so bad....my DH may find the same thing, when he looks around!!!

Eileen--I have been praying for your niece...I haven't been around to offer my support, but know she has been in my heart, as have you and the family. I too would have loved Polly Pocket, my DD had some. But I loved Barbie as well! I played with them, even played with them with the girls as they grew up, and will play with the grandaughter, as soon as she is ready!!! Back to your niece, when she is able take her for a girls day! go shopping, and get prettified...have your nails done or something. This is what I do for my nieces on their birthdays. We go to my salon, and they get shampooed, and styled (no cutting, that's for Mom & Dad!), and nails painted. Then we buy an outfit, and have a family dinner. Fun Fun fun.

Patty--Enjoy, and travel safe! While you are at Moms, relax a little, she will be there, to help love & care for the boys, so for just a little while, totally relax...you have someone depending on you ALL the time. Take a little break. You deserve it!

Anne--way to go, poker money!!! We stopped at a casino a few weeks ago on a motorcycle ride, I won $60.00 on a slot machine, off of less than $5.00 I had put in, so we took our money and left!!! We are so cheap!!

Cindy--Happy Bandiversary!! You have done wonderfully!!! The pics show the story, and daughter tells it!! I too feel lucky beyond description at having found this NJ thread! And you are part of the reason why! BTW We will be in TX after DH recovers some, will ya cool it down before I get there please???!!!

Sherry--Glad you made it home and had fun!!! Sounds to me like DH and DS are making a good relationship. They may always vie for what they see as your #1 slot!!But I beleive they are developing their own, building memories, and a life together. My DD and DH are very tight. He adopted her as an adult. She will go back to his name following her divorce being final. Was an expensive thing to do, considering she was married at the time, but was something they decided! I love em! 2 pounds....pshaw, be gone in no time!

Bettina--I think my dishes and laundry are calling YOUR name too...They already know I am ignoring them calling me!!! Welcome to the best thread on the site!

Donna--Great montage of your son! How special that will be in years to come!! He looks so proud! And is that the GF? She is gorgeous! Ahh to be young again...no wait .... don't wanna! Can't make me!!

Ok time to take the grandaughter to see my friend and her grandson, hope she has fun!! Y'all have a good day, and thanks for all the prayers. You are sooooooooo good to me!


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Kat darling, I'm sorry to hear about your DD's ex jerk... what a stupid man for saying such things. My heart breaks for you DD...thats the last thing she needs to hear. Can I get in line to smack him? Hang in there girlie, we're here for you :tea:

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Morning Cher Chickettes!

Kat... I am sooooooooo glad you gave one of your friends the opportunity to help! I read a book about a pastor that had a horrible accident and was declared dead at the scene but recovered... and his healing experience. He was in the hospital for a LOOOOONNNNG time and would always tell his parishioners "no" when they would ask if there was anything they could do for him because he didn't want to be a burden. One of his friends finally gave it to him one day and let him no he was selfishly denying all of them the joy of giving...helping and feeling useful to someone they all cared about. When he started saying "yes" and gave his friends and parishioners little things to do for him he was amazed at how they their faces lit up with smiles and how good they seemed to feel to finally be able to do something to help. I never thought of saying no to offers of help as a selfish act in the past... but that booked really gave me a different perspective on it. :bowl: Sorry about the DD's Ex... dang... sometimes we really pick winners don't we? Luckily she has a very supportive family to help her get through this! I hope your Mom gets through all of this and maintains the mobility in her shoulder... sending healing vibes... I also agree with the concerns with medications. I think a good percentage of the geriatric population are being over-medicated. I'm glad your hubby is staying busy... it will be such a relief to have this whole thing behind you both! ((((hugs))))

Eileenie, Cindy and Dianne... (((hugs)))... The support here is the best... the rest is just up to me I think. I think Kat is right though and I'm taking it in small "chunks"... this week I say no to ice-cream and yes to working out... I am also trying different recipes on that website that you shared. Maybe next week I'll say no to the Snickers bar that I stop for every Tuesday night on my way home from class. Ice cream and chocolate are my biggest vices. I just have to suck it up and deal with the lot I've been given with my band but sometimes I just get tired of the fight. It's hard for me to wallow long in my pity party pool long when I am coming here to post. How could I let myself AND all of you down????? :tea: Darcy VS Obesity...Round 20... my dukes are up and ready!:boxing:

Off to do my walking video... Joy...LOL.

