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Kat... OMIGOSH girl... you are just not going to be able to be the one to handle everything! You are one little person and there should be zero guilt for calling in the troups! I just don't know why bad things are sometimes grouped... pray for strength and reach out for help from friends. Believe it or not... people that don't ask for help are denying their friends the great feeling that comes from lending a hand. I pray that your DD will be able to recover without a transplant and that your Mom will recover from her surgery quickly! Hang on for dear life and get through all of this with your sanity by leaning on your friends. I feel so helpless when I have a friend that is going through a rough time and always wish they would let me help... wishin I lived nearby to help take the load off! ((((Hugs))))

Eileen... I am SOOOOOOOOOOO glad that at least the worry of surgery is behind you. Were they at least able to tell you is the if the tumor looked benign? Gawd... 2 weeks is a fricking eternity! Hope the both of you get to go out on the town soon an shop till the sun goes down!

Dianne... Awwwwwwwwwwwww I am so happy for you you!!!! Onederland is a magical place and you have worked awfully hard to get there... congratulations! Crossing my fingers...legs and eyes for your hubby and his interview! Let us know how it goes because I look pretty funny sitting here with everything crossed.:cross-eye

Anne... Hope you had a safe drive home! Hey...speaking of gas money... I am noticing that our local service stations are starting to offer full service fill-ups now. I went to a station the other day and the guy walked up and I nearly brought out the pepper spray...LOLOL.

Patty... You are on busy woman! Hope you have a safe trip to your Moms and that you are able to pop in from time to time to say hi. Robbie will in my prayers... how hard this wait must be for everyone!

Bettina... Welcome... we are all mostly NJ wannabees. :)

My brother arrived yesterday from Nebraska... sure wish he would move here! Anyhoo... He and my hubby and BIL are all off on my BIL's dad's charter boat for a big day of fishing! He left at 2:30 am... boy...sure sounds like fun to me...lol.

I'm failing miserably with my band girls... wishing I could just have it removed as it is just plain humiliating failing with it in place. I just can't hardly eat the foods that I need to be eating and all the wrong foods go down slicker than snot. :help: I've got to get myself back to working out... I felt so much better even though I was still eating poorly...at least I wasn't gaining! Betty... kick me in the head with that boot would ya!


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Good Morning,

Hey Anne, glad you won at poker ROFL, sounded like a lot of fun. I posted about my neice right above your post. Thank you so much for your prayers. Anne how are you feeling?

Thank you ALL for your prayers for my neice.... its only the beginning and we don't know if its cancer yet which is going to makes these next few weeks very difficult.

Bettina.... whats shakin toots?

Betty boop ! how are YOU feeling darlink? what kind of scrumptious plans do you have this weekend? Love the boot ya have to wear :tired but you know what you can do with it when DH gets out of line LOLOL.

Cindy still vacationing too? lordy I need to go on vacation too LOL...we miss yah.

Kat, sweet Kat, how's everything today? :)

SHERRY??? is she still on vacation ??? ROFL

PAT???? get yer ass in here.....don't make me come after you LOLOL

Dianne, I'm so proud of you, onederland...how cool is that. Enjoy curves today and you know you have my prayers for your g'mas. Good luck to your DH on the interview. Jessann is my sister's daughter. Hugs.

Donna, Welcome Home is right ~~~ are ya unpacked yet? :)

Darcy, hon, your not failing and your not a failure, your just going thru a rough time. I think the same thing when the scale is not moving (and I'm eating crap) but listen... if we can lose 10 lbs a year with the band, we are sooo much better off than if we didn't have it and we kept gaining 10 lbs a year. I think the folks that are losing fast are amazing and I wish I was like them, but I'm not. I'm not going to obsess over how slow I am losing and I'm not going to compair myself to them, its only gonna mentally wear me down if I do and that will make me depressed and guess what happens after that...yep, I'll eat more if I'm depressed. So every week, I just try to make healthier choices and if I have some cake or chips... I'm not going to beat myself up, I'm going to enjoy life. Lets just get healthy instead of getting skinny.... deal? *F* the scale, lets make better food choices and move our bods a little more. Persistance wins the race not perfection :D Luv yah.

