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Hi I am back...I was busy getting slammed on another thread...I need to stay right here where the nice people are!

I was just skimming thru the threads and noticed my name, so nice of your guys to ask about me. I will go back and read them in full so I know how everyone is and what they are up to.

Ha ha I did notice that someone said that most here were NJ wannabe's..that is funny! This weekend you don't want to be one...weather is stormy and crappy.

Dishes are calling me, I have been ignoring them but they just keep getting louder....and I see the dirty laundry has given up on me too, i noticed it is crawling out of the closet on its own. (ugh) One would think that I lived alone...that I don't live with my husband or my son and daughter.....hmmm maybe I should act like I do and demand the remote, would they notice?? LOL

Anyway, Have a great day, I'll check back tonight!

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Darcy-I'm sorry your having such a hard time with the band. Hang in there. Take one day at a time. Ask God to lead you and hold your hand. It will get better whatever your meant to do. I'm so sorry that your feeling so down. Exercise sure does seem to be a major answer.

Anne-Hi how are you doing? Were you on vacation? I can't remember who's going where and doing what these days.

Cindy-WOW how cool are you!!! Let me tell you you are way cool. I love what you wrote. You really have it together. I still have tears in my eyes. What an inspiration you are. How true it is about those brownies being there..lol..I also look forward to your year 2! I'm sure it will have it's ups and downs, but it will sure be exciting to go through the next year together. Congratulations, your doing great! Sounds like you had a wonderful vacation.

Eileen-Your so cool! I'm so glad I got to meet you. You are such an inspiration to me. You are so right about what you said to Darcy. It is true 10 pounds a yr down with the lap band rather than 10 pounds up!

I'm so sorry you have to wait so long to get the test results back on Jessann. My prayers continue for all of you. Does your sister have another children? I just can't imagine what your all going through. God Bless.

Betty-WOW I'm SO SO SORRY! We have been VERY LUCKY to have never gone through that. I can't imagine how scary. God will provide, he always does. He knows the fear you have just lean on him and some how some way he'll take care of you guys.

How are you feeling these days? How's the footsie?

Patty-Good to see you. I bet your excited it sure sounds that way. Have fun on your trip.

Sherry-What a great time it sounds like! Welcome home. We are going to Bermuda on September 21st on that ship that just tipped! I sure hope it will be fixed by then! It's the new Princess Cruise ship. Yikes...how many stops did you make? Bermuda is one of our stops so I really need you to tell me where to go and what to do. I bet you didn't gain much if anything. You do so much walking on those ships. I'm sure you'll be fine. I have decided to really try to wait 4 weeks now before I go on the scale again. You may want to wait also.

Bettina-Welcome. I am a former Jersey girl born there and lived there for 41 years. Moved to Charlotte NC 5 years ago. I am now a southern girl, but there is no place like home. I lived the past 14 years in High Bridge, near Flemington. Grew up in good old Bergen County, River Edge, Oakland, Hawthorne, Hackensack, Fairlawn. Do you have a band date yet?

DH's interview went good. They want to see him again. He seems to realize, I think, that what he has isn't to bad! So we will wait and see what happens. I'm hoping that as he looks he realizes that at this time he's in the best place, if it is the best place. I hate for him to leave after 16 yrs, but I hate that he is so miserable. I know God will direct him and I believe he is listening.

I'm heading off to the pool for a swim before they close.

Tomorrow I have my Dr's appointment. I haven't been in 6 weeks. I don't think I'm ready for a fill yet, but we'll talk about it. He may want me to in a few weeks.

Other than that, everything is good. Hope you all have a great rest of the weekend. It is so hard to keep up with everyone these days.

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Wow how do you guys remember all the names and who is up to what?? Hmmm, Darcy you are just in a rut, you'll be okay. Diane, you were from

Bergen Co.....LOL I said earlier that everyone but me from from there..lol.

