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Hi everyone!! Well I see some have made it home safe & sound(I am soooo glad), and others have left for their vactions...hope they are having fun!!!

Here, we have been busy. BUT...we now live alone again!!! Son and his family have moved out of our house and into theirs. I love them with all my heart but it is nice to be free to do as I please in my house again!!! For instance, sitting here typing in my gown...love it! We spent all day cutting and hauling wood. DH is worried it will get cold enough to need the wood before he is physically able to do it again. So we have almost hauled enough for the winter. One more day and we will be stocked. I'll tell ya that wood warms you up more than once!!! When you cut it, when you load it, when you unload and stack it, when you carry it in to the house to build the fire, and finally when you actually burn it!!! All day as I sweated, and worked, I kept thinking..BE GONE CALORIES!!!! I really could tell the difference in my own endurance, and ability to do things out there today. Feels so good!

Eileen--I would play your "let's be good" but my DS brought me a Blizzard tonight!! I did only eat about 6 bites, and put it in the freezer...however it was with the intention of eventually eating more of it!!! Someone throw it away for me!!!

Donna- I am so glad your heart was lightened seeing your DS that way. I know you have been worried! It makes me happy to know it is working out for him!

Betty--what happen at the docs?? We are all wondering!! I will be adding your nephew to the ribbon tree this Sunday. In fact I will keep his ribbon after making it, and pray for him myself!

Darcy--I am so glad DD was as happy to see you as you were to see her! Isn't it wonderful to feel needed like that!

Anne-have fun with your sis, and feel better soon!

Bettina--you have come across the best thread on the site!!! Welcome!

Dianne, Patty...where y'all at?

Gonna go watch the lightning!!! I love to sit on my patio and watch it storm. Now if it would only rain some!!! Talk to y'all tomorrow!


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Good Morning Y'all!

Boy, I am really running late this morning! Where did the time go??? Looking for shoes I think! Well, I don't exactly know if the appointment went good or bad, lots of bad but since I don't know this doctor at all, I am going to play for a while. First of all, I have the flattest feet God put on this earth. Anytime I have any problem at all with my feet of course they blame the flat feet, and this time was no exception. He said the lump on my foot was my bone, and hopefully that I haven't done any damage to the tendons, etc inside my foot. He said when you do damage to them, then you are looking at major surgery on the foot and it isn't good. He put me in a temp cast, one of those big boots things, and when I got home and walked for a while in it, my back and legs were killing me. It makes one leg about 5-6 inches longer than the other one, so it throws you whole body off. And, of course my insurance wouldn't pay for it either, so that was $270 out of my pocket for just the boot. Then the inserts were another $28, and the office call $35 and what am I wearing this morning, my Harley boots with the inserts. I don't even know if I can wear these! It's hard to take a flat foot and put a arch thing under it. But, if I wear that boot all day, then my back which is already bad will be the next thing to go! He also wanted me to go for an MRI, to see what damage has been done, but I just can't afford it right now, so it's a wait and see if the inserts will help me or not. I don't even know if the boss will let me wear these boots when I get there or if it will be a no-no. They are very strick with dress/shoes. A different lady in the office has been having a different kind of foot problem and she went in and told her that it felt much better when she was in a tennis shoe, and the boss told her only on friday at casual day. So, I guess I'll find out.

The temp is still really hot 107 degrees, and then the weather man said yesterday, that is the temp in the shade since that is how they take it here, and it you want the actual temp in the sun at 5-6 degrees to that!

Well, my friends, I am out of time, and all I did was moan and cry about my foot!

I'll try to get back tonight and do more personals.

Y'all have a great day!

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Opps, I forgot:

Eileen - I did pretty good eating yesterday, although I did have a couple of fries last night at supper. My foot was hurting so bad, I just fixed some fish and fries.


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Hey All...

Betty... Girl... that just sucks! I was trying to think of something positive and upbeat to say... obviously I fell short of that mark...lol. My hubby has extremely flat feet ... they bother him a lot and thankfully he has a sit on his butt all day kind of job! I sure hope that expensive boot comes to some use... even if is just to give me a swift kick in the arse. :eek: Anyhoo... Sorry about the expense and hope you are able to avoid surgery!

Kat... WOO HOO... BE CAREFUL... runnin around nearly nekked around hubby... it might get his B/P up too high! :eek: Glad you are both back to being home alone and it sounds like you will be nice and toasty for the winter!

Donna... Welcome home! Your step-daughter's family will be in my prayers!

Anne... LOL in regards to the outdoor symphony... sounds like something I would do with the exception of one thing... I NEVER dress up...lol.