Patty, I'm glad your having a good summer and don't appologize for not popping in as much, we all know the summer is busy for everyone. Your Ex is a nincowpoop! but it seems to be the norm with lots of men, they do only what they "need" to and not more if it interfears with "themselves." Are the boys going with you to your mom's? I'm glad you get to spend time there with her...enjoy. Does your mom like garage saling like you (and me?) lol

Nothing going on today, looks like its gonna pour out WTF! LOL I'm just being lazy today with DD...maybe we'll do some early birthday shopping and maybe i'll pick up some Polly Pockets for my neice.

Well girlies, I hope I didn't miss anyone, and all you kids that are hiding, come out come out where ever you are... you know who you are.

Love you and again thanks for your prayers and your ears :huggie: It meas so much to have friends like you......wish you all lived next door, it would be such a wonderful world if you did.


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Good Morning,

Well, when it rains, it pours! My DH has now lost his job, and that is really going to hurt since we just used up all our savings for when I was off so long. Gosh, I sure hope he finds something really fast! You just never know when things like this are going to happen. People need to let their workers have a little notice! This couldn't have come at a worse time for us, it might make us lose everything this time.

Kat - You are still in my prayers.

Eileen - Glad to hear some of the surgery is out of the way, but that sure is a long time to wait. I didn't do well with my eating at all yesterday, and needless to say I had some wine to go along with my whining.

Darcy - Please don't feel like you aren't working with the band, you have done good with it, I saw pictures to prove it. I haven't lost for a long time either, I will lose 5 lbs and then gain it right back. But, I know this band is keeping me from gaining and gaining and gaining. Head issues are bad for me, I want to eat junk when I am not even hungry. I will eat and wonder why it really doesn't taste as good or fills me up on one or two bites, and it's all because I am already full! Plain head hunger! Hang in there sweety!

Patty - Hope you have a great trip! Dads can be so cruel sometimes, but usually in the end, they regret it when their kids don't have time for them when they are older.

Dianne - Wow, girlie you are doing great! Congrats to you!:clap2: :clap2:

Anne - I love to play poker! congrats on the win!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Hello, Donna, Sherry, Cindy, Pat, Beanie and the other ones I missed. My head just isn't too straight today.

Well, I am going to go looking on the internet for jobs for DH. Catch you all later!

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Dear Betty,

I am speachless..... DH lost his job! My ex lost his job Soooo many times when we were married and this is the most tough on the men. A tiny piece of advice. Before you jump into the job hunt..... take an afternoon or evening and have a date. Re-connect and bond for a second. One time after Dan lost a job we went to Knotts berry farm when the twins were tiny. Knotts has an after 4pm special that we could barely afford but I believed that we couldn't afford not to. Our heads and our hearts needed a soft place to fall. I'm thinking of you both and wishing you a peaceful weekend. Hugs

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Happy Bandaversary Cindy :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: It's been one year!

I know you are on Vacation but last summer you started your journey..... and thats not MICKEY MOUSE. You have done great and I wanted to tell ya! Can't wait to hear about your trip.

Darcy: Girlie, please don't feel so down..... I'm gonna need ya when I start my lapband life. What can we do for you? recipes, menus, count Proteins, carbs. It's one day at a time, one meal at a time or 30 seconds I have always looked up to you. Personally I always feel better and more motivated when I eat lots of protein(like 70gr) and when I don't I 've lost the battle. We love you here and want the best. Do ya feel the love yet? Be a good girl.....OK?

Well........ kids are with the Dad, it's HOT and sticky here and packing for my trip is going to be a trial. Yesterday I shipped 2 boxes of stuff to my Moms house, I do that to lighten the load on my car. Mini vans haul people not stuff and there is never enough room for luggage and my kids so years ago I learned to use UPS. So all I have to pack is my junk and then the boys have to have blankets, pillows, stuffed animals and Snacks for the trip. OH, and there is a sale a Kohls and I'm looking for backpacks and thats my exciting weekend. Hey, I gotta go I'm melting as I type. Bye!