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Good morning!

Kat, thanks for that good informative post! I am so proud of you for asking for help, and I know the friend who is honored by the request is happy to help. You probably made her day! You and everyone in your family are in my prayers, and I have faith that it will all work out for the best. Your great-gm was a very wise woman, and I have often used that same advice...change ONE thing, no matter how small. It seems to help me get out of a rut, everytime! Blessings to you.

Darcy, I will make a pact with you for one week without ice cream, starting whenever you are ready, if that will help. It would help me, too! Just say "start" and you're on! If you want to pass, no pressure, either. Let me know!

Eileen, you totally floored me with the "you can wear sleeveless shirts" comment! LOL! I DON'T wear them, I only wore it for the picture...do you think I can? REALLY? I'm not kiddin' around here...I think my arms are flabby and yucky, so I don't wear sleeveless in public, maybe once in a while, around the house and feel weird about that. So THANK YOU!!!!! That's a nice compliment!

Dianne, thank you for your nice words, also. I am trying so hard to meet you in onderland, and have set that for my Christmas goal...wonder if I can make it there before then? You are a great inspiration!

Group hugs to all of us, and I'll be back after my little trip to get my passport (for next summer!) and my seaweed wrap/massage (aaaaaaah....)


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Okay 1 week with no ice cream or chocolate ???????? I'm game if you are.. so when do we start Monday HAAAAA HAHAHAHAH !!!! WHAT *shrug* seriously, shall we clean our cabinets out, etc... and start on monday... no candy for 1 week? Darcy, Cindy... y'all say the word. Oh and Darcy, your not letting US down girlie, no way :tea:

Cindy, your arms are not big, you look great in a sleeveless shirt... no I'm not kidding. The skin that hangs under my arms is sooo wrinkly and hangs a few inches... its gross. If I run down the stairs, I hear applaus... I look around and then I realize its my own freakin arm flappin in the wind :faint: now thats bad (my boobs applaud me too oy... heck some days I feel like a movie star :bowl: )

Seaweed wrap ... my my enjoy :)

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I'm game girls! But hey... I dare ya to start today. *evil grin* Easy for me to say... my freezer is already loaded with SF pops. :huggie: 1 week ladies... start your week whenever you are ready but it is kind of lonely starting my week alone. *sigh* (coupled with a pitiful yet innocent look) hehehehe

Well... So far I have stuck to the goals of getting back into exercise and back to the humane society for volunteering. Just got back from an hour and a half there and I am literally covered in dog hair and cat hair from head to toe! *sneeze*

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Wait... I forgot... Cindy... I know how you feel about the sleeveless thang but honestly... your arms look great!

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Okay well it will have to be tomorrow since I just had a snackwell cookie... it was that or a snickers bar. I don't know what it is but around 3 - 4 pm I want something sweet and it drives me nuts... my sugar free iced tea just doesn't cut it.

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll start it tomorrow, yer only a day away...

The weekend is gonna be a bitch ya know that dontcha. Oh btw, are we allowed sugar free frankinfoods?

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Hold it right there missy!!! Are we giving up all sweets for a week??????? Please tell me it iddn't so!!!!!! Just ice cream and chocolate...right??? *she says with a desperate squeak of a voice* I'm not a chicken... I'll do it if you will ... but I mean seriously... shouldn't we be considering our sanity here???? LOL. I'm eating a SF popscicle... is that a frankinfood?

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Eileen-Cool no boss today! I think my biggest regret about all these years is that I was a huge mama. It must have been hard for the kids to see the "normal" moms and then there was me. I know they love me but I was embarrassed for them and me. You so lucky that she's so young and yes your on your way down, how cool what a great example you are for her and everyone else. You GO GIRL!

CLAP CLAP my legs are doing that! You crack me up!