Eileen... I hear ya in regards to the heat! Is it unreasonable to want 70 degree temps all year long???? :Banane10:

Mary... WOW... your kids head back to school early! Sorry about the frustration with your ex's lawyer... my ex's L was a total doink... he was always talking out of his butt and really only caused things to be more expensive for the Ex in the end. THey always looked so important sitting together all suited up... me across the aisle in my Walmart best... sitting alone... looking petrified. I wonder why they always got the short end of the stick? Anyhoo... hang in there... it will all be behind you one day soon!


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Hi everybody,

Betty-I'm s sorry about what the Dr said and the expense! As Darcy said that really does suck!

Eileen-I'm glad your feeling comfort about your niece I have been praying that for all of you. I did terrible with food today had to many bites of a piece of chocolate cake! and a slice of pizza.< /p>

Kat-you and DH need to be careful!!!

Everyone else hi.

Sorry I've been so busy lately that I haven't had time for personals. Catching up is so hard to do on here. I read everything and then I forget who says what!

I went to the PT yesterday and I have some exercises to do and then go back and see him next week. He was VERY PLEASANT to LOOK AT!!!

The magazine is exploding! I'm so excited. I don't know if I ever told you guys that I have been with the magazine since before it was in print. We were worried about it last qtr, but now things are hopping which means I'm out on the road and having a blast.

I think I'm going to take the lunny pup out for a walk and show her who's the pack leader and then hit the sack.

I'll be better with personals tomorrow, promise.

Night night

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Good Morning,

Sorry I can't play, I have to scramble to get work done today b/c I'm leaving early to take my Mom to the doctor... uhhh

I ate like crap yesterday Betty ^_^ but today's a new day and I'm off to a good start...... keepin every part of my body crossed today that i continue to do good LOL (now thats a visual). I'm glad you went to the doc. I will finish this conversation later......

Darcy, Dianne :)

The rest of the crew... I will catch up, promise.. love you all.

WHERE'S PAT ??????????? PATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT come back and play will yah.

....(maybe she's to busy messin with the pool boy?)

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Hi everyone, stopping in to update you on what has turned into one of the crappiest days ever. I tell ya, I must have done something to irritate someone upstairs, everything is falling apart. My DD that just moved out, is having health problems. They think she is dealing with kidney failure. Years ago when she was 3, she had a strep infection settle in her kidneys. She had several days of dialysis while they gave her IV antibiotics. Eventually she had function return in one kidney. Her pregnancy was hard on her, she had several kidney infections during that time. Now her kidney function is way below normal, and she has infection again. The renal Dr. thinks her kidney basically stopped growing at the time of the infection and is no longer able to support her adult body. She is on some massive antibiotics, and we are hoping for the best. I think I will be her best shot at a donor kidney if it comes to it. The whole time I am talking to her this morning, the damn call waiting keeps beeping, well I was in the laundry room, and it has no ID on it, so I ignored it, it was an important conversation I was having with my daughter. Then my cell started ringing, so I went to look, it was my parents #. My Mom had gone walking in the neighborhood, for exercise, and fell, and broke her shoulder. So...I spent the day running back and forth from the hospital with my Mom, to my MIL who was keeping my granddaughter, so my DD could keep her appointment with the renal Dr. DH is off, and was originally helping our son install appliances, but he too ran around crazy today. Looks like my Mom will need surgery on her shoulder, but until she sees the ortho tomorrow we won't know what all it will entail. We are supposed to have DH in Denver Monday for a special echocardiogram that they now do at Swedish hospital. Girls---I am losing it. Everyone of these people would walk over hot coals for me, and I feel like I am letting each and every one of them down. And they all feel guilty for taking me away from the other. I only have one brother. He was injured severely in a car accident 20 years ago, and has brain damage to a level that he is independent, but it takes all he's got to take care of himself, so he is not a lot of back up help when it comes to the folks. As most of you know, my DD just divorced, and is a single Mom to a 19 month old daughter, that I usually babysit for, using my own Mom as a back up to help out while I was taking care of DH. Now both the daughter and Mom need help! I truly do not know what to do, or how to plan to do it. I am going to do one thing at a time, and hope to do right by each of them. I likely won't be around for several days. Please pray.


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Awwwww Kat, my heart goes out to you. I will keep you and all your family in my prayers. They always say God doesn't put more on our plate than we can take, so he must think you have good shoulders. I know you are going through a lot right now, but do remember to take a few minutes to rest a little, you will need it now for sure. After your DM gets her shoulder set or in a sling, she will be able to manage by herself. Hopefully that will ease your schedule a little bit. I wish I lived closer, I would come and help you in a minutes time. Hugs, and good wishes are coming your way!

Gotta run, DH left for work later than usual and I am really late this morning.

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Good Day :)


Bettina, I'm the only one that lives in Jersey here HEHEHEHE ... I'm norther, Bergen Ctn. Good to have you here.