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Oh Betty, I'm so sorry DH lost his job, that really sucks big moose kaka. Patty is right, take a day to breath (Patty you are so spiritual...*hugs*). You've heard this 100000 times, but I'll say it again. Where one door closes another opens. Wish I could give you a hug and we could have tea (okay beer) together :) We're here for you if you need an ear.

Patty have a great trip and stay cool while packing. Shopping at Kohls...oh have a good time :) I agree with you about Darcy... But I wish she could see herself as we see her, beautiful and perfect the way she is.

DD is playing with her Polly Pockets and I'm just enjoying sitting here watching her... Hugs and peace to you all.

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Oh Gosh Betty!!! ((((Hugs)))) I think Patty gave you some wonderful advice... both of you get on those bikes and head out for a nice long drive to clear your heads and regroup! THis is happening to so many people here in Wisconsin and nearly forcing my husband into moving and downsizing just so that we can be prepared. You both are in my prayers and I am so glad that you secured employment before this happened!

Patty... Betty... Eileen... I do feel the love and I think you all so much for the encouragement and I want to rally again... but I just really feel tired of the fight at the moment. Maybe for my own sanity I just need to accept that the banding was just not the answer for me. THe pit of my stomach is just sick with the realization of the money that has been spent trying to make this journey a success. Even worse is the thought of the money we would have to spend just to have it removed. OY. Bless my husband for putting up with all this and loving me still!

You guys really are awesome... thanks for putting up with my blue mood.


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Great... now you made cry Eileen... WTG.. LOL. How the heck am I supposed to go out and run errands with a puffy red face! If only I had a pretty red pocket book to match! :)

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Betty, I'm so sorry to hear about DH's job. What horrible news. I think taking a day to recharge is great advice. What kind of work does he do? (((HUGS))) How is your foot feeling today?

Darcy, this just stinks. In a perfect world, you'd get your money back if the band doesn't work for you. Have you been able to maintain at all? If it's helping you to maintain, I wouldn't get rid of it. Eilene's right (as usual - she's such a showoff! :) ) it's better than gaining 10 lbs a year.

Patty, you are so wise. Why hasn't some rich, handsome, mickey mouse fanatic picked you up yet? They're missing out.

Eilene, I would have loved Polly Pockets when I was a girl. My niece has a bunch, but all she ever seems to do is chuck them all over her house.

I took DS to a birthday party this morning and found out that they are adding a toddler program at my son's school (Tues/Thurs mornings). I think it would be really good for my daughter (she has a speech delay), so we're mulling that over. Can't quite imagine having both kids gone. Kind of exciting and sad at the same time...

Dianne, Kat, Pat, Cindy, Beanie, Bettina, (((HUGS))) and hello. Time to make dinner - talk to you all later.

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Ya'll get the scoop, first!

So, one year ago today, I had my lapband surgery. I don't need to review for any of you the nerves, the anxiety, the GAS PAINS!!!!! Then the liquid diet, the mushie diet....and the hardest of all: learning to eat plain ol' regular food again.

Looking back now, I see that I have learned so much. In fact, I think the lapband gave me more gifts than I was prepared, at first, to accept. I have been given the gift of PATIENCE. I learned that if I turn down a brownie today, there will probably be another one in the future. Think about that. That's a big realization!

I learned FORGIVENESS. If I make some bad choices today, I can do better tomorrow. Life is full of opportunities to redeem your mistakes. Learning this has been very freeing. This kind of freedom has released me from the depression/eating cycle, at least most of the time.

I learned how to LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE. There's no race going on here...no competition. Sure, I'd see that other lost weight faster than I did, and I was tempted to buy into my old response of feeling inferior to them, but I fought that battle. What glorious freedom to rid myself of that! The reverse is also true. I saw that I was losing faster than some...I had to learn to fight the feeling of superiority, too.