Someone's husband got laid off... or was it lost his job? Mine got laid off last month (union carpenter) and finally went back to work...ugh as a roofer...only getting 27 hrs due to all the rain! Unemployment would have been better than this! We have 3 kids, I don't work because I am in college full time and can't. Actually they just cut off my long distance on my phone because they couldn't wait till this weekend for a payment--Mind you I paid them $200 at the beginning of the week! Oh well, they are getting paid again tomorrow.

A few of you are on Vacation....I will do that next year..taking Spanish over the summer so I am busy busy! My fav vacation spot is Hatteras NC, everyone is so friendly in NC!! My older sis is in NC as we speak..lucky.

Oh and Cindy (I think) is having a Bandiversary!! Yeah I can't wait till I can say that!!! Congrats to you!!

Hmmmm I know there are more people, but I can't remember what they are up to....So I will just say hello...I will remember everyone ..eventually

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Bettina, it takes a while, but after a while it's just like keeping up with your family. We forget stuff, too, believe me!

You're a full-time student! That's a lot of studying! I'm a teacher, just about ready to retire (which everyone here is way tired of hearing about, but I'm just so excited about it!)

Dianne, sheesh...thanks so much for the really nice words...I think you're really cool, too. I am looking forward to going through the next year with all of you, and know we will all be better of for being in it together! Hugs!

I forgot to tell ya'll...when we were in Bangor, we actually found Stephen King's house! I had researched some clues about where it was, and we found it...it's red, and the gate is black Iron that looks kinda like spider webs and has bats on it. Weird, but fitting, for Stephen King. Of course, I took pictures! If you wanna see it, PM me your email and I can email it to you, because that is way easier than posting it here! LOL! Poor Darcy...my personal photo editor!

Good night, all....hugs!


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Wahooo just stepped on the scale and although I gained 2 pounds it would of been much MUCH worse without my band. So as much as I hate gaining weight.....I'm psyched it was only two pounds. Makes me now 3 pounds from 50 but thats ok I'll get there. Man, my body is still rocking with the motion of the ocean. It's a terrible feeling and I hope it goes away soon! Have today off then back to work tomorrow...don't want to be rocking in my seat at work hahaha. I'll have to tell the boss its one too many rum runners she suggest I try lol

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Good Morning :bananapartyhat:

Bettina I'm glad your back here.... we won't flame you unless you got a hotdog that needs some grillin ;) My stars, 3 kids and school... you go girl. I tried to go back to school and just couldn't hack it... My brain just doesn't do well when it comes to learning lol. Sorry your DH lost his job but whooh, its good he found one temporarily.

SHERRY BABE' good to see your back ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <--- remind you of anything ROFLMFAO!!! sorry I couldn't resist. I'm sorry your still feeling icky, I know I'd be tossing my Cookies on the boat for sure. Your vacation sounded awesome, and the lady that rode into the bush... sorry but it sounded like somthing you see on America's Funnies video.. to bad you didn't tape it. The stones sound beautiful !!! I love anything that sparkes... simple things for simple minds (thats me for sure) shinny shinny pretty pretty LOLOL. Glad your home and WHOOT on the 2 lbs. Sounds like all you need to do is take a good dump and woosh... your back to where you started. (boy am I sorry... I'm feeling childish today).

Dianne, good luck at the doctors today. And thats wonderful that your DH did well at the interview, I'll keep my fangers cross for him :) My sister has 4 kids total, ages 6, 8, 17 and 24 (yeah I know LOL).

Cindy Stephen King gives me the willies... I dunno.... anyone who thinks of that sort of stuff constantly is freaky (but WTF do I know?) LOL. Watcha doing with the rest of the summer?

Nothing much is going on here, boss is on a teleconference *evil grin* so here I sit with you gals. Hope you all have a wonderful day and enjoy.

Whats everyone cooking for dinner tonight ??? I think its weenies here :bananapartyhat:


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hee hee Eileen I wish I could just take that big dump lol I was thinking exactly the same thing hahahahaha

My God this woozy feeling on land is terrible. Someone told me to get some ginger tablets...think I might try it. Hopefully they are chewable...but I'm afraid to drive to get them UGH. I keep feeling like I need to sleep more...work should be fun tomorrow if this doesn't stop.