Betty your on !!

Mary happy bandiversary WHOOT!

HI EVERYONE!! can't play... TTYL


Lol I think everyone in NJ is from Bergen Co! (except me)...lol.

Thanks for the welcome!:)

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WOW Kat- I'm SO sorry your going through all this. I wish I could be there for you. Know that you have our prayers and HUGS. Hang in there take a deep breath, feel our love and most importantly feel God's LOVE.

Eileen- I'm praying hard you the little one today and for you, the dr.s and your family.



Have a good day. I'm thinking of all of you Eileen and Kat (((HUGS and PRAYERS))))coming your way ALL DAY!

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Geeze I step away for a few minutes and all heck breaks out.

Kat, I'm so sorry for all the hardships you've been going through lately and now more :)

Dianne congrats on onederland WHOOT.

I'll come back later to talk... love you all !

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:hug: Kat when it rains it pours. I just sent up a prayer..... it went federal express.

Sorry guys for being invisible. Last weekend was a Disney Convention and my sister came to visit for a short bit, and then Vacation Bible School started on Monday -- hey, its summer! Oh, and then I ate something that REALLY didn't agree with me and I stopped eating for 24hrs.... not fun! Tonight is our VBS barbeque and show from 5-7pm. I called Dan to let him know that the kids are preforming. He asked when it ends and I said 7pm..... he said "great, I'll be there to pick them up" I just love the father who doesn't invest more than he needs to. I hope it just bites him in the butt one day! Once the children leave for visitation I will have a chance to pack my things for our vacation to Santa Barbara. I will be at my Moms house for 14days and will pop in occasionally from my sisters computer. The temp here is still in the high 89-95 degrees and walking across the room causes sweating - ugh. SB is cool and my mothers sunroom is where I will be living while I'm there. I can't wait.

Eileen: I know you are busy with hospital stuff and your niece. We are waiting on news about her.

Betty: I'm very glad that you finally got to the Dr. Keeping fingers crossed for final outcome.

Dianne: You skinny thing. I'm very proud for you.... you hot mama!

PS Still waiting on a new heart for Robbie.... good news though, he is finally eating and asking for Snacks. Keep praying.

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Hi Kids,

I will do personals tomorrow promise :)

Update: Jess is out of surgery, they were only able to remove part of the tumors that are in her throat but they did open her airways. The doctor says it takes a few WEEKS !!! yes I said weeks to get the results back so we have to sit and wait. She needs to go back in a few months for more surgery. Thanks for your prayers everyone :) We got to talk to her for a few seconds.... she whispered that she wanted me to take her shopping LOL, what a little girl lol

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Hi everyone,

Eilene, how did it go today? I've been thinking of your niece all week. Please let us know how everyone is doing.

Kat, my goodness! :) Do NOT feel guilty for not being able to do everything. Your family loves you and they know you'll do what you can. Perhaps a home health worker could help out your mother? You could ask the hospital social worker - there may be free services out there that you don't know about.

Betty, good luck with the boot. I hope it helps give you some pain relief! Tell your employer that the cast is not optional. I would think that not letting you wear a doctor prescribed cast would be cause for a lawsuit.

Patty, enjoy your weekend and have a great trip to Santa Barbara!

Dianne, congrats on making it to Onederland!

Donna, welcome home! Glad to hear that your trip went well. How about some pics of the living room furniture? I love houses and decorating. :bananapartyhat:

Mary, Beanie & Darcy, hi there! What are you chicks up to this weekend?

DH came up north last night to play cards and now we're packing up the cars for the 3 hour drive home. We won $100 playing poker last night, so at least we have gas money! :) I can't wait to sleep in my own bed.

I'm sending hugs and prayers for all of you and yours.

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Hi guys,

Eileen-How cute that she wants to g shopping! I'm so sorry that she will have to have MORE surgery. She sure sounds like she is a swwet full of life little girl. hugs to both of you. Is this your brother r sisters little girl? Please et them know that we are send ing prayers and hugs to them also. How incredibly hard for all of you.

Kat- How are you?

Betty- Hows the foot?

How is everyone else doing today?

Thanks for all your encouragements about ONDERLAND! I'm still feeling wonderful!

I have 2 prayer requests if you guys wouldn't mind. My Step Grandmother, Grandma Gay, is doing VERY poorly. Please pray that the Lord will take her quickly. She is 93 and it's just real sad.

DH is having an interview tomorrow morning. Need I say more....:phanvan :)

I have to go to curves tomorrow morning. I haven't made it there 3 times this week yet and we are having that compatiton, so I have to go. URGH at least they are open until 12!

Have a good night and I'll check in with you'll tomorrow

nighty night

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