I LEARNED TO JUST BE ME. I don't have to be perfect. I don't have to be the best example to everyone. I can be just ME...sometimes doing things that are good and healthy, and sometimes not doing those things. Overall, the good decisions won out, and I have some before and after stats that I hope will be inspiring to some, especially those who are just starting out or are making their decisions about whether or not to have this surgery. I also hope that those of us who have been supporting each other all along will accept whatever success these statistics represent as a personal THANK YOU! The hours and hours I have spent here were informative, comforting, and thought-provoking. I chose to learn from all of you. I know we are all different, and that has been a benefit, not a detriment. To my NJ thread pals, nothing but love and respect to you!!!! I COULD NOT HAVE DONE THIS WITHOUT ALL OF YOU!

Before: After:

Weight: 286 Weight: 225

Bust: 50" Bust: 38.5"

Waist: 48" Waist: 39"

Hips: 59.5" Hips: 49"

Thigh: 36" Thigh: 26.5"

Calf: 18.5" Calf: 16"

Upper arm: 18" Upper arm: 14"

Size: 26 Size: 18

BMI: 45 BMI: 36

61 lbs lost!!!

41 inches gone!!!

I am looking forward to YEAR TWO as a year to meet my stated goal of reaching 180 lbs. Another goal for this year is to add quite a lot more physical activity to my life.

It's been a great year. I wouldn't trade the ups and downs for anything...especially not the life I had before I made the decision to take the leap and change my life!

Much luck and success to all, and again, thanks for support!


(There should be pictures to go with this, soon.)

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I've caught up on the reading now....

Kat, OMG. You have a more-than-full plate, girl. You cannot do all this alone, so get what help you can, let go of what you can, and say the Serenity Prayer. I always believe there is a reason for everything, and this will prove to be true, even if we can't figure out what it is right now. I am praying for all of your family, and especially you. Take it one hour at a time, one minute at a time if you have to.

Eileen, I am glad Jessann made it through her surgery, and I'm sorry you have to wait so long for the results! I sure hope you still have that sense of peace through Jesus, and know he is holding you in his heart. We had connecting flights in Newark Liberty airport yesterday...you must have had some vicious weather...we missed our first scheduled flight, made our second, and even that was almost 4 hours delayed. Instead of getting home at 8:15 last night, it was 1:45 AM!!!! Can we say TIRED?! It was exciting to see Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty from the air, though.

Betty, poor thing. I wore one of those boot casts for months and months before, and it's no picnic. You have to walk much slower than you are used to, and that helps the strain on your back. Which foot is it? Sorr about your DH's job, too. I hope this means he is going to find an even better position...hang in there. If you take a ride to Sanger to eat at Babes, you better let me know! PM me if you want my cell number!

Dianne, ONEDERLAND!!! You rock!

Patty, thanks for the congrats, and hope you have a great time getting babied by your mom. I miss that most of all. No one can baby you like a mom, and you miss it terribly when it's gone. So soak it all up!

Darcy, no talk of failure, you hear? You might hit a bump or two, but we can get you over this bump, and we'll all keep going. How can we help you? Need to talk? Need the swift kick of reason? Just let us know! I emailed you some before and after pics and am begging on bended knee for some help getting them side-by-side so I can post them here and on the before and after thread. I hope I'm not too big of a pain in the behind. If I am, you'll let me know, right? Then I go begging someone else..... LOL!

Sherry, hope you're having a blast on the cruise!

Bettina...weird we're all on the NJ thread, huh?

Beanie, good for you on the weight loss!

I know I'm missing people....forgive me?

We had a great vacation...the best thing is that this time I could hike all over the place! I could climb stairs, rocks, walk a mile out to a lighthouse, climb the ladder up to the top...all of that stuff I couldn't do! I can do it! I saw a seal, a loon, several Eider ducks, seagulls (of course), some other birds and wildlife. We went on a Schooner for a sail. We had blueberry pancakes, lobster omelettes, steamed lobster, and clam chowder. We had several picnics by different harbors, watching all kinds boats and yachts, and day dreaming about what their lives are like. Our little Chippie (chipmunk) has stored 3 bags of peanuts for the winter! She was so busy...and she would even come up on the porch, inches away from me to get her peanuts!