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Bettina-LOL I have to open up my email and type in response on that. I CRS..lol..that's the only way it works for me. Then I get to hit spell check too...Welcome. When is you bandaversary?

Cindy-I don't think were tired of hearing about your retirement. I think its great! I think seeing Stephen Kings house would give me the willies, although I would do the same thing! How cool.

Sherry-That 2 pounds could just be Water who knows. Your doing great!

Eileen- Can you eat hot dogs? That is the one thing I mourn for. I haven't tried them in a while but costco sell these incredible Mt Sinai dogs. OHGOSH! I always hated HD's but these wow I was dreaming about them last night. Maybe I should try them again!

We are meeting with our core group girls tonight. I've been praying about this mess. I

I'll let you know how the Dr.s appointment goes. He may want to take the hockey stick out on me because I had a 1/4 of a Philly cheese steak yesterday. I ordered chicken and it came out fried so I had some of DH sandwich the better of the 2 evils. Of course he ate the 3/4 of his sandwich and my whole chicken parm sandwich..lol..and I'm telling him he needs to lose weight!

Love you guys

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Sherry, I don't know anything you can take that will help, but if ginger is good, you might try ginger ale? Is it a nauseous feeling, or just that rocking feeling? I hope it settles down soon! I share your excitement about only gaining a couple of pounds on vacation! Isn't that fantastic?!

Eileen, yeah, Stephen King is pretty weird...I read more of his early books than I have his latest ones. I don't find the time to sit and read like I used to in my pre-mom days, I don't know why? Ha! There are only 2 more weeks in my summer...I go back to work on Aug. 8. Basically taking care of a few things I've put off, and DD goes to church camp week after next. No more trips for me for this year!

Gotta go for now...everyone have a great day!


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Definately exciting Cindy! Is this your last year of teaching before you retire?

It's a woozy feeling in my head and body but not my stomach. I tried to google it and found that ginger is suppose to help. I need to find true ginger ale not the stuff just flavored like it or find ginger tablets. Man, now I think I'm going to have a black eye. Was petting my bigger puppy when the little one jumped up and got me in the eye with his snout OUCH.

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Yep! This is my last SEMESTER of teaching before I retire on, OFFICIALLY, Dec. 31. Can we say "Zippety doo dah"?!

I guess you are going to have to go to the store and find you some ginger tablets...I spent the weekend (long ago) on a houseboat, and I had that watery rocking sensation for several days...I just learned to live with it, but I didn't get nauseous with it. I know it really bothers some people a lot more than others.

Good luck, Sherry!

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Hey, if anyone knows how to put tickers side by side, I'll do that to save room on the posts.... I saw someone had theirs like that, but I don't know how to do it...don't mind learning.....help!

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You look wonderful Cindy... Happy Bandiversary! 7/22/06


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You do look GREAT!

I'm hoping to figure out how to do that by my 1 yr anniversary.

Dr appointment went real well today he's very happy with my WL and doesn't want to see me for 2 months. My appointment is the day after we get back from the cruise.

I asked him how much more weight he wanted me to lose. He said I am already at 70% lose he said another 10-15 pounds would make him real happy then I'd be under 30 BMI. I must have looked shocked to him. Of course I need to go a lot more than that! So my next goal is 27 pounds that would be 100 pounds. I'm love to see that by Christmas then after that 23 more pounds that would bring me to 145 I'd go into shock and faint if I ever got there...lol...we'll see I refuse to put that pressure on myself.

Lucy at the carpet in the living room today! She must have been looking for attention and DD was on the computer!

have a good night.

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Love to you, Darcy!

Thanks so much for posting these for me!

Well, here I am, girls (and guys!)...the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!

P.S. The black/white pants I am wearing in my "before" pictures are still in my closet. Should I do one of those pictures where I put them on and show how many inches are extra? I've always thought that would be fun! Or, should I wait until I reach goal?

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