Kat-I'm so sorry you have all this going on. 1 week will go by slow and fast at times. You know were thinking of you and DH.

WOW what a DICK, DD's almost X is! The nerve of that jerk! Come on we all need to go smack him. (DICK is my new favorite name..lol...for DH's)

My MIL is also highly medicated some days she is so off balance it's scary! I'm glad your going to speak with someone else. I think it's horrible that these Dr.s are medicating the older people so they don't have to help them. EWW That gets me mad!

You have such strength, your such a wonderful lady. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Darcy-I have been thinking about you ALL DAY. I haven't givin you that kick in the butt and I'm feeling like I gave you the ok to give in...WELL I AM WRONG...GIRL it is time, you can do this, you will do this, you are doing this!! I know how hard it is to give up those wonderful things. But we all made a choice to have the band to help ourselves. No it's not easy. Yes we are going to have to say no to certain foods, but yes we can do it. YOU CAN DO IT.

That dark cloud that is hanging over isn't cool...kick it out! Don't look at the scale for 2 weeks! Take a walk to the mail box it will make you feel better. Check out the clouds, aren't they awesome!

Change you signature you don't need to look at lowest weight and feel bad all the time. Have current and highest. You can do this I know, you have. We are here to kick hug and support you. Now I feel better...I hope you do to. Love you.

Cindy-I bet you can make that goal. It seems reasonable. I'd like to also lose 25 by then but I learned the hard way no to pressure my self. I wanted to do it in 3 months, not good. The more I thought about it the more I messed up. But you are giving yourself a reasonable amount of time, so that's great! I was tempted to join the no ice cream club for a week, but I don't want to set myself up for that but if you guys do it I'll do the no hersey kisses for a week! Those I have everyday and really need to skip them!

OK so I"m a slow reader. I see we are on with no chocolate or ice cream! please be one or the other. Ice cream would be easier for me than chocolate, that's why I want to go for the chocolate. And Monday sure sounds better than NOW like right NOW!

Darcy- you give us the ready set go and I'm in for the chocolate part..oh I hope I can do this....I LOVE my hersey kisses!

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I'm not sure when the start time is, but just to be sure, I'm ready for RIGHT NOW! I will forswear ice cream and chocolate candy for one week starting today, and longer if the week actually starts on Monday. I say SF popsicles are okay, if anyone wants a second opinion on that! LOL! I picked ice cream because that is my big big big food downfall of choice, but if Hersey kisses are yours, then that would be the thing to sacrifice...right?

Let's do this, girls! One week...we'll negotiate the goal for week 2 later, if we survive! hahahaha!

Eileen, I'm sure you really are getting applause from your household...that can't possibly be your arms! You do crack me up, girl!

I had my massage and my seaweed body wrap, and tomorrow I go for a fill. I'm gettin' see-wee-us! (serious). Watch out!

Darcy, you know how you were talking to Kat about letting people help? Well, that's how I feel about you letting us help you...so let us help, ya hear?


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I can do it if we do SF pops! I just had a handful on jelly beans..ahhh.....I'll do ice cream and kisses starting tomorrow and if we officially start on Monday then I'll just continue this is good I'm going to try to get our NC girls to join us!

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I can do it if we do SF pops! I just had a handful on jelly beans..ahhh.....I'll do ice cream and kisses starting tomorrow and if we officially start on Monday then I'll just continue this is good I'm going to try to get our NC girls to join us!

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Like Kat's great grandma said, just change ONE thing...no need to go totally overboard...ice cream and chocolate candy are TWO things already! SF popsicles should be A-OK (unless they are like a gateway drug and lead to harder stuff like ice cream! LOL!)

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Lets do it ladies... it's only one week out of our lives...right???? I already promised myself two weeks on the ice cream ... so I will up the ante for myself on chocolate too. Whew... will we survive... will Cindy magically stop having Migraines and have to give up ice cream and chocolate forever... will Dianne make it through a kissless week...Will Darcy change her signature before Dianne kicks her butt... Will Eilleen blast her boss in a chocolate induced rage???? Stay Tuned! :huggie:


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