Great trip, lots of wonderful weather, one bad storm, and even that had its own charm. Glad to be home, even though it is so brutally hot here, as Texas summers usually are.

Nice to be back with you all, and I mean it...ya'll are the best ever!

Hugs, Cindy

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Cindy's Home !!!!! - Happy Bandiversary !!!!

What a beautiful 2 posts you just did. Your awesome, ya know that. I'm so glad you had a wonderful year :) and I'm happy your home from a wonderful vacation, it sounded fantastic. Did you bring me home a souvinier ? LOL just kidding :)

Anne thats great they are adding a program to the school, I hope you really get all the benefits out of it that you can.... I agree, I would have LOVED polly pocket when I was a kid.. my mom tried to get me into barbie and I just HATED it... I like my stuffed animals and my big ol raggedy ann doll. Never liked that barbie bitch, maybe its because she was to perfect LOLOL jk.

Darcy, I have a cute red and black betty boop purse you can borrow tonight hhehehehehehheeheh ROFL :huggie:

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Eileen... Perfect.... Do you think it will go well be my teenie weenie red polka dot bikini? :) I really want to make sure everyone notices me on the beach. LOL

Miss Cindy... just wanted to let you know that I will get busy on those pics and get them posted tomorrow...okay? My brain is a goner today!


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Good Morning Y'all!

Welcome back Cindy, and Happy Bandiversary! You have the right attitude about your band, and you have done well with it. Glad you had such a great time on your trip.

Darcy - I know you have been struggling with your band for quite sometime, but now that they have found other things wrong too, I would certainly wait and see what results you get now. Hang in there girl, just come and vent when you get frustrated!:rolleyes:

Patty - Thank you for the advise on the date. Actually we did just that, we talked about it all, laughed about it too. We drank some drinks and toasted to a better job in the future. I know we are both worried, but things will work out. I told DH that we have been through a lot worse than this before, and we have always come out of it. My DB and his family is coming over today and we will have a great time with them. I truely believe everything happens for a reason, and maybe we don't like it or it hurts is, but there is a reason behind it.

Thanks for all the kind words from all of you. I can't begin to tell you how much it means.

Anne - My foot is actually a little bit better, I don't have all the swelling anymore, but I keep a brace on it or tight leather boots so it is pressing the bone part back to my foot. I don't walk at all without the brace and inserts. It still hurts, but my foot is actually starting to look better too. Thanks for asking. DH is a diesel mechanic.

Good morning to all that hasn't posted, I am going to cut this short, I have a lot to do before my company gets here. I have a brisket and some chicken that I took out of the freezer, and I am going to put it on the smoker.

Catch you all later, have a wonderful day!

Hugs to all of you!

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G'morning :P

Another cloudy day out...feels almost fall like (ICK) lol. I like the fall actually but its what follows that, that I can't stand (winter eeeeek).

Nothing much happening here cept a big ol pile of clean laundry waiting to be folded and put away...any volunteers?

Darcy, it sure will match your bikini.... but you know what I say..screw the bikini and go nayyykid :) don't worry people won't notice anything but your cute purse.

Okay kiddies, I gotta get moving..my house is just awful messy. TTYL

HUGS and KISSES :rolleyes:

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Hello everyone....just got home about 3 hours ago. Ohhh man my house is still rocking like the ship lol. My DH said it might take me a day or two to get rid of this feeling. 2nd day out at sea it was getting pretty rough and lots of people were getting sick. I brought my Motion Sickness bracelets and pills with me so I did good with that. I was smart and took it ahead of time on the way back. Things are still rocking even though I'm sitting down so excuse any mistakes you see here lol. The beaches in Bermuda were BEAUTIFUL! We went to Horseshoe Bay with pink sand and I swear I was going to drown lol. The current was so bad that day that the undertow was taking me farther out. DH had to pull me back in because the waves kept going over my head and I was taking in salt Water. YUCK! It was great though...the water was warm and then you'd get a nice cool patch come through with the stronger waves. Tabacco Bay was much much calmer. The guys went snorkling and saw some really beautiful things. Me....I can't breath with those things on hahaha. I stayed and just swam in the shallow water and rested on the beach. Nice red tone I have to my pale freckled skin lol. Ouchy is more like it but, it's not too bad. Hopefully the color will change to tan and not just freckles. Took a ride on a glassbottom boat and saw sea turtles and other beautiful fish. We also did a bus tour or all of Bermuda. Did you know they ride on the left side of the street and the streets are so narrow that the buses hit the trees and each other alot? OH MY that was like a wild roller coaster ride. All during the ride there and just before they let us off the ship they told us they didn't suggest we rent Scooters or jetskis because they have so many people hurt themselves the first day and ruin their vacations. Well....people of course did it anyway. We were walking down the street doing some trinket shopping when all of a sudden this woman comes flying by, legs flaying all over she was out of control doing at least 15-20mph. She went through a bush and SLAMMED into a parked car first the scooter than her head, then her body smack in front of us! We couldn't believe it. I was expecting to see lots of blood but thankfully the helmet saved her. She stumbled up and the helmet was crooked on her head. She was smiling but, let me tell ya it was a nervous smile. She HAD TO BE hurtin that night! Unreal! Several times our bus almost ran scooter people off the road, they are that narrow. DH bought me a lovely Bermuda Good Luck Stone ring. They take different colored quartz and fuse them together. It's kind of an Emerald/Pillow Cut combo. Very pretty with it's pastel pink, green, blue, purple, and orange. It reminds you of the colors of the homes there in Bermuda. If you've never been they all use pastel colors on their concrete homes and every home has a white roof. They collect the rain water from the roof and store it in a watertank kept below their house for drinking and cooking water. There is a really neat purification system on the roof by using lime laced paint. Pretty cool but, ya know....bird poopies still happen. The locals say you have to get over that fact and know that it settles to the bottom of the tank.EWWWWWWW I'll take my tap water thank you lol. Well....being that I just got home...I haven't stepped on the scale and can I tell ya I'M SCARED? OMG I haven't drank so much in my life! I didn't get drunk but, the ice cold Rum Runners made like slushie and the Bahama mamas and frozen mudslides were awesome. Ohhhh the calories...weep :rolleyes: I know I did damage but, gosh I don't wanna look. Oh well I did have a great time (with the occassional tension between DS and DH UGH. God I hate that! It really puts strain on me. DH is great....DS is great but the combo together aren't always a good thing. Picture small cabin, teenage habits, single child selfishness that creeps in sometimes versus DH being a big kid himself who grew up in a very strict home with chores, work and siblings....oh man!) Anyway....most of the time was great and far far exceeded those hairy times. Playing referee sucks and I hate it. I understand both sides and it's sometimes very difficult for them to see it. Anywho....we all had a great time on the beaches and mealtime was much better once we nailed down a great Maitra-D that knew my son's nut allergies and therefore supervised his food being made separately. We got to see the next day's menu the day before, my son picked what he wanted and Jay made sure to have a separate cook on a separate station make his food. Now the kid was in heaven because all he could eat for a day or two were hotdogs and french fries. YUCK. The food on the boat was fantastic and it was great to try new things. Now I know why the ladies here like Crawfish :) I liked it. However, .......I did ended up with several golfballs because I was trying to keep up with DH and DS timewise and just couldn't. I kinda felt I had to because of the way the ontrays were brought out ya know? Anyway, DH spoke to Jay and Jay spoke to the staff to tell them to let me alone until I was finished with one before they brought another. Yet...not stop my son and DH. It was so much better! I still got the golfball and ended up in the cabin bathroom a few times but, it was good. If I hadn't drank so much I probably would of lost weight but, heck this was a once in a lifetime trip for me. Never been on a real trip before so I wanted to enjoy it...oh boy did I lol.

Anyway, I read all the postings whew you gals were busy. I can't do personals yet....still rocking here. I'll catch up with everyone soon I promise. Hopefully I'll be able to post some pics too. Whew gotta go lay down now...love you folks.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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